2. To focus on something else rather than the reason that causes stress. Although it may seem difficult to concentrate on anything, when you have the problem of the relationship, but you can't unless you try. Using the technique of relaxation step 1 will help you focus on the relaxation of your muscles, rather than stress.
3. Learn to use leisure as your comfort. There comes a time in the relationship when you just want to leave your partner for a little while and spend time on your own. It is important to have a few hobbies that can do in your free time, that help you to relax.
4 Yoga is one of the best relaxation techniques. It helps to improve your health and teaches you many methods that you can use in your daily life, to feel better. If your partner is interested then both of you can bring together yoga courses and learn the techniques to reduce stress.
5 Relationships often reach a point when you feel like it is that nothing in the relationship but the fights and arguments. In times like these it is very good way to reduce stress and boost your confidence in the relationship. All you need to do is close your eyes and think of the wonderful times you had with your partner. This will help your mind relax and give you a reason to try to improve your relationship.
6. Aromatherapy is another popular technique used today by many to reduce stress. Essential oils are used to change a person's mood in this therapy. You and your partner can do it together once you are in a good and peaceful atmosphere you can discuss things that are difficult to discuss when stressed.
7. You may have overlooked it all these years, but one of the most effective techniques to reduce stress is touch therapy. If you are both stressed out for a reason, then a simple touch of your loved one can create a lot of difference. Just holding hands with your partner sends a signal to the brain to reduce stress. If this is not the case, your partner, and then a hug from your children or parents can do the trick.
8. Breathing techniques become more and more popular these days. They only take about five minutes to run but can have a very good effect in the reduction of stress.
9. There are many treatments available on the market that allows to learn new ways to reduce stress. Mediation is one of these techniques which are always popular because of its efficiency. It teaches you how to control your thoughts and help achieve a positive attitude towards life.
10 Exercises and a healthy diet are probably the most underestimated stress reduction techniques. They help in many ways to reduce stress. If you can spare some time to run, jog or swim every day, then you will see yourself the difference. Endurance training is also very effective. A healthy diet is extremely important to maintain your health during stressful times.
Relaxation techniques can you find exactly how to stop your stress to the relationship altogether, but they will help you to reduce stress that affects your physical and mental functioning. If you are able to reduce stress and take control of your mind, then you will be able to stop your relationship stress once and for all.

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