Dave Chappelle
Word is, Dave Chappelle joined the "Allah Made Me Funny" muslim comedy group.
I'm hoping and praying they're the entertainment for RIS this year. =]
The Veil
(From the Sound Vision documentary Hijab: An Act of Faith)
They say, "Oh, poor girl, you're so beautiful you know
It's a shame that you cover up your beauty so."
She just smiles and graciously responds reassuringly,
"This beauty that I have is just one simple part of me.
This body that I have, no stranger has the right to see.
These long clothes, this shawl I wear, ensure my modesty.
Faith is more essential than fashion, wouldn’t you agree?"
This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
They tell her, "Girl, don’t you know this is the West and you are free?
You don’t need to be oppressed, ashamed of your femininity."
She just shakes her head and she speaks so assuredly,
"See the bill-boards and the magazines that line the check-out isles,
with their phony painted faces and their air-brushed smiles?
Well their sheer clothes and low cut gowns they are really not for me.
You call it freedom, I call it anarchy."
This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
Lift the veil from your heart and seek the heart of purity.
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(From the Sound Vision documentary Hijab: An Act of Faith)
They say, "Oh, poor girl, you're so beautiful you know
It's a shame that you cover up your beauty so."
She just smiles and graciously responds reassuringly,
"This beauty that I have is just one simple part of me.
This body that I have, no stranger has the right to see.
These long clothes, this shawl I wear, ensure my modesty.
Faith is more essential than fashion, wouldn’t you agree?"
This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
They tell her, "Girl, don’t you know this is the West and you are free?
You don’t need to be oppressed, ashamed of your femininity."
She just shakes her head and she speaks so assuredly,
"See the bill-boards and the magazines that line the check-out isles,
with their phony painted faces and their air-brushed smiles?
Well their sheer clothes and low cut gowns they are really not for me.
You call it freedom, I call it anarchy."
This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
Lift the veil from your heart and seek the heart of purity.
Check out this interesting lecture on marriage by Shaykh Khalid Yasin -
The Road to Marriage
As well as this broad yet very inspirational lecture on the seerah of prophet Muhammad s.w.a by Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef -
Desert Rose
(found on Halaltube.com)
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The Road to Marriage
As well as this broad yet very inspirational lecture on the seerah of prophet Muhammad s.w.a by Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef -
Desert Rose
(found on Halaltube.com)
If we could get Shaykh Khalid Yasin and Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef to come to the 2008 Islamic Symposium …that’s as close as it’ll ever get to heaven on earth =] lol
Muslim Sister Fights Off Robber With An Axe!
found this on Mujahideenryder.net
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found this on Mujahideenryder.net
That has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen!
Allah was most definitely on her side! Gotta give my respects to this sister!
my older brother was watching Boondocks the other day and the garden party episode came up. the one Amir Sulaiman reffered to in 2005...
"Excuse me, everyone. I have a brief announcement to make.
Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil and the government is lying about 9/11.
Thank you for your time and good night.”
Then all the white people go crazy haha. Oh my...
I pretty much died of laughter
this show is really innapropriate tho =\ ...just thought that bit was kinda funny. lol.
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"Excuse me, everyone. I have a brief announcement to make.
Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil and the government is lying about 9/11.
Thank you for your time and good night.”
Then all the white people go crazy haha. Oh my...
I pretty much died of laughter
this show is really innapropriate tho =\ ...just thought that bit was kinda funny. lol.
Allah Knows
by Zain Bhikha and Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Your Mother by Rashid Bikha ( Zain Bikha's son)
This nasheed is sooo cute lol.
He's much older now and does nasheeds more like this
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Your Mother by Rashid Bikha ( Zain Bikha's son)
This nasheed is sooo cute lol.
He's much older now and does nasheeds more like this
Check out this flash presentation by Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef on what to do and what not to do on eid (here) =)
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For the first time in history, I was more excited for Ramadan than I am for Eid. I HATE this division amongst the Muslims. Whatever happened to UNITY?? Why in heavens are we praying on two separate days??! It’s completely irrational! Hasn’t the moon been sighted already??
*sigh* mneh… to all his own, i guess. I kinda wish I was eid-ing in Toronto. Eid in T. is like Eid in a Muslim country lol.
Hopefully Eid-ul Adha won’t be so chaotic… =\
Anyhow, for all those celebrating Eid tomorrow…Eid prayer will be held at your local Masjid (except for Markaz…)
Whether you’re celebrating Eid tomorrow or Saturday, I wish u all a very happy Eid. =]
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*sigh* mneh… to all his own, i guess. I kinda wish I was eid-ing in Toronto. Eid in T. is like Eid in a Muslim country lol.
Hopefully Eid-ul Adha won’t be so chaotic… =\
Anyhow, for all those celebrating Eid tomorrow…Eid prayer will be held at your local Masjid (except for Markaz…)
Whether you’re celebrating Eid tomorrow or Saturday, I wish u all a very happy Eid. =]
Ahmed Bukhatir- Forgive Me
Today, upon a bus,
I saw a girl with golden hair.
And wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch.
But as she passed, she smiled.
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two legs the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I `d go.
With eyes to see the sunset’s glow.
With ears to hear what I’d know.
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have blessed indeed, the world is mine.
I stopped to buy some candy.
The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him, he seemed so glad.
If I were late, it `d do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
“I thank you, you’ve been so kind.
You see,” he said, “I am blind”
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two eyes the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I `d go.
With eyes to see the sunset’s glow.
With ears to hear what I’d know.
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have blessed indeed, the world is mine.
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play.
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
“Why don’t you join the others, dear?”
He looked ahead without a word.
And then I knew. He couldn’t hear.
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two ears the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I `d go.
With eyes to see the sunset’s glow.
With ears to hear what I’d know.
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have blessed indeed, the world is mine
As I walked towards my math class after school, halls crowded reeking of sweaty teens; she said it as though it was an everyday kind of thing.
I looked back in shock…
Had I not seen the expression on her face when she realized I was standing a few feet from her… I would’ve never known it was her. I kept on walking as if I didn’t even hear her utter those words, but she knew I heard her… and I know she knows. Those words pierced my heart like…an unexplainable feeling. It’s as if every time I heard it, it was for the very first time.
But nevertheless, I controlled my anger and walked on. I began to walk slower. I could feel her staring at me from the back with broken eyes… a rapid silence took over the halls.
What would make her say such a thing?
What hurts the most is… the fact that she only feels awful because I heard her! Had I not, I don’t think she would’ve cared.
When my session was finished, I made my way back to my locker… and there she was.
She was sitting in the halls, hiding behind a pile of text books, red faced as I approached her.
“I’m sorry, I…I wasn’t saying it to you, I swear. My friend was trying to act all ghetto and I…I…I’m so sorry”
I felt so bad for the poor girl. She was stuttering after every second word. She must of thought I was gonna clock her. Do I look that intimidating? Lol.
I responded with an “It’s ok, chill… I know you didn’t mean it…”
As I walked away, hands in my pockets, looking to the newly polished floor… I could hear her apologies resonating in my mind….
I just wish she knew what she was sorry for.
Tell me… why are people so dang ignorant?
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I looked back in shock…
Had I not seen the expression on her face when she realized I was standing a few feet from her… I would’ve never known it was her. I kept on walking as if I didn’t even hear her utter those words, but she knew I heard her… and I know she knows. Those words pierced my heart like…an unexplainable feeling. It’s as if every time I heard it, it was for the very first time.
But nevertheless, I controlled my anger and walked on. I began to walk slower. I could feel her staring at me from the back with broken eyes… a rapid silence took over the halls.
What would make her say such a thing?
What hurts the most is… the fact that she only feels awful because I heard her! Had I not, I don’t think she would’ve cared.
When my session was finished, I made my way back to my locker… and there she was.
She was sitting in the halls, hiding behind a pile of text books, red faced as I approached her.
“I’m sorry, I…I wasn’t saying it to you, I swear. My friend was trying to act all ghetto and I…I…I’m so sorry”
I felt so bad for the poor girl. She was stuttering after every second word. She must of thought I was gonna clock her. Do I look that intimidating? Lol.
I responded with an “It’s ok, chill… I know you didn’t mean it…”
As I walked away, hands in my pockets, looking to the newly polished floor… I could hear her apologies resonating in my mind….
I just wish she knew what she was sorry for.
Tell me… why are people so dang ignorant?
"Preparing for Ramadan with Halal Tube"
Check out these great lectures concerning Ramadan on HalalTube. =)
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Check out these great lectures concerning Ramadan on HalalTube. =)
I probably do not fit into the preconceived notion of a 'rebel'. I have no visible tattoos and minimal piercings. I do not possess a leather jacket. In fact, when most people look at me, their first thought usually is something along the lines of 'oppressed female'.
The brave individuals who have mustered the courage to ask me about the way I dress usually have questions like: 'Do you parents make you wear that?' or, 'Don't you find that really unfair?'
A while back, a couple of girls in Montreal were kicked out of school for dressing like I do. It seems strange that a little piece of cloth would make for such controversy. Perhaps the fear is that I am harbouring an Uzi underneath it.
Of course, the issue at hand is more than a mere piece of cloth. I am a Muslim woman who, like millions other Muslim women across the globe, chooses to wear the Hijaab. And the concept of the Hijaab, contrary to popular opinion, is actually one of the most fundamental aspects of female empowerment. When I cover myself, I make it virtually impossible for people to judge me according to the way I look.
I cannot be categorised because of my attractiveness or lack thereof. Compare this to life in today's society: We are constantly sizing one another up on the basis of our clothing, jewellery, hair and makeup. What kind of depth can there be in a world like this?
Yes, I have a body, a physical manifestation upon this Earth. But it is the vessel of an intelligent mind and a strong spirit. It is not for the beholder to leer at or to use in advertisements to sell everything from beer to cars. Because of the superficiality of the world in which we live, external appearances are so stressed that the value of the individual counts for almost nothing. It is a myth that women in today's society are liberated. What kind of freedom can there be when a woman cannot walk down the street without every aspect of her physical self being 'checked out'. When I wear the Hijaab I feel safe from all of this. I can be rest assured that no one is looking at me and making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt. There is a barrier between me and those who would exloit me. I am first and foremost a human being and not vulnerable because of my sexuality. One of the saddest truths of our time is the question of the beauty myth and female self-image. Reading popular teenage magazines, you can instantly find out what king of body image is 'in' or 'out'. And if you have the 'wrong' body type, well, then, you're just going to have to change it, aren't you. After all, there is no way that you can be overweight and still be beautiful.
Look at any advertisement. Is a woman being used to sell the product? How old is she? How attractive is she? What is she wearing more often than not? That woman will be no older than her early 20s, taller, slimmer and more attractive than average, dressed in skimpy clothing. Why do we allow ourselves to be manipulated like this? Whether the 90s woman wished to believe it or not, she is being forced into a mould.
She is being coerced into selling herself, into compromising herself. This is why we have 13-year-old girls sticking their fingers down their throats and overweight adolescents hanging themselves. When people ask me if I feel oppressed, I can honestly say no. I made this decision out of my own free will. I like the fact that I am taking control of the way other people perceive me. I enjoy the fact that I don't give anyone anything to look at and that I have released myself from the bondage of the swinging pendulum of the fashion industry and other institutions that exploit females. My body is my own business. Nobody can tell me how I should look or whether or not I am beautiful. I know that there is more to me than that. I am also able to say no comfortably when people ask me if I feel as though my sexuality is being repressed. I have taken control of my sexuality.
I am thankful I will never have to suffer the fate of trying to lose/gain weight or trying to find the exact lipstick shade that will go with my skin colour. I have made choices about what my priorities are and these are not among them. So next time you see me, don't look at me sympathetically. I am not under duress or a male-worshipping female captive. I've been liberated.
Sultana Yusuf Ali
17 Year Old High School Student
Published in Toronto Star - Young People's Press
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The brave individuals who have mustered the courage to ask me about the way I dress usually have questions like: 'Do you parents make you wear that?' or, 'Don't you find that really unfair?'
A while back, a couple of girls in Montreal were kicked out of school for dressing like I do. It seems strange that a little piece of cloth would make for such controversy. Perhaps the fear is that I am harbouring an Uzi underneath it.
Of course, the issue at hand is more than a mere piece of cloth. I am a Muslim woman who, like millions other Muslim women across the globe, chooses to wear the Hijaab. And the concept of the Hijaab, contrary to popular opinion, is actually one of the most fundamental aspects of female empowerment. When I cover myself, I make it virtually impossible for people to judge me according to the way I look.
I cannot be categorised because of my attractiveness or lack thereof. Compare this to life in today's society: We are constantly sizing one another up on the basis of our clothing, jewellery, hair and makeup. What kind of depth can there be in a world like this?
Yes, I have a body, a physical manifestation upon this Earth. But it is the vessel of an intelligent mind and a strong spirit. It is not for the beholder to leer at or to use in advertisements to sell everything from beer to cars. Because of the superficiality of the world in which we live, external appearances are so stressed that the value of the individual counts for almost nothing. It is a myth that women in today's society are liberated. What kind of freedom can there be when a woman cannot walk down the street without every aspect of her physical self being 'checked out'. When I wear the Hijaab I feel safe from all of this. I can be rest assured that no one is looking at me and making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt. There is a barrier between me and those who would exloit me. I am first and foremost a human being and not vulnerable because of my sexuality. One of the saddest truths of our time is the question of the beauty myth and female self-image. Reading popular teenage magazines, you can instantly find out what king of body image is 'in' or 'out'. And if you have the 'wrong' body type, well, then, you're just going to have to change it, aren't you. After all, there is no way that you can be overweight and still be beautiful.
Look at any advertisement. Is a woman being used to sell the product? How old is she? How attractive is she? What is she wearing more often than not? That woman will be no older than her early 20s, taller, slimmer and more attractive than average, dressed in skimpy clothing. Why do we allow ourselves to be manipulated like this? Whether the 90s woman wished to believe it or not, she is being forced into a mould.
She is being coerced into selling herself, into compromising herself. This is why we have 13-year-old girls sticking their fingers down their throats and overweight adolescents hanging themselves. When people ask me if I feel oppressed, I can honestly say no. I made this decision out of my own free will. I like the fact that I am taking control of the way other people perceive me. I enjoy the fact that I don't give anyone anything to look at and that I have released myself from the bondage of the swinging pendulum of the fashion industry and other institutions that exploit females. My body is my own business. Nobody can tell me how I should look or whether or not I am beautiful. I know that there is more to me than that. I am also able to say no comfortably when people ask me if I feel as though my sexuality is being repressed. I have taken control of my sexuality.
I am thankful I will never have to suffer the fate of trying to lose/gain weight or trying to find the exact lipstick shade that will go with my skin colour. I have made choices about what my priorities are and these are not among them. So next time you see me, don't look at me sympathetically. I am not under duress or a male-worshipping female captive. I've been liberated.
Sultana Yusuf Ali
17 Year Old High School Student
Published in Toronto Star - Young People's Press
Pursuit of Cleanliness - Season 2 - Ummah Films
“Cleanliness is have of the deen”
It’s so true about the washroom masajids, (most of the time) they’re so dirty that it really DOES make you wanna vomit. The little kids are the worst though, they’re always leaving around toilet paper all over the ground and I’m guessing they have water fights in there cos the place is always so wet…
but u can never yell at them cos they’re just so darn cute. Lol.
I love the way he’s so upfront about these kinds of subjects’, it’s like a whole new level of teaching.
“Sometimes I think to myself: are these people really convinced that Islam is the truth or are they just born into this religion without anyone explaining anything to them, because if you’re intellectually convinced about Islam then it will be seen through your actions.”
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It’s so true about the washroom masajids, (most of the time) they’re so dirty that it really DOES make you wanna vomit. The little kids are the worst though, they’re always leaving around toilet paper all over the ground and I’m guessing they have water fights in there cos the place is always so wet…
but u can never yell at them cos they’re just so darn cute. Lol.
I love the way he’s so upfront about these kinds of subjects’, it’s like a whole new level of teaching.
“Sometimes I think to myself: are these people really convinced that Islam is the truth or are they just born into this religion without anyone explaining anything to them, because if you’re intellectually convinced about Islam then it will be seen through your actions.”
CBC Radio Interview
The Alikhawat soccer team was interviewed last weekend by CBC Radio!
God I was so nervous, I would've at least made myself sound more intellectual if I had known she was going to air me!! lool kidding….not really. Mneh, I guess I sounded ai’ght. Man, I’m too self conscious
Hadika (who by the way, came up with this awe-sane ‘Alikwat soccer team’ idea) did a great job of speaking.
Sheena Alami, go on witch yo bad self haha, u did a grand job and Aunty/Coach Freeba also did superb.
If you didn’t tune in this morning (here) it is. No makin’ fun ya hear!
I love how all the girls are yelling like maniacs in the back. Lol.
Hopefully/Insha’Allah soccer doesn’t end up like our basketball season, but hey its all good, cos like I said in the interview “we’re just here to have fun” haha.
Wish us luck on our first game this Sunday. No, lemme change that to, let us make dua that we get at least ONE goal….just one. Lol. Insha’Allah!
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God I was so nervous, I would've at least made myself sound more intellectual if I had known she was going to air me!! lool kidding….not really. Mneh, I guess I sounded ai’ght. Man, I’m too self conscious
Hadika (who by the way, came up with this awe-sane ‘Alikwat soccer team’ idea) did a great job of speaking.
Sheena Alami, go on witch yo bad self haha, u did a grand job and Aunty/Coach Freeba also did superb.
If you didn’t tune in this morning (here) it is. No makin’ fun ya hear!
I love how all the girls are yelling like maniacs in the back. Lol.
Hopefully/Insha’Allah soccer doesn’t end up like our basketball season, but hey its all good, cos like I said in the interview “we’re just here to have fun” haha.
Wish us luck on our first game this Sunday. No, lemme change that to, let us make dua that we get at least ONE goal….just one. Lol. Insha’Allah!
Strange Dream
I was at the mall shopping, surrounded by friends, just having a good time.
I can’t remember who they were, hm… I actually don’t remember ever seeing their faces, or if in fact they were my friends, but I remember feeling comfortable with them.
Almost immediately after feeling at ease with myself and my surrounding, I began feeling lonely and slowly everyone kind of…vanished, right in front of me.
I then began walking up stairs. I have absolutely no idea how those stairs even got there, but they were very familiar stairs.
They led me to my bedroom door.
I entered the room at a snail's pace, the door creaked very loudly. My clothes were lying all over the floor…but when I glanced up, it wasn’t my room. It appeared to be my room, almost like an illusion, but I knew in my heart that I’ve never seen this place before. But I went along with it and made myself believe that is was in reality, my room.
It wasn’t the prettiest of rooms, but it was certainly a bedroom.
There was a bed, there were chairs, some clothes and a closet…but it was in the outdoors.
I made my way towards a wooden bench and sat there for awhile, thinking.
I didn’t find any of this unusual, never once did I think twice about what was going on.
I was to busy thinking of other things. Things I can’t seem to remember.
I heard foot steps and a few brothers and sisters from the community were walking into the room I was in. The room suddenly changed into a very busy street and the bench I was sitting on was now a filthy bus stop bench.
I held a pillow in my right hand and a blanket in the other.
I was crossing the street and running towards the bus with the pillow and blanket (I don’t quite understand why I was running for the bus if I was standing at the bus stop already…)
People kept yelling at me because I wasn’t looking both ways, some people even offered to hold my hand while crossing the street. It felt like a never ending street, it took us awhile to get to the other side.
Then, two men began arguing as we made our way towards the bus. I can’t remember why or who they were, but I do remember that the argument was pointless and stupid. They might’ve been arguing about “how one should cross a street?” or something along those lines. lol.
Once I got into the bus, I couldn’t find my bus pass and nearly cried. It happens to me once in awhile, but I never get so…emotional about it. lol
The bus driver let me in though, he was a kind man.
I sat at the very end of the bus and I remember watching a woman, who then transformed into man (don’t ask…lol) sitting at the very front of the bus. He kept rubbing his hands against each other, as if he was very nervous…or maybe even scared? I thought I saw a tear drop on his cheek, but I wasn’t too sure. And as I laughed and joked with other passengers, he would stare at me, directly into my eyes, and I could almost feel what he was feeling.
But I can’t remember the feeling…
I had no idea where the bus was taking me. I sat there, in a crowded bus, for hour’s maybe, not knowing where I was heading, talking and laughing with people I’ve never seen in my life.
The only thing I can remember clearly is the white pillow and the pink and white blanket.
Strange dream, huh ?
I have too many interpretations as to what it might actually mean. They’re probably all wrong anyways.
I've been having too many of these weird dreams lately.
I’m beginning to feel somewhat frightened to fall asleep now...
Afraid of what I might dream of next… =\
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I can’t remember who they were, hm… I actually don’t remember ever seeing their faces, or if in fact they were my friends, but I remember feeling comfortable with them.
Almost immediately after feeling at ease with myself and my surrounding, I began feeling lonely and slowly everyone kind of…vanished, right in front of me.
I then began walking up stairs. I have absolutely no idea how those stairs even got there, but they were very familiar stairs.
They led me to my bedroom door.
I entered the room at a snail's pace, the door creaked very loudly. My clothes were lying all over the floor…but when I glanced up, it wasn’t my room. It appeared to be my room, almost like an illusion, but I knew in my heart that I’ve never seen this place before. But I went along with it and made myself believe that is was in reality, my room.
It wasn’t the prettiest of rooms, but it was certainly a bedroom.
There was a bed, there were chairs, some clothes and a closet…but it was in the outdoors.
I made my way towards a wooden bench and sat there for awhile, thinking.
I didn’t find any of this unusual, never once did I think twice about what was going on.
I was to busy thinking of other things. Things I can’t seem to remember.
I heard foot steps and a few brothers and sisters from the community were walking into the room I was in. The room suddenly changed into a very busy street and the bench I was sitting on was now a filthy bus stop bench.
I held a pillow in my right hand and a blanket in the other.
I was crossing the street and running towards the bus with the pillow and blanket (I don’t quite understand why I was running for the bus if I was standing at the bus stop already…)
People kept yelling at me because I wasn’t looking both ways, some people even offered to hold my hand while crossing the street. It felt like a never ending street, it took us awhile to get to the other side.
Then, two men began arguing as we made our way towards the bus. I can’t remember why or who they were, but I do remember that the argument was pointless and stupid. They might’ve been arguing about “how one should cross a street?” or something along those lines. lol.
Once I got into the bus, I couldn’t find my bus pass and nearly cried. It happens to me once in awhile, but I never get so…emotional about it. lol
The bus driver let me in though, he was a kind man.
I sat at the very end of the bus and I remember watching a woman, who then transformed into man (don’t ask…lol) sitting at the very front of the bus. He kept rubbing his hands against each other, as if he was very nervous…or maybe even scared? I thought I saw a tear drop on his cheek, but I wasn’t too sure. And as I laughed and joked with other passengers, he would stare at me, directly into my eyes, and I could almost feel what he was feeling.
But I can’t remember the feeling…
I had no idea where the bus was taking me. I sat there, in a crowded bus, for hour’s maybe, not knowing where I was heading, talking and laughing with people I’ve never seen in my life.
The only thing I can remember clearly is the white pillow and the pink and white blanket.
Strange dream, huh ?
I have too many interpretations as to what it might actually mean. They’re probably all wrong anyways.
I've been having too many of these weird dreams lately.
I’m beginning to feel somewhat frightened to fall asleep now...
Afraid of what I might dream of next… =\
Break Beats
I want the sun to shine in the middle of the rain
I want to hear children laugh and grown men cry
I want stocks to crash in African eyes
I want the music to stop and the waters to part
I want George Bush to wear a kufee… on his heart (…)
I want poets to teach that fascists rule fools
And public education is just obedience school
Wars on terror. Wars on Drugs.
Wars created by Ivy League thugs
I want Bar Harbor sunshine and Brick City Blues
Proclaim Allahu Akbar without being accused
I want to hear the world cry when the T.V. man say
You can help little Maria for just 52 cents a day (…)
I want women to love what they see in the glass
And put down that glass and turn off the glass
And for Men to hold you like you’re as fragile as glass
But you’re as strong as the glass filled with the blood of humanity (…)
By: Brother Dash.
Read the full poem on his website: www.muslimpoet.com
And the poem “Muslimah” is definitely worth the read.
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I want the sun to shine in the middle of the rain
I want to hear children laugh and grown men cry
I want stocks to crash in African eyes
I want the music to stop and the waters to part
I want George Bush to wear a kufee… on his heart (…)
I want poets to teach that fascists rule fools
And public education is just obedience school
Wars on terror. Wars on Drugs.
Wars created by Ivy League thugs
I want Bar Harbor sunshine and Brick City Blues
Proclaim Allahu Akbar without being accused
I want to hear the world cry when the T.V. man say
You can help little Maria for just 52 cents a day (…)
I want women to love what they see in the glass
And put down that glass and turn off the glass
And for Men to hold you like you’re as fragile as glass
But you’re as strong as the glass filled with the blood of humanity (…)
By: Brother Dash.
Read the full poem on his website: www.muslimpoet.com
And the poem “Muslimah” is definitely worth the read.
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
Islam began as something strange and will return to being something strange.
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Islam began as something strange and will return to being something strange.
say whaa?
SUNCHIPS® French Onion Flavoured Multigrain Snacks (beef)
I found this on someone’s blog.
I think Ima cry :'(
Turns out my favourite chips are...hayyyram.
So I’m letting you all know because(believe it or not) I was very glad to know myself :)
You can check out some of their other products (here)
You don’t *have* to stop eating them, but...uhh, now you know. ;) lol.
Just don't come yelling at me tellin’ that I’m paranoid, cos I’m not...
Really...I swear I’m not!
=\ just a little bit. lool.
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I found this on someone’s blog.
I think Ima cry :'(
Turns out my favourite chips are...hayyyram.
So I’m letting you all know because(believe it or not) I was very glad to know myself :)
You can check out some of their other products (here)
You don’t *have* to stop eating them, but...uhh, now you know. ;) lol.
Just don't come yelling at me tellin’ that I’m paranoid, cos I’m not...
Really...I swear I’m not!
=\ just a little bit. lool.
I wonder how the people would respond had they known
that... tomorrow never comes.
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that... tomorrow never comes.
I hate being angry...and the thought of having to be angry just angers me even more...
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Nura the Explorer
LOL. this made me laugh like a mad woman.
It's my little sisters all time favorite show, and I can't stand watching it!
Dora drives me insane. but I could totally watch this version.lol.
The Al-Ikhwan Youth Club (AIYC) is having an open house & a Fundraising Dinner.
Open house:
March 10 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM
March 11 from 12:00 Noon to 6:00PM
Location : 3442 93 Street
Youth Center Fundraising Dinner:
Sunday March 18 at 6:00 PM
Leefield Community center ,across the Markaz Mosque ( 79 St & 36 Ave)
Tickets are $10 per person
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Open house:
March 10 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM
March 11 from 12:00 Noon to 6:00PM
Location : 3442 93 Street
Youth Center Fundraising Dinner:
Sunday March 18 at 6:00 PM
Leefield Community center ,across the Markaz Mosque ( 79 St & 36 Ave)
Tickets are $10 per person
Burdah by Mesut Kurtis
This nasheed reminds me of RIS 2005.
He was supposed to be there(at RIS) but he never showed up. so they played this song over and over and over again during the breaks.
good times, good times....
One of our Muslim sisters has taken the decision to wear the hijab.
I personally believe that this one of the most difficult decisions a young Muslim girl has to make.
Everyone make du’a please.
Insha’Allah, this path will be easy for you =).
I love you Zoya Zaeeeem <3
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I personally believe that this one of the most difficult decisions a young Muslim girl has to make.
Everyone make du’a please.
Insha’Allah, this path will be easy for you =).
I love you Zoya Zaeeeem <3
A very good khutba by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Shareef, masha'Allah.
(Here) it is if anyone would like to listen.
I strongly recommend it
You can check out all his other speeches on Islamway.com
Have an awesome day =)
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(Here) it is if anyone would like to listen.
I strongly recommend it
You can check out all his other speeches on Islamway.com
Have an awesome day =)
William Abdullah Chappelle
I guess Dave Chappelle really IS muslim!
A lot of African Americans are converting now a days, it truly is *masha'Allah*
"He talks about his feelings for being a Muslim and also expresses his desire for his younger brother Michael Jackson to also become Muslim. Infact, he states in the video that he has given many Islamic books to his brother and that Michael is contemplating becoming a Muslim, inshaAllah. Jermaine also talks about his love for Muslims and his desire to live in Muslim countries. He has found great peace and calm through his Islamic beliefs and love of Allah. He was born December 11, 1954,he is an American Grammy Award-winning singer, bass guitarist, former member of The Jackson 5 and brother of American pop stars Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson. And Most importantly, he is a Muslim. Jermaine talks about his love of other cultures and people, his reasons for leaving Christianity and becoming Muslim. His devotion to Allah, the great benefits that he gets from praying five times and also from doing optional fasting during the week. He explains how he feels at ease and peace by his Islamic beliefs and his rememberance of Allah"
Jermaine (Muhammad) Jackson, Michael Jackson's Brother
Insha'Allah MJ will become a Muslim! insha'Allah!
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Jermaine (Muhammad) Jackson, Michael Jackson's Brother
Insha'Allah MJ will become a Muslim! insha'Allah!
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Shariff never ceases to amaze me. I’ve heard him speak at last years “Reviving the Islamic Spirit” conference, also at the first symposium I ever went to in Edmonton. God, I love that man. (For the sake of Allah ladies....chill hahaha)
The other speaker, Faisal Kutty, masha’Allah he’s a very knowledgeable man but I had the hardest time trying to focus on his speech.
But I **love** Muhammad Al-Shariff’s speeches, and the way he reads Quran, Subhan’Allah. WOW.
Hafsah couldn’t stop laughing at his jokes even though they weren’t even all that funny. She said everything he did reminded her of the Office.lol
So in the end, Alhamdullillah this week wasn’t so bad. I thought taking care of the kids while trying to balance that out with school and chores would burden me. On the contrary I’ve leant how to manage my time, something I was never able to achieve AND on the weekends my aunt takes care of the kids so I could finally re/laxxx for at least 2 days. ALHAMDULLILLAH .
So yeah, tonight was awesome, until I saw a whole bunch of the Muslim guys just laughing and talking together, unified.
I’m not saying that ruined my night (lol) it just got me thinking.
It’s like this for every Islamic seminar we ever have, the Muslim brothers all joyful and together... then there are the Muslim sisters *sigh*
Wallahi it saddens me until I start to tear when I think about how divided the Muslims girls are.
Why can’t we just be like the brothers?
I don’t get people; I don’t think I ever will. Here I thought High school was so divided; all the Africans/African Canadians together, all the Indians/Pakistanis together, all the Asians together. I could go on but you get my drift. I always accepted that as it was/is, as if people just feel that need to be with their own kind and I understand because I use to be like that.
And then there’s the hijabi crew, sure you’ll say that were pretty much doing the same thing they’re doing but were not comming together with the same intentions in mind, for that superficiality of ‘same skin colour’ or whatever, but we are uniting by faith. And Alhamdullillah I am so thankful for that because I’ve never experienced something like this in all my years of schooling. And I shouldn’t complain but I really can’t help it. We *are* together (like there’s literally a whole section in one of the Ainlay hallway lockers filled with hijabis) and yet I feel like were divided. I dunno....
It’s like all the superficial muslimahs(sorry I couldn’t help but use this term) talk in a different language, then all the recent immigrant muslimahs speak in a different language, literally. Lol. All the intellectual muslimahs together, all the gangster-wannabe muslimahs together, then there are those who just don’t know where the flip they belong...like myself.
I thought University would be different, but wallahi it’s the exact same except they’ve toned it down a notch. lol. Not as much faces dunked in makeup and not as much girls walking and talking like the female version of 50 Cent haha. I honestly don’t know where I’m getting at with this. I just wish people were more aware of this social catastrophe were facing with the Muslim girls. Maybe if we could all try to change something about ourselves, that ‘something’ that just stops off from braking out of our little cliques and acknowledging our surroundings. We talk about helping others in other countries when we can’t even help ourselves and just love one another for the sake of Allah.
I wish I could change things, but I can’t change things alone as much as I want to and as much as a try to. I’m not being pessimistic, I’m being realistic.
People need to actually realize that this IS a problem that needs to be fixed and just try to put our arrogance aside for the sake of Islam and this IS attainable if we are sincere. If we're not even able to see that this is a problem then the concept of "unity" in islam means nothing to us.
All I really want is to be able to go outside and say “Assaalamu Alaikum” to my Muslim brother or sister and expect a dang response for god’s sake.
One of the brothers who graduated from Ainlay last year **always** used to talk about unity and he engraved it into our minds. People would seriously start to whine and ask if he could speak about a different topic and to just *stop* repeating the same things over and over again “Islam is unity, unity, unity. Islam is one ummah” I swear I never understood the significance of that until I realized what we, the Muslim girls have become.
*sigh* I wont be able to sleep tonight. My mother is the only one I can rave to about anything that’s on my mind...lol
Anyways, it’s almost 2 am and I barely have anything done for my social studies project. I better get to it.
Oh, I think on of the Aunties thought I stole her food tonight LOL. Maybe it’s paranoia but she was like “hey, hey” when I grabbed my food from where I had left it to get a drink. And she said something in another language to me and I replied with “Assalamu’Alaikum Aunty” smiled and left. Lol.
I seriously think its paranoia though lol.
I tend to be random when I have too many things on my mind.
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The other speaker, Faisal Kutty, masha’Allah he’s a very knowledgeable man but I had the hardest time trying to focus on his speech.
But I **love** Muhammad Al-Shariff’s speeches, and the way he reads Quran, Subhan’Allah. WOW.
Hafsah couldn’t stop laughing at his jokes even though they weren’t even all that funny. She said everything he did reminded her of the Office.lol
So in the end, Alhamdullillah this week wasn’t so bad. I thought taking care of the kids while trying to balance that out with school and chores would burden me. On the contrary I’ve leant how to manage my time, something I was never able to achieve AND on the weekends my aunt takes care of the kids so I could finally re/laxxx for at least 2 days. ALHAMDULLILLAH .
So yeah, tonight was awesome, until I saw a whole bunch of the Muslim guys just laughing and talking together, unified.
I’m not saying that ruined my night (lol) it just got me thinking.
It’s like this for every Islamic seminar we ever have, the Muslim brothers all joyful and together... then there are the Muslim sisters *sigh*
Wallahi it saddens me until I start to tear when I think about how divided the Muslims girls are.
Why can’t we just be like the brothers?
I don’t get people; I don’t think I ever will. Here I thought High school was so divided; all the Africans/African Canadians together, all the Indians/Pakistanis together, all the Asians together. I could go on but you get my drift. I always accepted that as it was/is, as if people just feel that need to be with their own kind and I understand because I use to be like that.
And then there’s the hijabi crew, sure you’ll say that were pretty much doing the same thing they’re doing but were not comming together with the same intentions in mind, for that superficiality of ‘same skin colour’ or whatever, but we are uniting by faith. And Alhamdullillah I am so thankful for that because I’ve never experienced something like this in all my years of schooling. And I shouldn’t complain but I really can’t help it. We *are* together (like there’s literally a whole section in one of the Ainlay hallway lockers filled with hijabis) and yet I feel like were divided. I dunno....
It’s like all the superficial muslimahs(sorry I couldn’t help but use this term) talk in a different language, then all the recent immigrant muslimahs speak in a different language, literally. Lol. All the intellectual muslimahs together, all the gangster-wannabe muslimahs together, then there are those who just don’t know where the flip they belong...like myself.
I thought University would be different, but wallahi it’s the exact same except they’ve toned it down a notch. lol. Not as much faces dunked in makeup and not as much girls walking and talking like the female version of 50 Cent haha. I honestly don’t know where I’m getting at with this. I just wish people were more aware of this social catastrophe were facing with the Muslim girls. Maybe if we could all try to change something about ourselves, that ‘something’ that just stops off from braking out of our little cliques and acknowledging our surroundings. We talk about helping others in other countries when we can’t even help ourselves and just love one another for the sake of Allah.
I wish I could change things, but I can’t change things alone as much as I want to and as much as a try to. I’m not being pessimistic, I’m being realistic.
People need to actually realize that this IS a problem that needs to be fixed and just try to put our arrogance aside for the sake of Islam and this IS attainable if we are sincere. If we're not even able to see that this is a problem then the concept of "unity" in islam means nothing to us.
All I really want is to be able to go outside and say “Assaalamu Alaikum” to my Muslim brother or sister and expect a dang response for god’s sake.
One of the brothers who graduated from Ainlay last year **always** used to talk about unity and he engraved it into our minds. People would seriously start to whine and ask if he could speak about a different topic and to just *stop* repeating the same things over and over again “Islam is unity, unity, unity. Islam is one ummah” I swear I never understood the significance of that until I realized what we, the Muslim girls have become.
*sigh* I wont be able to sleep tonight. My mother is the only one I can rave to about anything that’s on my mind...lol
Anyways, it’s almost 2 am and I barely have anything done for my social studies project. I better get to it.
Oh, I think on of the Aunties thought I stole her food tonight LOL. Maybe it’s paranoia but she was like “hey, hey” when I grabbed my food from where I had left it to get a drink. And she said something in another language to me and I replied with “Assalamu’Alaikum Aunty” smiled and left. Lol.
I seriously think its paranoia though lol.
I tend to be random when I have too many things on my mind.
My mom and brothers left for Ethiopia yesterday at noon. They should be there by now. I'd really appreciate it if you made a quick du’a. Insha'Allah they have landed safely. Insha'Allah all is going well...
I miss them already :'(
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I miss them already :'(
"Du'a Al-Qunoot" by Shaikh AbdurRahmaan As-Sudais
I know I posted this video somewhere else on this blog.
I felt like posting it again. It’s so comforting.
My mom leaves for the motherland on Monday along with two of my older brothers.
Taking care of the kids for five straight weeks should be loads of fun *sigh*
That means: no sleeping in on weekends, no little parties, no going out, no ...nothing.
Basically, I no longer have a social life after this Sunday.
So I better party myself out before then. Lol.jokes.
To start off my partying (lol), there’s a little party at the Masajid tonight. The young Hajji’s will enlighten us about their trip to the Hajj. It should be “all a dat” and more, and then it’s the pizza party. I know most of you have absolutely nothing to do on a Friday night (lool) so come out and show ya love for the ummah :)
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Taking care of the kids for five straight weeks should be loads of fun *sigh*
That means: no sleeping in on weekends, no little parties, no going out, no ...nothing.
Basically, I no longer have a social life after this Sunday.
So I better party myself out before then. Lol.jokes.
To start off my partying (lol), there’s a little party at the Masajid tonight. The young Hajji’s will enlighten us about their trip to the Hajj. It should be “all a dat” and more, and then it’s the pizza party. I know most of you have absolutely nothing to do on a Friday night (lool) so come out and show ya love for the ummah :)
A Muslim Wish
Written by Hafsah A
Friday, 05 January 2007
She looks nice. Very polite. Friendly. Open-minded. Genuine. Sincere. Definitely what you’re looking for. Suddenly ideas start whirling in your head… there must be a way to snag this one!!
And of course, there is. You immediately flash a welcoming smile. Your heart swells with as much hope for your newfound acquaintance as a mother’s does for her newborn child. Generosity overrides you. Lavishly, your lips spill babbles of kind, soft words. Mashallah! your mind sputters in disbelief, imagine she was a Muslim too! And so, the seduction begins.
She cracks a joke, although not a funny one.
“Ahahahaha,” you laugh out loud, “that was a good one. Ahaaaa hahaha.” So she doesn’t have the greatest sense of humour, but you muster up a laugh and convince yourself that she’s still a great catch. Besides, her name is Sarah. She won’t even need to change it.
Eventually, after several such graceful encounters, the “I’m a flowery Muslim and look how beautiful Islam really is” notions start to kick in. If she thinks I’m great, you ration, she’ll think Islam is great too.
“You know, the reason I’m nice is ‘cause Islam tells me to be that way. It is, after all, the religion of peace and kindness. Isn’t that something?”
“Wow, I didn’t know that,” she says out loud. To herself she thinks, I’m really liking this Islam thing. Everyone is so nice. I’d like to be around more Muslims more often.
Enter Sister Fatima.
“Ass-,” she’s caught off guard by your dirty look, “salamu Alaikum” she mutters as she quickly escapes your frowning glare. But you don’t hear her mutter; you’ve already heard enough. You whip your glance away, faster than Ben Stiller on the Magnum runway. Astaghfirullah! You think to yourself, This sister seriously needs to clean up her act. Makeup and a hijab?! Astaghfirullah! Jeans? Double astaghfirullah! Talking to a non-mehram? Hopeless! And greeting a fellow Muslim with profanity? It can’t get any worse!! La hawla wala quwata illa billah. What kind of an example is she setting for this Sarah who harbours so much potential? You shake your head.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asks.
I better let her know that not all of us Muslim girls are like that, you decide.“Nothing. I just wish that some Muslims knew what Islam was really all about. You know, the peace and kindness stuff I was telling you about earlier.”“Oh,” she replies.
Don’t we all?
From: Maniac Muslim
That’s definitely what I needed after a full week of finals and midterms.
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Friday, 05 January 2007
She looks nice. Very polite. Friendly. Open-minded. Genuine. Sincere. Definitely what you’re looking for. Suddenly ideas start whirling in your head… there must be a way to snag this one!!
And of course, there is. You immediately flash a welcoming smile. Your heart swells with as much hope for your newfound acquaintance as a mother’s does for her newborn child. Generosity overrides you. Lavishly, your lips spill babbles of kind, soft words. Mashallah! your mind sputters in disbelief, imagine she was a Muslim too! And so, the seduction begins.
She cracks a joke, although not a funny one.
“Ahahahaha,” you laugh out loud, “that was a good one. Ahaaaa hahaha.” So she doesn’t have the greatest sense of humour, but you muster up a laugh and convince yourself that she’s still a great catch. Besides, her name is Sarah. She won’t even need to change it.
Eventually, after several such graceful encounters, the “I’m a flowery Muslim and look how beautiful Islam really is” notions start to kick in. If she thinks I’m great, you ration, she’ll think Islam is great too.
“You know, the reason I’m nice is ‘cause Islam tells me to be that way. It is, after all, the religion of peace and kindness. Isn’t that something?”
“Wow, I didn’t know that,” she says out loud. To herself she thinks, I’m really liking this Islam thing. Everyone is so nice. I’d like to be around more Muslims more often.
Enter Sister Fatima.
“Ass-,” she’s caught off guard by your dirty look, “salamu Alaikum” she mutters as she quickly escapes your frowning glare. But you don’t hear her mutter; you’ve already heard enough. You whip your glance away, faster than Ben Stiller on the Magnum runway. Astaghfirullah! You think to yourself, This sister seriously needs to clean up her act. Makeup and a hijab?! Astaghfirullah! Jeans? Double astaghfirullah! Talking to a non-mehram? Hopeless! And greeting a fellow Muslim with profanity? It can’t get any worse!! La hawla wala quwata illa billah. What kind of an example is she setting for this Sarah who harbours so much potential? You shake your head.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asks.
I better let her know that not all of us Muslim girls are like that, you decide.“Nothing. I just wish that some Muslims knew what Islam was really all about. You know, the peace and kindness stuff I was telling you about earlier.”“Oh,” she replies.
Don’t we all?
From: Maniac Muslim
That’s definitely what I needed after a full week of finals and midterms.
I had this long conversation with a friend of mine. It was about eating halal and whatnot. It started off when she offered me a piece of cake. I couldn’t read the label on it because it was written in Italian so I said “no thanks”.
People get really irritated by me when I tell them something is haram or potentially haram. It’s not like I say it out of conceitedness....wallahi, if anything I’m just trying to help. I don’t go around yelling HARAM every time I get the chance, although that would be very entertaining for me. Lol. I guess people tend to interpret my actions negatively. Most of the time it’s when someone is trying to offer me something and I’m like “No thank you” and then they’ll insist and ask me why. I’m not gonna lie to them... so I straight up ask them if it’s halal. Now people are gonna tell me that I’m too paranoid and I do get that that a lot but hey, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I know people follow different beliefs within the limits of Islam, such as eating meat that is slaughtered by the “ahlul kitab” (the people of the book) who are the Jews and the Christians. Then there are the people who say that eating chicken from outside is totally ok because it’s just a bird. I totally respect that... but when I tell people that I don’t eat any kind of meat from outside (that isn’t labelled halal) or the fact that I have to see the ingredients on anything before I eat it... they flip at me. Lol. I find it very amusing. It’s not like I’m preventing them from eating it or anything ... so why the ‘flipping’? So instead of studying for my Physics midterm, my friend and I sat in the library talking about this the entire time. Then we started talking about all those products that support Israel’s war...more like *used to* but still ... I’d rather not send my money there. I was surprised she didn’t know about Coca-cola, and I told her about Mc.D’s and Starbucks and I was going on with my list until she told me to stop.
She said she’d rather *not know* that way she wouldn’t be sinning because she simply *didn’t know*. I really thought I might be doing her a favour...I guess not. So I asked her if she would rather *know* the truth and maybe save lives, or deliberately *not know* believing that she is benefitting herself =\
We never really got to an understanding so we just dropped the subject. I could tell she didn’t really have much to say after that either than the fact that ‘I just don’t get it’. Yeah, truthfully I really don’t get it, is it really that hard to eat halal? It’s just food right? lol. I’m not gonna force people to check what they eat, I just wish they could get off my case about how I eat.
“Take some! They're just cookies for God’s sakes!” hahah. That made me laugh. You know, some cookies can also be haram? Lol. Paranoid a tad bit? Yeah,I know I am. But did u know that the person who consumes haram doesn’t have his/her du’as answered?
“But I didn’t know...” Well now ya know ;)
“But i paid like 7 bucks for it!” Money ain’t a thing sista.
“I’ll just say Bismillah” Sure, but isn't it kinda like sayin , In the name of Allah I eat this piece of pork? hmm, I couldn’t of said it better myself :)
School sure is fun.
Just the other day, this other friend of mine and I had a discussion about the differences between a Salafi and a Sufi. Something I never really understood ...or maybe it’s just that I force myself not to understand...
I better get back to studying. This halal and haram business is gettin' me all caught up.
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People get really irritated by me when I tell them something is haram or potentially haram. It’s not like I say it out of conceitedness....wallahi, if anything I’m just trying to help. I don’t go around yelling HARAM every time I get the chance, although that would be very entertaining for me. Lol. I guess people tend to interpret my actions negatively. Most of the time it’s when someone is trying to offer me something and I’m like “No thank you” and then they’ll insist and ask me why. I’m not gonna lie to them... so I straight up ask them if it’s halal. Now people are gonna tell me that I’m too paranoid and I do get that that a lot but hey, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I know people follow different beliefs within the limits of Islam, such as eating meat that is slaughtered by the “ahlul kitab” (the people of the book) who are the Jews and the Christians. Then there are the people who say that eating chicken from outside is totally ok because it’s just a bird. I totally respect that... but when I tell people that I don’t eat any kind of meat from outside (that isn’t labelled halal) or the fact that I have to see the ingredients on anything before I eat it... they flip at me. Lol. I find it very amusing. It’s not like I’m preventing them from eating it or anything ... so why the ‘flipping’? So instead of studying for my Physics midterm, my friend and I sat in the library talking about this the entire time. Then we started talking about all those products that support Israel’s war...more like *used to* but still ... I’d rather not send my money there. I was surprised she didn’t know about Coca-cola, and I told her about Mc.D’s and Starbucks and I was going on with my list until she told me to stop.
She said she’d rather *not know* that way she wouldn’t be sinning because she simply *didn’t know*. I really thought I might be doing her a favour...I guess not. So I asked her if she would rather *know* the truth and maybe save lives, or deliberately *not know* believing that she is benefitting herself =\
We never really got to an understanding so we just dropped the subject. I could tell she didn’t really have much to say after that either than the fact that ‘I just don’t get it’. Yeah, truthfully I really don’t get it, is it really that hard to eat halal? It’s just food right? lol. I’m not gonna force people to check what they eat, I just wish they could get off my case about how I eat.
“Take some! They're just cookies for God’s sakes!” hahah. That made me laugh. You know, some cookies can also be haram? Lol. Paranoid a tad bit? Yeah,I know I am. But did u know that the person who consumes haram doesn’t have his/her du’as answered?
“But I didn’t know...” Well now ya know ;)
“But i paid like 7 bucks for it!” Money ain’t a thing sista.
“I’ll just say Bismillah” Sure, but isn't it kinda like sayin , In the name of Allah I eat this piece of pork? hmm, I couldn’t of said it better myself :)
School sure is fun.
Just the other day, this other friend of mine and I had a discussion about the differences between a Salafi and a Sufi. Something I never really understood ...or maybe it’s just that I force myself not to understand...
I better get back to studying. This halal and haram business is gettin' me all caught up.
Subhan’Allah. This is what it has come to.
With all the hatred and ignorance towards the religion of Islam ...this is just one big cherry on top! They took everything completely out of context!!
Anyways, for those who are not aware of what happened: A documentary was aired on channel 4 (UK) based on journalist’s who went undercover into Masajids and filmed Sheyukh and Imams while they gave speeches and Khutbas. This was done over the period of 12 months ( dang...that is a looong time, they must’ve heard SOMETHING that pleased them! ). Ok, so after the undercover journalist’s video taped all the speeches over those 12 months, they decided to cut and paste everything in a manner that would make those Sheyukh look like barbaric, non-muslim hatin, terrorising, misogynists and the list goes on....
Don’t they have anything better to do with their time! Nothing good will come out of this...
I was hesitant to post these videos on my blog, but then no one would know what I’m talking about....so here they are. They’re about 10 minutes each and the last 2 videos are Imam Abu Usamah and Sheikh Yassir Qadhi expressing their thoughts about these false allegations.
1 of 6
2 of 6
3 of 6
4 of 6
5 of 6
6 of 6
In response:
Imam Abu Usamah
"Yasir Qadhi delivers a right and a left to the documentary that has rocked the Muslim community in UK. The documentary that is sinister and ... all » evil in its intent to defame Muslims and divide them along lines of the so-called Wahhabi and non-Wahhabi!"
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With all the hatred and ignorance towards the religion of Islam ...this is just one big cherry on top! They took everything completely out of context!!
Anyways, for those who are not aware of what happened: A documentary was aired on channel 4 (UK) based on journalist’s who went undercover into Masajids and filmed Sheyukh and Imams while they gave speeches and Khutbas. This was done over the period of 12 months ( dang...that is a looong time, they must’ve heard SOMETHING that pleased them! ). Ok, so after the undercover journalist’s video taped all the speeches over those 12 months, they decided to cut and paste everything in a manner that would make those Sheyukh look like barbaric, non-muslim hatin, terrorising, misogynists and the list goes on....
Don’t they have anything better to do with their time! Nothing good will come out of this...
I was hesitant to post these videos on my blog, but then no one would know what I’m talking about....so here they are. They’re about 10 minutes each and the last 2 videos are Imam Abu Usamah and Sheikh Yassir Qadhi expressing their thoughts about these false allegations.
1 of 6
2 of 6
3 of 6
4 of 6
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6 of 6
In response:
Imam Abu Usamah
"Yasir Qadhi delivers a right and a left to the documentary that has rocked the Muslim community in UK. The documentary that is sinister and ... all » evil in its intent to defame Muslims and divide them along lines of the so-called Wahhabi and non-Wahhabi!"
They have a reason to beat me today. I’ll be looking forward to sore arms =\
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They have a reason to beat me today. I’ll be looking forward to sore arms =\
Friend: Hey, I'll call you tonight at 12, O.K?
Me: O.K, but why would u call me so late?
Friend: um...don't you know what tomorrow is?
Me: oh.riiiight (lol) i can't believe i forgot.wow.
Time sure does fly.
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Me: O.K, but why would u call me so late?
Friend: um...don't you know what tomorrow is?
Me: oh.riiiight (lol) i can't believe i forgot.wow.
Time sure does fly.
Halaqa tonight at Markaz Ul-Islam basement/7:30 pm.
We will be watching a dvd of Sheikh Khalid Yasin. (an aweeeesome Sheikh btw...masha'Allah)
I'm sure there'll be a discussion after it.
Be there or be square =P
Oh, btw, here's a link to one of Sheikh Khalid Yasin's many speeches.
(in Australia I believe.)
Endless Dreams: What is the Purpose of Life - Shaykh Khalid Yasin
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We will be watching a dvd of Sheikh Khalid Yasin. (an aweeeesome Sheikh btw...masha'Allah)
I'm sure there'll be a discussion after it.
Be there or be square =P
Oh, btw, here's a link to one of Sheikh Khalid Yasin's many speeches.
(in Australia I believe.)
Endless Dreams: What is the Purpose of Life - Shaykh Khalid Yasin
To all the ladies out there wanting to get into shape or if you're just looking for some plain ol' fun... we've been given a gym to use for the winter by the Edmonton Public Schools!!! The gym is ours every Tuesday for 2 hours at Jackson Heights School from 6:15-8:15. For those who don't know where Jackson Height School is, it's by
Sheena Alami & Hafsah/Herrah Mohammad's house.
Sheena has offered to give directions to anyone that needs them.
We will be doing ***fun*** physical activities ;D. This is an awesome way to stay in shape and have some fun while hangin' with your Muslim sisters.
I hope to see you all next Tuesday insha'Allah, and tell as many sisters as u can!
(I'll get back to you on the address)
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Sheena Alami & Hafsah/Herrah Mohammad's house.
Sheena has offered to give directions to anyone that needs them.
We will be doing ***fun*** physical activities ;D. This is an awesome way to stay in shape and have some fun while hangin' with your Muslim sisters.
I hope to see you all next Tuesday insha'Allah, and tell as many sisters as u can!
(I'll get back to you on the address)
Pop Culture in the Name of Islam
by Yvonne Ridley
I FEEL very uncomfortable about the pop culture which is growing around some so-called Nasheed artists. Of course I use the term ‘Nasheed artists’ very lightly. Islamic ‘boy bands’ and Muslim ‘popsters’ would probably be more appropriate.
Eminent scholars throughout history have often opined that music is haram, and I don’t recall reading anything about the Sahaba whooping it up to the sound of music. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for people letting off steam, but in a dignified manner and one which is appropriate to their surroundings.
The reason I am expressing concern is that just a few days ago at a venue in Central London, sisters went wild in the aisles as some form of pop-mania swept through the concert venue. And I’m not just talking about silly, little girls who don’t know any better; I am talking about sisters in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, who squealed, shouted, swayed and danced. Even the security guys who looked more like pipe cleaners than bulldozers were left looking dazed and confused as they tried to stop hijabi sisters from standing on their chairs. Of course the stage groupies did not help at all as they waved and encouraged the largely female Muslim crowd to “get up and sing along.” (They’re called ‘Fluffers’ in lap-dancing circles!)
The source of all this adulation was British-born Sami Yusuf, who is so proud of his claret-colored passport that he wants us all to wave the Union Jacks. I’m amazed he didn’t encourage his fans to sing “Land of Hope and Glory.” Brother Sami asked his audience to cheer if they were proud to be British ,and when they responded loudly, he said he couldn’t hear them and asked them to cheer again.
How can anyone be proud to be British? Britain is the third most hated country in the world. The Union Jack is drenched in the blood of our brothers and sisters across Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine. Our history is steeped in the blood of colonialism, rooted in slavery, brutality, torture, and oppression. And we haven’t had a decent game of soccer since we lifted the World Cup in 1966.
Apparently Sami also said one of the selling points of Brand UK was having Muslims in the Metropolitan Police Force! Astafur’Allah! Dude, these are the same cops who have a shoot-to-kill policy and would have gunned down a Muslim last year if they could tell the difference between a Bangladeshi and a Brazilian. This is the same police force that has raided more than 3000 Muslim homes in Britain since 9/11. What sort of life is there on Planet Sami, I wonder? If he is so proud to be British, why is he living in the great Middle Eastern democracy of Egypt?
Apparently the sort of hysteria Sami helped encourage is also in America, and if it is happening on both sides of the Atlantic, then it must be creeping around the globe and poisoning the masses. Islamic boy bands like 786 and Mecca 2 Medina are also the subject of the sort of female adulation you expect to see on American Pop Idol or the X-Factor. Surely Islamic events should be promoting restrained and more sedate behavior.
Do we blame the out-of-control sisters? Or do we blame the organizers for allowing this sort of excessive behavior which demeans Islam? Or do we blame the artists themselves?
Abu Ali and Abu Abdul Malik, struggling for their Deen, would certainly not try to whip up this sort of hysteria. Neither would the anonymous heroic Nasheed artists who sing for freedom; check out Idhrib Ya Asad Fallujah, and you will know exactly what I mean.
Fallujah is now synonymous with the sort of heroic resistance that elevated the Palestinians of Jenin to the ranks of the resistance written about in the Paris Communeand the Siege of Leningrad. The US military has banned the playing of any Nasheeds about Fallujah because of the power and the passion it evokes.
If those Nasheeds had sisters running in the streets whooping and dancing, however, the Nasheeds may be encouraged [Note from Siraaj: She probably meant discouraged, not encouraged] because of haram activity surrounding them.
Quite frankly, I really don’t know how anyone in the Ummah can really let go and scream and shout with joy at pleasure domes when there is so much brutality and suffering going on in the world today. The rivers of blood flow freely from the veins of our brothers and sisters from across the Muslim world. Screaming and shouting the names of musical heroes drown out the screams coming from the dungeons of Uzbekistan where brothers and sisters are boiled alive in vats of water. How many will jump up and down and wave their arms in the air, shouting wildly for justice for our kin in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, and Iraq? There are many more killing fields as well across the Asian and Arab world. Will you climb on theater chairs and express your rage over Guantanamo Bay and other gulags where our brothers and sisters are being tortured, raped, sodomized, beaten, and burned? Or will you just switch off this concerned sister and switch on to the likes of Sami Yusuf because he can sell you a pipe dream with his soothing words and melodic voice?
Oh, Muslims, wake up! The Ummah is not bleeding; it is hemorrhaging.
Listen not to what is haram. Listen to the pain of your global family.
I personally love this piece. To all the Sami fans, I'm sure she didn't mean to attack him. This is a general statement (sadly...this goes out to Outlandish as well =\ ) I solely believe that there is no uncertainty when it comes to the issue of "music". The unlawfulness of music is clearly stated in Hadith Bukhari, the most authentic Book of Hadith:There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of musical instruments.
Barakallah Fikum to Sister Yvonne Ridley for being straightforward with her concerns. My sudden inclination for Outlandishs’ music has led me away from the Quran and so this goes out to me first and foremost. I decided to share it with you all so that we can all benefit from this Insha'Allah. I know this is a very controversial subject. You may disagree or agree with my opinion, either way; I’ll respect your opinion just as I’d expect for you to respect mine. Insha’Allah Khair.
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I FEEL very uncomfortable about the pop culture which is growing around some so-called Nasheed artists. Of course I use the term ‘Nasheed artists’ very lightly. Islamic ‘boy bands’ and Muslim ‘popsters’ would probably be more appropriate.
Eminent scholars throughout history have often opined that music is haram, and I don’t recall reading anything about the Sahaba whooping it up to the sound of music. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for people letting off steam, but in a dignified manner and one which is appropriate to their surroundings.
The reason I am expressing concern is that just a few days ago at a venue in Central London, sisters went wild in the aisles as some form of pop-mania swept through the concert venue. And I’m not just talking about silly, little girls who don’t know any better; I am talking about sisters in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, who squealed, shouted, swayed and danced. Even the security guys who looked more like pipe cleaners than bulldozers were left looking dazed and confused as they tried to stop hijabi sisters from standing on their chairs. Of course the stage groupies did not help at all as they waved and encouraged the largely female Muslim crowd to “get up and sing along.” (They’re called ‘Fluffers’ in lap-dancing circles!)
The source of all this adulation was British-born Sami Yusuf, who is so proud of his claret-colored passport that he wants us all to wave the Union Jacks. I’m amazed he didn’t encourage his fans to sing “Land of Hope and Glory.” Brother Sami asked his audience to cheer if they were proud to be British ,and when they responded loudly, he said he couldn’t hear them and asked them to cheer again.
How can anyone be proud to be British? Britain is the third most hated country in the world. The Union Jack is drenched in the blood of our brothers and sisters across Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine. Our history is steeped in the blood of colonialism, rooted in slavery, brutality, torture, and oppression. And we haven’t had a decent game of soccer since we lifted the World Cup in 1966.
Apparently Sami also said one of the selling points of Brand UK was having Muslims in the Metropolitan Police Force! Astafur’Allah! Dude, these are the same cops who have a shoot-to-kill policy and would have gunned down a Muslim last year if they could tell the difference between a Bangladeshi and a Brazilian. This is the same police force that has raided more than 3000 Muslim homes in Britain since 9/11. What sort of life is there on Planet Sami, I wonder? If he is so proud to be British, why is he living in the great Middle Eastern democracy of Egypt?
Apparently the sort of hysteria Sami helped encourage is also in America, and if it is happening on both sides of the Atlantic, then it must be creeping around the globe and poisoning the masses. Islamic boy bands like 786 and Mecca 2 Medina are also the subject of the sort of female adulation you expect to see on American Pop Idol or the X-Factor. Surely Islamic events should be promoting restrained and more sedate behavior.
Do we blame the out-of-control sisters? Or do we blame the organizers for allowing this sort of excessive behavior which demeans Islam? Or do we blame the artists themselves?
Abu Ali and Abu Abdul Malik, struggling for their Deen, would certainly not try to whip up this sort of hysteria. Neither would the anonymous heroic Nasheed artists who sing for freedom; check out Idhrib Ya Asad Fallujah, and you will know exactly what I mean.
Fallujah is now synonymous with the sort of heroic resistance that elevated the Palestinians of Jenin to the ranks of the resistance written about in the Paris Communeand the Siege of Leningrad. The US military has banned the playing of any Nasheeds about Fallujah because of the power and the passion it evokes.
If those Nasheeds had sisters running in the streets whooping and dancing, however, the Nasheeds may be encouraged [Note from Siraaj: She probably meant discouraged, not encouraged] because of haram activity surrounding them.
Quite frankly, I really don’t know how anyone in the Ummah can really let go and scream and shout with joy at pleasure domes when there is so much brutality and suffering going on in the world today. The rivers of blood flow freely from the veins of our brothers and sisters from across the Muslim world. Screaming and shouting the names of musical heroes drown out the screams coming from the dungeons of Uzbekistan where brothers and sisters are boiled alive in vats of water. How many will jump up and down and wave their arms in the air, shouting wildly for justice for our kin in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, and Iraq? There are many more killing fields as well across the Asian and Arab world. Will you climb on theater chairs and express your rage over Guantanamo Bay and other gulags where our brothers and sisters are being tortured, raped, sodomized, beaten, and burned? Or will you just switch off this concerned sister and switch on to the likes of Sami Yusuf because he can sell you a pipe dream with his soothing words and melodic voice?
Oh, Muslims, wake up! The Ummah is not bleeding; it is hemorrhaging.
Listen not to what is haram. Listen to the pain of your global family.
I personally love this piece. To all the Sami fans, I'm sure she didn't mean to attack him. This is a general statement (sadly...this goes out to Outlandish as well =\ ) I solely believe that there is no uncertainty when it comes to the issue of "music". The unlawfulness of music is clearly stated in Hadith Bukhari, the most authentic Book of Hadith:There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of musical instruments.
Barakallah Fikum to Sister Yvonne Ridley for being straightforward with her concerns. My sudden inclination for Outlandishs’ music has led me away from the Quran and so this goes out to me first and foremost. I decided to share it with you all so that we can all benefit from this Insha'Allah. I know this is a very controversial subject. You may disagree or agree with my opinion, either way; I’ll respect your opinion just as I’d expect for you to respect mine. Insha’Allah Khair.
Reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference(RIS)
The whole gang

If anyone would like to see the rest of the RIS pics, lemme know. I'm not planning on putting them *all* up on this blog.
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If anyone would like to see the rest of the RIS pics, lemme know. I'm not planning on putting them *all* up on this blog.