
Pantai Remis

Hey bloggie! Eh assalamualaikum! :)

Dear bloggie, it have been a long time you didn't hear anything from me right?
Did you miss me? :D hihihi

Last last last last week , i dont remember when , my mom , my sister and i went to Pulau Remis which is around in Kuala Selangor( if i'm not mistaken . hehheh:)) . After my mom picked me up at Aisya's house . we are straight away go to Pulau Remis . Its took maybe an one hour or an hour and a half because that time was a firs time we are going there . After we are reached at Pulau Remis , i can saw a beautiful blue beach in front of me ! MashaAllah !!

OH , before i forget . There was a several store were sold a various type of seafood .Such as kerang , kerang bulu , siput , nala and other else .You know what ? my mom bought so much seafood . Its kerang , siput and nala .

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