Some warning signs of a stroke are sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm or leg. It can be intermittent or both. A sudden loss of vision is a sign key at the start of race. In addition, a blurring of vision could be a sign of potential stroke alert. The gradation can be very subtle at first, and then it progresses to the point where a person need more light to see things such as printing in a book or a newspaper.
Difficulty speaking is another warning. It can be heard by other speech disorders. It may or may not be noticed by the person. It can feel as if the language is too fat or too thick. People listening to the speech will have difficulty understanding what said person. The person having the line may not realize that people do not understand what they say.
Another sign of a stroke is suddenly fall. This can be a change in the approach of the person. Or it may be dizziness and fainting caused by the symptoms of stroke. If you notice any of these signs in your elderly loved one see your Palo Alto healthcare provider help for care at home or your health care provider.
A person having a stroke may present one or more of the above mentioned symptoms at once. Sometimes the signs come and go. For example, a person may have badly to grasp, say a cup of coffee, and then they are fine. They have a numbness or a 'thick' language and consider to sleep with their mouth open.
Symptoms such as numbness, weakness or paralysis are usually on one side of the body. A right-handed person usually experiences symptoms on the right side of the body. A left-handed person may experience symptoms of each side of the body.
If signs of these symptoms in a person are noticed then its time to call the stroke Palo Alto care. Faster a person receives a treatment more likely damage caused by a stroke can be limited or reversed.
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