
Break Beats
I want the sun to shine in the middle of the rain
I want to hear children laugh and grown men cry
I want stocks to crash in African eyes
I want the music to stop and the waters to part
I want George Bush to wear a kufee… on his heart (…)

I want poets to teach that fascists rule fools
And public education is just obedience school
Wars on terror. Wars on Drugs.
Wars created by Ivy League thugs
I want Bar Harbor sunshine and Brick City Blues
Proclaim Allahu Akbar without being accused
I want to hear the world cry when the T.V. man say
You can help little Maria for just 52 cents a day (…)

I want women to love what they see in the glass
And put down that glass and turn off the glass
And for Men to hold you like you’re as fragile as glass
But you’re as strong as the glass filled with the blood of humanity (…)
By: Brother Dash.

Read the full poem on his website:
And the poem “Muslimah” is definitely worth the read.

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