
The NLP Model Of Communication

Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) is a controversial and relatively new branch of psychology concerned with how we communicate with others and how we communicate with ourselves. Fundamentally, NLP was designed to facilitate changing a persons beliefs and understandings about themselves or the world around them by directly influencing the unconscious mind. It was originally intended as a therapeutic practice, and is often used in combination with hypnosis. NLP is perhaps most commonly learnt by people in sales and advertising, as it is primarily concerned with communication for persuasion and change of perception.

In NLP, the mind processes information through the main sensory modalities or 'representational systems' which are visual (sight), auditory (sound), kinesthetic (touch) olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste). Whilst we use all these sensory modalities, we are likely to use certain senses more than others, to process information internally. When it comes to learning, the most important senses are of course visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. According to NLP theory, we use these senses internally to communicate to ourselves, whether it is recalling information or translating conceptual information into an understanding, and an experience into a memory.

For example, when you try a new type of cheese, you will see what it looks like, feel it when you pick it up, smell it as you bring it towards your mouth, taste it as you place it on your tongue, and hear the sound of your teeth grinding it up.

If there was no actual cheese in front of you, but someone described what the cheese was like by using nothing but words (as I did in the paragraph above and will do in more detail throughout this paragraph) your senses can still be utilised now that you think about eating cheese. In fact, right now, as you sit there reading these words on the screen, you can comfortably allow your unconscious mind to call on your senses. Your senses can generate an imaginary experience of what it would be like to see the cheese with your eyes. There are lots of different types of cheeses you could picture, so what does the one you are picturing now look like? What was the size, shape and colour you just visualised? And when you imagine your hand reach out to touch the cheese with your fingers now, what does your mind tell you that it feels like? When you imagine your fingers picking up the cheese and bringing it towards your open mouth right now, as it passes momentarily underneath your nostrils, do you allow yourself to smell the cheese? And as you slowly place it on your waiting tounge, and close the rest of your salivating mouth around the cheese, you feel it pressed between your tounge and the roof of your mouth. And as you allow yourself to slowly feel it melting now, you might even start to notice that it tastes good doesn't it. That's right. Now, as you imagine chewing it up and enjoy it's texture slowly melting between your teeth and swirling around your you listen to your teeth crunching and allow yourself to hear the cheese sloshing around with your saliva - how does it sound now inside your head....inside your mind?

When people either take in new information, recall existing knowledge or are in the process of linking the two together, we are generally either creating an image in our mind, connecting sounds or feelings together. This becomes especially important as we tend to prefer using certain senses over others in the learning process, especially the sense of sight, touch and sound. Of one of the most fundamental steps in assessing a persons learning style therefore becomes finding out which senses they prefer when learning. At a very basic level, people can be categorised into either 'visual learners', 'kinesthetic learners' or 'auditory learners'.

Picking Up On Sensory Preferences: Language

As the description about eating cheese above demonstrates; the way in which words are used to invoke various senses are therefore, a very important part of the communication process.The language a person uses to express themselves may also give you clues about the senses they are using unconsciously as well. When someone says "I see what you mean" or "I hear what you're saying" or even "I think I can get a grasp on that" their choice of wording may give you an indication about the senses they are using to process what you are communicating to them.

Some common examples of visual, auditory or kinesthetic language that people may use to express when they don't understand something could include:

Visual: "I just can't picture that happening." "That doesn't look right to me."

Auditory: "That doesn't sound right to me." "It doesn't ring a bell."

Kinesthetic: "That doesn't sit right with me." "I can't put it together."

Other than paying fine attention to the language a person uses, there are several physiological indivations that people may give when communicating, that can help you detect their prefered learning style.

Picking Up On Sensory Preferences: Physiology

Visual people are likely to breath more shallow, speak faster and look up when they are thinking, listening or trying to process information. Kinaesthetic people are likely to breath more deeply (belly breathers), speak slower and look downwards when thinking or processing information. The breathing, speaking and direction they look when auditory people are communicating however is probably in between those of visual and kinaesthetic people. These descriptions are very broad of course, as each learner may be different.

Using Sensory Language To Communicate

Irrespective of how your students may use sensory language to express themselves, you may find it very useful to use sensory language when communicating to them. There is always more than one way of saying something, so once you feel confident you have detected your students preferred learning styles, you can always throw the right sensory language in for more powerful communication. Sensory language is so effective, it is often used in advertising, sales techniques and clinical hypnosis as it is thought to 'speak directly' to the unconscious mind.

To learn more about how to use NLP for communication, teaching and tutoring, see the private tutoring website.
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Perfect Place to Regain the Lost Life

Alcohol consumption is a dreadful habit that most men and women are addicted to. Knowing the effects of alcohol many continue, as they cannot quit it due to the addiction level. Though there are various health related issues, one of the serious effects that affect the alcohol abusers is Wernicke's encephalopathy. Wernicke is a brain damage that is caused due to deficiency in thiamine. Malnutrition or poor cellular nutrition is also one another major reason behind this disease. The abusers of alcohol lack in vitamins and nutrition due to excessive vomiting and less intake of nutritious food. This is the reason behind this brain damage disease which is very hard to find at early stage. It damages the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, sensory organs and functioning of liver.

Symptoms and treatment for Wernicke's disease

The affected person get severe memory loss, mental and physical instability, amnesia, vision problems, impaired hearing, confusion, drowsiness, mental disorders and many more. The disease gets worse if intake of alcohol continues. It may affect the person immediately within no time and the patient has to be injected with sufficient level of vitamin B1 or thiamine to get back to normality. The patient can be recovered at early stage of identifying the problem if not violent to alcohol. The treatment is provided by injecting specific dosage of thiamine through intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) injections for certain period of time. Along with drugs, the affected person must take healthy and nutritious diet to compensate the nutrients and vitamins that are lacking. B complex vitamin is also prescribed minimum thrice a day for few weeks. The best treatment can be given through rehabilitation methods.

Role of Home Care Centers in rehabilitation

The home care centers provide exceptional support and care for such persons to regain their lost life. Persons with this kind of brain damage disease who wish to regain their physical and mental health can become a resident of such centers for easy recovery. These home care professional have wide knowledge about the vulnerability of such disease and offer best care to live with confidence independence and get back their skills to lead a happy life. The features and benefit derived from such centers are

Maintain privacy and can live without any restrictions or considerationsTake care of each individual with special care promoting independenceTreat all residents equally in spite of culture, language and beliefProvide nutritious food to regain their health with good vitamins and nutrients for fast recoveryRetrieve the lost skills to get back communication skills, safety skills, social development skillsEnhance the way of living, more hygienic with good self careProvide activity programs to socialize with othersInvolve them in day to day activities like cooking, gardening, yoga, art classes and many

These services offer pleasant environment and neat accommodation filled with facilities like gym, access to internet, salon and recreational activities. They provide ways to live healthy and happy life to come out of their darkness by providing certain responsibilities. People who are in search of such organizations can blindly go with them as they support and care for you to the extreme.

With the increasing number of people suffering from alcohol abuse, the demand for relevant care facilities has also increased. To learn how they treat people with wernicke encephalopathy and other alcohol related brain damage instances, you may visit Rate this Article

Perfect Place to Regain the Lost LifeNot Rated Yet

James Mathers has published 1 article. Article submitted on June 29, 2013. Word count: 513

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Know About Benzodiazepine Drug Abuse And Importance Of Testing For It (Drugteststrips)

Drug abuse became a common health concern all across the globe. In spite of many restrictions on the availability of harmful drugs, both illicit and prescription, the number of drug abusers is found increasing. Among the harmful prescription drugs having widespread availability, benzodiazepines are considered as the foremost. Benzodiazepines are highly toxic and are available in numerous forms. Benzodiazepine abuse is proved to be highly hazardous to health. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the ill effects of the drug and the importance of early detection of its abuse.

What are Benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines, commonly called as 'benzos' are known to be hypnotic drugs and brain tranquilizers. These central nervous system depressants are generally prescribed to treat sleep disorders, anxiety, acute stress reactions, panic attacks and convulsions. This drug is available in many forms with various strengths. Benzodiazepines in any form are found to be highly toxic and addictive, so they should be used only as prescribed.

The main centers of action of Benzodiazepines in the human body are cells of nervous system. Benzodiazepines are involved in the augmentation of a specific neuro transmitter called GABA (gamma - aminobutyric acid). GABA is an inhibitor hormone, which passes from one cell to another transmitting the message to reduce the activity of a particular process. As benzodiazepines increase the activity of these hormones, the overall brain activity is slowed down.

Effects of abuse
Benzodiazepines are found to act on the neural activities of the human body. As these are found to control the activities of nervous system, the person abusing the drug is prone to suffer from mental and personality disorders. It is also found that some symptoms of Benzodiazepine drug abuse are non - specific and may relate to any part of the body. Some of the effects of this drug abuse on the human body are:

Difficulty in breathing
Over sedation (drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, lack of coordination, confusion)
Deep or permanent coma

Apart from the above effects, Benzodiazepine drug abuse is also found to create severe personality disorders such as suicidal tendencies, depression, aggressive behavior which includes violent behavior, physical abuse, assaults, homicides and many anti-social activities at home and at workplace.

The effects of Benzodiazepines does not stop with the above list, more drastic effects are found when taken with other addictive drugs like opiates, hypnotics, anti-depressants, etc. making the individual more tolerant and dependent to other drugs, finally leading to fatality.

Importance of drug testing
Early detection of drug abuse is necessary as it is difficult for an individual to withdraw the drug use after a certain period of time. Some of the symptoms associated with chronic abuse withdrawal are insomnia, gastric troubles, irritability, delirium, tremors and seizures. Apart from these, forceful withdrawal may also develop suicidal tendencies in abuser.

The number and the severity of ill effects of Benzodiazepines on the body are not easy to analyze. Hence, it is on the part of the individual and his companions to go for the early detection of drug through testing. This helps in avoiding the serious consequences associated with the prolonged usage of drug. It is especially necessary to conduct Benzodiazepine drug tests at workplaces and homes to identify drug abusing employees or teens. In many cases drug tests are found to be life savers. Hence, it is necessary to conduct a drug test immediately on identifying the symptoms of drug abuse.

Types of testing
Various types of drug tests are conducted to detect the drug abusers. These drug tests help in identifying the elevated levels of Bezodiazepines and their metabolites in any given sample. The most commonly used samples for conducting Benzodiazepine drug test are saliva, hair and urine. The drug tests can be conducted in laboratories or on-site (home or workplace) by using drug test kits.

Drug tests in laboratories
The drug tests conducted in laboratories are highly accurate. These tests not only detect the presence of Benzodiazepines and their metabolites, but also detect the levels of drug abuse by analyzing the sample. The laboratories can use any sample like saliva, blood, urine or hair for identifying the drug presence.

Drug tests using testing kits
Various drug testing kits are available in the market making it easy for the people to conduct the test at their convenience. Unlike laboratory tests, they can be conducted at any place and at any time. These drug test kits are very useful for employers and for parents for conducting onsite drug tests, in regard with the easy collection of sample. These drug testing kits are inexpensive as well as accurate.

Benzodiazepine drug abuse is found to be chronic drug abuse of all. Creating awareness about the negative effects and the methods to control this drug abuse is the only way to combat this problem. Early rectification of this problem will help in establishing a good society with high values.

Processing ...
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Depression And It's Therapy After Infidelity

Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are the most common reasons for which individuals seek psychotherapy. They are also among the most treatable of all mental health disorders due to the preponderance of research and subsequent treatments developed to effectively ameliorate symptoms for individuals suffering from these difficulties. The marriage after infidelity is common of these Major Depression. Often individuals suffering from depression do not recognize the symptoms they are experiencing as stemming from depression. Feelings of grief and sadness are, in many instances, a natural and appropriate response to the events in one's life. However, if you are experiencing five or more of the following symptoms for most of the day for longer than a two-week period, you could be suffering from Major Depression:

Overwhelming sadness

Loss of interest in usual activities

Weight loss or gain

Changes in sleep patterns

Fatigue or low energy

Feelings of worthlessness

Trouble concentrating


Thoughts of suicide

Depression is a serious illness that can lead to life-threatening consequences. If left untreated, 60% of those who have suffered one episode of Major Depression will experience another more progressive episode. There are also several risk factors associated with depression being a woman, woman are twice as likely to experience depression as men; family history or previous depressive episodes; drug and alcohol abuse and lack of social support. Depression is a very treatable illness. The most effective treatments for depression have been shown to be psychotherapy alone or psychotherapy combined with appropriate medications.

The most current research indicates that many of the techniques and theories of alleviating relationship distress espoused by traditional christian couples therapy are ineffective and actually increase the level of conflict at times. Many of these approaches continue to be practised without the commitment to ascertain whether the gains achieved in the office setting are actually sustained in the couple's real life or for any considerable length of time subsequent to termination of treatment. Our therapists utilize the most outcome-validated methods presently advocated by the field's leading couple's therapists, while still retaining their distinctive individuality.

While there are some commonalities in all relationships, counselling for couples has its own unique characteristics. Christian Couples Therapy helps to identify your particular relationship challenges as well as relationship strengths into an individualized treatment plan. Each therapist must work collaboratively with you to integrate your personal experience of the relationship into the development of interventions to be employed outside of sessions. Nothing should be attempted without participation and agreement of each party. Truly a new, innovative therapy for your relationship must be created.

Ethical guidelines of counselling clearly indicate it is inappropriate for a therapist to influence or impose his/her beliefs upon a client. There are a variety of factors that have led professional associations to create these boundaries, such as violating a client's right to make autonomous choices and encouraging a client's dependency upon a therapist. However, the result of this for many therapeutic relationships was the elimination of discussion and examination of anything related to spirituality.

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Hypnosis and Its Role in Society

By hypnosis the hypnotist produces a hypnotic state in an individual and uses this mental state to manipulate and control the person. A person in a hypnotic state reacts in the following ways:

He is intensely concentrated on one object or on things going on in one specific direction, for example the talk of the hypnotist.He senses and remembers very easily what is going on in that particular direction.He does not sense other objects or happenings around him, unless these other things are particularly violent.He believes anything told without assessing it logically, and can be brought to sense things that are not real.He tends to perform any order without objections, unless these orders are strongly opposed to the persons most basic moral.He is physically relaxed

A hypnotist can bring a person into a hypnotic state by many methods. By most methods the hypnotist will use the following general approach:

He makes the surroundings comfortable with no disturbing elements.He brings the person's attention towards himself and relax him further by a calm speech, and possibly with some soft music or other artistic tools.He shows an object that sticks distinctly out from the surroundings. The classical example is a watch in a chain, but sometimes the hypnotist only uses his hand. The hypnotist commands the person to concentrate upon the object.He lets the object make some simple action that is repeated for a while, for example lets the watch swing back and forth. The hypnotist can also speak calmly and comment the action of the object.Then he stops the action and directs the attention of the person solely towards his voice.At this point, but sometimes also before, he suggests to the person that he feels relaxed, warm or have other good feelings.

By now the patient should be in a hypnotic state. A good hypnotist will however not use this procedure mechanically. He will assess the patient's mental state, and prolong or repeat parts of the procedure until the hypnosis is effective.

While the patient is under hypnosis the hypnotist can direct the attention of the patient in directions suitable for his purposes and work on the patient by suggestions, stimulations, commands and passing of information. When the hypnotist has finished his work, the hypnosis is stopped by a distinct signal. The person will often be instructed to wake up again when he sees or hears the signal.

A professional hypnotist, which typically has a healthcare education before being trained in hypnosis, can use the hypnotic state for many purposes. He can motivate a person for lifestyle changes like cessation of substance abuse. He can motivate for results within sport or business, and he can ease learning of information.

Hypnosis is commonly used to take away pain and to bring relaxation. This can be the main purpose, or the more comfortable state of the patient can be utilized to perform other types of psychological or physical treatment.

Hypnosis is used as a psychiatric diagnostic tool. A suspected victim of a crime, for example child sexual abuse, is sometimes hypnotized to bring forth evidence. This method can easily produce false evidence, though, caused by suggestions during hypnosis. For these purposes the victim and the suspected person are often interrogated in a way that gives an hypnotic effect, even though it is not called hypnosis. Hypnotic techniques for diagnosis and investigation are sometimes, and probably more often that publicly known, supported by administering of drugs that suppress critical thinking and resistance.

The success of political mass movements is often due to deliberate use of hypnotic techniques towards grand audiences, even though these techniques are seldom called hypnosis. These techniques have often been developed during a long tradition within the political or religious organizations, or cooperating ones.

The leaders are deliberately trained in the use of these techniques, often in secrecy for the common members. Traditionally the techniques are used in the education of common followers at courses, schools, meetings and arrangements. But at some point in time the leaders decide to use the techniques in a grand scale in order to turn their organization into a mass movement.

Knut Holt Photo Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and business consultant with a focus on the health field. Please see his web-site to find more health information. There are also presentations of products to improve health, fitness products and also of hobby items.
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Brief Introduction to Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic disorders, like schizophrenia, are a group of serious illnesses that have impact on mind. These diseases change a person's ability to think clearly, make good judgments, respond psychologically, communicate effectively, understand reality, and act appropriately. When signs are serious, people with psychotic conditions have problems staying in touch with reality and often are unable to fulfill the common requirements of daily life. However, even the most severe psychotic disorders usually are curable.

There are different types of psychotic conditionds, including:

Brief psychotic disorder: People with this illness have rapid, short periods of psychotic behavior, often in reaction to a very traumatic occasion, such as a death in the family. Recovery is often quick -- usually less than 30 days.Shared psychotic disorder: This condition happens when an individual produces delusions in the perspective of a connection with another individual who already has his or her own delusion(s).Psychotic disorder due to a medical condition: Hallucinations, delusions, or other signs may be the result of another illness that impacts on brain functioning, such as a head injury or brain tumor.Schizophreniform disorder: People with this illness have symptoms of schizophrenia, but the symptoms last between one and six months.Schizophrenia: People with this disorder have changes in behavior and other symptoms -- such as delusions and hallucinations -- that last longer than six months, usually with a decrease in work, school, and social functioning.Delusional disorder: People with this illness have delusions including real-life situations that could be true, such as being followed, being conspired against, or having a disease. These delusions stick up for at least one month.Schizoaffective disorder: People with this illness have warning signs of both schizophrenia and a mood disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder (bpd).Substance-induced psychotic disorder: This condition is caused by the use of or drawback from some substances, such as alcohol and drugs, that may cause hallucinations, delusions, or confused conversation.Paraphrenia: This is a type of schizophrenia that starts late in life and mostly happens in the elderly population.

Symptoms of Psychotic Disorder:

Symptoms of a psychotic disorder differ from person to person and may change over time. The major symptoms are hallucinations and delusions.

Hallucinations are unusual neurological experiences or views of things that aren't actually present, such as seeing things that aren't there, hearing voices, sensing odors, having a "funny" flavor in the oral cavity area, and feeling sensations on your skin even though nothing is in contact with your body.

Delusions are false beliefs that are chronic and structured, and that do not go away after receiving logical or precise information. For example, a person who is certain with his or her food is poisoned, even if it has been proven that the food is fine, then he is suffering from a delusion.

Other possible symptoms of psychotic illnesses include:

Confused thinkingStrange,possibly dangerous behaviorLoss of interest in activitiesProblems at school or work and with relationshipsCold, detached manner with the inability to express emotionMood swings or other mood symptoms, such as depression or mania

Causes of Psychotic Disorders:

The actual cause of psychotic conditions is not known, but scientists believe that many aspects may be a factor. Some psychotic conditions usually run in family members, indicating that the tendency, to create the problem may be inherited. Ecological aspects may also be a factor in their growth, such as pressure, substance misuse, and significant lifestyle changes.

In addition, people with certain psychotic disorders may have an imbalance of certain chemicals in the mind. They may be either very delicate to or generate too much of a chemical substance called dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a natural substance that helps nerve cells in the brain deliver information to each other. An imbalance of dopamine affects the way the brain reacts to certain stimulating elements, such as sounds, smells, and sights, and can lead to hallucinations and delusions.

Author works for OMICS Group . OMICS Publishing Group is built upon the principles of Open Access and is determined to provide free and unrestricted access of research articles to scientists around the world for the advancement of science and technology. For more related information, please visit reviews on OMICS Publishing Group journals . Rate this Article

Brief Introduction to Psychotic DisordersNot Rated Yet

Rekha Reddy S has published 41 articles. Article submitted on November 26, 2012. Word count: 628

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’মানবাধিকার এবং শরনার্থী’ শীর্ষক দুটি প্রশিক্ষণ কর্মশালার আয়োজন করে ELCOP

Prof.Dr.Shah Alam, Chairman of LC Bangladesh conducting the training
এম্পাওয়ারমেন্ট থ্রু ল অব দ্য কমন পিপল (ELCOP) কর্তৃক ১৯ ও ২০ জুলাই ২০১৩ রোজ শুক্র ও শনিবার জাতীয় শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থাপনা একাডেমী (NAEM) এর একাডেমিক ভবনে UNHCR এর আর্থিক সহায়তায় বিভিন্ন পেশাজীবদের জন্য “মানবাধিকার এবং শরনার্থী” শীর্ষক দুই দিনে দুটি প্রশিক্ষণ অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।

ELCOP ED Prof. Dr. Rahmat Ullah giving speech on HR & RI training

উক্ত প্রশিক্ষণে অংশগ্রহণকারিদের মধ্যে উপস্থিত ছিলেন বিভিন্ন গণমাধ্যমের সাংবাদিক, অনলাইন এ্যাক্টিভিষ্ট, বিভিন্ন সরকারি ও বেসরকারী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষক, সুপ্রিম কোর্ট ও বিভিন্ন জেলা পর্যায়ের আইনজীবীরা।

প্রশিক্ষকদের মধ্যে ছিলেন বাংলাদেশ আইন কমিশনের চেয়ারম্যান প্রফেসর ড. শাহ্ আলম, মেট্রো অতিরিক্ত সেশন জজ ড. আখতারুজ্জামান, এলকপের নির্বাহী পরিচালক অধ্যাপক ড. রহমত উললাহ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষকদের মধ্যে ড.আবুল মনসুর আহমেদ, ড. সীমা জামান, গোবিন্দ চন্দ্র মন্ডল, রোবায়েত ফেরদৌস, UNHCR এর এ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট প্রোটেকশন অফিসার ফাহমিদা করিম, জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষক খন্দকার ফারজানা রহমান আঁখি।

প্রশিক্ষণ দুটিতে মানবাধিকার ও শরনার্থী প্রসঙ্গে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষক, আইনজীবী, সাংবাদিক মহলের ভূমিকা ও করণীয়, শরনার্থী বিষয়ক আইনি কাঠামো ও সংশিষ্ট বিষয়ে রাষ্ট্রের দায়িত্ব নিয়ে আলোচনা হয়।

Miss. Fahmida, Assist.Protection Officer, UNHCR and Prof.Dr.Rahmat Ullah, ED, ELCOP awarding certificate to the participants

১৯৫১ সনের শরনার্থী বিষয়ক কনভেন্শনে বাংলাদেশ এর পক্ষে স্বাক্ষর করার বিষয়টিও গুরুত্বের সাথে আলোচনা করা হয়। প্রশিক্ষনার্থীরা শরনার্থীদের মূল সমস্যা ও সমাধানে নানামূখী আলোচনায় অশংগ্রহণ করেন। শরনার্থীদের সবার আগে মানুষ হিসেবে দেখার ও মানবাধিকাররের দৃষ্টিতে তাদের অধিকার রক্ষায় এগিয়ে আসার আহবান জানানো হয়।

By Khandaker Nazneen Sultana,
Journalist, The Finance and Banking
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Get a Solution For Your Depression Through Psychotherapy

Today a number of people are facing psychological problems due to a number of reasons. One of the main reasons is the stress and the tensions they undergo in their day-to-day life which later on aggravate to depressions and other severe conditions. Some are able to handle it without the aid of any kind of treatments or medications while others require a specialist's help. Psychotherapy according to medical terms is the first stage of treatment referred for people suffering from the problem of depression. It is also shortly referred as 'therapy'.

Many a times people feel insecure to consult a psychologist when they face problems of depression. They try to hide their condition and try to resolve it themselves. At times you succeed, but there are chances of getting worse too. The society also plays a major role in cultivating such hesitancy because they will be looking upon them with eyes of sympathy. If that fear or concern is gone, you will be able to face things positively and take medications if required.

It is very important to understand the root cause of depression before starting with any kind of treatment. This can be easily diagnosed through various sessions of psychotherapy. During therapy, it is very important to have an open talk with the professional so that he/she can help you get through the factors that cause depression or other psychological problems. Feel free to discuss your problems without any hesitation. They will help you with various tricks and techniques to relieve your tension and to relax during critical situations. At certain stages they might prescribe you with medications or admit you depending on the severity of your condition.

With the help of psychotherapy, it is possible to find the cause that led to depression. The condition might be due to hereditary factors or due to some other chemical imbalances happening in the brain. Hence it is very important to find it in the initial stage itself before it becomes too complicated. Once you feel that your depression is overcoming your self-consciousness, then do not wait further - consult a psychiatrist at the earliest.

Through psychotherapy, your doctor will be able to understand your behavior, mood, ideas and emotions that pave way for depression. If you are able to control your emotions properly you will be able to get through it easily. Sometimes it takes time for you to recover from the condition. It may vary from person to person, sometimes a few days, sometimes months and sometimes it even take years for you to recover depending on the state of your condition. This is usually assessed by your specialist and make sure you continue with the prescriptions without fail if directed to do so. If you break the medications in between, there are chances for the condition to repeat. Hence strictly follow the instructions as directed by your doctor. They might also help with stress relieving techniques to handle the situation more effectively.

The best possible way to fight against psychological problems and depressions is to get the help of an expert and go for psychotherapy before it becomes too late.

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Happiness: A summary of the literature so far

Happiness is something people have been seeking since the dawn of humanity. For many centuries, people assumed that happiness was linked to good character (the Greeks in particular). In those days, happiness was a concept that we would translate roughly as "peace of mind" rather than "enjoyment". With the advent of Islam, the Qur'an tells us about the source of unhappiness (our desires as described in 57:20) and the source of happiness (remembering Allah in 13:28). As history continued and the paradigms found in the west started to influence the rest of the world, a shift started. Happiness became about possessing things and achieving goals (I am referring to Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project" which I reviewed in April 2012 in this blog). The paradox is that we have limited resources and unlimited wants. Thus, we can never be happy unless and until we control our wants. In particular, we need to be able to deal with problems effectively. For the last 30 years, many psychologists have worked on understanding the psychological processes linked to happiness (i.e. people like Martin Seligman). Underlying all of this, the assumption is still that people can create happiness for themselves. Most people assume that you won't find happiness by referring to Revelation. I now come to the Happy in Islam project. In 2008, I had a Malay student that was having problems in his academic performance. I tried all the usual stuff - explaining the need for setting goals, managing time, learning more effective study skills - and so forth. Nothing worked. Not giving up, I asked him to watch Islamic videos. It turned out that his difficulties were rooted in his pessimistic view of the future. If you believe that tomorrow is going to be worse than today, there is no reason for you to plan for tomorrow. You just want to enjoy today. When I joined the International Islamic University Malaysia in 2010, I tried to get my class to watch Islamic videos on a weekly basis. It worked for 75% of students. I have now done this project with over 700 students and the results are almost always the same. I have used questionnaires that measure spiritual intelligence so I have an idea of which constructs change significantly every semester. With the launching of the Productive Teens project starting in 2014, we will see whether we can see a similar pattern with Malay youth. If we do, then the data will confirm the ayat in 13:28 "Those who believe and whose hearts are set at rest by the remembrance of Allah; now surely by Allah's remembrance are the hearts set at rest."
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Surah Al Hadid, Ayat 20: Real Happiness as described in the Qur'an

This is lecture by Nouman Ali Khan. He gives an explanation of 57:20. It describes five stages of happiness: play, entertainment, beautification, pride and spending money on children. An insightful look into happiness from the perspective of the Qur'an.
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Importance of Using Alcohol Breathalyzers at Home (Drugteststrips)

Alcohol usage is one of the most common problems in the United States. National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health states that about 130.6 million people aged 12 or above were alcohol drinkers in 2009. This implies that more than half (51.9 percent) of 12 or older Americans are current alcohol drinkers. Many health implications are associated with alcohol abuse. It increases the risk of health problems such as liver and heart diseases. It also affects mental health. Alcohol abuse in drivers results in fatal accidents and crashes.

These lethal effects make it necessary to conduct alcohol testing. The first and the best place to conduct alcohol testing is 'home'. Among various testing tools available, alcohol breathalyzers are easy and efficient to use at home. Here is some information that helps you know the importance of using alcohol breathalyzers at home.

Drinking and driving is dangerous
Driving under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous. Many vehicular accidents and traffic fatalities are associated with drunk driving. This is because alcohol affects the parts of the brain that control vision, skill and judgment. Blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% is found to affect driving skills of alcohol abused persons. Anything above this is considered unsafe and illegal. So, it is always better to check BAC at home using alcohol breathalyzers.

How alcohol breathalyzers work?
Alcohol breathalyzers are the devices which analyze alcohol content in the air expelled from your lungs. Different technologies such as infrared absorption spectroscopy, fuel cell and semiconductor oxide are used by them. These days infrared absorption spectroscopy is used often to detect alcohol content.

Special devices called spectrographs analyze interactions between particulate matter and radiation. Alcohol breathalyzers measure the absorption of infrared light by the molecules in breath sample. Reaction to the infrared light is different for different molecules. This helps the device detect the chemical composition of the sample. The analyzers can therefore detect the alcohol content present in your breath sample. The blood alcohol content is then calculated from it and presented as result.

Helps you decide whether you are in a condition to drive or not
It is known that alcohol abuse is the most probable reason for car accidents. BAC of suspected drunk drivers is therefore checked by traffic and police officials. However, in order to detect your driving risk, you can conduct a self-test at your home by using an effective alcohol breathalyzer. It helps you to decide your driving condition. Using this, you can avoid any legal hassles that are linked with driving under the influence of alcohol.

Detects alcohol drinking habit in kids
The other major use of alcohol breathalyzers at home is to detect drinking habit among kids. Kids are more susceptible to alcohol abuse because of their peers. They try to hide the drinking habits from family members. Poor academic performance and behavioral problems are also associated with alcohol abused children. So it is necessary for parents to monitor their activities and prevent them from alcohol consumption. Home breathalyzers help you to detect the abuse easily.

Affordable and easy to use
Different models of portable alcohol breathalyzers are available in the market at affordable prices. They are efficient in providing quick and accurate results. They are designed in such a way that they can be handled and used by anyone. Hence, they are more preferred for alcohol testing at home. It is better to buy alcohol breathalyzers which are approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT) for reliability and safety.

It is therefore beneficial to use alcohol breathalyzers to detect alcohol abuse among your family members. They also help you to reduce the risk of traffic problems associated with alcohol abuse.

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NLP and the Law of Attraction (redmartin john)

In the book, 'The Secret' the authors pointed out that your body reacts to what your mind focuses on. This is known as the law of attraction.

Some people believe that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is generally based on this same law.

The law of attraction states that if you want to achieve any goal and if you focus on that goal, your ambition will lead you along the right path. This leads some psychologists to say that your thoughts give you the energy you need to achieve your goals.

The theory goes that when you constantly focus on something, you are sending your energy to the world to help you attain your goal. If you think about your goals positively you'll be able to accomplish the goal.

This also means that your negative thoughts will have the same impacts that your positive thoughts do. How the Law of Attraction Works

According to experts, the law of attraction moves your body in direction of your mind. For example, most diets fail because diets cause you to constantly think about the food. As a result you don't lose weight.

On the other hand when you focus on thinking about being strong and healthy, then the law of attraction will cause your new eating habits to make you strong and healthy.

People who smoke struggle to quit smoking. This is because they focus on what they are giving up. When smokers start to focus on what they will receive when they quit, such as a longer, healthier life, they become smoke free much more easily and quickly.

Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques help to modify your mind to think about what you want rather than what you don't want. If you want the law of attraction to work, you need to focus your thoughts on what you want.

You can use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques to teach your subconscious mind to move you in the direction of your goals. By harnessing the power of your subconscious mind you harness your body movement also.

First of all learn to focus on the things you have and do not always think about the things that you have not. Focus on what you want and do not think about what you do not want. Then you can use your energy to achieve your goal. You will see that the goal you have strongly held in your inner mind will lead the direction to achieve it. Learning to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques

You can learn about Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques online or you can take courses offered by NLP trainers around the world. These courses are offered to help you shift your thinking so you can achieve your goal.

Learning how to use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques can be done easily and quickly. From developing your self confidence so you can speak in public to getting rid of phobias like the fear of flying, Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques can greatly improve your life.

Use Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques to Attain Your Wishes Quickly and Easily

If you are interested in shifting your thinking you can use Neuro Linguistic Programming to help you find the solution to overcoming your problem entirely. NLP has been shown to be effective for many people... isn't it about time you tried using Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques to help you?

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Stay Healthy to Look and Feel Younger (Drugteststrips)

Who on the earth does not want to look and feel young? Many people use artificial anti-aging products to look young. But they are all temporary. Though these products may make you look young, they definitely will not be able to make you feel young. If beauty products available in the market do not help, then what will make you look and feel healthy? Here is the answer - stay healthy.

Young mind and body are the result of healthy lifestyle. A healthy mind and body are always active, and are not influenced by age. Healthy body leads to fresh thoughts making the person feel younger. Healthy mind and body project a fresh and livelier look, no matter what your age is. Here are few tips which make it possible for you to look and feel younger for life time.

Drink enough water
Water is the basic essential to human body. The cells in the body live only if they have water. It also cleans away all the toxic and wastes from the body, making it pure and problem free. Water helps in transporting the nutrients throughout the body. Due to all the above activities, all the body cells remain alive and perform better, thus making the skin look younger and body feel lighter. Dead cells make the body look dull. Hence, it should be seen that the body is never deprived of the water. One should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day.

Exercise daily
One should exercise daily in order to maintain a fit body. A body which is physically active is always young and lighter. It is projected out both physically and mentally. Exercise also makes the body prepared to deal with any kind of pressures, as it improves the psychological wellbeing. It enhances the mood, making a person look happier and attractive. It also helps to maintain the body in a good shape.

Quit smoking
Kicking out bad habits is as essential as embracing healthy habits. Smoking is one of the most commonly seen bad habits. Smoking impairs the functioning of all body organs and kills the cells in the body. It makes the person inactive and dull. Smokers look much older compared to their age. Smoking is one of the main factors that cause wrinkles on the face. Hence, smoking is a disastrous habit and should be avoided in order to look young and healthy.

Quit alcohol or drug abuse
The other major important step in making yourself healthy is to quit alcohol or drug abuse. This habit results in all the negative effects and possible illnesses in the body. They destruct both mind and the body, thereby destroying the life on a whole. If one needs to be healthy, these addictions have to be seriously prevented. Alcohol and drug abusers become physically weak. Drug or alcohol abusers do not focus on personal grooming as their main focus will be only to abuse drugs.

Maintain proper diet
A healthy body needs proper diet. It is very important to have a correct and balanced diet. That means your routine diet should have all the necessary nutrients in adequate quantities. Your daily diet should include fibers, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. A balanced and healthy diet is a combination of vegetables, fruits, cereals, beans, dairy products, meat, fish etc.

All the above mentioned tips, when followed sincerely, lead to a healthy body. Healthy body is what is needed for one to feel younger and thereby look younger. Unlike, the artificial anti-aging process, maintaining the body fit is the best way to remain younger forever.

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Feeling Depressed? Try These Helpful Tips And Advice (Christine Austria)

Depression and other periods of sadness have many causes. Sometimes it can be hard to understand the reasons for your depression, and difficult to find things that ease those feelings. The below article gives you some knowledge to assist you in knowing why you could be feeling depressed, as well as tips on how you can be a happier human being.

If you are struggling with depression, one of the best things you can do is to develop a broad range of interests. Having a number of activities to do that you enjoy can help keep you from dwelling on your negative feelings. A hobby that helps others at the same time can add to your self-confidence, too.

When you are trying to improve your depression symptoms, remember that it is a long road. Some people think that depression can be cured right away, and get disappointed when their symptoms do not go away right away. Stay focused and be proud when each symptom slowly does go away.

If you're dealing with depression, create a positive social circle. The more people you have in your life to support you, the better off you'll be when you are feeling down. In addition, having people who expect you to do things with them prevents you from staying home and wallowing.

One way to deal with depression is to "fake it till you make it". This means to act, walk, talk, and eat as if you were not depressed. If nothing else, faking it will mean that other things in your life are not neglected while you are depressed. At best, the behaviors will help re-route your brain and actually help cure your depression.

Although pushing people away and wanting to be alone is an instinct when you are depressed it is the last thing you want to do. Accept any and all help that comes your way and you will soon find yourself on the pathway to healing. Whatever you do don't be a loner and isolate yourself.

You should never let yourself feel like a broken person because you are dealing with depression. Just as some people have to deal with bad lungs or a difficult disease, you have to deal with your depression. You should consider it to be nothing more than a nuisance in your life.

As you have already learned from this article, there is a lot that can cause you to become sad and depressed. However, if you use the advice from this article, you can get a handle on your depression, and could find yourself feeling better in no time.

If you are suffering from personality disorder with depression, it is important to learn helpful tips on how to better cope with this and also immediately contact your professional healthcare provider.
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The 3 Stages of Atlas Spinal Care

Several individuals have been testifying how chiropractors can aid them to feel much better after experiencing severe back pain or migraine. Of course, people who gain lots of benefit from this method can only testify how it can greatly help them in dealing with pain. With this proven experience, they will surely recommend you to also seek for a chiropractor to make you feel better as well.

The truth that the aim of chiropractic care is to eliminate any nerve meddling found, and allow your body to set off the inner healing power that already been there in your nervous system. Correcting spinal column also helps natural treatment, strengthens the function of your body and its vitality. For this basis, you will persist to hear of many various difficulties that individuals said that chiropractors have aided them.

Since the spinal column is important, it is much better if you know the three stages of Atlas spinal care that you can opt from. Here are the three stages of spinal care that you can pick depending on what you need.

First is the relief care. If a pain or visible indication has encouraged you to start this alternative method, the preliminary thing that you desire is to ease the pain and feel better. Of course, clinic visits will be often and the purpose of your corrections is to lessen the increase of injury, which will provide assistance. Moreover, depending on your lifestyle, age and health condition, your visit over weeks or even months may be required to lessen or get rid of your indications and aid remove subluxations that are there without indications.

Second, you can also find corrective care. Muscles and sometimes damage in the organ stay after original indications develop. Reconstructive care evens out the spinal column and aids correct treatment through your nervous system. Normally, individuals stat to have a better function in areas with difficulties in which they thought were not related to Atlas spinal care and chiropractic care. Normal alterations lessen blood pressure, have a better sleep and boost energy.

Last is the wellness care. When utmost development is reached, cyclic checkups in your chiropractor are needed. These visits can distinguish and aid correct new health issues before they become severe or painful. Health conscious individuals select this type of Atlas spinal care not only for their health, but also for their children as well. Like many other well-known procedures, this method can greatly help you to eliminate pain and other issues relating to your spine.

Philip Davis is an educator on all things healthy. Good health starts with a fully functioning spine and nervous system. Have you visited Atlas Spinal Care ?
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Depression Makes Man Week

Seek out a depression specialist

If there are no health problems that are causing your teenager's depression, ask your doctor to refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in children and adolescents. Depression in teens can be tricky, particularly when it comes to treatment options such as medication. A mental health professional with advanced training and a strong background treating adolescents is the best bet for your teenager's best care.

When choosing a specialist, always get your child's input. Teenagers are dependent on parents for making many of their health decisions, so listen to what they're telling you. No one therapist is a miracle worker, and no one treatment works for everyone. If your child feels uncomfortable or is just not 'connecting' with the psychologist or psychiatrist, ask for a referral to another provider that may be better suited to your teenager.

Don't rely on medication alone

Expect a discussion with the specialist you've chosen about treatment possibilities for your son or daughter. There are a number of treatment options for depression in teenagers, including one-on-one talk therapy, group or family therapy, and medication.

Talk therapy is often a good initial treatment for mild to moderate cases of depression. Over the course of therapy, your teen's depression may resolve. If it doesn't, medication may be warranted. However, antidepressants should only be used as part of a broader treatment plan.

Unfortunately, some parents feel pushed into choosing antidepressant medication over other treatments that may be cost-prohibitive or time-intensive. However, unless your child is considered to be high risk for suicide (in which case medication and/or constant observation may be necessary), you have time to carefully weigh your options before committing to any one treatment.

Risks of teenage antidepressant use

In severe cases of depression, medication may help ease symptoms. However, antidepressants aren't always the best treatment option. They come with risks and side effects of their own, including a number of safety concerns specific to children and young adults. It's important to weigh the benefits against the risks before starting your teen on medication.

Antidepressants and the teenage brain

Antidepressants were designed and tested on adults, so their impact on the young, developing brains is not yet completely understood. Some researchers are concerned that the use of drugs such as Prozac in children and teens might interfere with normal brain development. The human brain develops rapidly in young adults, and exposure to antidepressants may impact that development-particularly the way the brain manages stress and regulates emotions.

Antidepressant suicide warning for teens

Antidepressant medications may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in some teenagers. All antidepressants are required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to carry a "black box" warning label about this risk in children, adolescents, and young adults up to the age of 24. The risk of suicide is highest during the first two months of antidepressant treatment.

Certain young adults are at an even greater risk for suicide when taking antidepressants, including teens with bipolar disorder, a family history of bipolar disorder, or a history of previous suicide attempts.

Teenagers on antidepressants should be closely monitored for any sign that the depression is getting worse. Warning signs include new or worsening symptoms of agitation, irritability, or anger. Unusual changes in behavior are also red flags.

According to FDA guidelines, after starting an antidepressant or changing the dose, your teenager should see his or her doctor:

Once a week for four weeksEvery two weeks for the next monthAt the end of their 12th week taking the drugMore often if problems or questions arise

respectively. The evidence for hostility/anger and academic achievement was inconclusive. No negative effects of physical activity were reported. The literature suggests that physical activity in youth is psychologically beneficial. More research is needed to confirm previous findings. Adolescents should engage in moderate or vigorous aerobic activity approximately three times per week for a total of at least 60 minutes pweek.Depression
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Myths and Facts about Nicotine Addiction (Drugteststrips)

Use of tobacco as an intoxicant is a highly preventable cause of deaths in America. Approximately 440,000 Americans succumb to diseases related to tobacco use every year (Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse). Smoking harms almost every organ in the human body, causes many diseases, and compromises smokers' health in general. According to NIDA, cigarette smoking accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer cases in the U.S., and about 38,000 deaths per year can be attributed to secondhand smoke. Nicotine, a component of Tobacco is one of the most heavily abused addictive drugs. It is also the primary reason that Tobacco is addictive.

Myths about Nicotine:
Many people in U.S. use tobacco products. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), almost 71 million Americans used a tobacco product at least once a month in 2008. Many people totally misunderstand Nicotine addiction today. This is the reason millions of smokers around the world are suffering from Nicotine addiction and destroying their health as well as their life. There are many myths that conceal the truth about Nicotine addiction. Some of the common myths and actual facts about Nicotine addiction are:

Myth #1: Nicotine is not addictive, and even if it is, it is not as bad as illegal drugs
Fact: You should clearly understand that nicotine is highly addictive, regardless of the cigarette manufacturer or brand. Many people use tobacco regularly because they are addicted to nicotine. Nicotine's pharmacokinetic properties enhance its compulsive drug seeking and abuse. It is easier to quit other illegal drugs than cigarettes. Nicotine addiction is similar to the addiction of cocaine or heroin. Most smokers are aware that it is harmful and express a desire to reduce or stop using it. According to NIDA, nearly 35 million of smokers want to quit each year but more than 85 percent of them relapse, in most cases, within a week.

Myth #2: Nicotine could not be a poison or they could not sell it
Fact: Exposure to Nicotine is extremely toxic causing vomiting, tremors, convulsions and death. In fact, one drop of pure nicotine can kill a person. It is generally used in pesticides and insecticides and even a small drop results in respiratory failure caused by paralysis and eventually death. It is being sold because it is administered in such minute quantities that it doesn't kill immediately. But it will definitely kill slowly through years of consumption.

Myth #3: Gums, patches and other cessation products are the only way to quit
Fact: Many people think that gums, patches and other cessation products are the only way to quit. The cessation programs which use nicotine replacement methods, such as the patch or gum are no more effective to reduce craving than a commitment to stop by the smoker along with some professional treatment. Awareness of harmful effects of nicotine on the body and mind is the most effective way by which a person can stop nicotine abuse.

Myth #4: Nicotine is not an addiction
Fact: As it is not illegal, some people believe that it is fine to use. They believe that nicotine is not addiction and is not as harmful as other illicit drugs. But the truth is nicotine addiction is as real as any other addiction. Some researchers even believe that it is one of the most addictive substances because it is considered less addictive.

Nicotine addiction is a very serious health concern. Cessation of nicotine is not easy, but is possible with commitment, awareness and help from others. Remember, we all have the ability to quit smoking and bring lasting freedom from nicotine addiction to our lives.

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A Narcissist Cannot Apologize or Take Accountability

An individual with narcissistic personality disorder has a hair line trigger to any criticism real or imagined, and cannot be 'wrong'. This creates a highly abusive situation for a person in a narcissistic relationship, because the narcissistic personality will perform outrageous abusive crimes and will take no responsibility for his or her actions.

According to the narcissist, he or she is above reproach and it is always someone else's fault. The narcissist will use all sorts of malicious weapons to avoid taking responsibility and apologising, including adamantly and righteously denying any wrong doing, using lies as weapons to distract, citing that he or she did apologise when no credible apology was forthcoming, projecting by reaching into past unrelated incidents to use any slight he or she can muster against the other person, or by creating abandonment or threats to abusively make the other person back down or take on the fault instead.

When trying to get a narcissist to be accountable for painful, abusive and pathological acts, hooking into being abused is certain, and accountability from the narcissistic personality impossible. If trying to make a narcissist take responsibility and say 'sorry', the harder you try the harder the narcissist will hit back. Non-narcissistic individuals who possess a conscience are no match for the conscienceless narcissist. Be very aware that if he or she is cornered, the narcissist is more likely to devalue and discard you, exit the relationship, and abandon 'loving you' rather than be accountable and risk injuring his or her false self.

Be very aware that if and when the narcissist does take responsibility and apologise it will be for one of two reasons. The first is because a severe enough narcissistic injury has occurred that the narcissistic personality will hit rock bottom and the false self (which needs energy to hold up) disappears and the 'real' person emerges.

Don't be fooled into thinking that is time will remain, because as soon as the narcissist resumes enough relief (energy) to reinstate the false self, up it will come again. This is when a person with narcissistic personality disorder will discredit the therapist and his or her spouse or partner will be shattered, realising the sincerity was short-lived, and the nasty non-accountable person has returned.

The second reason a narcissistic personality will 'act' accountable is when no other option is left to secure or retain narcissistic supply. This generally happens when the person who has been the source of narcissistic supply gains enough strength to leave and stay away, and cannot be hooked back into thenarcissisticrelationship any other way. Once the individual is hooked again, thenarcissistic personality will return, but usually in an even more punishing form, to 'pay back' theindividual for having enough strength to leave in the first place.

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Seniors and Elderly Suffering Holiday Depression

As Christmas approaches, most of us begin to feel the delight and anticipation the holiday festivities bring. We marvel at the houses bedecked with brilliant multi-colored lights and are uplifted by the sense of family. It's easy to get caught up in the planning and excitement of presents, parties and celebrations.

But not everyone rejoices at the holiday cheer. In fact this is a time of year when many seniors, elderly and disabled individuals succumb to depression. It's difficult to go on celebrating year after year when you've lost people you've known for years to illness and old age. Also, having fewer relatives and friends in your life means you can feel forgotten or believe you're a burden to those who know you. Many seniors and elderly people withdraw gradually and their families and loved ones may not even realize they are depressed.

Depression is easy to overlook because we've all felt down, sad or frustrated at one time or another and the clinical symptoms cover so many other illnesses. Someone suffering from depression may not even realize it, they may just think they're tired or burned out. Depression is an insidious illness that is hard to recognize and fight, especially alone.

The most common symptoms of depression are fatigue and lack of energy or enthusiasm, feelings of being worthless or hopeless, irritability or anxiety. People suffering with depression lose interest in hobbies and activities they usually enjoy, have trouble making decisions and concentrating or remembering details. Loss of appetite or overeating is also an indicator that something serious is wrong. Another possible sign of depression is insomnia, the inability to sleep adds to the person's failure to concentrate or think straight. Lack of sleep can also cause hallucinations and increase feelings of hopelessness. And of course, having thoughts of suicide or making suicidal attempts.

The thought of being alone during the holidays can be overwhelmingly painful and unbearable even without clinical depression. Fortunately, there is a solution. If you know someone suffering from depression or who needs in home care services, homecare agencies can arrange a Senior Companion or Caregiver to provide company and assistance. Services are either hourly or 24 hour live in care and can include companionship, personal hygiene, housecleaning, laundry, errands, cooking and transportation to doctor's and social appointments.

Jackie Brown is a Case Manager at A-1 Home Care Agency and is the author of several newsletters and articles on their website and blogs. She has written about Depression and other senior ailments including Alzheimer's, Dementia and Caregiver Services.
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Common Drugs of Abuse - Cut off Concentrations and their Detection Periods (Drugteststrips)

Drug abuse is widespread and is one of the top health concerns in many countries. Drug abuse causes multiple problems to the abuser, his/her family and the immediate society. Physical and mental effects are quite obvious in the drug abuser. Drug abusers cannot function as normal citizens of the society. They neglect their families, become poor socially and economically and may also involve in crimes. It is very important to detect the drug abusers using drug tests to make them stay away from harmful drugs. Here we will look at some of the common drugs of abuse, their detection periods and cut-off concentrations in different drug testing samples.

Common Drugs of Abuse
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) recently stated that about 22 million Americans were abusing illicit drugs in 2009. Some of the commonly used illicit and prescribed drugs are Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Phencyclidine (PCP), Cocaine and Opiates.

Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in America with almost 16.7 million users. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug. The immediate effects of marijuana include relaxation, euphoria, and hallucinations. However, marijuana addiction leads to problems such as short-term memory impairment, red conjunctiva, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

There were more than 500,000 methamphetamine users in America in 2009. Methamphetamine is also a stimulant that causes euphoria, mood elevation, and appetite suppression. High doses of the drug lead to restlessness, anxiety, irritability, tremors, and paranoia. It may also result in fixed and dilated pupils, and heart and brain dysfunction.

Phencyclidine (PCP):
Around 45,000 people started using Phencyclidine in 2009. PCP, a "dissociative" drug, stimulates central nervous system. Short-term effects of PCP addiction are drowsiness, lethargy, and disorganized thoughts. PCP abuse causes visual, tactile, and auditory misperceptions; slurred speech; and sweating. Severe psychological effects are seen among PCP drug abusers.

There were 1.6 million Cocaine users in United States in 2009. Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. Cocaine enhances euphoria, alertness, energy and motor activity. High dosage cocaine abuse leads to convulsions, tremors and increased body temperature. Drug tests for cocaine detection check for presence of Benzoylecgonine which is the main metabolite of the drug.

Opiates including morphine, codeine, and heroin are derivatives of opium. High dosage of opium consumption causes depression of central nervous system leading to dizziness, lethargy, and drowsiness. Liver diseases, respiratory depression, and spontaneous abortion are caused by long-term use of opiates. Morphine and Morphine Glucuronides are the metabolites of opiates that are detected in drug tests.

Drug detection
Urine, saliva, and hair are the common samples taken to perform a drug test in order to detect the elevate levels of the above mentioned drugs. Detection period and cut-off concentrations of various drugs vary based on the type of test. The drug cut off concentration level is defined as the minimum level of drug or metabolite concentration in the specimen, which can be considered as a positive result. Amount of drugs that can be detected is based on several factors such as drug detection time, frequency of use, metabolism, specimen type, methods of drug testing, and others.

Urine Tests
Most of the illicit drug abusers are commonly tested by using urine tests. Urine drug test kits are available in the market for on-site tests or laboratory analysis. Urine drug tests are least expensive compared to all other types.

The cut off level for marijuana in urine is 50 ng/ml and can be detected between 2 to 4 days of consumption. Habitual marijuana use can be detected up to 30 days in urine. Cut off level for methamphetamine is 1000 ng/ml and can be detected between 3 to 5 days. PCP 25 ng/ml and detection period is 3 to 7 days. Cocaine 150 ng/ml and can be detected between 4 to 5 days. The cut-off level for opiates earlier was 300ng/ml. However, in order to reduce possibility of false positives, it is increased to 2000ng/ml. Opiates such as heroin, codeine or morphine can be detected for 2-4 days.

Hair Drug Tests:
Hair drug tests are accurate and can detect any type of drugs for 90 days. A hair sample of 1.5 inches of length is enough to conduct hair drug tests.
The cut off concentrations of common drugs of abuse using hair drug tests are: Cocaine (Benzoylecgonine) - 0.5 ng/mg, Amphetamines (Amphetamine) - 0.5 ng/mg, Marijuana - 0.005 ng/mg, Opiates (Morphine) - 0.2 ng/mg, Phencyclidine (Phencyclidine) - 0.3 ng/mg.

Saliva Drug Tests:
More recent drug use can be detected by saliva drug tests. These are more expensive than urine tests and less expensive than hair tests. They are easy to use and the chances of adulteration are very less. Detection period of saliva tests is not known for some drugs. However, methamphetamine and PCP can be detected for 1-3 days.

The cutoff concentrations for the above mentioned drugs using saliva tests are Cocaine - 20 ng/ml, Amphetamines (d-Amphetamine) - 50 ng/ml, Marijuana (THC-COOH) - 12 ng/ml, Opiates (Morphine) - 40 ng/ml, Phencyclidine (Phencyclidine) - 10 ng/ml.

Whatever the test may be, the cut-off concentration is a crucial parameter to detect the presence of drugs in order to provide accurate results.

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How to Prevent Your Teen From Getting Into Unhealthy Habits? (Drugteststrips)

Teenagers are more prone to risk taking because their brain is not fully developed. They tend to get attracted to unhealthy habits easily. Teenage is the critical period for the onset of unhealthy habits such as substance abuse. According to a recent report by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 9 in 10 addicted people began smoking, drinking and/or using other drugs before the age of 18 years.

Substance abuse during the teenage has some crippling consequences on the individuals. Some of the consequences may include lower grades, unemployment, traffic accidents, risky sex, chronic health problems, crime and violence. It may also lead an individual to suicide or death.

As a responsible parent, it is your duty to make sure that your teen does not get into these devastating unhealthy habits. Here are few tips that can help you guide your teen away from unhealthy habits.

Your kid is getting older:
You need to accept the fact that your kid is growing and he/she may change. Once they get into teenage years, they change physically and psychologically. They feel independent and try to form their own social circles. They believe that teenage is a freedom from all the rules and regulations set by parents and teachers. This is the time when the possibility of making wrong choices is more. As a parent, you should monitor their activities and guide them in a right direction.

Maintain open communication:
As discussed above, many teenagers like to be independent. But maintaining an open and trusting communication with your teen is essential to help your teen make right choices. Communicate with your teen regularly and encourage him to talk about his interests, dreams, problems and fears.

Remember, strict monitoring and pestering or yelling at their activities will result in a communication gap. If you are setting certain restrictions, explain their importance so that they do not take it in a negative sense.

Help your kid choose friends wisely:
The influence of friends on teenagers is very powerful. Many teens simply follow their friends without bothering about the consequences. Teens many times use drugs or alcohol to fit in their friends circle. Many teens start with experimentation due to peer pressure and end up in addiction.

Teach your kid in the early stages on how to choose a friend. Help your kid develop a sense of identity in which he feels secure. This makes him create a set of standards for himself and choose friends who match those standards.

Offer tips on how to avoid peer pressure:
Peer pressure is often a result of not choosing friends wisely. There are enough teens in our society, who can encourage your kid to get into unhealthy habits. Teenagers who lack confidence and self-esteem are more likely to join these groups for emotional support.

Teens do not turn to bad peers if they get enough support from parents. So spend time with your kid and offer tips on how to avoid peer pressure. In this way, you can teach him how to stay away from unhealthy friends and strengthen your relationship.

Explain about risks associated with unhealthy habits:
Preventing teens from unhealthy habits requires constant monitoring and proper corrective measures, which your kid may dislike. Instead, you can achieve your objective by continuously explaining them about the risks associated with unhealthy habits. Tell him how it negatively impacts his physical, financial and social well-being. Give examples, of people who are suffering due to their unhealthy habits. Keep him busy with healthy activities such as physical exercises, sports, yoga, etc.

Set yourself as an example:
The environment in which the kid has been brought up determines his habits. Try to be a good role model for your kid. What you practice is a more powerful message than what you teach. Set right your behavior and attitudes towards unhealthy habits. Remember, you cannot expect your kid to stay away from bad habits to which you are addicted.

Help your kid understand the nature of addiction and risks associated with teen substance use. Remember, prevention is better than cure. It is better to prevent your teen from getting into unhealthy habits, than making him quit them later.

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Step-by-Step Concerning How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing

If you'd prefer governing the lives of other folks then learning to hypnotize someone without them knowing might allow you to accomplish what you need to accomplish. A lot of people have no idea that performing such a cute thing is achievable however it is about producing the best from life, able to find the partner you need, the sort of life you need and making the most effective from your chances got for all. To perform something, initially you must develop a space at heart for possibilities ahead of turning out perfectly into a reality. Furthermore, understand that you can not get visitors to do something. As an example, you can not hypnotize somebody to leap away from a window or anything for these. As there are deeper hardwired endurance mechanisms, which are made to safeguard our everyday life as opposed to what hypnosis will get to.

You can find three main steps of hypnotizing someone and reduce costs is always to stimulate an unclear state of awareness. This is essential since they shall be disposed in your hypnotic commands, and lowers their psychological defenses. Basically, it indicates causing them to be feel comfortable plus more relaxed in a really positive way. Communicate in the relaxed tone, which can be in accord making use of their breathing patterns as well as the subject needs to be about relaxing things like vacation something like that for these, using anchoring techniques and embedded commands so they can take deeper states of trance. Besides, the niche needs to be in times they are centering on what you may are telling them. It's also advisable to choose a place where you must acknowledge. The spot must comfortable and clear of noise.

One other step is always to embed wishes and concepts within their brain discreetly, to produce hypnotic tips to their unconscious mind. Consequently, it is extremely significant to comprehend hypnotic language guides. These represent the linguistic structures it is possible to connect with lsquoprogram' other folk's feelings and thoughts. A great tricky language guide is named lsquostacked presuppositions' in places you just presume various things within your sentences in order that their marbles are kept busy. Let them have a flatter. Praise them, be operational and they're going to become to be controlled by what you may being a hypnotist says. Praises create a place of reliance. You can even learn to nod your mind gradually when telling them your hypnotic command. As soon as you try this, they are going to also nod their heads as a possible agreement of what you may are letting them know.

The next and last step is always to close all of it and get rid of it. Once you place them in circumstances of state of hypnosis and effectively embedded ideas, you ought to make certain that they perform these suggestions when they recover their normal state of consciousness. As an example, it is possible to let them visualize that they perform certain actions in the future, in addition to how great they are going to feel when they finish hypnotizing your thinking, making some great benefits of the proceedings you need them to obtain specific. These are the basic main tips and guides of the way to hypnotize someone without them knowing, which can be proven and possess did wonders.

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Lumiday Mood Enhancement - Fix Your Happy Moods with Lumiday

Lumiday All-natural Mood Enhancement is an innovative mood enhancement solution that has been clinically produced to help promote an optimistic mood, well balanced serotonin level, regulates cravings, and may also help to decrease anxiety and stress levels. It is made up of 12 vital elements that have been examined for the most effectiveness. With the regular stressors that come with everyday activity, it may be difficult not to allow issues enable you to get down. Despite the fact that you may have very good days and unhealthy days, frequently the bad time are too regular to really enjoy the days that aren't so terrible. Lumiday is a health supplement that has been manufactured to assist raise your mood and is consists of natural formulations .Lumiday is a mood enhancer supplement that has been clinically made up of a mixture of elements. The main effective ingredients consist of Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, Ashwagandha root, and 5-htp. The combination of elements is focused to enhance your over-all mood .This health supplement is actually relieve anxiety, stabilize serotonin level, lower hunger, and decrease stress.

What Are The Ingredients in Lumiday?

Lumiday consist of a number of natural herbs and ingredients developed to help enhance your mood considerably.The full components record has an extensive range of vitamin B types such as, B1, B3, B6, B9, and B12.These natural vitamins are used to improve your power, as well as metabolic rate. Lumiday also contains several other significant ingredients, such as St. Johns Wort, Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, ashwagandha root, and 5-htp.It is very interesting to observe that 5 HTP mood increaser is used in several health products, as well as treatment for depressive disorders.

Other ingredients in Lumiday consist of Vitamin D-3, Thiamin, Niacin, and Salidrosides.

Does Lumiday Work?

Lumiday consists of most of the notch components, along with certain whose advantages tend to be more unsure, but entirely it appears to have the capability to deal with certain gentle ordinary day to day depression symptoms caused by anxiety as well as other physical aspects .Top quality elements like St. John's wort are included in their highly recommended dosages for handling depression symptoms , and only a few like 5-HTP offer unwanted effects .Taken as a whole , Lumiday appears to be a top quality health supplement for combating gentle depression symptoms , though it usually won't give long lasting results like a recommendation can .

Have the benefit of A Stress-Free Lifestyle

Whenever stress is putting you down, then don't expect the long lasting effects but start Lumiday for your mood improvement. You will definitely encountering an entire improvement and happiness will be your own to hold all day long as you regarding your hard work and family business . Keep this in mind company shows the best quality of organic ingredients that have been clinically verified for their dietary and nutritional supplement value.

Who Should Consider Taking Lumiday?

While Lumiday may be highly effective for helping out to combat situational depressive disorders, it is no replacement for an appropriate antidepressant or physician.If you think you are looking for a bit more serious focus, you must talk to a physician instead of go for non-prescription tablets like Lumiday. Remember, symptoms of actual depressive disorders consist of more than simply "sad" emotions. Depressive disorders include insufficient motivation, no satisfaction in stuff you once adored, and thoughts of sadness. If you are encountering this amount of intensity, it is not likely that Lumiday will be able to let you at the level you want.

Safety measures

Talk to your good health care expert before make use of for people with or suspect a medical condition, are on maternity or nursing, or are consuming prescription medications like medications for depression symptoms, migraines, Parkinson's illness, or psychiatric and psychological situations. Don't use with alcoholic beverages and use of this product might result in your skin layer to be more delicate to Ultra violet sources, for example synthetic or organic sun light, stay away from too many exposures from these sources, stop 14 days before surgery.

What about The Lumiday 100 % free Trial?

There have been several problems on several third party websites about the test offer methods of Lumiday. When you purchase the trial offer, you have 14 times to try it out "risk free". It's actually 18 times from the time period of purchase, because the organization allows a 4 day of time interval for delivery and conversion. However, at the end of your 18 day trial, you are instantly registered in their Monthly Auto shipment, where they will cost you $75 each 30 days to get their item. This business structure is somewhat questionable, with producers disagreeing that if the client prefers the item, it will make it simpler for them to basically get the item automatically. The greyish place can be found in the point that many clients do not recognize they will be billed at the end of their test, they think they are just getting a example of Lumiday. While the payments process may seem like a fraud, it does not indicate whether or not the complement performs.

Lumiday Has Real Benefits

Enhance your well-beingTake satisfaction in lifestyle againAppreciate time with buddies and familyAllow yourself a clean startMotivate yourself to do more

Pressure and Anxiety:-A beneficial feeling can help convenience the consequences of stress and anxiety

Psychological Well-Being:-Help assistance healthier, natural psychological operate and serenity of mind

Motivate relaxation:-Find it simpler have fun with your day. Begin each day satisfied and rejuvenated.

Inspiration & Happiness:-Feel inspired and inspired to get more out of lifestyle. Be your best, daily.

The Bad

It is expensive.No provides and discounts

Cost & Guarantee

The price for a container of Lumiday is $69.99. If you are not pleased with your outcomes while using the increaser, you can come back it within 1 month for a return. The formal website of Lumiday does provide a test of the item. However, since 100 % free tests are usually used to join clients in an auto ship system, we suggest that you study the terms and conditions carefully to prevent problems.


A look at the substances has proven us that Lumiday has the prospective to provide you control over your emotions. With the deficiency of adverse reactions and because it contains good ingredients, Lumiday seems like a great item.The 30 day assurance is not the best come back assurance, so be certain to come back Lumiday before your 1 month are up. Overall, Lumiday seems like an product value trying.

This is HardyStella a Health Research Analyst. I do like to write articles on latest Beauty, skincare, health problems, women's issues, depression problems and also shares how they are effective for you. One can solve their problems by the reference of Lumiday Reviews , an anti-inflammatory health supplement will definitely get solution of your problems.
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De-addiction center in hyderabad (oxygenseo seo)

The word "addiction" tells a compulsive disposition act which causes harm to the person and that person has no longer control. A person habituated to repeatedly use of substances even if he knows substance is causing harm to him, so activity is called addiction. It is uncontrollable habit of using alcohol, drugs and other substances. So, Oxygen institute of psychiatrist is providing de-addiction center in hyderabad to preventing this uncontrollable activities in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. De-addiction in hyderabad is preventing from impulse control disorders, behavioral, and other substances. when people begin to take drugs, they have not plan to get addicted. But if they take, then the drugs are giving them to feel happy and the drugs might control themselves. However, drugs can change the person's brain. So, Drug person's start to need the drug just to feel happy. This type of feeling is called addiction and it can quickly affected over a person's life. If the person addicted to substances then replaces all the things the person used to enjoy and who is addicted might do anything such lying, stealing, or hurting people to keep taking the drug. This could get the person in remission. With this addiction a person might get employment, social problems, financial problems, medical and mental health problems and almost destroy person's family. There is no background either rich or poor, anyone can easily get an addiction. People who are addicted to need a treatment otherwise they lose their life and also family. So, De-addiction center in hyderabad is giving treatment to addicted people. De-addiction center in hyderabad is providing treatment to addicted people and people released from addiction and they taking care and also giving quality of life in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Oxygen rehabilitation is designed de-addiction center in hyderabad for those struggling with addiction to alcohol and drugs. Our best psychiatrists will counsel you to deaddict from your disorders and depressions and to improve your mental well-being.

Visit us:

Oxygen rehabilitation is designed de-addiction center in hyderabad for those struggling with addiction to alcohol and drugs. Our best psychiatrists will counsel you to deaddict from your disorders and depressions and to improve your mental well-being.
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How to Hypnotize Someone?

Hypnosis is a great way to battle many different problems including addiction, anxiety, and even obsessive compulsive disorder. One of the first questions that usually comes up when talking about hypnosis is . The truth is that it's very easy to put a willing person into hypnosis, even if you've never hypnotized someone with the progressive relaxation induction before.

Putting someone into trance is very simple, but it can take years to perfect the art of giving effective suggestion to the unconscious mind. In this article we'll go over the basics of how to hypnotize someone.

What is hypnotism?

Hypnotism can be defined as a psychological state whereby a certain psychological attribute, which resemble sleep only superficially, is marked by the functioning of the person at a level of awareness rather than the ordinary conscious state. Let's now have a look at the tips on how to hypnotize someone do whatever you want.

Steps to hypnotize someone

Step 1

The first thing you want to ensure is that you and your subject are in a comfortable room with as few external distractions as possible. Have the subject lie down or sit in a comfortable position so that they're completely relaxed. When learning to hypnotize, focus on talking with a soothing voice and pay attention to your tempo (if you want the person to relax, speak slower). The trick is for the subject to feel completely comfortable with your voice and the suggestions that you're giving for them to relax.

Step 2

As the subject becomes more relaxed you want to direct their attention to different parts of their body and have them deeply relax each in order. You start with their toes and move up their body, one part at a time.

Step 3

This is one of the most crucial steps when learning how to place someone in a deep trance as it helps the subject to relax but also takes their mind off the fact that they're being hypnotized. It will likely be an integral part of them entering a state of waken sleep so you must persist with this step until they go unconscious.

Step 4

The next step to hypnotize someone even deeper is to say "Now that you're relaxed I want you to bring your attention to your breathing and take a deep breath and as you let it out begin to feel yourself relax even more. and i want you to concentrate on each inhale and each exhale as you let yourself sink even deeper into a trance." In order for the subject to be completely relaxed though you have to be relaxed. So pay attention to your own relaxation and breathing. If you can put yourself into a trance the other person is almost always going to follow. How you say the words is as important as what you're saying.


It may take as little as 5 minutes for your subject to enter a state of deep relaxation but will likely take a bit more. Cycle through relaxing the subject's body until you see them relaxing, breathing deeper and more rhythmically. Once they're in the desired state it's time to work on the problem, let's say it's addiction to smoking. The key when learning to hypnotize is to allow the subject to figure the problem out for themselves. You'll likely have to direct the person's thoughts but in the end you want them to come to their own conclusion that smoking is just a bad habit, and that it does much more harm than good. once the subject has reached a conclusion you can use the traditional technique to awake them from their sleep by counting back from 10.

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