
Re testing MGT2010 (sem 2 2010 2011)

The purpose of this exercise was to find out whether - after finishing their assignments - students continue to access Islamic talks on the internet. Out of the 190 students who did this assignment is sem 2 (2010 2011), I sampled 50 students in the MGT2010 group. This was almost 6 weeks after the assignment was over. To avoid social pressure, the survey was done by a student rather than myself.

1. 50% of students said that they had listened to at least 1 talk on the internet in the last month
2. 34% of students said that they wanted to continue listening to talks but they faced technical difficulties (one student explained that she used headphones that belonged to her sister and that her sister reclaimed the she could not listen to the talks in the labs anymore).
3. 16% said that they had not listened to any talks and that they were not interested in listening to talks in the future

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