

I had this long conversation with a friend of mine. It was about eating halal and whatnot. It started off when she offered me a piece of cake. I couldn’t read the label on it because it was written in Italian so I said “no thanks”.
People get really irritated by me when I tell them something is haram or potentially haram. It’s not like I say it out of conceitedness....wallahi, if anything I’m just trying to help. I don’t go around yelling HARAM every time I get the chance, although that would be very entertaining for me. Lol. I guess people tend to interpret my actions negatively. Most of the time it’s when someone is trying to offer me something and I’m like “No thank you” and then they’ll insist and ask me why. I’m not gonna lie to them... so I straight up ask them if it’s halal. Now people are gonna tell me that I’m too paranoid and I do get that that a lot but hey, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I know people follow different beliefs within the limits of Islam, such as eating meat that is slaughtered by the “ahlul kitab” (the people of the book) who are the Jews and the Christians. Then there are the people who say that eating chicken from outside is totally ok because it’s just a bird. I totally respect that... but when I tell people that I don’t eat any kind of meat from outside (that isn’t labelled halal) or the fact that I have to see the ingredients on anything before I eat it... they flip at me. Lol. I find it very amusing. It’s not like I’m preventing them from eating it or anything ... so why the ‘flipping’? So instead of studying for my Physics midterm, my friend and I sat in the library talking about this the entire time. Then we started talking about all those products that support Israel’s war...more like *used to* but still ... I’d rather not send my money there. I was surprised she didn’t know about Coca-cola, and I told her about Mc.D’s and Starbucks and I was going on with my list until she told me to stop.
She said she’d rather *not know* that way she wouldn’t be sinning because she simply *didn’t know*. I really thought I might be doing her a favour...I guess not. So I asked her if she would rather *know* the truth and maybe save lives, or deliberately *not know* believing that she is benefitting herself =\
We never really got to an understanding so we just dropped the subject. I could tell she didn’t really have much to say after that either than the fact that ‘I just don’t get it’. Yeah, truthfully I really don’t get it, is it really that hard to eat halal? It’s just food right? lol. I’m not gonna force people to check what they eat, I just wish they could get off my case about how I eat.
“Take some! They're just cookies for God’s sakes!” hahah. That made me laugh. You know, some cookies can also be haram? Lol. Paranoid a tad bit? Yeah,I know I am. But did u know that the person who consumes haram doesn’t have his/her du’as answered?
“But I didn’t know...” Well now ya know ;)
“But i paid like 7 bucks for it!” Money ain’t a thing sista.
“I’ll just say Bismillah” Sure, but isn't it kinda like sayin , In the name of Allah I eat this piece of pork? hmm, I couldn’t of said it better myself :)
School sure is fun.
Just the other day, this other friend of mine and I had a discussion about the differences between a Salafi and a Sufi. Something I never really understood ...or maybe it’s just that I force myself not to understand...
I better get back to studying. This halal and haram business is gettin' me all caught up.

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