

Assalamualaikum , what up !!

Alhamdulillah , today mama and I were fasted . Kami berbuka puasa dengan mihun sup ayam . It was so delicious . mmmmmm of cousre , tengoklah siapa yang masak hehehhehe . 50%  mama and another 50% was me . So back to my life story *for anyone who don't know what I'm saying about , you can click here -  after 3 months we were waiting for SPM result . Alhamdulillah we got good results .

Then , Farah Ain got an offer from UITM (Perak) . At the same time , Siti Nadirah also got an offer from UITM (Shah Alam) and  Aisya studying at Unirazak  .Wah ~ I'm so jealous  with them T_T . Anyhow Congratulation  ~ !! ^^
Okay , enough talking about my friends . How about yours ? Okay okay okay . My family and I have our own plan . So I just hope that our plan is going smoothly . InsyaAllah . Pray for me ^^

After a few months later , Imtiyaz had a BBQ at Sarah's house . Here some pictures ~

Thanks friends , I had fun with you all ^^  I hope and pray for you all the best . I hope you guys will not forget me  . ^^

The conclusion is a lot of things that I have done in this 10 months . All of them will be my memories ^^

~Don't be dismayed by goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again . And meeting again after moments or lifetimes is certain for those who are friends ~ 

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