
How can you take care of your brain? (Vaibhav Kumar Aggarwal)

A walking time bomb. An image of the type 2 diabetes or diabetes that you get when you become familiar with the disaster caused by the body. Once you know the risks, it is easier to motivate yourself to fight. Start with the same daily walk.

Diabetes, glucose, arterial disease, heart, brain

A diabetic stroke may be more likely that other, as high blood sugar is bad for blood vessels. Cerebral vascular obstructions or leaks can be avoided by taking care of the balance of sugar, but also taking care of your blood pressure and cholesterol.


High rate of glucose damage the small capillaries, which can result in ill retinopathy, macular retina. A diabetic must therefore be reviewed regularly to detect changes. Good glycemic control can prevent retinopathy, or at least slow it down.

Mouth and teeth

Fresh, bacteria grow because diabetes may be more sensitive to dental disease. The regular dentist visits and oral hygiene should therefore be respected. Mm. inflammation of the gums, the fixing hiding teeth diseases fabrics and in particular the decay at the gum line. In addition, diabetic mucosa wither, and he could become a burning mouth, fungal infections, or lichen planus.


Metabolic syndrome and high levels of bad LDL cholesterol are a huge burden on the heart: heart attack risk is high. Coronary artery disease in diabetic patients is common and has a poorer prognosis than the other. Physical activity for half an hour a day reduces the risk.


Diabetic nephropathy is kidney threat. It is a condition in which the excess protein is excreted in the urine. In the long term it can lead to kidney failure and need dialysis. Nephropathy in the treatment of the main objective is the sugar in the blood and arterial hypotension.


Talk about foie gras, when the liver cells accumulate high levels of fat. Foie gras alter sensitivity to insulin and blood glucose levels. It can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and the need for liver transplantation, it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Treatment of liver fat is not medicine, but even a weight loss improves liver function tests.

Belly fat

Some of the additional calories accumulate probably for genetic reasons, the abdominal cavity, talk of obesity of the size or obese apple. For these people more likely to develop metabolic syndrome. The good news is that fat loss lose weight, first to the size.


Pancreatic insulin-producing islet cells are located. Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin to cope, but it will never fully function as type 1 diabetes. Insulin treatment has significant benefits in both forms of diabetes.


High rate of glucose damage the nervous system and the peripheral nervous system can trigger the disease, neuropathy. It causes pain and numbness, especially in the legs, but also diarrhea or vomiting, dizziness, impotence and pineoireita. Glycemic control in addition to treat the patient will benefit from the avoidance of tobacco and alcohol.


Regular exercise increases insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue and the consumption of sugar as well as improve the metabolic syndrome associated with disturbances in the metabolism of lipids. In addition, exercise helps lose weight and lowers blood pressure.


Foot ulcers are a common problem for people with diabetes resulting feet of the load and the fluid movement of weakened tissue. Errors of position of leg sores and fungal infections must be treated well. The legs of ischemia can trigger peripheral arterial disease.

A good treatment steps-

1. Half an hour long walk every day. Ask a friend to join.
2 Eat a snack of fruit or a cup of berries.
3. If you smoke, get help to quit smoking.
4. Switch to skim milk, fat soft cheese bread and a deli more light or low fat.
5 Check purchased bread-salt, low-salinity is the salt of less than 0,7 g / 100 g.
6. Do what is important and what you can give.
7 Enter the time that you found in the thanks for giving nearby.8, encouragement and care.
8 Enjoy the beauty of the Finnish nature when you can.

Vaibhav Aggarwal is CEO VabSearch Technologies. He has over 12 years of experience in article writing, trend internet marketing, such as ORM, branding online, SEO, SMO, Google analytic. He began his project on the health of the MyDoc India industry. It is a platform to connect doctors Indian & specialists of health between them. For more updates, click here: doctors of Psychiatry in India

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