
Depression And It's Therapy After Infidelity

Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are the most common reasons for which individuals seek psychotherapy. They are also among the most treatable of all mental health disorders due to the preponderance of research and subsequent treatments developed to effectively ameliorate symptoms for individuals suffering from these difficulties. The marriage after infidelity is common of these Major Depression. Often individuals suffering from depression do not recognize the symptoms they are experiencing as stemming from depression. Feelings of grief and sadness are, in many instances, a natural and appropriate response to the events in one's life. However, if you are experiencing five or more of the following symptoms for most of the day for longer than a two-week period, you could be suffering from Major Depression:

Overwhelming sadness

Loss of interest in usual activities

Weight loss or gain

Changes in sleep patterns

Fatigue or low energy

Feelings of worthlessness

Trouble concentrating


Thoughts of suicide

Depression is a serious illness that can lead to life-threatening consequences. If left untreated, 60% of those who have suffered one episode of Major Depression will experience another more progressive episode. There are also several risk factors associated with depression being a woman, woman are twice as likely to experience depression as men; family history or previous depressive episodes; drug and alcohol abuse and lack of social support. Depression is a very treatable illness. The most effective treatments for depression have been shown to be psychotherapy alone or psychotherapy combined with appropriate medications.

The most current research indicates that many of the techniques and theories of alleviating relationship distress espoused by traditional christian couples therapy are ineffective and actually increase the level of conflict at times. Many of these approaches continue to be practised without the commitment to ascertain whether the gains achieved in the office setting are actually sustained in the couple's real life or for any considerable length of time subsequent to termination of treatment. Our therapists utilize the most outcome-validated methods presently advocated by the field's leading couple's therapists, while still retaining their distinctive individuality.

While there are some commonalities in all relationships, counselling for couples has its own unique characteristics. Christian Couples Therapy helps to identify your particular relationship challenges as well as relationship strengths into an individualized treatment plan. Each therapist must work collaboratively with you to integrate your personal experience of the relationship into the development of interventions to be employed outside of sessions. Nothing should be attempted without participation and agreement of each party. Truly a new, innovative therapy for your relationship must be created.

Ethical guidelines of counselling clearly indicate it is inappropriate for a therapist to influence or impose his/her beliefs upon a client. There are a variety of factors that have led professional associations to create these boundaries, such as violating a client's right to make autonomous choices and encouraging a client's dependency upon a therapist. However, the result of this for many therapeutic relationships was the elimination of discussion and examination of anything related to spirituality.

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