
Hotel Grand Continental Kuala Lumpur

Hi readers .

How are you guys ? Ouh .. Now a days , i feel so lazy to up date my blog . I don't know why .. .
So , i have something to tell to you guys . Last monday , ( this week ) untill this morning , my mother , my friend - Aisya - and i , have stayed at Hotel Grand Continental Kuala Lumpur for 3 nights and 3 days . It is because my mother have somework to do at PWTC at Kuala Lumpur . So , my mother was given a free hotel room from UITM . And suddenly , we think . why not i ask Aisya to follow us go to that hotel . She can accompany me in the hotel room . So .. the conclusion is... she came with us . Alhamdulillah , I am so happy at that time.When we looking for that hotel , we got lost. I think we are looking for it in more than 30 minutes. And finally we found the hotel with the help of a taxi driver.

We have arrived at the Hotel Grand Continental was on 1am like that .sepanjang kami duduk di sana ..
what I'm remember is that we only take pictures and walk around in the hotel, go to 7 eleven and accompany Naim and Nuha go swimming. ... until this morning . finally we had check out from hotel and straight went back to our own home . wah .. seriously we very tired .I bet with you .seriously . trust me . then .. bila dah sampai rumah .. apa lagi . tidur terus ah ~ .. hehhehe . okay .that's all I want to say to you guys .

InsyaAllah . i will post a few pictures to you . maksudnya , gambar yang telah kami ambil ketika berada di hotel tersebut .

OKAY ! i know my english is bad .. so yah .. im sorry . i'm not good enough in english .

oKAy .. ByE ...


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