
Drug Testing Programs at Workplace Improve Productivity (Drugteststrips)

Employees are an important asset for running a business. They need to have the necessary skills and above all, health to perform optimally at workplace. If employees are under the influence of psychotropic substances, it is likely to hit their productivity massively. Drug testing programs are an option worth to consider preventing such a situation. This article emphasizes the use of drug testing programs at workplace and explains how they are beneficial.

Workplace productivity is important for employers:

Employers are focused on maintaining optimal productivity at workplace. Productivity plays an important role in healthy growth of the business, growth of employees and profitability of the enterprise in the long run.

Drug free environment in workplace creates a good working environment to all employees, this in turn, improves a competitive functioning for achieving higher productivity. Drug tests at working places help improve concentration on job performance, moral values and attendance. Drug testing programs during before and after employment makes it sure to hire healthy workforce.

Drug testing at workplace is meant to make it safe:

When working places are affected by the illicit drug abuse, it affects the action of other employees too. Drug testing helps improve the safety levels; performance of employee's which are the critical factors for successful functioning of business.

Drug testing: a deterrent to employees:

Conducting drug tests at workplace acts as a deterrent to employees; they fear of being caught. It might also lead to consequences such as mandatory health checkup - in house or sending the employee for a referral program. All this is likely to be embarrassing to employees. Drug testing, therefore, works as an effective deterrent to employees.

Better employee attitude:

Drug-free working environment improves relationship among employees and they can work with a team spirit that leads to healthy relationship among employees and employers. When employees are healthy, they are more likely to have a positive attitude towards the job.

Employers' expenditure on healthcare reduces:

Drug testing leads to reduction in number of visits by the employee's to hospitals because the employee stays away from drugs. Consequently, there are fewer ailments and complications, the hospitalization charges of which are expensive. The number of insurance claims on the employee's tends to decrease. This in turn, reduces expenses on premium for employees' health insurance coverage.

Less number of casualties and therefore less insurance claims:

Studies reveal that drug tests conducted at companies on a regular basis reduce the risk of accidents by 71.2% annually and thus ensure safety at workplace. When employee's safety and health is protected, businesses can considerably reduce expenses on insurance claims.

Companies that make mandatory drug tests on their employee's for reducing drug abuse will help in reducing significant amount on insurance premiums because insurers charge higher premium for such employees. When there are fewer accidents, the number of insurance claims decrease as well. Insurers are likely to provide insurance at lower cost on employer's by providing discounts on premium payments when the workplaces are drug-free.

Use reliable drug test kits:

To accomplish a drug free environment at workplace, an effective method of enforcing drug testing program is, using drug test kits. These kits are reliable, fast, accurate and economical. These kits have been approved by FDA and have been standardized by SAMHSA.

Drug testing programs are beneficial to both employers and employees. They help increase productivity and profitability of businesses.

DrugTestStrips is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug test kits at affordable prices. Marijuana drug testing kit from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine.

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