
Top Ten Countries with Highest Defense Spending

There are many different factors that serve as an indicator for the annual defense spending for a country. They can include the overall size of the economy, the number of threats, resources and the priorities of a given society. I am sure it will come as no surprise when you see which country spends the most when it comes to the annual defense budget. Then again, when you have something worth protecting, you don’t really care what you have to go through. I hope the list proves informative. Enjoy the read.


Brazil - Top Ten Countries with Highest Defense Spending

Spending: $35.4 Billion

World Share: 2.0%

Percentage of GDP: 1.5

Brazilian Navy, Air Force and Army serve under one group called the Brazilian armed forces. It is the largest in all of Latin America with around 327,710 troops and officers. They don’t really have any serious external or internal threats but for some reason their annual spending ends up at number ten. Their military is under the control of their president with President Dilma Rousseff as the Commander-in-Chief and Celso Amorim as Minister of Defense.


Spending: $46.7 Billion

World Share: 2.7%

Percentage of GDP: 1.3

The Federal Defense Force or Bundeswehr is what the army, navy and air force serve under. The states of Germany are not allowed to have armed forces of their own. According to their constitution, the military subject falls under the federal government. They have around 207,247 troops. In addition to that they have around 200,000 troops in reserve. Thomas de Maiziere serve as the Commander-in-Chief and the Defense Minister.

Spending: $46.8 Billion

World Share: 2.7%
Percentage of GDP: 2.5
Indian Armed Forces consist of Army, Navy, Indian Coast Guard and the Air Force. They are supported by Paramilitary forces. President Pranab Mukherjee serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the forces while A. K. Antony is the Minister of Defense. They are spending money on their missile system and their nuclear program. They have more than 1.32 million troops with around another 2.14 million as reserves. They are one of the world’s largest military forces.


 Spending: $48.2 Billion

World Share: 2.8%

Percentage of GDP: 8.7

The Saudi Armed Forces are comprised of Saudi Arabian Army, Royal Saudi Air Force, Royal Saudi Navy, Royal Saudi Air Defense, Saudi Arabian National Guard and the paramilitary forces. They have more than 200,000 active troops. The national guard does not serve as reserve, they are a full-fledged part of the Armed Forces. King Abdallah bin Abdul-Aziz al-Saud serves as their Commander-in-Chief and Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud is the Minister of Defense.


 Spending: $59.3 Billion

World Share: 3.4%

Percentage of GDP: 1.0

Japan Self-Defense Forces were established after the end of the Second World War occupation of Japan. They are mostly engaged in international peacekeeping missions these days. The defense forces serve under the prime minister by the name of Yoshihiko Noda with Satoshi Morimoto as the Minister of Defense. They have around 247,746 active troops while another 57,899 personnel in reserve. Of course these figures are an estimate.

 Please Click to read more  Top Ten Countries with Highest Defense Spending

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