
Preventing drug abuse in schools using (Drugteststrips) random drug testing

The influence of illicit drugs is widespread among students. A study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse in 2012 shows that 17% of students in high school, which is the equivalent of 2.8 million high school students have been abuse of drugs during school hours. This trend is likely to cause harm to the health of a large part of the future citizens of the country.

It is, therefore, the responsibility of all sections of society, including schools, to check and control this threat by taking a preventive measure. Random drug testing is supposed to be one of the effective methods that could help control the drug abuse among students, schools. Read this article to know in schools and its effectiveness of random drug testing.

Educational institutions need to keep the environment free of drugs:

* It is the responsibility of schools to create and maintain a drug-free environment in their premises to protect students. To do this, the school authorities must declare environment free of drugs as one of the standards under relevant academic Council policies. Of course, they must ask parents, tutors, students, persons community level and the Government, for their support.

* Schools should educate students to the issue of the use of illicit drugs and their adverse effects on health, family and finances. They should focus on the spread of the message among students as a matter of rule and should also raise awareness of the measures taken by the authorities, such that educate parents to know or expulsion from school.

Perform random drug tests:

* In order to combat the influence of the drug among students, schools must implement random drug testing. Random drug test students are unsure of when they will be tested because the dates are not known in advance. Thus, it discourages students from using drugs for fear of being spotted.

* A random drug test is likely to lead the students to focus on academic tasks. It's the rules as needed. The drug testing at random is an effective way to eradicate drugs influence of schools. It is likely to be an obstacle for those who will try drugs. In addition, it allows to school authorities to detect the influence of the drug on a student, in the starting state. It will be easy for them to take necessary and immediate measures before things go out of control.

* Hereby, students are likely to lead a healthy life and are focused on academics, which helps them obtain good markets.

Use reliable drug testing kits:

To implement random drug testing, using reliable drug testing kits is very essential. The kits you choose would give accurate results that helps you to make good decisions. Drug testing kits are available in different types according to the sample used. These kits are safe, simple, cost-effective, fast and were made according to the SAMHSA standards.

The influence of illicit drugs among high school students makes it dangerous not only for students there, but also to the family and society as a whole. Schools of random drug testing has been declared constitutional by the supreme court in 2002. As a result, schools can use as an effective tool against the influence of illicit drugs from random drug testing. is a reliable offering online shop and kits of drug testing approved by the FDA at affordable prices. Screening of marijuana test is a simple software to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect the use of marijuana in urine. Our nicotine test kit is a device used for the detection of cotinine in human urine.

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