Today I went to that marriage talk at the U of A....I was suppose to go shopping instead but my dad got stuck in traffic at the airport so it was a last minute thing..I didn't think anyone my age would, I had nothing better to do.. either than studying but I'm sick of that. It was actually very interesting, i didn't take any notes though...sadly I'm not very good at taking notes..but the most important thing that I did learn is: not to expect too much from your futur spouse...but I like it better in the sense that we shouldn't expect too much from anyone because sometimes our expectations are to high wich "will" cause some killer problems. He (the speaker) also said to the ladies that we better forget about all those oh so fancy, fantasie weddings...cause it it gon happen! I was like "aww man! does that meen I wont get to wear a tiara when I get married :'( "
It was nice seeing all those muslim faces, the one thing i like about islamic seminars is the environment, its always so peaceful and everyone is so nice to one another, hugs and kisses on the cheek (lol).
Although some people are two faced (actually everyone is) and are so nice at these types of gatherings and become a totally different person in other public areas (such as school), its always good to see their better side when things like these come around : )
I met a few new people from Ottawa, some from my hometown Toronto, some Northsiders, Southsiders don't recall no east or westsiders (lol)
can't wait for that symposium though!
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