
Deodorant And Anti-Perspirant Dangers - Do You Know What You're Putting Under Your Armpits?

Deodorant and anti-perspirants are used to prevent embarrassing social situations. Naturally, smelling nice is part of good personal hygiene.
Most deodorants and anti-perspirants contain aluminium, parabens and propylene glycol. There are growing links between the chemicals found in such products and chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's and breast cancer.
aluminium is widely used and you may not be aware of the level of contact with aluminium. It is in anti-perspirants and deodorants. It is in soft drink cans (made of aluminium). It can also be found in medicine such as "buffered aspirins" and is used for many cooking utensils.
In deodorants and anti-perspirants it comes in the form of aluminium chloride or aluminium sulphate, it helps to stop you from sweating. However, sweating is an extremely important function of the body and it serves the purpose of maintaining the body temperature as well as eliminating toxins.
So the idea of stopping perspiration is in opposition to the body's natural health maintaining system. It makes no sense to "stop" perspiration since perspiration is a vital function.

Dr Chris Exley from Keele University, a researcher into the toxicity of aluminium, and awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in the field "The Bioinorganic Chemistry of aluminium and Silicon" said:

Aluminium is a metalloestrogen, it is genotoxic, is bound by DNA and has been shown to be carcinogenic. The confirmed presence of aluminium in breast tissue biopsies highlights its potential as a possible factor in the aetiology of breast cancer
The World health Organization has linked exposure to aluminum to Alzheimer's disease, with higher frequencies of deodorant use corresponding to higher risks of developing Alzheimer's. Unusually high levels of aluminium accumulation has been found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. Further, when aluminium is injected into the brains of laboratory animals, the animals develop a neurological disease similar to Alzheimer's.
Then we have parabens which are used as preservatives. The problem with them is that they are similar to oestrogens in their activity and may disrupt the proper functioning or hormones in the body. There are studies showing that parabens have been found in the tumours from breast cancer sufferers. They are mostly found in the area nearest to the underarm in the outer parts of the breast.
Another addition to these cosmetics is mineral oil which is used to block pores, thereby subduing perspiration and preventing the detoxification process.
Then we have propylene glycol which is an agent that prevents substances from drying out. Propylene glycol was (and still is) used as an anti-freeze and it has found its way into deodorant. So what is propylene glycol? It is a neurotoxin that has been known to cause contact dermatitis, kidney and liver damage.
The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for propylene glycol by the National Institute for Occupational health and Safety warns workers to avoid skin contact with the toxic chemical. However, millions of people use it under their arms every single day. From the MSDS:

May cause eye irritation, skin irritation. Chronic exposure can cause gastro-intestinal disturbances, nausea, headache, vomiting, and central nervous depression.
In addition when using spray-based deodorants and anti-perspirants, you inevitably inhale the toxic elements in these products.
So if you shouldn't prevent perspiration, how can you control the smell. Well it comes down largely to what you eat. Is that a surprise? It shouldn't be. Without being overly polite here, if your stool smells differently depending on what type of foods you eat, it should make sense that the smell of your sweat, to some degree or other, will be influenced likewise by what you eat. Lots of caffeine, for example, leads to a pungent type of body odour.
If you adhere to the optimum diet, which consists of mainly vegetables and fruit (80%) and limit the meat and unhealthy (oxidized, pro-inflammatory, polyunsaturated) fat intake, and also reduce the amount of refined carbohydrate intake, your body odour will not smell as bad.
This mean's that you will not have to take such drastic measures as sticking anti-freeze under your armpits, blocking your pores and preventing normal and essential bodily functions such as perspiration. This just makes your body retain the toxins that it is trying to excrete for your own protection and well-being.
As everybody is different, for some people even a change in diet may not be enough and they may find that they need "extra protection" against those embarrassing social situations.
If that is you, then you should try and search for aluminium-free,anti-freeze free, paraben-free cosmetics. There are many natural deodorants available now, so you have to experiment and find out which one works well for you.
Crystal deodorants can be very effective and there are plenty available on the market. You have to experiment and see which one works well for you.
 by HealthyMuslim
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Prayers of the Final Prophet + rabiul awwal pdf +Last sermon of prophet Muhammad

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    holy  month   of  rabiul   awwal.    pdf          View Download        

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the 'Uranah valley of Mount Arafat' in Mecca.

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn 'Abd'al Muttalib (Prophet's uncle) shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship ALLAH, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before ALLAH and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, NO PROPHET OR APOSTLE WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILL BE BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O ALLAH, that I have conveyed your message to your people". A simple and basic understanding of the life of Muhammad and the main events that shaped him, Arab history and the story of Islam.

By Yusuf Islam

Call to Prayer....

1] Early life of Muhammad (SAW):
*A lonely Orphan in the desert
*The Trustworthy
*The Black Stone
*Polytheists and Idols

2] Prophethood:
*Contemplation/The Cave on Mount Hira (Known as the Mountain of Light -- Jabal Nur in arabic)

*The Night of Power (Laill ut Qadr) - Ramadan
*Read or recite (Surah Alaq)
*The Opening (Surah Al-Fatihah)
*Allah: The One (Surah Ikhlas) -- There are no Gods! Just One God of all.

*Rejection and Boycott
*The Night Journey (Isra) and Ascension (Miraj)
*The Lote Tree known as Sidrat ul-Muntaha a tree of indescrible beauty and spiritual mystery (where worldy knowledge ends and spiritual knowledge and dimension starts - known as the boundary of utmost limit) -- The Arc Angel Gabriel could not proceed past this point as he had reached his own limit at this point. However God granted Muhammad special permission to proceed beyond this point...

*The spiritual/meditation gift from God of 5 daily prayers

3] Migration from Makkah to Madinah:
*The First Constitution
*Migrants and Helpers (Surah al-Anfal)
*Charity & Fasting
*Blessed People of the Book (Jews & Christians)
*Permission to defend (Armed Struggle)
*Battle of Badr (battle took place at Badr, water wells)
*Battle of Uhud (battle took place near a mountain called Uhud)

*Siege on the city of Madinah (Khandaq) on the outskits of the city

*Peace Treaty of Hudaybiyyah approved by Muhammad
*Call to the Rulers
*Common Terms (Surah Al-Imran)

4] Conquest of Makkah:
*Makkah Opens
*There is no God except the One True God
*Idols (falsehood) destroyed
*Religion of Truth (Surah al_Saf)
*Farewell Pilgrimage (Hajj)
*Farewell Speech of Muhammad
*This Day I have Perfected your Way of Life for You (Surah Al-Ma'idah) God's message to Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims

5] The Death of the Prophet (was only a living man - and like all living creatures, there is a beginning and an end)
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Great women of Islam

Xenia Y
by Xenia Y
 greatwomenofislam-120125153114-phpapp01.pdf View Download

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My holiday !!

Hey bloggie! Eh assalamualaikum! ^_^

Dear bloggie, it have been a long time you didn't hear anything from me right?
Did you miss me? =D      hehehhe

so, its holiday time ...  firstly i wanna to say Happy Chinese New Year !! 
but to me now .. its not a holiday for me because i have to study guys .. this year i will taking SPM !!
ouh , now i am 17 years old . hha . you are now a big girl Ainoul .. but your body still small . hahha.
Actually i wanna to update my blog everyday . but i can't because my Galaxy Samsung Tab 10.1 tooooooo  slow (internet) . 

I have a lot to say guys .. but now i am toooooooooo busy ..  on Monday until Friday i have tuition to attend . Now , I have to stop . Maybe one day i will update this blog again . So yah ..
Bye blogger .. see you soon . thanks for visiting my blog .

 Ya Allah murahkanlah rezeki AINOULHUDA HUSNA MOHD NOR, Semoga dia mendapat 8A+ dalam SPM 2012 nanti. Semoga AINOULHUDA HUSNA MOHD NOR tercalon sebagai peserta PLKN BERSAMA KAWAN-KAWAN YANG DIKENALI . AAmeeen"
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Infographic: Surviving the College Dining Hall

Since people's eating habits tend to be worse during the winter, this would be a perfect time to share this resource. Surviving the College Dining Hall
Via: Online Universities Blog
by mail from Muhammad Saleem
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For Your Heart Vein Opening

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Imaam Al-Shaafi'ee on the Importance of Learning Medicine

Imaam al-Dhahabi wrote in Al-Tibb al-Nabawi (Dar Ihyaa al-Uloom, Beirut, pp. 228-229):

Chapter: Regarding the Encouragement of Teaching medicine His (alayhis salaatu was-salaam's) saying, "Allaah did not send down a disease except that it has a cure" has already preceded. We say: This (hadeeth) necessitates the mobilization the people's [lofty] concerns [for medicine] and incitement of (their) determinations to learn medicine. And it has already preceded that medicine is a skill. Imaam al-Shaafi'ee said, "I don't know of a knowledge more noble than medicine after the halaal and haraam." And he used to be concerned (and grieved) over what the Muslims had neglected of medicine, and he would say, "They have neglected one third of knowledge and have entrusted it to the Jews and Christians." And he used to say, "Indeed the Ahl al-Kitaab have dominated us with respect to medicine." And al-Shaafi'ee, alongside his greatness in the knowledge of the Sharee'ah, and his great skill in Arabic was also insightful in medicine. The writer (i.e. al-Dhahabi) says: And I have seen our Shaykh, Shaykh Ibraaheem al-Raqiyy to be insightful in medicine, and likewise our Shaykh, Shaykh Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah, and Shaykh Imaad al-Din al-Waasitee (rahimahullaau ta'aalaa) [were insightful in medicine]. Hippocrates and others have said, "Medicine is inspired by Allaah," and Hippocrates is the chief of this discipline. His school of thought regarding it is the sound, correct school of thought. He was followed therein by Galen who is the leading scholar of this discipline as well, and both of them are venerated a great deal by the physicians.
There are some nice benefits from this quote, from them:

  • That a Muslim should strive to educate himself about that in which his health and well-being lies and to be familiar with the foundations of medicine. A great starting point for this is to get a good basic grounding in biochemistry and nutrition. This ought to become common knowledge.
  • That the great Scholars of Islaam were insightful and knowledgeable of medicine, and from them Aa'ishah (radiallaahu anhaa), and likewise al-Shaafi'ee, Ibn Taymiyyah and others.
  • That there were from the Muslim scholars who grieved at the fact that the Muslims were not at the forefront of medicine and had left this discipline to others, being reliant on them with respect to it.
  • That Muslim Scholars acknowledge that the correct and sound madhhab (school of thought) with respect to medicine (as in its basic foundations) can be found in the teachings of Hippocrates and Galen.
  • Following on from the last point, that the core principle of medicine is founded upon healthy-eating and a healthy life-style, and as the saying goes, "food is medicine and medicine is food." The nature of one's diet and lifestyle also determines the type and nature of the diseases that one succumbs to. Simple natural, wholesome diets (offering wholesome nutrition) suited to locality and environment lead to simple diseases which are short-lived and resolve easily, and which can be treated with the simplest of (natural) medicines. Complex diets consisting of refined foods and what in reality cannot even be said to be food, not providing the required nutritional intake the body needs for it to function properly at the biochemical level, lead to complex, chronic (long-term) diseases, requiring complex interventions. Precaution in diet is the foundation of all medicine, and this is what all nations and civilizations and cultures affirmed (through centuries of experience), and each of them developed their own forms of Natural medicine upon this basic foundation.
  • Refer also to Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali's commentary on the hadeeth of Miqdaam (see this article), and also this article from Ibn al-Qayyim. 
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Sumed Recipe Book

Recipe Book
A french book of recipes, developed using our newest interface. Different navigation options are provided. Pages are streamed on demand.

Click Here
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Biography about Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam
:: The Life of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam)
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam) was a Prophet at age of 40 in Mecca.
He came with the holy book al-Qur’an.
He taught us about the good things to do, and to stay away from the bad things.
He taught us about the day of Judgment, Paradise and Hellfire.
He taught us about Allah, the messengers.
He taught us that Allah does not need anything and Allah does not look like anything.
He immigrated to al-Madina with abu Bakr, and died in al-Madina at age 63.
He spent 23 years delivering the message of Islam.
He was very patient on those who harmed him, so he teach them Islam.
He used to treat both, those who treat him good and treat him bad, with good manners.

:: The Family of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam)
The Mother of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam) is Aminah.
His Father is Abdullah.
His Grandfather Abdul-Muttalib.
His Great Grandfather is Hashim.
His Great-Great Grandfather is Abdu-Manaf.
He was from the tribe of Quraysh.
He is the best of all creations.
He was raised by his Grandfather Abdul-Muttalib.
He was an Orphan, his mother died when he was 6 years old.
He is the most beautiful prophet of All.
:: Teachins of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam)
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam) is the last of all messengers.
He is the slave of Allah and the best of all messengers.
He was born in Mecca in the year of alfeel, known as the year of Elephant.
He is the slave of Allah sent to both, Humans an Jinn.
He was born on Monday 12th of Rabi^ al-Awwal according to Islamic calendar.
He taught us that all prophets and messengers were Muslims worshipping Allah.
He was truthful in everything that he conveyed about Allah and the hereafter.
He taught us that Allah does not need anything and that Allah does not look like anything.
He died in al-Madinah and was buried there in the chamber lady ^aishah.
We Love Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Salam, May Peace and Blessing be Upon him.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Islamic Dates/Day/Time/Place
12th Rabbi-ul-Awwal, Monday, Early in the morning (before sun rise) at Holy MAKKAH
English date/year
17th June 569. A.D
Hindi date date/year
1st of jaaith 3672 kul jug
Other Dates
1st year of elephant. (on 40th day after elephant event) 2675th year to Prophet Noah’s flood 2585th year to Prophet  Ibrahimi year
12th Rabbi-ul-Awwal  11 hijrah, 23 Nabvi, 8th June, 632 A.D, At the time of chast (after sun rise) In Madina munawwarah
In the house of Bibi Ayesha R.A. Burried in the house of bibi Ayesha R.A
Grave exactly where died in the room.
LIFE SPAN Total Life Span
63 years +0 month+4days+6 hours or
total 22330 days or total 535924 hours
Stay in Holy Makkah – 53 years
Stay in Holy Madina – 10 years
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Garlic, Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar: Must Have Excellent Home Remedy

This is an excellent home remedy that you want to keep available at all times in your home. It's great as a preventative and for maintaining good health. There are some variations to this with the addition of other ingredients such as ginger, or cayenne pepper. The base mixture includes the three main ingredients of garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey. Each of these three ingredients have individual benefits on their own and in this mixture, a synergistic effect enhances the properties of each.
The apple cider vinegar must be unfiltered and the honey must be raw, unpasteurised (and preferably organic) honey for all the benefits to be realised. One of the main reasons honey is pasteurised is to speed up the packaging process (heating makes it flow much quicker) - so pretty much all honeys from supermarkets will be unsuitable.
This remedy is an immune stimulant, it lowers blood pressure as well as cholesterol (if you are someone who still believes in that hypothesis), it leads to fewer colds and infections, and is helpful in conditions such as gout, arthritis, and joint aches. It is also a good tonic for the digestive tract and benefits the skin, and is helpful in weight loss. In short, it is beneficial for a wide range of conditions as it is a general immune stimulant and enhancer. You can read the numerous articles on garlic, honey and vinegar elsewhere on this site.

  • 8 cloves of fresh garlic
  • 1 cup (200ml) of unfiltered, unpasteurised organic apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup (200ml) of raw, unpasteurised honey
  • Small piece of ginger (this is optional)
Mix all the ingredients into a blender and mix at high speed for 45-60 seconds. Alternatively, you can put the garlic in first, blend well so it becomes fine - or you can use a garlic crusher instead - and then place in the blender, then mix in the honey and apple cider vinegar and blend for another 10-15 seconds seconds.
Then pour into a glass jar or container (sealable) and leave in the refrigerator for five days, with the occasional stir every day. After five days the mixture is ready.

There are other things that can be included. You can added a small amount of ginger (one or two inch length), you just put it in the blender with the garlic, and some cayenne pepper (one small to medium sized pepper) can also be added.
The normal dosage is 2 tsp in a glass of water, daily, first thing in the morning. The mixture is very strong, and should not be taken directly.
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10 Things that May Get Extinct Within Our Lives

Human race has been evolving from day to day. There are things that were so much being used in past and now no one even knows about them. This evolution has made us forget so many things. A present day child would not know what is a telegram? or how a gramophone works? May be a few of us have not even seen a cycle with the front wheel being twice the size of the rear wheels. All these things have become so much out dated that we get to see them in only books or, for that matter, in museums.
We list some of the things that might get extinct in our own lives. Our off springs would be told about them but hopefully they would not get to see them in real. Whether these changes are good or bad depends in part on how we adapt to them. But, ready or not, here they come

1. Post office


A post office is the head quarter where all the postal services are dealt with. These services, given by the government for the citizens, include posting, receipt, transmission or delivery of mail. In olden days, post was the prime method of communication between two distant entities. Due to the advancement in electronic media and the advantages it gives, the usage of postage is already at a low. And since the mail is being discouraged (and emails making their way) soon it will be thought that post offices should be discontinued and the space and the man power should be used elsewhere.

2. Cheques


Ever used a cheque? Majority of us have had. But what for those who have never used a cheque ever? They are surviving good as well. The question is how they are surviving when cheques were an integral part of our payment structures. The answer is they are shifting to ATM cards and online backing. Most of the banks today have already shifted to the online system and people can use the internet and the web portal provided by the bank to make payments. Needless to mention that the online system does not make us wait until the cheque gets cleared from the bank.

3. Land line phones

 ‘Land line phones’ or ‘land line phone connections’ are phone connections that are given by the local telecommunication authorities. There was a time when only a few of the citizens were using this facility. Then came a time when almost every home had a phone line. But due to the introduction of mobile phones, the usage of the land line phones has decreased significantly. Also the demand of every one for being online always and the privacy required by every individual, mobile phones are replacing landline at a rapid speed.

 4. CDs and Tapes


Tapes replaced the old records, CDs replaced the tapes and then DVDs replaced the CDS. Putting CDs and DVDs in one category, this medium of data storage ruled for almost 2 decades. Be it audio or video, CDs and DVDs replaced the magnetic tapes almost everywhere. Now at present day, already CDs and DVDs are being discouraged and flash memory is on the rise. How long would it take before CDs go extinct? Just a matter of years now!

5. Wrist watches/Diaries

 Mobile phones affected the land line phones, talked on that topic already. What other things we DO NOT need to carry once we are carrying our cell phone? The facilities a normal cell phone has include a clock for sure. Why carry a watch then? Most of the people around have already stopped wearing a watch, especially the ones who used a watch just for checking the time (not as a symbol). The same goes with diaries as well. Most of us save out contacts and address in the cell phones. Who needs a separate book for that now?

Please Click To Read more : 10 Things that May Get Extinct Within Our Lives

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 The teachings of the Holy Qur'an for the Child to follow during his life is: "Your Lord (Allah) has ordained that you should worship none except Him and show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain to old age with you, say not 'Fie' unto them nor reproach them but speak to them a gracious word. And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy (defer humbly to them out of tenderness) and pray: My Lord, have mercy on them both as they nurtured me when I was little." (Qur'an 17:23-24)

"And we (Allah) have enjoined upon man (to be good) to his parents: His mother bears him in weakness upon weakness.." Qur'an 31:14)

"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth.." (Qur'an 46:59)

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The story of a beautiful woman-”Just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage”

Just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage
There was this beautiful woman, who wanted to get married, but she wanted a very pious husband, so she said that she’ll marry the man who recites the whole Quran every single day, fasts for the whole year and stays awake and worships Allah all throughout the night.
She was a very beautiful woman, and a lot of suitors wanted to marry her, but they knew they couldn’t fulfil the conditions she set. Until this one man stepped forward and said he could fulfil them. So the Imam got both of them married.
After the first night of the marriage, the wife sees that the husband doesn’t recite the whole of the Quran, nor does he fast, nor does he stay awake in the worship of Allah, she decided to let it roll on for a few weeks to see if there were any changes, there weren’t, so she filed a complaint and asked for a divorce.
They are both taken in front of the judge, and the judge asked, ‘What were the conditions of the marriage?’ the man replied ‘They were for me to recite the whole Quran daily, keep fast for the whole year and to worship Allah all throughout the night.
The Judge asked, ‘ did you fulfil them?
The man calmly answered, ‘…yes.’
The judge answers, ‘you lie, your wife has said that you don’t, that’s why she’s asking for a divorce’.
But the man insisted that he had fulfilled the conditions, so the judge asked, ‘did you recite the full Quran everyday?’
The man answered yes.
The Judge, baffled asked, ‘how? How can you do that?’
The man coolly answered, ‘I recite Surah Ikhlas three times a day and according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), reciting Surah Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reciting the whole Quran.’
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: A man heard another man reciting: Surat-ul-Ikhlas (The Unity) 'Say: He is Allah, the One (112) and he was repeating it. The next morning he came to Allah's Apostle and mentioned the whole story to him as if he regarded the recitation of that Sura as insufficient On that, Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! That (Sura No. 112) equals one-third of the Qur'an."  Bukhari (Book #78, Hadith #638)]

The Judge was intrigued, so he asked, ‘how did you fast the whole year?
The man answered,
‘ I fasted for the whole month of Ramadan, then kept another six fasts in the month of Shawwal, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), keeping all of the fast of Ramadan then keeping six fasts in the month of Shawwal, is as if you have fasted for the whole year.’

[Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who observed the fast of Ramadan and then followed it with six (fasts) of Shawwal. it would be as if he fasted perpetually.]Hadith 2614-Sahih Muslim

The Judge remained silent, he couldn’t give a reply saying the man was wrong, so finally he asked, ‘ how did you stay awake all night and worship Allah, when your wife saw you sleeping?’
The Judge thought the man wouldn’t be able to answer this one, but the man, cool as a cucumber answered,
‘I prayed Salatul Isha with jamaat, then the next day prayed Salatul Fajr with jamaat, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who prays Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr with jamaat, it is as if he had stayed up all night worshipping Allah.’
[Hadith: Uthman bin `Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying: "One who performs `Isha' prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat for half of the night. And one who performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat the whole night.''
The narration of At-Tirmidhi says: `Uthman bin Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that he had heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying: “He who attends `Isha’ in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat for half of the night; and he who attends `Isha’ and Fajr prayers in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat for the whole night.”
Commentary: This Hadith tells us that the reward of performing `Isha’ and Fajr prayers in congregation is so great that it equals the worship of the whole night.]
The Judge sat there looking at the man; the final verdict was about to be released…
He said to the man and his wife, ‘…go, just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage’…
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