
Entertaining the Muslim Youth

by Somayya Gefori
786, a Muslim Singing Group
When I was a young child, my family listened to the likes of Yusuf Islam in the car. Nowadays there are many nasheed artists, and over the last decade the industry has practically exploded with new talent: Native Deen, 786, Sami Yusuf, Zain Bhikha and Mesut Kurtis, to name but a few. Nor does this trend in entertainment come without controversy.

Native Deen, a Muslim  singing group
A recent BBC documentary followed the American nasheed group 786 (of Pakistani origin) and Native Deen (of African-American origin) as they did interviews and performed in the United Kingdom. A lot of points were raised, including the fact that 786 looks so much like the average boy band, and that most of its fans are female. They usually dress in jeans and t-shirts, though they mentioned in the documentary that they were starting to wear more traditional Pakistani clothing, because too many Muslims were basing their judgments of the band on the way they looked.
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