

by mthago

When the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w reached Quba on his historic journey to Medina, he stopped for some days in Quba. During the few days he was in Quba the Prophet s.a.w built a mosque and when he reached Medina, among the first thing that he did, he build a mosque which was later named as the Prophet mosque. Prophet s.a.w bought the lands from two orphans and together with the Sahabah, the Prophet s.a.w built the mosque. The mosque was a simple mosque with the pillars of the mosques was made from the trunk of the date trees and the roofs were made from date leaves. Although the mosque was simple but the mosques are full of activities twenty four hours daily. We have to make the activities in our mosques like the activities of the Prophet mosques at the time of the Prophet s.a.w. The activities that were carried out in the Prophet mosque have to be followed by Muslims until doomsday. The actions of the Prophet s.a.w have clearly indicated to us that the activities that are carried out in the mosque are more important than the building of the mosque. The building is like the body but the activities of the mosque are like the soul and the minds of the body. Without the correct activities carried out in the mosque, the mosque will be just like a body without soul and mind. In other words the mosque is like a dead body. What is important is the soul of the mosque, which is the activities that are carried out in the mosque, like the activities carried out at the time of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

Are our mosque like the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in term of its activities or otherwise. Nowadays Muslims built very beautiful mosques and some mosques are built like a palace and its maintenance can reached to hundred of thousands of dollars in a month. Muslims as well as non-Muslims visits the mosques to look at its splendour and grandeur. The mosques have become a centre of attractions for tourists. Even the Muslims who visited the mosque may not even remember to pray solat in respect of the mosque, because they are so attracted to the beauty of the mosques. Nowadays mosques are lacking the soul and mind and the mosque are like the dead body. When anyone visits a person who is alive, he or she may gain benefit from his visit to that person, but in case the person is dead, the visits are only to pay respect to the dead person. Similarly the visits of Muslims nowadays to the mosque are like visiting a dead person. At the times of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w the mosque was full with activities .The mosque was like a man with body, mind and soul. The mosque was full of activities even during the early hours of the day. The sahabah takes turn to come to the mosques and participates in the activities of the mosques. Each one of the sahabah regards themselves as the worker of the mosques and each one is willing to spare sometime in the day and in the night in making the mosques full of activities twenty four hours daily.

When the mosques are full of activities, the mosques are like a person having mind, body and soul. Anyone who comes to the mosques with a dead soul and mind will find their soul and mind to be rejuvenated. When a person with a dead soul and mind comes to the mosques and participated with the activities of the mosques, their soul and minds will become alive. Their soul and minds will start to become fresh and shining. Now we have many mosques but all our mosques are like a dead person. Any one with a dead soul and minds go the mosques their souls and mind are not rejuvenated and they come out of the mosques having the same soul and mind as he or she has entered the mosques. We have not making use of the mosques to harness human potentials. We have not making use of the mosques to correct our belief and minds. We have not making use of the mosques to produce the best Muslims. We only built beautiful mosques that cost us millions of dollars and we have not used the mosques to its utmost potential  as a means to produce the best Muslims .The Prophet mosque at the times of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, was a very simple mosques and cost them little money to built but the mosques was full of activities twenty four hours daily and they produced out of that mosques such personalities like Hazrat Abu Bakar ,Hazrat Umar and many others that the world has never produced before and probably will never produce in the future.

We are Muslims and we have the Prophet s.a.w as our example. When we want to built a community that is obedience to commandments of Allah, we have to start with the mosques. We have to make our mosques full with activities like the Prophet s.a.w mosque at the times of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. The mosques of the Prophet s.a.w were full with activities twenty four hours daily, because the amal of dakwah is alive while our mosques are not full with activities because the amal of dakwah like the way the Prophet s.a.w are not alive in our mosques. We think by having lectures in the mosques we are already doing the work of dakwah. We organised daily lectures in the mosques between magrib and Isyha and we expect the Muslims in the locality will come to hear the lectures. Only some of those who come to the mosque for magrib solat will listen to the lecture. We really do not know how to market our religion. By only organising daily lectures in the mosques is not marketing. We do not do any marketing about Islam and we expect the non-Muslims will come to Islam. No matter how good the product is, without marketing the sales of the product will be down. Dakwah is the way how to market Islam to the non-Muslims. We have to visit Muslims in our locality, and remind them about Allah and the orders of Allah and ask them to do the work of dakwah and to perform solat with congregation in the mosques. We have to visit the non-Muslims in our locality and invite them to embraced Islam. We have to ask all the Muslims in our locality to do marketing about Islam in the locality. When the number of Muslims doing the work of dakwah increases the number of Muslims that come to the mosques for prayer also increases. We can organise the Muslims in the locality to spend time in the mosque turn by turn and in this way the mosques will be full of activities twenty four hours daily.

When our mosques are full with amal or activities twenty four hours daily, then our mosques will becomes like the mosques of the Prophet s.a.w at the time of the Prophet s.a.w. Our mosques will have the radiance of light that will penetrate the heart of those who comes to our mosques. Muslims or non-Muslims who enter our mosques will be affected by the radiance of light that comes from the various amal in the mosques and Muslims will come out of the mosques with increase iman and understanding of Islam and the non-Muslims will come out of the mosques as Muslims. In this way we are making use of our mosques correctly and we will have good and quality citizen.
Dr.Nasoha Saabin
March 2010
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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