I love my kids. I think they’re great. They can do some stuff, like counting to 20 and waving bye-bye. But that’s nothing compared to some kids – there are children out there who can recite the Qur’an, or win Olympic medals when they’re still in high school. This kind of success doesn’t come easily, and behind every outstanding child, there tends to be a pushy parent. And in front of every outstanding child there tends to be a difficult adulthood. So, who can blame those pushy parents for shoving their children into the spotlight before they turn into rebellious adults? Find out which tots and teens are currently enjoying their moment in the sun in our Top 10 Most Precocious Children.
10. Suri Cruise
Let’s start with the most high-profile 7-year-old in the fashion world. Born to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, she was famous at first for never being seen in public, so protective was Cruise over the baby. How things have changed – not only is Suri regularly snapped in public, in a number of on-trend outfits, but she is now launching her own fashion range.. At the age of 7, yes.
It’s not impossible that the fashion range is a result of her famous parentage, rather than her childrenswear expertise, but it’s said that she has a good eye for design and has been sketching out ideas. There may also be a stylist involved in the project somewhere. But, at an age where most girls are still traipsing around in their mother’s high heels, Suri is making money from fashion. Remarkable, hey?
9. Guan Tianlang
A youth now that’s achieved fame through skill rather than parentage, Guan Tianlang is a 14-year-old golf prodigy who has been accused of hurting professional golf by exposing just how much of the game relies on modern equipment rather than hard work. But there’s no denying that he has talent and he is the youngest person to ever qualify for the Masters Tournament. He has even impressed Tiger Woods, who said “It’s frightening to think that he was born after I won my first Masters” but also praised the youngster’s golfing prowess. One to watch for the future…
8. Blue Ivy Carter
It’s not every toddler that has her own throne. But this is no ordinary toddler. She is Blue Ivy Carter, daughter of Beyonce and Jay-Z and she is a diva in waiting. Hence the personalized throne (above) in her mother’s dressing room. As yet, she hasn’t been given her own fashion line, a la Suri but surely it’s only a matter of time. One product area she may want to steer clear of is hairdressing, as a shot of her curly baby hair provoked a tirade of scorn from strangers on the internet, saying things such as “Blue Ivy looks like she just got thrown out of the club”. When baby bad hair days go viral, you know that baby has an exciting future ahead…
7. Stephan Wolski
Blue Ivy may be the world’s glitziest toddler, but not all children are destined for showbusiness. Some of the talented youngsters out there are studying hard to become the geeks of the next generation. And by “geeks”, I mean they’ll probably be making their fortunes out of tech start-ups. Exhibit A: Stephan Wolski, who has just graduated the College of Southern Maryland with an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science and Technology at the age of 15. Next, he’ll be doing his Bachelor’s degree and then after that…world domination. Probably.
6. Lourdes Leon
Another celebrity offspring that looks to follow in her famous mother’s footsteps, Madonna’s daughter Lourdes is currently studying at LaGuardia High School of Music & Art & Performing arts. The school has an impressive list of alumni, including Jennifer Aniston and Sarah Michelle Gellar and it seems that the 16-year-old can’t resist the lure of performing.
But in many other ways, Lourdes is rebelling. She was caught smoking by Madonna, who apparently has a zero-tolerance on cigarettes and has dyed green streaks into her hair. She’s also dating an actor, 17-year-old fellow student Timothée Chalamet and, in typical teenage girl style, has been seen reading Sylvia Plath. Not that Madonna can really complain about any rebelliousness, given her parent-shocking antics in the 1980s. Still, seems like Lourdes won’t be fading into obscurity any time soon.
Read More Top 10 Most Precocious Children
Source : http://www.smashinglists.com/
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