
Perfect Place to Regain the Lost Life

Alcohol consumption is a dreadful habit that most men and women are addicted to. Knowing the effects of alcohol many continue, as they cannot quit it due to the addiction level. Though there are various health related issues, one of the serious effects that affect the alcohol abusers is Wernicke's encephalopathy. Wernicke is a brain damage that is caused due to deficiency in thiamine. Malnutrition or poor cellular nutrition is also one another major reason behind this disease. The abusers of alcohol lack in vitamins and nutrition due to excessive vomiting and less intake of nutritious food. This is the reason behind this brain damage disease which is very hard to find at early stage. It damages the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, sensory organs and functioning of liver.

Symptoms and treatment for Wernicke's disease

The affected person get severe memory loss, mental and physical instability, amnesia, vision problems, impaired hearing, confusion, drowsiness, mental disorders and many more. The disease gets worse if intake of alcohol continues. It may affect the person immediately within no time and the patient has to be injected with sufficient level of vitamin B1 or thiamine to get back to normality. The patient can be recovered at early stage of identifying the problem if not violent to alcohol. The treatment is provided by injecting specific dosage of thiamine through intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) injections for certain period of time. Along with drugs, the affected person must take healthy and nutritious diet to compensate the nutrients and vitamins that are lacking. B complex vitamin is also prescribed minimum thrice a day for few weeks. The best treatment can be given through rehabilitation methods.

Role of Home Care Centers in rehabilitation

The home care centers provide exceptional support and care for such persons to regain their lost life. Persons with this kind of brain damage disease who wish to regain their physical and mental health can become a resident of such centers for easy recovery. These home care professional have wide knowledge about the vulnerability of such disease and offer best care to live with confidence independence and get back their skills to lead a happy life. The features and benefit derived from such centers are

Maintain privacy and can live without any restrictions or considerationsTake care of each individual with special care promoting independenceTreat all residents equally in spite of culture, language and beliefProvide nutritious food to regain their health with good vitamins and nutrients for fast recoveryRetrieve the lost skills to get back communication skills, safety skills, social development skillsEnhance the way of living, more hygienic with good self careProvide activity programs to socialize with othersInvolve them in day to day activities like cooking, gardening, yoga, art classes and many

These services offer pleasant environment and neat accommodation filled with facilities like gym, access to internet, salon and recreational activities. They provide ways to live healthy and happy life to come out of their darkness by providing certain responsibilities. People who are in search of such organizations can blindly go with them as they support and care for you to the extreme.

With the increasing number of people suffering from alcohol abuse, the demand for relevant care facilities has also increased. To learn how they treat people with wernicke encephalopathy and other alcohol related brain damage instances, you may visit Rate this Article

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James Mathers has published 1 article. Article submitted on June 29, 2013. Word count: 513

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