
Muslim-Christian names of the Prophets believed by the Ahl-e Kitab

Prophets of People of the Book - Ahl-e Kitab
Arabic English Equivalent
Adam Adam
Nuh Noah
Ibrahim Abraham
Ismail Ishmael
Ishaq Isaac
Lut Lot
Dawood David
Ayoub Job
Yaqoub Jacob
Sulaiman Solomon
Talut Saul
Uzair Ezra
Yunus Jonah
Yusuf Joseph
Hud Hud
Zul'Kifl Zul'Kifl
Zul'Qarnain Two-Horned -Alexander
Idris Idris
Luqman Luqman
Al Yasha Elisha
Saleh Salih
Shuaib Shoaib
Mousa Moses
Haroun Aaron
Issa Jesus
Yahya John the Baptist
Zakariya Zacharias
Ilyas Elias
Muhammad, Ahmed Mahomed, Praised One
Allah God
Quran Koran
Firoun Pharaoh
Habeel Abel
Hassan Shabur
Hussain Shabir
Imran Amran
Injeel Gospel
Taurat Torah
Zaboor Psalms
Jalut Goliath
Jibreel Gabriel
Qabeel Cain
Hajar Hagar
Juj Gog
Majuj Magog
Maryam Mary
Masjid Mosque
Mikaeel Michael
Misr Egypt
Nasrani Christian
Yahudi Jew
Qarun Korah
Muslim Moslem
Sabah, Bilqees Sheba
Suad Sad
Ad Aad
Khidr Khezr
Iblis Satan
Madyan Midian
Samood Thamoud
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