
Relationship Between the Oneness of Allah and Standing Firm in the Religion

Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, says in the Holy Qur'an, Surah Fussilat, verses 30-32:
Surely, those who say, "Our Lord is only Allah", and thereafter stand firm on it, the angels will descend [at death] on them [saying], "Do not fear or grieve, and receive the glad tidings of paradise, which you have been promised! We [the angels] are your friends in this life of this world and the hereafter. You will find in it what your souls desire and you will find in it what you ask for: a hospitable gift from [Allah], the Forgiving, the Merciful."
Previously I described the meaning of "Standing Firm in the Religion of Allah". The actions I described show that a Muslim is firm in his religion, and I described what can help a Muslim be firm in the religion. Here is a summary from this topic:

Standing firm in religion means following the dictates of the Qur'an and the Sunnah in all walks of life: in words, in deeds, and in adherence to the correct beliefs. The actions that demonstrate a person's firmness in religion include:
  1. Completing acts of worship completely, sincerely, and properly for Allah and Allah alone
  2. Listening and obeying the commands of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him)
  3. Performing extra, non obligatory acts of worship, such as prayer, fasting, and charity
  4. Serving the cause of Islam with time, money, and effort
  5. Living in the company of the Qur'an through recitation, listening, reflecting over its verses, and following its commandments 
The factors that facilitate standing firm in the religion are many. The most important of them are:
  1. The fear and awareness of Allah
  2. Knowledge that we were created to worship Allah alone and to stand firm in the faith of Allah
This sermon will continue this previous topic, and God willing will describe:
  1. The relationship between standing firm and Tawheed, the Arabic word for the Oneness of Allah
  2. The benefits of staying firm in the religion of Allah
  3. The answer to the question, "We can never be completely firm in our religion, so what should we do?"
There is a firm relationship between the Tawheed of Allah and standing firm in His religion. The two cannot be separated. Tawheed is false without firmness of the religion, and the firmness in religion cannot be achieved without Tawheed. That is why all the messengers of Allah (peace be upon them all) invited mankind to the Tawheed of Allah and standing firm in the religion of Allah.

Allah says to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as follows in the Holy Qur'an, Surah Fussilat, verse 6:
Say: "I am only a human being like you. It is revealed to me that your Lord is one Allah, therefore stand firm in His path, and ask for Allah's forgiveness."
The first commandment here is "your Lord is one Allah", and this defines the Tawheed of Allah. The second commandment is, "stand firm in Allah's path," and this describes the firmness in the religion of Allah.

When Pharaoh challenged Moses (peace be upon him) and declared, "I am your Lord, most high", Moses (pbuh) responded, "Allah is my Lord, your Lord, and Lord of the worlds." So, Pharaoh, in his arrogance, decided, according to Surah Ghaafir, verse 26:
Let me kill Moses, and let me call his Lord (to stop me)! Surely, I fear that he may change your religion, or that he may cause mischief in the land.
Thus, Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses (pbuh) because Moses (pbuh) presented him the Tawheed, the Oneness of Allah, and he was firm in His religion.

Additionally, because of Abraham's (pbuh) declaration of Tawheed and his firmness in the religion of Allah, his people wanted to burn him in the fire. Allah tells us about this event in Surah al anbya, verses 68-69, of His Qur'an:
"Burn him and help your gods, if you intend to do something about it." But Allah ruined their plan as Allah commanded to the fire: "O fire! Be cool and safe for Abraham!"
Because of their profession of Tawheed and their firmness in the religion of Allah, Prophet Muhammad's companions were tortured and forced to leave Mecca. Their only crime was declaring "Our Lord is only Allah".

Accordingly, when a Muslim is faced with a trial in regards to his or her wealth, family, or honor, he or she should say, "My Lord is only Allah", stand firm in these words, and persist on virtuous deeds, as Muhammad (pbuh) has advised: "Say, 'I believe in Allah' and then stand firmly upon it, or say, 'My Lord is Allah,' and then stand firmly upon it. Similarly Allah advised Muhammad (pbuh), and through him to the community of Muslims in Surah Hud, verse 112:
So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you] and those who have turned back with you [to Allah ], and do not transgress. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do.
Al Qashiri narrated that a pious person saw Muhammad (pbuh) in his dream and he said, "O messenger of Allah! We have learned that you said, 'Surah Hud and its sisters caused me to grow older.' So, what was it in Surah Hud that caused you to grow older?" Muhammad (pbuh) replied, "The words of Allah that said, 'So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, and those who have turned back with you, and do not transgress. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do. Do not incline towards those who do wrong, lest the fire should touch you, and you will not have any protector other than Allah, nor will you be helped.'"

It is so because the above surah mentions paradise and hellfire, and the affairs of the Day of Judgment. So when the questioner asked Muhammad (pbuh) in his dream, he (pbuh) responded that Surah Hud caused Muhammad (pbuh) to grow older, since in it Allah commanded Muhammad (pbuh) to stand absolutely firm in the religion.

As standing firm in the religion of Allah is intimately related to the Tawheed of Allah, it carries several virtues for the Muslim who is steadfast and firm in the religion. Among these virtues are the following:

1.  The angels descend on a such a person with tranquility and serenity in this world, at the time of entering the grave, and during reckoning in the grave. This is the meaning of saying of Allah:
Surely, those who say, "Our Lord is only Allah", and thereafter stand firm on it, the angels will descend (at death) on them (saying), "Do not fear or grieve, and receive the glad tidings of paradise, which you have been promised!
Waki said, "The glad tiding is for three occasions: at the time of death, in the grave, and at the time of resurrection. The angels assist them with serenity and tranquility and give them the glad tidings of paradise.

2.   Standing firm in the religion opens the heart to virtue and leads to a pious life. Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, says in Surah an Nisa, verse 124:
And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.
A person who is firm in the religion is rewarded with a pious life and a great reward in the hereafter from Allah.

3.   People love to honor the person who stands firm in the religion of Allah. It is so because the hearts of the people are between the two fingers of Allah, and He turns them the way He desires. So when a Muslim stands firm in the religion of Allah, Allah causes the people to love and honor him or her.

4.  Standing firm in religion stops the Muslim from committing sins. A steadfast person realizes that Allah is ever watchful over him or her, so he or she fears Allah, alone and in company, and protects the body from sinful acts, because of his or her firmness in the religion of Allah.

5.  Standing firm in the religion causes the abundance of sustenance in this world. Allah says in Surah al Jinn, verse 16:
And [ Allah revealed] that if they had remained straight on the way, We would have given them water in abundance.
The meaning of 'water in abundance' is the provisions of life. It is not only the abundance, but also the blessings with it. Even though the wealth might be small, with blessings from Allah it will become bountiful. So it is immaterial whether the sustenance is small or big, Allah will bless it and cause it to grow, and that is only for those of His servants who are firm in His religion.

Ibn Taimiyya said, "The highest miracle is to stand firm in the religion. Walking on water or floating in the air has no sanction of approval from Allah, unless the person is steadfast in the commandments of Allah with respect to the permissible and not permissible. When he is steadfast in religion, that that is his miracle."

The following are some actions that prevent a person from being firm in the religion of Allah. I describe them so you are mindful and stay way from them:
  1. When a person falls easily into sins, and continues to do so, it develops a sickness in the heart, and removes him or her away from Allah's mercy. The sins prevent the Muslim from being firm in the religion.
  2. Preferring this world over the hereafter is also a problem. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "I do not fear poverty for you; rather, I fear that the world will expand for you, as it expanded for the people before you. So you will breathe it in, as they breathed it in, and it will destroy you as it destroyed them.
  3. Having bad company will prevent the Muslim from standing firm in the religion. Evil company, whether at work, in the family, or among the friends, will prevent a person from standing firm in the religion. Allah says, "Do not incline towards those who do wrong, lest the fire should touch you, and you will not have any protector other than Allah, nor will you be helped."
The final question is whether standing firm in the religion means an absence of mistakes. And whether a Muslim who commits a sin loses firmness in the religion?

The answer is that the meaning of standing firm in the religion of Allah, with respect to us humans, does not imply complete absence of sins. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Every son of Adam commits mistakes, and the best of those who commit mistakes are the ones who repent." We therefore are incapable of being free from mistakes and sins, as complete absence from sins is only for the prophets of Allah (peace be upon them all). As Allah has commanded His servants to stand firm on religion, He has also commanded them to ask for His forgiveness. This shows that when the firmness in religion is compromised due to making a mistake or committing a sin, asking for forgiveness will repair it.

Furthermore, Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Fear Allah as much as in your capacity, and follow a bad deed with a good deed. That will erase it." Muhammed (pbuh) informed us by this saying that we are going to fall short in standing firm in the religion, and he (pbuh) therefore advised us to stay as close to firmness as possible. Although we may not achieve complete firmness, we will achieve as much as is in our capacity, Allah willing.

Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Stand firm on religion, but you will not be able to achieve it. And know that the best of your deeds is the mandatory prayers, and only a believer guards his ablution." This means that Muslims are asked to be firm in the religion as much as in their capacity. Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, is capable of compensating for our shortcomings, and Allah spoke the truth when He said:
So you, (O Prophet,) stand firm and straight in the religion as you are commanded and those who turn in repentance, and do not transgress. Surely, Allah is all-Seer of what you do. Do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest the fire should touch you, and then you will not have any protector other than Allah, nor will you be helped."
And Allah knows best.

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