
Four Muslims among top 100 rich Indians

By Shafeeq Rahman,
Four Muslims are listed among the top 100 rich Indians in the ranking for the year 2011, released by Forbes on 26th October 2011. Azim Premji (3rd) from IT industry Wipro, Yusuf Hamied (30th) from pharmaceutical Cipla, Habil Khorakiwala (80th) Chairman of generics maker Wockhardt and Irfan Razack (87th) from the real estate industry Prestige Estates are among the richest Indians.
Premji and Hamied are the regular persons listed in the Forbes richest person ranking for many years but Habil and Irfan are the recent entries to the Indian richest club. Shahid Balwa, Partner of DB realty and Etisalat, was also among the billionaires of 2010 ranking with the worth of $1.06 billion, but he is not in the list of 2011.
Total cumulative net worth asset of all four Muslims are $15930 million. Details of the four richest Muslims are shown in given table:
Net worth $ Million
Azim Premji
Yusuf Hamied
Habil Khorakiwala
Irfan Razack

Azim Premji
Azim Premji, prominent Indian Muslim consistently ranked in Forbes richest listing, is the head of India’s leading IT outsource agency Wipro with the worth of $13 billion which was $16.8 billion last year. Last December he was in limelight by donating $2 billion to his trust to fund his education charity which is the largest individual amount donated so far by any Indian. Premji is ranked 3rd among Indians and 36th in overall world billionaires ranking 2011. In March 2010, he was at the same position among Indian billionaires but worth of assets was $17.6 billion that is higher in comparison to 2011.

Yusuf Hamied
Yusuf Hamied & family is the renowned drug maker in India under the Cipla brand for last 75 years. His asset also declined from $1.95 billion in the year 2010 to $1.1 billion in March 2011. But they improved the business and current worth is reached to $1.75 billion. In the global ranking 2011, he is at position of 1057 among world richest.

Habil Khorakiwala
Habil Khorakiwala has the family-owned pharmaceutical business under Wockhardt brand which has the main source of revenue from the United States and Europe. Now they have entered to develop hospital infrastructure in Indian major cities. Earlier in the year 2006, he was 746th ranked among the World billionaire with the net worth of one billion.

Irfan Razack
Irfan Razack is the managing director of real estate developer Prestige Estates group. He and his younger siblings, Rezwan and Noaman, who share fortune and work with him, took company public last year, raising $240 million. Has built over 45 million square feet of commercial, retail and residential properties so far; has 61 ongoing projects covering 62 million square feet in South India.
Mukesh Ambani with worth of $22.6 billion and Lakshmi Mittal with worth of $19.2 billion are at the top among Indian richest in the ranking of 2011 but the assets of both top Indian billionaires have decreased in comparison to last year. India’s 100 richest have lost 20% of their total wealth: They are collectively worth $241 billion, down from $300 billion a year ago, due in part to a 10% decline in the Mumbai Sensex and a falling rupee.
(The writer is a professional researcher on India-centric socio-economic and political databases.
[Photos Courtesy:]
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Muslim-Christian names of the Prophets believed by the Ahl-e Kitab

Prophets of People of the Book - Ahl-e Kitab
Arabic English Equivalent
Adam Adam
Nuh Noah
Ibrahim Abraham
Ismail Ishmael
Ishaq Isaac
Lut Lot
Dawood David
Ayoub Job
Yaqoub Jacob
Sulaiman Solomon
Talut Saul
Uzair Ezra
Yunus Jonah
Yusuf Joseph
Hud Hud
Zul'Kifl Zul'Kifl
Zul'Qarnain Two-Horned -Alexander
Idris Idris
Luqman Luqman
Al Yasha Elisha
Saleh Salih
Shuaib Shoaib
Mousa Moses
Haroun Aaron
Issa Jesus
Yahya John the Baptist
Zakariya Zacharias
Ilyas Elias
Muhammad, Ahmed Mahomed, Praised One
Allah God
Quran Koran
Firoun Pharaoh
Habeel Abel
Hassan Shabur
Hussain Shabir
Imran Amran
Injeel Gospel
Taurat Torah
Zaboor Psalms
Jalut Goliath
Jibreel Gabriel
Qabeel Cain
Hajar Hagar
Juj Gog
Majuj Magog
Maryam Mary
Masjid Mosque
Mikaeel Michael
Misr Egypt
Nasrani Christian
Yahudi Jew
Qarun Korah
Muslim Moslem
Sabah, Bilqees Sheba
Suad Sad
Ad Aad
Khidr Khezr
Iblis Satan
Madyan Midian
Samood Thamoud
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JEDDAH — The love between an Islamic preacher with special needs and a Holy Qur’an teacher has turned into marriage.
The touching story began when Abdullah Banimah, who is completely paralyzed appeared on a satellite television program talking about spreading the message of Islam in several countries in the world.
When his future wife saw the program she immediately told her father about her desire to marry him because she admired him for courageously facing up to his disability and for dedicating his life to Islamic preaching.
Their dream turned true Tuesday when their friends queued along the road leading to the Al-Salam Wedding Hall in Jeddah to wish the couple a happy married life.

Abdullah had almost drowned in a swimming pool at a sports club in Jeddah. He had remained underwater for 15 minutes. This caused a great deal of damage to his brain which resulted in his paralysis.
The incident made him change his life completely by dedicating it to Islamic work.
Dhaiffallah bin Saad Al-Ghamadi, the bride’s father, said: “My daughter, who works as teacher for one of the Holy Qur’an memorization schools in Jeddah, chose Abdullah on her own. After insisting she wanted to get married to him, I bowed to her will.”
Dhaifallah said the reason for marrying Abdullah is for them to work hand-in-hand in the way of Allah.
Omar Banamh, the groom’s father, said: “I have nothing to say but to pray to Allah to crown this marriage by blessing them with pious offspring.”
He said he hoped Abdullah will see his children grow up with no disability.
Abdullah was ecstatic about his marriage.
“In the beginning I could not believe this was her desire. She really surprised me. I will never ever forget her noble stand and insistence on accepting me as her husband. I pray to Allah day and night to enable me to make her happy for the rest of my life.”
He said he will never forget, for the rest of his days, the many people who had gathered to wish him a happy marriage.”
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A graphic on prison vs princeton

It seems a bit contradictory that more money is spent on a New Jersey inmate than on the tuition of a Princeton student. Traditionally, the facts state that America spends more money on prisons than higher education. This infographic highlights the misallocation of government investments on students vs prisoners. Prison vs Princeton
Created by: Public Administration
by mail from Tony Shin
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Gaddafi's wife wants former leader buried in hometown

"I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam of Muslims, and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level." - Remarks after his microphone was cut for denouncing King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia during a meeting of the Arab League in 2009.
"[Abraham] Lincoln was a man who created himself from nothing without any help from outside or other people. I followed his struggles. I see certain similarities between him and me." - Quoted in The Pittsburgh Press in 1986.
When the African Union was formed in 1999, loosely modeled on the European Union though essentially as toothless as its predecessor, Qaddafi provided a seemingly endless bankroll for the organization, which in turn treated him as a visionary godfather.

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The Schools that rule the Web

With the use of the Internet, Best Education Sites' comprehensive data shows everything from the top university's social media presence to the full exploration of public engagement.
Take a look and dive into the full exploration.

 Schools That Rule the Web
Created by: Best Education Sites

by mail from  Tony Shin
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Duality In Creation

The Miracle Of Holy Quran - Duality In Creation


Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs:
from what the earth produces and from themselve
and from things unknown to them. (Qur'an, 36:36)
குகுர36:36. பூமி முளைப்பிக்கின்ற (புற்பூண்டுகள்) எல்லாவற்றையும், (மனிதர்களாகிய) இவர்களையும், இவர்கள் அறியாதவற்றையும் ஜோடி ஜோடியாகப் படைத்தானே அவன் மிகவும் தூய்மையானவன்.

While "male and female" is equivalent to the concept of "pair," "things unknown to them," as expressed in the Qur'an, bears a broader meaning. Indeed, we encounter one of the meanings pointed to in the verse in the present day. The British physicist Paul Dirac, who discovered that matter was created in pairs, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933. This finding, known as "parity," revealed the duality known as matter and anti-matter.
Anti-matter bears the opposite characteristics to matter. For instance, contrary to matter, anti-matter
electrons are positive and protons negative.
This fact is expressed in a scientific
source as follows: .... every particle has its
antiparticle of opposite charge...
he uncertainty relation tells us that pair
creation and pair annihilation happen in the
vacuum at all times, in all places.
Another example of duality in creation is plants.
Botanists only discovered that there is a gender
distinction in plants some 100 years ago.
Yet, the fact that plants are created in pairs
was revealed in the following verses
of the Qur'an 1,400 years ago:
It is Allah Who created the heavens
with no support-you can see them
-and cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth
so that it would not move under you,
and scattered about in it creatures of every kind.
And We send down water from the sky
and make every generous plant grow in it,
in pairs. (Qur'an, 31:10)
31:10. அவன் வானங்களைத் தூண்களின்றியே படைத்துள்ளான். அதனை நீங்களும் பார்க்கிறீர்கள். உங்களுடன் பூமி அசையாதிருப்பதற்காக அவன் அதன் மேல் மலைகளை உறுதியாக நிறுத்தினான்; மேலும் அதன் மீது எல்லா விதமான பிராணிகளையும் அவன் பரவவிட்டிருக்கின்றான்; இன்னும் நாமே வானத்திலிருந்து மழையை பொழியச் செய்து அதில் சங்கையான, வகை வகையான (மரம், செடி, கொடி ஆகியவற்றை) ஜோடி ஜோடியாக முளைப்பித்திருக்கின்றோம்.

It is He Who made the earth a cradle for you
and threaded pathways for you through it
and sent down water from the sky
by which We have brought forth
diverse pairs of plants. (Qur'an, 20:53)
20:53. “(அவனே) உங்களுக்காக இப்பூமியை ஒரு விரிப்பாக அமைத்தான்; இன்னும் அதில் உங்களுக்குப் பாதைகளை இலேசாக்கினான்; மேலும் வானத்திலிருந்து நீரையும் இறக்கினான்; இம் மழை நீரைக் கொண்டு நாம் பல விதமான தாவரவர்க்கங்களை ஜோடி ஜோடியாக வெளிப்படுத்துகிறோம்” (என்று இறைவன் கூறுகிறான்).
Thank you knowledge :
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How to Remove Radiation From Your Body Naturally

 CT Scan, X-rays, cell phones, microwaves, tanning beds, airplane flights and full body scanners are just a few means of exposing your body to harmful radiation. Radiation exposure has significant health risk which includes fatigue, a weakened immune system, tumors, unexplained illnesses, anemia, cancer and birth defects in newborns. Radiation can be removed from your body effectively and completely through natural methods. Watch this video to learn how.

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Happy world arthritis day

DrEman Altahawy .

It was world arthritis day, 12 October, when I finished my first 3 months of immuno-therpy of RA. I had juvenile RA during adolescence then long remission. Last decade, I suffered many activities of the RA. I said SUFFERED as I was wrongly diagnosed as Spondylo-arthropathy and many other false diagnoses and kept on non-steroidal anti-inflamatory and analgesics (NSAIs). Lastly, I started the proper therapy. Some side effects and little improvement could make me upset and worried about my physical activity with the disease. I feel like imprisoned with both symptoms and side effects.  I know that late diagnosis and treatment is a cause. It is so hard to read the first statement in most Rheumatology books quoting " There is no cure of RA". 

Yes, I have disease, but I still have a hope and belief in God and myself.  I decided to GO AHEAD in my life working well and even thinking of nominating myself in the current Egyptian parliament elections besides my work as cardiology specialist. I started my new Private cardiology and pediatric clinic after ten years of graduation. That was my hope postponed years as I was busy in my postgraduate studies and frequent disease activities including limiting arthrlgia. 

My advices: " do not surrender to the disease". "Got best treatment for less symptoms"  "Got the experience of other patients".

Some famous celebrities have RA.

"One of the most illustrious celebrities to live with Rheumatoid Arthritis was Rosalind Russell." 
Rosalind used her celebrity to advocate for awareness & research. “Frustrated that doctors knew very little about arthritis, she successfully lobbied Congress to pass the National Arthritis Act,”

Do you know that famous  French painter Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841/1919) has RA?
Two Sisters (On the  Terrace 1878). Renoir revealed the happy side of life in his images. “For me a picture must be an amiable thing, joyous and pretty—yes, pretty! There are enough troublesome things in life without inventing others.” Marcel Proust said: “Women who go by in the streets are different from their predecessors—now they are Renoirs” ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO/BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY
Renoir's grandson Paul shows how Renoir held his brush when his hands were severely deformed by arthritis.

“One must from time to time attempt things that are beyond one’s capacity.” Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

So, how Renoir coped with rheumatoid arthritis?

I wonder how he did his delicate fine work with limiting arthritis in the era of old classic treatment? I can do better in the recent new treatment modalities nowadays. 

In world arthritis day: Share your experience with other. Celebrate your success in overcoming the disease rather than your failure. Raise the public awareness of RA early diagnosis and proper treatment  through small group discussions and new social media. Yes, you can. 

Life is fragile, but we are strong. 

  • Facebook group " Rheumatoid Rioters" and my friend " Rheumatoid Riot" for continuous encouragement and updates. 
  • My friends and family who supported me. 
  • My treating physician. 
  • Brave little Ayla who made me stronger.
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Face to Face-Lauren Booth's Conversion to Islam

Journalist and broadcaster, Lauren Booth has written for the prominent magazines and papers like The New Statement, The Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Times and The Daily Mail.

She is considered as an outspoken critic of the war, supporter of "The Stop The War Coalition" and a member of "Media Workers against the War."

Being the sister in law and long standing critic of Tony Blair, Booth has recently converted to Islam.

In this edition, Face to Face, Booth's delight and insights in her recent conversion to Islam is portrayed and discussed with her.
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Moderation in JOY and GRIEF

Muslims’ commitment to Allah and His religion entails an unconditional loyalty.

For this reason, fluctuating conditions and circumstances never change believers’ zeal, enthusiasm and determination to live by the Qur’an.

Allah mentions two basic reactions shown by a believer.

First, hardship or severe conditions never daunt him.
Second, he never exults or feels pride because of what he obtains in this world. Allah reveals this in the Qur’an as:

That is so that you will not be grieved about the things that pass you by or exult about the things that come to you. Allah does not love any vain or boastful man. (Surat al-Hadid; 23)

Man is always vulnerable, since he has no idea about what awaits him in life.
A young person may suddenly be seized by a serious disease or become bedridden because of an accident. Anyone may lose all his wealth in a day or encounter events he never anticipated.

In such a situation, those of weak faith will despair or feel rebellious. Forgetting all the blessings of Allah in an instant, they may even lose their love for and trust in Him.

Aware that there is a divine purpose and good in every event that Allah creates, believers merely persevere in the face of unexpected events and trust firmly in Allah's wisdom, compassion and justice.

Meanwhile, believers may sometimes experience loss of material wealth, have to risk their lives or abandon their homes. Yet all such seemingly adverse occasions will bring great reward, joy and glory in the Hereafter.

As well as unexpected losses, people may also experience unexpected gains. Allah opens His infinite dominion to whom He wills and grants success, authority and power.
But He warns Muslims against exulting in pride since any person receiving a great possession, authority or benefit becomes only a trustee, while it is Allah Who is the real possessor of everything.

In the Qur’an Allah reveals this fact.

Mankind! you are the poor in need of Allah whereas Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy. (Surah Fatir: 15)

Aware of this fact, believers never forget their own weakness and do not become arrogant even when they enjoy great blessings and wealth. They feel only a deep gratitude to Allah, and they strive to use their blessings for His cause in the best way possible.

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How to do an Article and Report for B.Inggeris (SPM)


Good morning .. so... what up ?! . okay , =,= . Today i feel like wanna to share with u some tips to do an article and report . To me this tips are so easily to follow ..

  1. read the question and the notes carefully. You need to identify the format specified in the question before you start writing .
  2. give a tittle for the completed format .
  3. remember to write in paragraphs .
  4. you may be required to add details of your own to make the essay more interesting .this will also help you to gain marks in your writing .
  5. check through your writing for grammatical and spelling errors ..

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Relying on Allah

Tawakkal (Relying on Allah)

Tawakkul (relying on Allah) is an important concept in Islam but what does it really mean? What are the implications for Muslim organisations?

My interest in tawakkal started when one of my ex-students started playing for a futsall team. This is a semi-professional team so they have a coach, they train three times a week and if you don't perform, you are off the team. At first, he played well. Then, some of the wors players on the team were dropped and they were replaced by some of the best futsall players in Selangor. All of a sudden, he could not play well anymore. He was afraid of being dropped from the team and that fear stopped him from playing well. That was the first time I thought abotu tawakkal in the context of a management situation.

If your employees are in fear, they can't perform. Theoretically, if they have tawakkal, they will not be in fear because they know that Allah is helping them

I spoke to various high-performing atheletes about this issue. In particular, I interviewed a 2nd dan Aikido master. His take was not that tawakkal was necessary for high performance but that it is necessary for people to continue improving themselves. A big problem in martial arts is those people who train, obtain a black belt and then stop. According to him, tawakkal would be very important so that people continue to strive and continue to push themselves to the limit. Ultimately, they can do so because they are not afraid because they trust in Allah.

So how do you develop tawakkal? Well, sufing the internet and listening to one good Islamic talk every week seems like a good place to start.
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Live if you love life

Philosophy for Old Age How to stay young

by mail by sameer
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