
Bus ride

This morning I woke up 30 minutes before catching my bus....Kind of weird since I usualy wake up 1 hour or 2 max before the bus comes. I had no time for breakfast and nearly forgot to brush my teeth, I had put my shoes on and ran out of the house. I got to the bus stop , I was half asleep and the bus came about 2 minutes after I got there. The bus stoped right infront of me and I was the last one to get on...
I'm on the bus and I could see this girl wearing one of those school uniforms with a little baby in a stroller. I was looking at her, but not really I said, I was half asleap so I didn't really know what it was I was looking at. All I see is her struggling with the stroller, she just kept moving it back and forth ..and I'm like "ok...whats goin on?" This other lady starts yelling at me and this other girl next to me...this is what she said "Can't you see she's tryna get off the bus?! Move outa the way! GEEZ!" I was so shocked and literally ran off the bus! I'm thinking "Oh my god." I get off the bus to make way, once I was off I told that girl that I was so sorry and that I didn't know she was trying to get off, she told me not to even worry about it and gave me a smile. The whole bus heard me when I apologized while the other girl(that was blocking my way to begin with and that was also yelled at) just stood there and watched her and gave me this wierd dirty look. I get on the bus and sit right in front of the woman that yelled at me, the whole bus ride she was looking at me and I could see her from the corner of my eye, I'm thinking "don't look back! don't look back!" She was so scary, when she yelled, it was as if she was only yelling at me, even though there were atleast 2 others in the way, and if it weren't for those 2, then I wouldn't even be in her way to begin with! I can't stop thinking about! I was thinking about it the whole entire day! I'm thinking "It's probably cause I'm muslim....or maybe cause I'm black!" ...But the woman who yelled at me was black and the girl with the stroller was I guess that doesn't work (lol)....but I did look around..and I was the only muslim that I could "see" on the bus, no other hijabs, no coofis.....I'm not going to jump to conclusion here but when I ever I get dirty looks, I know its because of the way I dress (hijab)....I dont get why people seem so threatened by a girl wearing a's acually really funny. (lol)

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