
The seasons in life!

was reading a Hadith the other day:
The Prophet (pbuh) said:

“Take benefit of five things before five other things :
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”


New Life. The whispering promise of a bright future ahead. Everything is so new and wonderful. We have the time and the energy.  Old age seems trillions of years away. What next?

Full of energy.Slightly less time though. But we are ready to harvest. Nothing seems difficult. Study hard, work hard. Make friendships, meet people, make money, travel, spend money.Get married , have young families.  No time to stop and think and contemplate. We are so busy...We are bringing  our young ones  up, helping with homework, running mum's taxi service, watching football matches, attending open evenings... What next?


We have more time now but our energy levels decline. Our hearts might still feel young but the body is slowing down.  We  need rest after the busy summer. Some ailments appear, signs of age and the the quick passing of time become more evident. We start to notice and feel a loss and maybe regret. What next?


Everything is getting ready  to hibernate. Old age has now caught up, loss of health, loss of wealth maybe, forgotten dreams, loneliness.  Where did all these years go? Where all these dreams go? How did we use our youth,  wealth, our health, our free time, our LIFE?

What next? No matter in what stage in life we are
lets go back and read  the Hadith in the beginning:

The Prophet (pbuh) said:

“Take benefit of five things before five other things:
your youth before your old age,
your health before your sickness,
your wealth before your poverty,
your free-time before your preoccupation,
and your life before your death.”

InshaAllah, all your seasons will be  wonderful!

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