Every culture promotes its history, beliefs, heroes, values,norms, and attitude. The African-American director Spike Lee said about his films, “I'm just trying to tell a good story and make thought-provoking, entertaining films. I just try and draw upon the greatculture we have as a people, from music, novels, the streets.” Is there a parallel to African-American, Asian, or Latin cinema, called “Muslim Cinema”? Does it exist, and if so, how can it be understood? Before one can understand the cinema of a people, a little more light needs to be shed on the actual people.The Muslim world, with approximately one fifth of the world population and in turn its politics, economics, and culture, plays a very important role on the world stage. Headline news is the most popular venue promoting what is known about Muslims, so it becomes imperative for Muslims to be seen and heard from other vantage points. One of these vistas is art, and in the present world Cinema,due its mass appeal and significant availability. An introduction to Muslim Cinema allows Muslims to take a critical reflection about their own beliefs and culture, as well as providing a window for those who are of other faiths to see who Muslims are.
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Muslim Cinema: An Introduction and the Top 101 Muslim Theme Films
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