
Life is beautiful - from Guzaarish

Life is very short, my friends
But it is long enough if you live with all your heart
So, go on break the rules
Forgive quickly
Love Truly
Never regret anything that made you smile

It is a bit sweet
It is a bit bitter
100 gram of this bitter-sweet life
I have spent with utmost care

Life is good
Life is wonderful
Life is pain
It is all part of the game

It is pure
It is defective
It is too small to spend crying

It stitches joys with a thread
It is a tailor
Life is beautiful

by mail from Buhari

Assalamu alaikum

A common greeting among Muslims, meaning "Peace be with you." The appropriate response is "Wa alaikum assalaam" (And upon you be peace.)

Extended forms include "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah" (May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you) and "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh" (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you).

S.E.A. Mohamed Ali Jinnah.

JazakAllah Khayr : جزاك اللهُ خيراً‎
"Allah will reward you [with] goodness."

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Keeping Healthy In Ramadan Iqra TV

The event will see the launch of 'Keeping healthy in Ramadan', a guide to healthy eating during this period which also offers religious guidance on ill health and  fasting.
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History of Makkah and Madina

History of the Holy City of Makkah
 In its long history Makkah has also been known as Bakkah. In ancient times, Makkah was chiefly notable as a staging post on the trade route linking the spice producers of the east with Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean. Makkah lay about midway between Marib, one of the main cities, perhaps the capital, of the kingdom of Sheba (Yemen) and Petra (in Jordan), a city founded by Nabatean Arabs around the 6th century CE and which became a thriving center with commercial interests spreading into Syria. The religious significance of Makkah was established long before Islamic times. It was in Makkah that Allah commanded Ibrahim to leave Haajar and his young son Ishmael; it was in Makkah that Allah brought forth water from the Well of Zamzam which saved the life of Ishmael and his mother and then allowed Makkah to develop as a habitable place; it was in Makkah that Allah instructed Ibrahim to build "the House of God" (the Holy Kaaba).

Please click here to Read more History of the Holy City of Makkah - Hajj


According to Islamic tradition, the history of Mecca goes back to Ibrahim who built the Kaaba with the help of his eldest son Ishmael in around 2000 BCE when the inhabitants of what was then known as Bakkah had fallen away from the original monotheism of Abraham through the influence of the Amelkites.
Medina [Al Madinah, Yathrib] is the second most important holy city of Islam, Prophet Muhammed is also buried in Madina. Noted for its mosque enclosing the tomb and its palaces and fountains, the city was the refuge of Muhammad after his flight from Mecca. The Arabic word for city, medina, connotes the center of political or economic power.

Considered to be the second most important holy city of Islam, the city of Medina is located in a well-watered oasis 110 miles (180 km) inland (east) of the Red Sea. Much fruit and some grain are raised in and around the city. The chief building is the large mosque.

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O' Woman

 Whom do I go to, whom should I ask
For earning my equality
And saving my dignity
Is such a daunting task

I told her soon 'My Dear'
What is that you fear ?
There's nothing to cry and beg
Even if that they always try to take

The dignity and equality you search
To find it you don't need no torch
These gifts you were born with
When you began to breathe

Know this O Woman, O bearer of life
Alike in peace & moments of strife
Never for a moment go to ask
And set yourself on a daunting task

When that you search is not elsewhere to be found
It courses in your veins & your voice's sound
Know your worth under brutal wrath
On rosy gardens and thorny path

Like the light of the sun
Like the white of moon
Like the flow of a brook
Like seeds of a fruit

You were created with pride
Never to confine at someone's side
But go and seize what you wish
Pay no heed to any man made leash

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You’ve heard it over and over again: “Just look at those hands! Wash them!”

Sure. You get tired of hearing it. And you probably tired of washing up so often.

But if you knew — and if grown-ups knew — exactly why it’s so important, handwashing would be “number one” on everyone’s list of things to do.

You say you washed you hands this morning after you woke up? That’s good. But now it’s lunchtime. You mean you haven’t washed your hands again? Once a day just isn’t good enough — not if you want to keep harmful bacteria and other germs away!

We all know human hands are wonderful things. They can clap and snap. They can hold a napping cat or stir soup a vat.

But busy hands can also pick up dirt and germs. And these sneaky varmints love to play hide-and-seek.

Just look at the hands on this page. See the lines , cracks and wrinkles where dirt and germs hide. You can see even tinier nooks and crannies if you look at your own hand with a magnifying glass. It looks almost like a sponge, doesn’t it?

While you’re looking, you may also see some dirt. But no matter how hard you look, you won’t see any germs. That’s because they are tiny creatures (micro-organisms) that can only be seen through a microscope.

Where do germs come from? They live everywhere. In fact, billions of them grow and live on your body every day. Their favorite hangouts are your hair, under your fingernails and in the small folds of your skin.

Most of these germs won’t hurt you. In fact, you can’t even get rid of many of them, no matter how hard you try.

But germs also come from the world around you, and some of these can hurt you. They can make you sick. Luckily, these are the sort you can do something about.

Do you know where your last cold came from? Scientists believe most people get colds and other illnesses by touching a sick person or by touching something a sick person touched. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t touch other people or things. And it doesn’t mean you have to wear gloves.

All you have to do is wash you hands.

Handwashing can also help you keep food safe. Let’s say you’re making lunch for your friends. If your dirty hands touch the food, germs could spread, grow and cause food poisoning.

So next time, don’t just look at those hands — wash them! Follow these handwashing tips:

Wash Your Hands Often After you go to the bathroom. If you touch a cut or sore. And always before you touch food. Also, wash you hands after you touch raw meat or poultry. They may carry harmful germs too.

Lather Up With Soap and Warm Water. The suds scrub dirt and germs away.

Don’t Leave Anything Out. Wash you hands front and back and between the fingers. Soap up your wrists too. And don’t forget your fingernails. A good nail brush does the best job there.

Rinse Well In Warm Water. Those pesky germs will go down the drain!

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Ramadan fasting is good for the heart: Study by American Hospital, Dubai

The study revealed the month-long fast can reduce bad cholesterol and benefit health long-term

A recent UAE study spearheaded by the lead cardiologist at American Hospital Dubai revealed that fasting during Ramadan could reduce the risk of heart disease.

Last year’s study saw 37 adult volunteers participating, with positive changes in cholesterol levels indicating a healthier heart at the end of the research.
The findings were presented at the World Cardiology Conference in Dubai earlier this year.

Health indicators

During the month-long Ramadan fast, significant changes in eating patterns and habits have the potential to lead to changes in the body that also impact health.

One of the key alterations in health includes changes in cholesterol levels (a key indicator and risk factor for heart disease) during the holy month, with changes in the eating schedule expected to affect the lipid profile or the measure of cholesterol in the blood.

With this goal in mind, 37 volunteers were recruited, all of who were indicating no medical contraindications towards fasting during Ramadan.

The study included measuring the Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure (BP) and lipid profile two weeks prior to the start of Ramadan.

The same measurements were then repeated a second time during the fourth week of Ramadan, and then a third set of measurements was taken three weeks after the end of the fast.

The study concluded that the UAE group’s average LDL or the bad cholesterol decreased significantly during the fast, while the average HDL or good cholesterol increased, resulting in a significant improvement of the HDL/LDL ratio in spite of increased BMI.

A reduction in LDL is directly proportional to a reduction in heart disease.

Dr Omar K Hallak, chief interventional cardiologist at American hospital Dubai, who led the research findings, said: “This UAE study to examine the effects of Ramadan fasting on lipid profile provides the evidence that the change in habits and eating patterns during the holy month have a positive effect on cholesterol despite an increase in Body Mass Index amongst the sample.

“This is especially important in a region where there is a high incidence of obesity and diabetes.”

Dr Hallak added: “Cholesterol levels should be measured at least once every five years in adults over the age of 20 and more frequently for men over 35 and women over 45.”

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Rewarded both Places if Pure of Shirk

Rewarded both Places if Pure of Shirk

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah does not deal unjustly with the believer with regard to his Hasanaat. He gives him things in return for it in this world and will reward him for it in the Hereafter.” [Muslim]

A believer is rewarded for his/her good deeds in this world as well as in the Hereafter. This is the case for those who truly believe in Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) and submit to His commands. Many of the Kuffar in all ages, including the Prophet’s time, believed in Allah but they did not obey Him or follow His Messenger. In order for your good deeds to be rewarded your beliefs and deeds need to be pure of Shirk.

Shirk (associating others with Allah) cancels out good deeds. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says: “If you join others in worship with Allah, (then) surely, (all) your deeds will be in vain.” [Quran: Surah 39, Ayat 65]

Shirk is of four types:

1. Shirk in Allah’s Lordship. Tawheed is to believe that Allah is the Creator, Sustainer and Cherisher of all that exists. For example, believing that “nature” or “natural law” operates independently or outside of His Will and Control is to do Shirk in Allah’s Lordship (make “nature” a God along with or in place of Allah.)

2. Shirk in Allah’s Names and Attributes; to believe that anyone or anything shares any of Allah’s attributes, e.g. to believe that anyone besides Allah is “Knower of the Unseen” – as Shiah claim about their Imams.

3. Shirk in Allah’s Sole Right to Legislate; to believe that anyone has the right to make laws against what Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has legislated or outside of the limited spheres in which Allah has allowed us to legislate e.g. modern parliaments make laws on the basis of what the majority allow disregarding what Allah has allowed or forbidden.

4. Shirk in Allah’s Right to Alone be Beseeched for Help; to pray to any entity other than Allah, such as to idols, or pious people in graves, or at shrines.

This hadith has been sent  by
Surah Al-Fatiha
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful (1)
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, (2)
The Beneficent, the Merciful. (3)
Owner of the Day of Judgment, (4)
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help. (5)
Show us the straight path, (6)
The path of those whom Thou hast favoured. Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (7)
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The Best Free Downloads Thread On The Site

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Is Ramadhan Taraweeh 8 or 20 Rakat by Dr Zakir Naik

Dear brothers and sisters just to clarify, if you choose to pray 8 rakat taraweeh this refers to the whole parayer and not just 8 out of 20.
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The Family of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

By: Imaani Aslam

What do we actually know about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when it comes to his family? Who were the Prophets’ grandparents, parents, children and wives? How can we follow or even relate to someone if we don’t know much about their life?

 Now let’s talk about the family of the Prophet (pbuh)…


The parents of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) were noble and pious people. They were free from all the evils of their society and never worshipped idols.

Abdullah, the Prophet’s (pbuh) father, belonged to a very famous tribe in Makkah called Quraysh. Shortly before the Prophet's (pbuh) birth while Abdullah was on a trade journey he fell ill and passed away.

Aminah, the Prophet’s (pbuh) mother, came from the Banu Zuhra tribe in Yathrib (Madinah). Whilst on a journey to take her young son to visit his father’s grave Aminah fell ill and passed away also. The Prophet (pbuh) faced both deaths at just six years old.


Abdul Muttalib the grandfather of the Prophet (pbuh) took care of him after the death of his mother Aminah. He surrounded the young child with love and affection and looked after him as if he was his own son. When the Prophet (pbuh) reached eight years of age his grandfather whom he loved dearly passed away.

Fatimah bint Amr was the Prophet’s grandmother. She was married to Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim. Her full name was Fatimah daughter of `Amr ibn `A'idh ibn `Imran ibn Makhzum. Her mother's name was Sahre and Sahre's mother was Tahmur. Tahmur was the daughter of Ubeyd, the son of Qusai.


In total the Prophet (pbuh) had nine uncles. They were Abu Talib, Hamza, Abbas, Abu Lahab, Haaris, Zubair, Gaidaq, Almaqoon and Zarrar. However not all of them accepted Islam. Out of the nine only two accepted Islam - Hamza and Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them).

Abu Talib took over the care of the Prophet (pbuh) after the death of his grandfather Abdul Mutalib. Even though Abu Talib wasn’t a Muslim he was a loving guardian to the Prophet (pbuh) and treated him as his very own son, raising the young Muhammad (pbuh) with overwhelming love. Whilst he was alive he provided his nephew with full protection from the Quraysh and declared war on anyone who tried to hurt him.

Hamza (ra) and Muhammad (pbuh) were raised together as they were almost the same age. Even before Hamza (ra) became a Muslim he still loved and protected the Prophet (pbuh) from the enemies of Islam. The day he became a Muslim was considered a great victory for Islam as he was a very brave and strong man. Due to his great physical strength he was given the name Asadullah (The Lion of Allah).

Abu Lahab was a bitter enemy of Islam and the Prophet (pbuh). Even though the Prophet (pbuh) was his nephew it didn’t stop him from hurting and scolding him. Along with his wife Umm Jameel they subjected the Prophet (pbuh) to severe cruelty and abuse.

 Abbas (ra) was a paternal uncle and companion of the Prophet (pbuh), just a few years older than his nephew. Abbas was one of the youngest brothers of the Prophet's father. A wealthy merchant, during the early years of Islam he protected Muhammad while he was in Mecca, but only became a convert after the Battle of Badr


In total the Prophet’s (pbuh) paternal aunties were Affiyah, Umm-ul Hakim, Barrah, Atikah, Saffiyah, Arwa and Umaimah. Among the blessed Prophet's paternal aunts, only Afiyya embraced Islam although some say that Arwa and Atika also converted.

Afiyya daughter of ‘Abdul-Mutallib
She was the wife of ‘Awwam ibn al-Khuwailid, brother of Khadija, Mother of the Believers. Az-Zubair ibn al-’Awwam is son of the above-mentioned Afiyya, a disciple of the Messenger of Allah(pbuh). She also gave birth to al-Sa'ib who was martyred at Yamama.

Wives- Ummahat ul Mumineen (Mothers of the Faithful)

The wives of the Prophet (pbuh) were given the title ‘Ummahat-ul Mumineen’ by Allah (swt) through the Prophet (pbuh). Each of them were exceptional women in their own way, making them exemplary role models for all Muslimahs to learn about and follow.

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (ra) was a wealthy businesswoman and it was her prosperous trading business that the Prophet (pbuh) worked for. After the death of her husband she refused offers of marriage from many noble Qurayshi men and instead sent a proposal of marriage to the Prophet (pbuh) which he accepted. The year in which Khadijah (ra) died is known in Islamic history as ‘The Year of Sorrow’. During this year not only did the Prophet (pbuh) lose his first, beloved wife but also his uncle Abu Talib.

Sawdah bint Zam'a Sawdah (ra) was the first woman to emigrate to Abyssinia in the way of Allah (swt). She married the Prophet (pbuh) after the death of her first husband. After the marriage she immediately took over the care of the Prophet (pbuh), his household and became a mother figure to his young daughters.

Aisha bint Abu Bakr (ra) was the daugher of the Prophet’s (pbuh) closest companion Abu Bakr (ra). Aisha (ra) was a beautiful, generous and an extremely intelligent young woman who was quick to learn and had a very accurate memory. Aisha (ra) is one of four people who have transmitted more than 2,000 Hadith. It was in Aisha’s (ra) arms that the Prophet (pbuh) passed away.

Hafsa bint 'Umar (ra) was the daughter of Umar (ra) – a close companion of the Prophet (pbuh) and the second Caliph. Her first husband died leaving her a widow while she was still very young. Her marriage to the Prophet (pbuh) strengthened the ties between two of the Prophet’s (pbuh) closest companions, who would later become the first two rightly guided Caliphs of Islam, as he was married to both their daughters.

Zaynab bint Khuzayma (ra) offered her hand in marriage to the Prophet (pbuh) after her husband was martyred in the battle of Badr. She was only with the Prophet (pbuh) for a few months after marriage as she passed away. Due to her generosity to orphans she was known as Umm-ul Maskeen (Mother of the Poor).

Umm Salma bint Abi Umayya (ra) and her husband were among the first people to embrace Islam. Her first husband though passed away and seeing her struggle to support her beloved children the Prophet (pbuh) proposed to her. By marrying Umm Salma (ra) the Prophet (pbuh) could be a father to her children and help them without it seeming like he was giving them charity.

Zaynab bint Jahsh (ra) was the Prophet’s (pbuh) cousin sister – the daughter of his paternal aunt. Zaynab (ra) married the Prophet (pbuh) after the divorce of her first marriage which had been to the adopted son of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). This marriage confirmed that it is permissible for cousins to marry and also that in Islam an adopted son is not regarded the same as a natural son – as a father is not allowed to marry a woman who was previously married to his natural son, but this marriage to his adopted sons ex-wife was permissible and ordered by Allah (swt).

Juwayriya bint al-Harith (ra) was a very beautiful young lady. Her father and first husband were enemies of Islam. The marriage between the Prophet (pbuh) and Juwayriya (ra) united the two sides and helped break down enmity to Islam and extinguish the intense hatred towards Muslims, as the tradition was to honour your in-laws.

Umm Habiba bint Abi Sufyan (ra) was the daughter of Abu Sufyan who later accepted Islam but who for part of his life was one of the most resolute enemies of the Prophet (pbuh) leading many armies in the battles against Muslims. Her marriage to the Prophet (pbuh) clearly demonstrated to Muslims that the sins of a parent should not be taken out on their children.

Safiyya bint Huyayy’s (ra) father, like Umm Habiba’s (ra), planned to assassinate the Prophet (pbuh) yet the Prophet (pbuh) still invited her to join Islam which she did. The Prophet (pbuh) then proposed to her and she accepted. Safiyya (ra) was a wise, loyal and caring woman who maintained close ties with her Jewish relatives.

Maymuna bint al-Harith (ra) was a relative of the Prophet (pbuh) and also the half-sister of Zaynab bint Khuzayma (ra). Maymuna (ra) sent forward an offer of marriage to the Prophet (pbuh) which he accepted. Maymuna (ra) was good-natured and got on well with everyone including all the other wives of the Prophet (pbuh).

Maria al-Qibtiyya (ra) father was a Copt (Egyptian Christian) and her mother was a Christian Greek. Maria (ra) gave birth to a son who the Prophet (pbuh) named Ibrahim after the great Prophet (as). However the child while still very young became seriously ill and died. This relationship, along with the marriage to Safiyya (ra), taught all Muslims to be respectful of other religions and helped wipe out bigotry from the Muslim community.


The Prophet (pbuh) and Khadijah (ra) had six children – four daughters and two sons . The Prophet (pbuh) also had a son with Maria (ra). Sadly all the sons of the Prophet (pbuh), Abdullah, Qasim and Ibrahim died in infancy.

Zainab (ra) was the eldest of the Prophet’s (pbuh) four daughters. She married her first cousin Abul 'Aas (ra) who was the son of her maternal aunt Hala (ra). He hadn’t accepted Islam at the time of the marriage but was always a loving and devoted husband to Zainab (ra) and good son-in-law to the Prophet (pbuh). Zainab (ra) experienced many hardships in her life, including being severely wounded for her love and support of Islam.

Ruqaiyyah (ra) was the second eldest daughter of the Prophet (pbuh). Her first marriage to Utba ended in divorce after his father, the Prophet’s (pbuh) uncle Abu Lahab, forced him to divorce her. Her second marriage was to Uthman(ra) who himself experienced cruel torture from the non-believers. Ruqaiyyah (ra) was a very virtuous lady who endured many hardships courageously. She was only in her early twenties when she passed away.

Umm-e Kulthum (ra) was the second youngest daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Like Ruqaiyyah (ra) she too was first married to Abu Lahab’s son, the youngest Utaiba, but like his brother he divorced his young wife at the order of his parents. After the death of Ruqaiyyah (ra), the Prophet (pbuh) gave Umm-e Kulthum’s (ra) hand in marriage to Uthman (ra). They both shared an exemplary marriage but were only together for a few years when Umm-e Kulthum (ra) became ill and passed away.

Fatima (ra) was the Prophet’s (pbuh) youngest daughter and shared a very close relationship with her father. She was a very hard-working and noble woman and despite being very poor herself she was very generous to others. The Prophet (pbuh) gave her hand in marriage to his cousin Ali (ra), the son of his uncle Abu Talib. Fatima (ra) was the Prophet’s (pbuh) only living child at the time of his death, but she passed away shortly after in the month of Ramadan. The Prophet (pbuh) stated Fatima (ra) was one of the four most perfect, spritual and exalted ladies in the world.


Zainab (ra) had two sons and a daughter. One of her sons died in infancy but her other son Ali shared a close relationship with his grandfather, the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Her daughter Umama (ra) was also close to her grandfather who often spoilt her with gifts.

Ruqaiyyah (ra) with her husband Uthman(ra) had a son Abdullah but he died at a young age.

Fatima (ra) and Ali (ra), who later became the fourth Caliph of Islam, had six children: Hassan, Hussain, Mohsin, Ruqaiyyah, Umm-e Kulthum and Zainab. Sadly Mohsin and Ruqaiyyah died in childhood. Hassan and Hussain were particularly close to the Prophet (pbuh) who dearly loved them. Through both his appearance and character Hassan (ra) often reminded others of the Prophet (pbuh).

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Bigbang !!

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Muhammad (SAW) Peace be Upon his Soul

Muhammad (SAW) Peace be Upon his Soul
Zain Bhikha Lyrics" Praise To The Prophet Saw "

Amid the confusion, the chaos and the pain
A man emerged and Muhammad was his name
And walking with nothing but Allah as his aid
And the mark of a prophet between his shoulder blades
In a cave in mount hira, the revelation came
Read o Muhammad, read in Allah's name
May the blessings of Allah be on al-mustafaa (the selected one)
None besides him could have been al-mujtabaa (the chosen one)

Muhammad, peace be upon his soul
The greatest of prophets, Islam was his only goal
Muhammad, salla Allahu ' alayhi wa sallam
From among all the prophets, Muhammad was the last
As his was a mission of the greatest task
There was only moral degeneration
People clung to idol adoration
For all nations, he was al-mukhtaar (the preferred one)
So was he praised by Allah, al-ghaffaar
The bearer of glad tidings, al-basheer
Leading into light, as-seeraj-al-muneer (lamp of Radiance)

In handling the wicked, he had the best of skill
He pacified with tolerance and goodwill
The best of morals he aimed to attain
All he accomplished through suffering and pain
Reviving imaan as almuthakkir (the reminder)
He is known in the qur'aan as al-mud-dath-thir (covered up)
Only he was given the honour of miraaj
Unique was this glory to Muhammad asseeraj (the lamp)

He was ad daee ill Allah hil azheem
All hadi elaa seerauteem mustakeem
His mission complete, his held in great esteem
Allah praised him as bil-khuluqil azeem
May the blessings of Allah be on mustafaa
None besides him could have been al-mujtabaa
So perfect were his morals, so justly did he rule
Darkness had vanished and the word was full of noor

Balagha lula bikamalihi
Kashafa dduja bijamalihi
Hasunat jami u khisalihi
Sallu alayhi wa alihi

Muhammad, peace be upon his soul,
The greatest of Prophets, Islam was his only goal.
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Because of YOU

Because of YOU, Islamic Relief has been able to make a difference to the lives of people around the world.
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Summarizing 2,500 years of research about Happiness

I have been reading André Malraux's La Condition Humaine ("The human condition"). I now believe that for the first time since I started this happiness project, I am developing an overall picture of the many questions related to happiness. Let us look at things from the European perspective. The Greek philosophers discussed the nature of happiness several centuries before Jesus Christ. Among the many philosophers, the sophists, the epicurean and the stoics proposed various theories. Most of these theories held that happiness can only be gained by gaining knowledge and leading a virtuous life. After the rise of Christianity, the pursuit of happiness in Europe was heavily influenced by Christian theology. However, this Christian perspective was destroyed by two emerging trends. First, the split between Catholics and Protestants led to two very different interpretation of how the Christian message should be understood. Second, the tension between Christianity and science meant that Europeans had to make several hard choices. At the beginning of the 19th century; the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard summarized these tensions in a series of writings that would lead to the rise of existentialist school, which states that it is necessary to understand the purpose of our existence before we can be happy. The split between Christianity and science was complete when the German philosopher Nietzsche said that "God was dead". By the end of the 19th century, the Europeans were putting their hope in humanism, the notion that human beings can establish their own happiness by figuring things out by themselves. However, the First World War destroyed that European hope in humanism. By the 20th century, European philosophers focused on the human condition. Albert Camus wrote L’Étranger (“The Stranger”), in which he says that life is fundamentally absurd: whatever one does, one is going to die. In La Peste (“The Plague”), Camus concludes that even though life is absurd, the collective struggle to stay alive has a meaning in itself. In parallel to these developments in Europe, the Americans focused on pragmatism and materialism. Pragmatism states that any good idea must have practical benefits. Materialism is the belief that by accumulating wealth, we can be happy. In this light, Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project is a good example of this pragmatic and materialistic culture. It should be noted that due to the influence of European and American ideas in other parts of the world, these ideas have influenced the way the rest of the world – including Muslims – see happiness. Some people in Europe - like Matthieu Ricard - have argued that we have to return to religion to find happiness. Matthieu Ricard became a Buddhist monk. He wrote a book called Plaidoyer pour le bonheur (“Arguing for happiness”). He says that people often try to find external sources of happiness and often fail. Happiness, he argues, is an internal state of mind that allows us to perceive things in a positive state of mind. This internal state of mind requires a rediscovery of religion. What is interesting in my opinion is the idea that happiness is gained by seeking knowledge is something the Greeks understood 2,500 years ago. We forgot that simple but profound wisdom by getting lost in materialism. Some material possession is necessary for a decent standard of living but materialism will never provide individuals with a purpose in life and the knowledge to translate their purpose in life into everyday actions.
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When is Ramadan 2012 (Friday 20 July?)

When is Ramadan 2012 (Friday 20 July?):
According to this impressive scientific website Ramadan 2012 is due to start on Friday 20 July inshallah. The Fiqh Council of North America are respected scholars who use scientific calculations to determine July's new Moon.

However, therein lies the proverbial difficulty with we Muslims because sadly the Fiqh Council website uses the dreaded words Science and astronomy which frankly old fashioned Muslims don't understand. As a result, rather than acknowledging the wonders of Science & Algebra Muslims gave the world sadly we now have to rely on some old Brother in Saudi or Pakistan verifying for himself with the naked eye sighting of a new moon before Ramadan is officially confirmed.

Still in doubt, well how about a science lesson on the validity of Astronomy in determining moon sighting. What is it with our Ulema who seem so bereft of intelligence and understanding about the basic concept of Science which enables us now to verify and establish the dates of Ramadan up to and including 2020.
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10 Daily Life Food Items Which Have Poisonous Varieties

When we look around we can see the land and sea to be full of flavors and food available in various forms. Man can tantalizingly treat his taste buds from all the food available.  Over the years, mankind learned to cook and assemble each food in the best way possible. There are many food items which we use in our daily meal and they are high in nutritional value but they may either have poisonous varieties or they need to be treated or cooked properly in order to avoid the poisoning. I thought to gather some information on such food items and list down a few of them.

10. Raw Cashew Nuts

                                                                Cashew Nuts
Cashew nuts are delicious and the most desired of all the nuts. They are “Nature’s Vitamin Pill”. They are rich in zinc and good fat. These mouth watering nuts are related to poisonous ivy and poisonous oak. Urushiol is a skin irritant present in the shell of the raw unroasted cashew nuts. The cashew nuts when eaten or brought in contact with the skin when raw and not roasted cause skin itching, rash and allergy. There is a liquid present on the inner surface of the shell of the cashew nut.  This liquid poisons the nut, if accidentally comes in contact with the cashew nut while breaking the shell.

9. Kidney Beans

                                                                Kidney Beans
Legumes have amazing nutritional qualities and are a part of balanced diet. They are high proteins, minerals, dietary fibers and complex carbohydrates and have low fat and cholesterol. We use legumes in our daily life but we are unaware that some legumes contain a toxin known as phytohemagglutinin (PHP) which is very high in kidney beans. One raw kidney bean contains around 70,000 hau and only few raw kidney beans have serious health hazards depending on the sensitivity of the person eating them. This toxin effects the cell metabolism and agglutinates most red blood cells. It attacks epithelial cells lining of the intestine and disables it. Only 5 raw kidney beans can cause reaction within 3 hours including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Recovery occurs in 4 to 5 hours. This doesn’t mean that one should stop eating the beans. The beans should be treated and cooked properly to bring the poison to a safe level. If cooked incorrectly the poison increases by many folds. They should be soaked in water for a long time before cooking. Then after throwing that water they should be boiled in fresh water at 100 degrees for 10 minutes or more.

8. Stone Fruits (Peach, Apricot, Almond etc.)

Stone fruits include fruits like peach, apricot, almonds and cherries. They have excellent and exotic taste and high nutritional value. Stone fruits contain poisonous hydrocyanic (prussic) acid (HCN) in the pits and foliage. Since the poisonous cyanide is combined with one or more sugars, these molecules are referred to as cyanogenetic glucosides. HCN poisoning can be fatal. The cells stop absorbing oxygen and thus die from lack of oxygen even though oxygen is plentiful in the blood. Only 0.06gram is enough to cause death in many people. To avoid this, the seeds of the stone fruits should never be eaten. Almonds are the exception.

7. Berries

                                                                  Doll’s Eye

There are many berries like honeysuckle, wild strawberry, yew, holly, American bittersweet, elderberry, doll’s eye and jerusalem cerry among many other which may fool anyone by their looks and fragrance but care should be taken in eating berries because they may be poisonous in nature. Wild strawberry is so difficult to identify from the farmed strawberry. They look identical but differ in taste. The wild one is not as sweet as the farmed one. Only 3 pieces of holly, yew and many other berries cause nausea, sickness, vomiting and diarrhea. Rule is that we should avoid eating wild berries and if one eats a wild poisonous berry by mistake, one must immediately throw out.
6. Ackee/Vegetable Brain/Akee/Akee Apple


The fruit of the ackee is from an evergreen tree. This fruit is from the family of lychee and longan. The fruit is poisonous in nature and has a high content of fatty acids, zinc, proteins and vitamins. Only the inner, fleshy yellow arils can be consumed after proper cleaning and cooking. Raw ackees and the inner red tissue of the ripe ackees contain potent alkaloid toxins. These toxins cause fatal hypoglycemia after vomiting and seizures. This is known as Jamacian vomiting sickness. To avoid poisoning from the fruit, it must be harvested and cooked with care and in a proper way. The farmers must allow the pods of the fruit to ripen and open naturally in the tree. Picking should be done only after the pods are open.  Careful cleaning of the fruit is done before cooking. The fruit must be boiled for at least 30 minutes and the water is discarded.

Read more 10 Daily Life Food Items Which Have Poisonous Varieties

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The Traditions of Ramadan

Ramadan is a period of reflection, generosity, and sacrifice observed by all Muslims at the same time, all over the world. ... Because the Islamic calendar is based on lunar cycles, fixed times for the fasting month change from year to year.

“The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong).” (Al-Baqarah 2:185)

"O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious)” (Al-Baqarah 2:183)

“Verily, We have sent it (this Qur’aan) down in the Night of Al-Qadr (Decree).”
[al-Qadr 97:1]

It is mustahabb in the sense of being strongly recommended in Ramadan to study the Qur’aan together and to read it a great deal. You may study the Qur’aan together by reciting it to someone else and by having someone else recite it to you. The evidence that this is mustahabb is the fact that Jibreel used to meet the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) every night in Ramadan and study the Qur’aan with him. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6; Muslim, 2308.
Reading Qur’aaan is mustahabb in general, but more so in Ramadan

Ramadan in Dubai is a unique and different experience due to the fact that people from different parts of the world live and bring their own cultural heritage to this cosmopolitan city.
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Do you know " Women Who Refuse to Die" ?!

Women Who Refuse to Die

We follow four survivors of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre as they look to the future despite the pain of their past.

Filmmaker: Mohamed Kenawi "When they took away my children in 1995, they also killed me - in the most brutal manner. This is not life .... I had my family and in just one day I'm left without them, without knowing why. And every morning I ask myself why, but there is no answer. My children were only guilty of having the names they had and their names were different from their killers. It was not only my children killed on July 11, 1995; thousands of other innocent children were murdered in the bloody genocide in Srebrenica .... I no longer have anything to lose; the criminals killed all I had, except for my pride." Hatidza Mehmedovic In July 1995, an estimated 8,000 Muslim men and boys - sons, husbands and brothers - were dragged away never to be seen again. The Srebrenica massacre marks a particularly inhumane and brutal act within the tragedy and bloodshed of the 1992 to 1995 Bosnian War. This film follows four survivors of the massacre as they look to the future despite the pain of their loss and the angst of trying to make sense of the past.

Source : http://tabibqulob.blogspot.
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Nidur Ali நீடூர் அலி

JazakAllah Khayr : جزاك اللهُ خيراً‎ "Allah will reward you [with] goodness." S.E.A.Mohamed Ali (Jinnah)B.A.,B.L.,
Indeed all the praises are due to Allah, we praise him and we seek his assistance and forgiveness, and we seek refuge in Allah.

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S.E.A.Mohamed Ali. "nidurali"

S.E.A.Mohamed Ali (Jinnah)B.A.,B.L.,

Indeed all the praises are due to Allah, we praise him and we seek his assistance and forgiveness, and we seek refuge in Allah.

Personal Links

S.E.A. முஹம்மது அலி ஜின்னா
Jazakkallahu Hairan நன்றி
 JazakAllah Khayr : جزاك اللهُ خيراً‎ "Allah will reward you [with] goodness."
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