
Different types of Hijab / Vocabulary

Please note that the use of these terms varies from area to area and sometimes even among sisters in the same area! The aim is to give a basic idea about the names insha’Allaah. Images are from Islamic Boutique .
One-Piece Dresses
head style abayaThe Saudi Abayah is probably the most famous example of a one piece hijaab / outer garment. It covers a woman from head to toe. The most common colour for this dress is black. It can also be called ” head-style ” abaya as it comes down from your head.
Many sisters prefer this type of dress as it is very simple and easy to use. And it gives you full coverage.
There is also a one-piece dress similar to the saudi abayah – it comes down from the head but from the front it looks as if it has two pieces.
Two-Piece Dresses
This guide calls an outfit with an overcoat and a headcovering a two-piece dress.
jilbabJilbab - this is and overcoat with buttons or zipper in the front (half-way or all the way down). This is the most common type outer-garment among Muslim Women all over the world.
[please note that in the Shopping Section of Muslimah Connection there are housedresses that are called jilbabs - do not mix them with this outer-garment!]
Djellaba - these are common in Morocco. Unlike Jilbab, it does not have buttons or zipper, it is pulled over your head. It has a hood. There are models both for men and women.
Abaya - abayas exist both as head-style abayas (as above) and shoulder-style abayas. Shoulder-style abayas come down from your shoulders. It can have velcro closure on the shoulder. It can be also without any closures – closed from the front and it is pulled over the head like djellaba.
There are other styles too that are common in specific countries but the above mentioned overcoats are common among Muslim Women all-over the world.
hijaab square scarf
Hijab, hijaab, hejab - this word is commonly used of the headscarf of a Muslim Woman. But actually it refers to the whole dress. Usually it is used to refer to the square scarf.
hood khimar
Khimar - Sometimes used to refer to any headscarf but in many online stores especially this word refers to a long, cape-shaped “scarf” / headcover. Usually these cape scarves come with a small under scarf. Lenght varies from waist till ankles.
Al-Amira - Two-piece head covering (sometimes the part covering forehead is attached to the “hood” part, this is better as underscarf or for children), shorter than a khimar. This one is very good for children. Sometimes it has a lace/embroidery at the edge. Al-Amira without a lace is sometimes called buknuk.
shaylaShayla - a long rectangular shape scarf.
Niqaab - this word is used when refering to almost any type of face-veil. Some use this word when talking about the half-face veil. The half-face niqaab is worn under the scarf if it has an elastic band. It can also have ties, snaps or velcro closure.
Boushiya - covers all the face. Some models have layers that can be lifted.
Burqa - sometimes means same thing as the above. Burqa can also refer specifically to the Afghan Burqa that covers everything (head, face, hands..).
You can also wrap your square or shayla scarf so that it covers your face.

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