
Proper sleeping

Do you wake in the morning with pain in your back, neck, and joints? It could be because of your sleeping position. Good posture is as important during sleep as it is during waking hours. When you dont give your body proper support, the result can be a real pain in the neck or back for that matter. There are measures you can take to alleviate this problem.
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Corruption Doth Appear on Land & Sea

Climate changes are increasing because of what man has done. This subject was been mentioned in Quran….
Allah Almighty says: (Corruption doth appear on land and sea because of (the evil) which men's hands have done, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return.) [Ar-room: 41]. Let us take a closer look at the verse and what it points out of recently discovered scientific facts:
1- (Corruption doth appear on land and sea). Scientists confirm that serious corruption is about to appear. It is true that the ozone layer is not yet completely depleted, but some signs of warning that the Earth is being spoiled are appearing. Even scientists use the term “Spoil” to express the corruption that is going around the earth.
2- (because of which men's hands have done). The Quran stresses that this corruption in the form of pollution or contamination can only happen because of what man’s evil deeds. Isn’t mankind responsible for the pollution as scientists confirm?
3- (that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done). This is a torment Allah is inflicting upon those wrong doers because of their evil deeds and mischief on Earth.
4- (in order that they may return) meaning that the possibility of returning the Earth to a balance exists, and this is what scientists confirm today.
And now the question is: Is this verse compatible with the science or not?
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

1.      Global Warming: A Perspective from Earth History, University of Leicester.
2.      Steve Koppes, Carbon dioxide may have acted as Earth’s ‘thermostat’ since earliest times, Chicago University, Feb. 15, 2007.

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Doctors on Drugs?

Here's the infographic about doctors and how the pharmaceutical companies are paying millions of dollars for them to push their products. Personally, I think it's pretty disgusting and it's making our society even less healthier than before we walked into the doctor's office.
Doctors on Drugs infographic
Via: Medical Billing and Coding

by mail from Tony Shin
Tony Shin
Twitter: @ohtinytony
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Obesity among school children is attracting the attention of the Health Ministry of Malaysia and the Minister of Health issue a rules to all school canteens all over the country that nasi lemak cannot be sold to school children. The school canteen operators argue, if we cannot sell nasi lemak, what can we sell to the school children. Nasi lemak has been the traditional breakfast for the Malays for centuries. Malays used to take rice cook with coconut milk which is known as nasi lemak with sambal of dried small fishes known as ikan bilis as the main food for breakfast. Malays used to be farmers or fishermen and they need the carbohydrate in order to provide them the energy to work. Nasi lemak provide the carbohydrate that the farmers and the fishermen need. Now not all Malays are farmers or fishermen Most Malays are now working as government servants, professionals, businessmen. They do not need that much carbohydrate as the farmers and fishermen needs. All children go to school and they also do not need much carbohydrate as they do not need much energy to spend. The habits of eating rice cook in coconut milk in the early morning as breakfast continue throughout the generations. It passes on generation to generation and the habit of eating nasi lemak dies hard. Can we stop our children to stop eating nasi lemak at school by giving the rules that canteen operator cannot sell nasi lemak. Our children are used to eat nasi lemak and if they cannot buy nasi lemak from the school canteen, our children will buy nasi lemak from stalls outside the school. Can we stop the stall outside the school from selling nasi lemak? The government cannot stop people from eating nasi lemak and neither the government can stop people from selling nasi lemak. Rules to stop the school canteen operator from selling nasi lemak will not solve the problems of obesity of our children. The health Ministry is pointing to only the habit of eating nasi lemak as the cause of obesity? What about the habit of eating mee or noodles? Rice and noodles are all carbohydrate and when taken in large quantity or more that what that person needs will be converted into fat and stored in the body leading to obesity.

Is eating nasi lemak and noodles in the early morning is the only causes of obesity. Rules will not solve our problem in preventing the increasing number of our school children from becoming obese. Obesity is caused by our wrong lifestyle. Even many adult Malaysians are obese. Wrong lifestyles are caused by our wrong belief and mental outlook. When we have wrong belief and mental outlook, we will have wrong lifestyles. Because of wrong lifestyles we have both emotional and physical stress. Stress causes us to take more carbohydrate and sugar in our diets. With foods that contain more carbohydrates and sugar we tend to be calmer. School children who are experiencing stress will like to eat more foods that contain sugar and carbohydrate such as ice cream, chocolates, nasi lemak and carbonated drinks. When we take foods that contain more sugar and carbohydrate such as nasi lemak at one time, the body will produce more insulin at a time. The greater amount of insulin produce will causes the extra sugar in the body to be quickly converted into glucose and stored in the body and because of this less or no sugar can be taken to the brain. When our brain do not receives sufficient amount of sugar, we tend to be sleepy and loose our concentration. It is true that it is not good for our children to take foods that contain plenty of sugar or carbohydrate for their breakfast. It is very important for our children to take breakfast in the early morning before they go to schools but not with foods such as nasi lemak, roti canai and noodles. We made our children to go to school very early in the morning as schools start in Malaysia at 7.30 am and most of children will not have the time to take a good breakfast at home. Our children have to take their breakfast in the school canteen that sells nasi lemak and noodles. We made our children to eat the wrong food for breakfast at the school canteen, because we made them to go to school very early in the morning. Will all the school canteens in Malaysia provide good breakfast for our children? Canteen operator will not think of selling good food to our children. They are business peoples who think more to money than selling good food to our children. If we want our children to have good breakfast before they go to school, we must allow them to have breakfast at homes with their parents. Our school must start not at 7.30am but at 8.00 am and parents will start work at 8.30am. Ample time must be given to all Malaysians to have their breakfast at homes rather than at the school or office canteen.
What is a good breakfast? A good breakfast is to have fruits or fruit juices such apples, bananas, oranges or papaya as our main drink in the early morning. Fruit juices will have to clean and nourish our body. It helps to stabilises the acidic and alkaline balance in our body. We should have foods that contain protein such as half boiled eggs, bakes beans, roasted chicken, lamb or beef. We should have foods that contain fibres such as cereals, oats, and corn flakes with milk. We can have toasted brown bread spread with honey or fruit jam. On addition to that we may have a cup of green tea with no honey. Does Malaysian have such foods for their breakfast? Most of us and including our children are leading very stressful lifestyles. Nowadays we needs to do our things as quickly as we could and everything we have to do as fast as possible. We ignore our breakfast because we have to be early at work which starts at 7.30am or we wake up very late in the morning and we have no time for breakfast. Because of this both parents and children are having their breakfast at the school and office canteen. What do they eat at the canteen? Whatever is available at the canteen, nasi lemak and noodles and tea tarik and hot coffee for a drink? Very few Malaysians are having breakfast at home and if they do they will eat either nasi lemak, noodles or fried four with onions and ikan bilis. We have to admit that most Malaysians are not having good food for their breakfast and eating the wrong food for their breakfast at the school and office canteen is one of the major reasons why we are not very productive either at schools or in the offices.
What do most Malaysians eat for their lunch and dinner? Many Malaysians do not know what constitutes a good lunch and dinner. Most Malaysians will take their lunch at the office canteen and again they have to eat what is available at the canteen. Usually most Malaysians will eat a plate full of white rice and with dishes usually fried curry fish or chicken and fried vegetables with gravy. All the foods taken by most Malaysian are fried chicken or fish with curry or coconut milk and fried vegetables. Most or our food are fried cook in vegetable oil and seldom we ate foods that are boiled, steamed or baked. When we fried our food with vegetable oil, the oil, although unsaturated but under high temperature will become saturated. When the oil has become saturated it becomes unhealthy to the body. It can become plague in the blood vessels of our body and lead to an obstruction of blood flow. The presence of plagues in the blood vessels can lead to stroke in many parts of the body, particularly in the brain.
Prof. Dr. Nasoha Saabin
May 2011
Dean of Faculty of Optometry
International University College of Technology Twintech
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Eucalyptus Tree

Eucalyptus is a diverse genus of trees which dominate the tree flora of Australia with over 700 species. Eucalypts are found in almost every part of the continent, adapted to all climatic conditions. No other continent is so characterized by a single genus of tree as is Australia by Eucalyptus. Many species are commonly called gum trees; other common names include mallee, box, ironbark, stringybark, and ash. [1]

Eucalypts are among the tallest trees in the world. Eucalyptus regnans, the Australian Mountain Ash, is the tallest of all flowering plants (Angiosperms), growing to nearly 200 meters.

Eucalyptus species are sometimes grouped by bark characteristics:
Stringybark - consists of long-fibers and can be pulled off in long pieces. It is usually thick with a spongy texture.
Ironbark - is hard, rough and deeply furrowed. It is soaked with dried kino (a sap exuded by the tree) which gives a dark red or even black color.
Tessellated - bark is broken up into many distinct flakes.
Box - has short fibers. Some also show tessellation.
Ribbon - this has the bark coming off in long thin pieces but still loosely attached in places. They can be long ribbons, firmer strips or twisted curl

The leaves are leathery in texture, hang obliquely or vertically, and are studded with glands containing a fragrant volatile oil. The flowers in bud are covered with a cup-like membrane (hence the name of the genus, from the Greek eucalyptos, well-covered), which is thrown off as a lid when the flower expands. The fruit is surrounded by a woody, cup-shaped receptacle and contains numerous minute seeds.

Medicinal Action and Uses---Stimulant, antiseptic, aromatic.
The medicinal Eucalyptus Oil is probably the most powerful antiseptic of its class, especially when it is old, as ozone is formed in it on exposure to the air. It has decided disinfectant action, destroying the lower forms of life. Internally, it has the typical actions of a volatile oil in a marked degree.
By பிரியா மணி
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Everest KenBridge School in Mayiladuthurai.


"The main part of intellectual education is not the acquisition of facts but learning how to make facts live." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Welcome to Everest KenBridge School, Mayiladuthurai. We are a part of the nationwide KenBridge Schools chain that will soon be taking district level education to new highs. Nobody takes Oliver Holmes’ statement as seriously as us. Nine leading lights of Mayiladuthurai have come together form the trust and to deliver quality education through Everest KenBridge School.
To know more about the trust, please click here Trust Members - Everest KenBridge School, Mayiladuthurai

At Everest KenBridge School, we are focused on making education more vivid, enjoyable and knowledgeable for your child. Here, we strive to create an environment that brings lessons alive for your child. Our emphasis is on learning by doing through interactive, activity based teaching methods. The result: your child is as confident, knowledgeable and smart as children from other metros.
Read on to give a head start to your child with the KenBridge advantage.

At Everest KenBridge School, Mayiladuthurai, a specially designed integrated curriculum sets the tone for teaching. The conventional chalk and talk method is replaced with the do and learn method. Additionally, the following facilities are available to aid your child in learning:
  • Web enabled classroom - Each classroom will be provided with a broadband connection.
  • VSAT enabled classroom / Virtual classroom - This enhances the students’ learning experience through live and interactive sessions.
  • Digitized content - High quality digitized content to aid teaching of complex and dry concepts with animations.
  • Touch based screens - Each classroom will be equipped with an interactive board and a stylus pen, further enhancing the digital experience of learning.
Classrooms will also house a computer and an LCD projector. A central server placed in a separate room within the school will be connected to all the classrooms. This will carry the content mapped to the NCERT curriculum guidelines, ensuring that the teachers can utilize the content at the flick of a switch. Additionally, classrooms will be equipped with a webcam and a set of speakers.

Click here to read more about kenbridgeschoolsMayiladuthurai/ 
To know more about the trust, please click here Trust Members - Everest KenBridge School, Mayiladuthurai

City Office address
ATS towers, 171, 1st Floor Pattamangala Street
(Above Tata Gold Plus) Mayiladuthurai - 609 003

School site address
Maraiyur Road
Sitharkadu Village
Mayiladuthurai - 609 003

72000 00055 / 72000 00066


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BBC - In the footsteps of Alexander The Great

In the footsteps of Alexander the Great

In this award winning adventure Micheal Wood embarks on a 20000 mile journey in the foot steps of Alexander's triumphal march from Greece to India. Travelling with Lebanese traders, Iranian pilgrims and Afghan guerillas, by jeep, train, boat, camel and on foot, he interweaves the momentous events of the past with present day reality and brings us new insights into a man whose myth and acheivements still resonate down the centuries.

"We saw things I can scarcely believe. We took shelter for the night with an Afghan warlord who had delivered pizzas in the United States, and were hauled off to jail more than once. It was one of the great experiences of my life" - Michael Wood

Alexander the Great (Greek: Μέγας Aλέξανδρος , Megas Alexandros; July 20 356 BC -- June 10 323 BC) also known as Alexander III, was an ancient Greek king (basileus) of Macedon (336--323 BC). He was one of the most successful military commanders in history, and was undefeated in battle. By the time of his death, he had conquered most of the world known to the ancient Greeks.

Following the unification of the multiple city-states of ancient Greece under the rule of his father, Philip II of Macedon (a labour Alexander had to repeat because the southern Greeks rebelled after Philip's death), Alexander conquered the Persian Empire, including Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia and extended the boundaries of his own empire as far as the borders of Punjab. Before his death, Alexander had already made plans to also turn west and conquer Europe. He also wanted to continue his march eastwards in order to find the end of the world, since his boyhood tutor Aristotle had told him tales about where the land ends and the Great Outer Sea begins. Alexander integrated foreigners into his army, leading some scholars to credit him with a "policy of fusion." He encouraged marriage between his army and foreigners, and practiced it himself. After twelve years of constant military campaigning, Alexander died, possibly of malaria, West Nile virus, typhoid, viral encephalitis or the consequences of heavy drinking.

Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC, before realizing a series of planned campaigns that would have begun with an invasion of Arabia. In the years following Alexander's death a series of civil wars tore his empire apart which resulted in the formation of a number of states ruled by the Diadochi - Alexander's surviving generals. Although he is mostly remembered for his vast conquests, Alexander's lasting legacy was not his reign, but the cultural diffusion his conquests engendered. Alexander's settlement of Greek colonists and culture in the east resulted in a new Hellenistic culture, aspects of which were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire until the mid-15th century. Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in the mold of Achilles, and features prominently in the history and myth of Greek and non-Greek cultures. He became the measure against which generals, even to this day, compare themselves; military academies throughout the world still teach his tactical exploits.

His conquests ushered in centuries of Greek settlement and cultural influence over distant areas, a period known as the Hellenistic Age, a combination of Greek and Middle Eastern culture. Alexander himself lived on in the history and myth of both Greek and non-Greek cultures. After his death (and even during his life) his exploits inspired a literary tradition in which he appears as a legendary hero in the tradition of Achilles.

Μέγας Αλέξανδρος Φίλιππος Μακεδονικό Βασίλειο Ελλάς Μακεδονία Θεσσαλονίκη

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Stress and its impact on the heart and body

Anger, negative thinking and stress are considered destructive factors for the health of heart and body, So Islam orders us to stay away and avoid them …
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him wasn’t be angry to any life matters. His satisfaction and anger were for Allah .He, therefore, was the happiest and the most stable and tranquility person, and gave us the best examples of this. 
It's rarely for the Messenger of Allah to spend a day without facing events of anger and emotion and stress but we did not know he was angry except when someone exceed the limits of Allah. The Prophet deals with any problem calmly and patiently. This is what makes people entering the religion of Allah in crowds. Therefore, God praise him in the Holy Quran: "And you on an exalted standard of character"(Al-Qalam:4). 
Recent scientific studies have shown that psychological tension, stress and anger are considered destructive factors to human health and heart and it may lead to serious diseases like cancer!
Researchers believe that, despite the fact that exercise and good diet and other factors which have vital importance to heart health, the social factors, happiness, a sense of satisfaction and perfection and work towards a goal in life have an impact in their turn. 
The Prophet ordered his companions to repeat important words that express satisfaction, in mornings and evenings. This is:
"I declare to Accept Allah as my Lord, to accept Islam as a religion and to Muhammad as Prophet and Messenger" Who say it ten times in the morning and evening, it will be really on God to reward him in the Day of Resurrection.
The researchers maintain that satisfaction is one of the most important remedies for any mental illness.
Most mental disorders results from dissatisfaction, Anger is at the head of factors that are detrimental to humans, it causes sudden death, stroke and myocardial infarction and blood pressure.
Stress affects the physical and mental health 
U.S. research has revealed that stress and psychological pressures faced by individuals on a daily basis can cause some types of cancer. While a similar European study found that stress is harmful to heart health. The study carried out by researchers from the American University "Yale," that psychological stress may stimulate the daily growth of tumors, And that any shock, emotional or physical, Can serve as a "corridor" between cancerous mutations which eventually lead to serious tumors. 
The results of the study published in the Nature journal showed That the necessary conditions for this disease can be affected by emotional environment  including all the daily tasks that we undertake, whether at work or in the family. 
Tian Xu, a specialist Professor in genetics from Yale University Says: "There are a lot of different circumstances can lead to stress. And reduce or avoid the circumstances that cause it, are always a good advice... ". 
European study addressed another aspect of the stress, The British research has shown a negative effect on the heart and the disease which may be caused by stress .This study confirms  scientifically, the prevailing belief since ancient times being linked to heart attacks. 
All participants were subjected to stress tests, and then the levels of the hormone cortisol were measured. It is a primary stress hormone produced by the body when exposed to psychological pressure or physical, and lead in the event of release to narrowing of the arteries. The researchers observed that participants who were injured by the stress tests were the most vulnerable, by weakness, in which lack of sufficient arterial injury for those who kept calm. 
We can See in this drawing, the mechanism that operates cortisol; a steroid hormone that regulates blood pressure and cardiovascular function and immune system. It also controls the body's use of protein, carbohydrates and fats, as a result of increased stress, whether physical such as illness or trauma. And increases the production of the cortisol hormone as a natural reaction in the body and is essential if the levels remain high for a long time. The new British study found that stress caused by work is an important factor in the incidence of heart disease, diabetes and exposure to the risks of stroke.
Many verses urging peace of mind
The one who contemplates the Koran noted that many of the verses telling us to be patient and not to be anger and urge for forgiveness. One of these verses says:
"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for loves not those who do wrong". ( Consultation: 40) . Allah says also: " And if you do catch them out, catch them out no worse than they catch you out: but if you show patience that is indeed the best for those who are patient. And do you be patient, for your patience is but from Allah; nor grieve over them: and distress not yourself because of their plots. For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good" ( Bees: 126-128).
He says about the righteous who promised them Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth: 
"Those who spend, whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon men; for Allah loves those who do good".( Al- IMRAN: 134)
The best way to treat the psychological pressure is Amnesty. Because Allah says:
"The remission is the nearest to righteousness. And do not forget liberality between yourselves. For Allah sees well all that you do."(Al- Baqara: 237)

Many daily pressures of human are caused by a sense of injustice and the inability to take from others. But once human practice "amnesty", the problem will evaporate like the heat when the water evaporates!                                                                 
To remember the day of the conquest of Mecca when Allah grant victory over his enemies, who mocked, insulted, took and cursed him, But he pardoned them and said: “Go away you are free!”
This situation is a lesson for the believer who like the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.
It is mercy of Allah towards His slaves that made the reward of tolerance and forgiveness in the Hereafter a very large one, and make its reward a great thing in this world which is enjoy better health and greater Psychological stability. 
Look attentively at this wonderful text of the Quran:
"Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel with what is better: Then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate. And no one will be franted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraintـــــ none but persons of the greatest good fortune."( Fosilate:34-35).   
Whatever your problem with others is, it can be resolved as soon as the transaction in the best manner and with a little patience and with a good word. As Allah said:
“See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly Word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches to the heavens. It brings  forth its fruit at all times , by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parable for men, in order that they may receive admonition"( Ibrahim:24-25).
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
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Relationship Between the Oneness of Allah and Standing Firm in the Religion

Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, says in the Holy Qur'an, Surah Fussilat, verses 30-32:
Surely, those who say, "Our Lord is only Allah", and thereafter stand firm on it, the angels will descend [at death] on them [saying], "Do not fear or grieve, and receive the glad tidings of paradise, which you have been promised! We [the angels] are your friends in this life of this world and the hereafter. You will find in it what your souls desire and you will find in it what you ask for: a hospitable gift from [Allah], the Forgiving, the Merciful."
Previously I described the meaning of "Standing Firm in the Religion of Allah". The actions I described show that a Muslim is firm in his religion, and I described what can help a Muslim be firm in the religion. Here is a summary from this topic:

Standing firm in religion means following the dictates of the Qur'an and the Sunnah in all walks of life: in words, in deeds, and in adherence to the correct beliefs. The actions that demonstrate a person's firmness in religion include:
  1. Completing acts of worship completely, sincerely, and properly for Allah and Allah alone
  2. Listening and obeying the commands of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him)
  3. Performing extra, non obligatory acts of worship, such as prayer, fasting, and charity
  4. Serving the cause of Islam with time, money, and effort
  5. Living in the company of the Qur'an through recitation, listening, reflecting over its verses, and following its commandments 
The factors that facilitate standing firm in the religion are many. The most important of them are:
  1. The fear and awareness of Allah
  2. Knowledge that we were created to worship Allah alone and to stand firm in the faith of Allah
This sermon will continue this previous topic, and God willing will describe:
  1. The relationship between standing firm and Tawheed, the Arabic word for the Oneness of Allah
  2. The benefits of staying firm in the religion of Allah
  3. The answer to the question, "We can never be completely firm in our religion, so what should we do?"
There is a firm relationship between the Tawheed of Allah and standing firm in His religion. The two cannot be separated. Tawheed is false without firmness of the religion, and the firmness in religion cannot be achieved without Tawheed. That is why all the messengers of Allah (peace be upon them all) invited mankind to the Tawheed of Allah and standing firm in the religion of Allah.

Allah says to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as follows in the Holy Qur'an, Surah Fussilat, verse 6:
Say: "I am only a human being like you. It is revealed to me that your Lord is one Allah, therefore stand firm in His path, and ask for Allah's forgiveness."
The first commandment here is "your Lord is one Allah", and this defines the Tawheed of Allah. The second commandment is, "stand firm in Allah's path," and this describes the firmness in the religion of Allah.

When Pharaoh challenged Moses (peace be upon him) and declared, "I am your Lord, most high", Moses (pbuh) responded, "Allah is my Lord, your Lord, and Lord of the worlds." So, Pharaoh, in his arrogance, decided, according to Surah Ghaafir, verse 26:
Let me kill Moses, and let me call his Lord (to stop me)! Surely, I fear that he may change your religion, or that he may cause mischief in the land.
Thus, Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses (pbuh) because Moses (pbuh) presented him the Tawheed, the Oneness of Allah, and he was firm in His religion.

Additionally, because of Abraham's (pbuh) declaration of Tawheed and his firmness in the religion of Allah, his people wanted to burn him in the fire. Allah tells us about this event in Surah al anbya, verses 68-69, of His Qur'an:
"Burn him and help your gods, if you intend to do something about it." But Allah ruined their plan as Allah commanded to the fire: "O fire! Be cool and safe for Abraham!"
Because of their profession of Tawheed and their firmness in the religion of Allah, Prophet Muhammad's companions were tortured and forced to leave Mecca. Their only crime was declaring "Our Lord is only Allah".

Accordingly, when a Muslim is faced with a trial in regards to his or her wealth, family, or honor, he or she should say, "My Lord is only Allah", stand firm in these words, and persist on virtuous deeds, as Muhammad (pbuh) has advised: "Say, 'I believe in Allah' and then stand firmly upon it, or say, 'My Lord is Allah,' and then stand firmly upon it. Similarly Allah advised Muhammad (pbuh), and through him to the community of Muslims in Surah Hud, verse 112:
So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you] and those who have turned back with you [to Allah ], and do not transgress. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do.
Al Qashiri narrated that a pious person saw Muhammad (pbuh) in his dream and he said, "O messenger of Allah! We have learned that you said, 'Surah Hud and its sisters caused me to grow older.' So, what was it in Surah Hud that caused you to grow older?" Muhammad (pbuh) replied, "The words of Allah that said, 'So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, and those who have turned back with you, and do not transgress. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do. Do not incline towards those who do wrong, lest the fire should touch you, and you will not have any protector other than Allah, nor will you be helped.'"

It is so because the above surah mentions paradise and hellfire, and the affairs of the Day of Judgment. So when the questioner asked Muhammad (pbuh) in his dream, he (pbuh) responded that Surah Hud caused Muhammad (pbuh) to grow older, since in it Allah commanded Muhammad (pbuh) to stand absolutely firm in the religion.

As standing firm in the religion of Allah is intimately related to the Tawheed of Allah, it carries several virtues for the Muslim who is steadfast and firm in the religion. Among these virtues are the following:

1.  The angels descend on a such a person with tranquility and serenity in this world, at the time of entering the grave, and during reckoning in the grave. This is the meaning of saying of Allah:
Surely, those who say, "Our Lord is only Allah", and thereafter stand firm on it, the angels will descend (at death) on them (saying), "Do not fear or grieve, and receive the glad tidings of paradise, which you have been promised!
Waki said, "The glad tiding is for three occasions: at the time of death, in the grave, and at the time of resurrection. The angels assist them with serenity and tranquility and give them the glad tidings of paradise.

2.   Standing firm in the religion opens the heart to virtue and leads to a pious life. Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, says in Surah an Nisa, verse 124:
And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.
A person who is firm in the religion is rewarded with a pious life and a great reward in the hereafter from Allah.

3.   People love to honor the person who stands firm in the religion of Allah. It is so because the hearts of the people are between the two fingers of Allah, and He turns them the way He desires. So when a Muslim stands firm in the religion of Allah, Allah causes the people to love and honor him or her.

4.  Standing firm in religion stops the Muslim from committing sins. A steadfast person realizes that Allah is ever watchful over him or her, so he or she fears Allah, alone and in company, and protects the body from sinful acts, because of his or her firmness in the religion of Allah.

5.  Standing firm in the religion causes the abundance of sustenance in this world. Allah says in Surah al Jinn, verse 16:
And [ Allah revealed] that if they had remained straight on the way, We would have given them water in abundance.
The meaning of 'water in abundance' is the provisions of life. It is not only the abundance, but also the blessings with it. Even though the wealth might be small, with blessings from Allah it will become bountiful. So it is immaterial whether the sustenance is small or big, Allah will bless it and cause it to grow, and that is only for those of His servants who are firm in His religion.

Ibn Taimiyya said, "The highest miracle is to stand firm in the religion. Walking on water or floating in the air has no sanction of approval from Allah, unless the person is steadfast in the commandments of Allah with respect to the permissible and not permissible. When he is steadfast in religion, that that is his miracle."

The following are some actions that prevent a person from being firm in the religion of Allah. I describe them so you are mindful and stay way from them:
  1. When a person falls easily into sins, and continues to do so, it develops a sickness in the heart, and removes him or her away from Allah's mercy. The sins prevent the Muslim from being firm in the religion.
  2. Preferring this world over the hereafter is also a problem. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "I do not fear poverty for you; rather, I fear that the world will expand for you, as it expanded for the people before you. So you will breathe it in, as they breathed it in, and it will destroy you as it destroyed them.
  3. Having bad company will prevent the Muslim from standing firm in the religion. Evil company, whether at work, in the family, or among the friends, will prevent a person from standing firm in the religion. Allah says, "Do not incline towards those who do wrong, lest the fire should touch you, and you will not have any protector other than Allah, nor will you be helped."
The final question is whether standing firm in the religion means an absence of mistakes. And whether a Muslim who commits a sin loses firmness in the religion?

The answer is that the meaning of standing firm in the religion of Allah, with respect to us humans, does not imply complete absence of sins. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Every son of Adam commits mistakes, and the best of those who commit mistakes are the ones who repent." We therefore are incapable of being free from mistakes and sins, as complete absence from sins is only for the prophets of Allah (peace be upon them all). As Allah has commanded His servants to stand firm on religion, He has also commanded them to ask for His forgiveness. This shows that when the firmness in religion is compromised due to making a mistake or committing a sin, asking for forgiveness will repair it.

Furthermore, Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Fear Allah as much as in your capacity, and follow a bad deed with a good deed. That will erase it." Muhammed (pbuh) informed us by this saying that we are going to fall short in standing firm in the religion, and he (pbuh) therefore advised us to stay as close to firmness as possible. Although we may not achieve complete firmness, we will achieve as much as is in our capacity, Allah willing.

Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Stand firm on religion, but you will not be able to achieve it. And know that the best of your deeds is the mandatory prayers, and only a believer guards his ablution." This means that Muslims are asked to be firm in the religion as much as in their capacity. Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, is capable of compensating for our shortcomings, and Allah spoke the truth when He said:
So you, (O Prophet,) stand firm and straight in the religion as you are commanded and those who turn in repentance, and do not transgress. Surely, Allah is all-Seer of what you do. Do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest the fire should touch you, and then you will not have any protector other than Allah, nor will you be helped."
And Allah knows best.
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Woman's Inner Beauty

Men and women are equal but not identical. Each of them complements the other in the different roles and functions that they are responsible to. In Islam the individuals should not be judged according to gender, beauty, wealth or privilege. The only thing that makes one person better than another is his or her character. Therefore woman is judged by her character and actions rather than by her looks or physical features.
Islam ordered the same high standards of moral conduct for men as it is for women. Modesty is essential in a human's life, as well, whether it is in action, morals or speech. A woman who adheres to the tenets of Islam is required to follow the dress code called Hijab (Veil). Islam also commands proper behavior and dress of men, in that they are not allowed to make a show of their bodies to attract attention onto themselves, and they too must dress modestly. They have a special commandment to lower their eyes, and not to brazenly stare at women.
The Qur'an urges the believing men and women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty and then urges the believing women to extend their head covers to cover the neck and the bosom:
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms...." (Qur'an Surah Al Noor: 30, 31).
The Islamic veil, unlike the veil of the Christian tradition, is not a sign of man's authority over woman nor is it a sign of woman's subjection to man. The Islamic veil, unlike the veil in the Jewish tradition, is not a sign of luxury and distinction of some noble married women. The Islamic veil is only a sign of modesty with the purpose of protecting women, all women.
The Islamic philosophy is that it is always better to be safe than sorry. In fact, the Qur'an is so concerned with protecting women's bodies and women's reputation that a man who dares to falsely accuse a woman of unchastely will be severely punished:
"And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations), Flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors (evil doers)"     (Quran Surah Al Noor: 4)
The Muslim woman does not feel the pressures to be beautiful or attractive, which is so apparent in the Western and Eastern cultures. She does not have to live up to expectations of what is desirable and what is not. Superficial beauty is not the Muslim woman's concern; her main goal is inner spiritual beauty. She does not have to use her body and charms to get recognition or acceptance in society. There are numerous examples of discrimination at the workplace where women are either accepted or rejected, because of their attractiveness and sex. A good example is in advertising, where a woman's body is used to sell products. Women are constantly degraded, and subjected to reveal more and more of themselves.
Many of the misconceptions of the Muslim woman in the west, particularly her veil stems from Arab and Muslim countries that have deviated from the true doctrines of Islam, and have " mixed up Islamic principles with pre-Islamic pagan traditions". Muslim woman wears the Islam dress code herself to put herself on a higher level and men will look at her with respect and she is noticed for her intellect, faith, and personality, not for her beauty. Some people, especially in the West, would tend to ridicule the whole argument of modesty for protection. Their argument is that the best protection is the spread of education, civilized behavior, and self control. We would say: fine but not enough.
Something is fundamentally wrong in the society we live in. A radical change in the society's life style and culture is absolutely necessary. A culture of modesty is badly needed, modesty in dress, in speech, and in manners of both men and women. Actually, we all suffer but as Khalil Gibran said:
"…For the person who receives the blows is not like the one who counts them" in Thoughts and Meditations (New York: Bantam Books, 1960)

By: Nouran Radwan

Liberation by the Veil, by Sehmina Jaffer Chopra,
Women in Islam Versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition The Myth and The Reality  By: Sherif Abdel Azim, Ph.D.- Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada,

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True Happiness in Islam

adapted from the March 10, 2011 sermon

Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, says in Surah an Nahl, verse 97:
Whoever works right, (be they) man or woman, and has Faith (in Allah), surely, to them we will give a good life, and we will bless upon them their reward by the best of their deeds.
Salmah ibn Ubaid Ullah narrated that Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "He who sleeps in the safety of his house, enjoys good health, and has provisions for the day, it is as if he has collected all the blessings of the world."

Our topic today, Allah willing, is the concept of true happiness in Islam. Undoubtedly, each one of us seeks happiness. So what is true happiness? And how do we find it? Is it found in wealth? Or in good health, being free from any sickness and hunger? Or is happiness found in safety from injury and being hurt by people? Or is it found in a lofty position, with employees in abundance? Or is it found in something else?

Today we will, Allah willing, answer the following questions:
  1. What is the meaning of true happiness?
  2.  What factors promote true happiness?
  3. What factors prevent us from attaining true happiness?
Happiness means many different things to different people. Some people seek happiness in material possessions. Others relate it with what they are missing. For example, a sick person sees true happiness in a cure, and a poor person sees it in wealth.

Benjamin Franklin, however, is credited with saying that "happiness is attainment of good morals". And George Bernard Shaw said, "A person who is suffering from a toothache believes that people with healthy molars are basking in happiness, and a poor person has the same faulty thinking about the rich."

And the Muslim scholars have said that the meaning of bliss or true happiness is to be thankful for the blessings of Allah (to Whom all praise and glory is due), to be patient during times of trial, and to ask forgiveness of Allah after committing a sin.

Ibn Qayyim said that "true happiness of the servant of Allah stems from three things: When he is bestowed with blessings, he is thankful; when he is tested with a trial, he is patient; and when he commits a sin, he seeks forgiveness from Allah." And Ali ibn Abi Talib said that "a believer with understanding is the happiest of persons."

In Islam, true happiness is to enter paradise, to be saved from hellfire, and to enjoy being in the presence of Allah. Allah says, "some faces, that Day (the day of judgment) will glow; looking towards their Lord".

If we look into history and read the stories of our predecessors, we find them seeking happiness in two different ways. One group of people sought false happiness and that led to their destruction and condemnation by Allah. The other group sought happiness in the right way that led to their safety from ruin. They incurred the pleasure of Allah, and true happiness in both this world and the hereafter. There are several examples available to us for both groups. Here are a few:

The Pharaoh of Egypt sought happiness in power and authority and in doing so denied belief in Allah. He boasted to his people, as recorded by Allah in Surah az Zukhruf, verse 51:
O my people! Does not the Kingdom of Egypt belong to me, and these streams flow beneath my palace? Don't you then see?
But he forgot about the Creator who had granted him rule over Egypt; he arrogantly claimed divinity and said, according to Allah in Surah an Nazi'at, verse 24:
I am your lord, most high.
Thus, he assumed that happiness was in attaining the highest authority over land, but what was the result? Allah says, "But Allah punished him, and made him an example in the hereafter and in this life." This was his punishment in this world, and in the hereafter, he will enter hellfire. Allah said in Surah al Ghafir, verse 46:
The fire, they are brought in front of it, morning and evening: and on the Day that Judgment will be established (it will be ordered): throw the people of Pharaoh in the severest penalty.
So, dear brothers and sisters, we therefore know that happiness is not in authority, if that authority is bereft of faith.

Another people sought happiness in wealth; their epitome was Qaroon. Allah says in Surah al Qasas, verse 76:
The very keys of the treasures we had given to him were a burden to a group of strong men.
The scholars said about this verse that "the keys of his treasures were numerous; a group of seventy men (or forty mules) had difficulty carrying them." But Qaroon forgot Allah, who had blessed him with wealth, and said, according to verse 78 of the same Surah:
This wealth has been given to me only because of a certain knowledge I have.
He did not pay zakah (mandatory 2.5% of excess wealth given in charity) for his wealth. Rather, he boasted about his wealth in front of poor people, and assumed that happiness was in wealth, without faith in Allah. So what was the result? Allah says in verse 81:
So, then We made the earth to swallow him up and his house, and he had none to help him against Allah, and he could not protect himself.
So, dear brothers and sisters, true happiness is not in wealth when our hearts are missing the faith in Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due.

Some other people assumed that happiness lies in children, without believe in Allah and in his messenger, Muhammad (pbuh). The example of that is Walid ibn Mughairah in Makkah, whom Allah had bestowed with ten sons. He was so proud of them that he would seat five of them on his right and five on his left. He refused to believe in Allah. He and his sons fought the Muslims, except two of them who later became Muslims: Khalid and Ammarah ibn Walid, may Allah be pleased with them. His remaining sons died as disbelievers. So Allah said about Walid ibn Mughairah in Surah al Muddathir, verses 26-30:
Soon will I throw him into the fire of hell. And what will explain to you what the fire of hell is? Neither will it be tolerable, nor would it leave alone, darkening and burning the man. Over it are nineteen angels.
So, true happiness is not in abundance of children, with no faith in Allah.

Some people consider happiness in music and dance. Allah has held back true happiness from them, according to Surah at Taha, verses 124-126:
But whoever turns away from my reminder, surely for him is a life constricted, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment. He will say: "O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind whereas I had sight before?' You acted like this when our signs came to you. You disregarded them, so will you, this day, be disregarded.
The second group of people sought true happiness, and found it in the right way. Among them is Jonas (pbuh), who sought happiness in righteous deeds, and called Allah from a great misery he was in, saying, according to Surah al Anbya, verse 87:
"There is no god except You, glory to You. Truly, I was one of the wrongdoers."
 So Allah answered him and delivered him from triple darkness: darkness of night, darkness of ocean, and darkness of the belly of the whale. Allah replied in the next verse:
So we listened to him, and delivered him from difficulty. And like this we rescue those who have faith.
So Jonas (pbuh) found happiness in the remembrance of Allah.

Similarly, Moses (pbuh) sought happiness, and found it as he was followed by Pharaoh's to the shore of the ocean. He said, according to Surah ash-Shu'ara, verse 62, "My Lord is with me. He will soon guide me." Allah confirms in verse 65:
We saved Moses and all who were with him.
And Muhammad (pbuh) sought happiness and found it in the cave of Thaur, when he was with Abu Bakr As Siddiq, and the disbelievers were surrounding the cave. Muhammad (pbuh) said to Abu Bakr, "Do not grieve, because Allah is with us." Allah answered him and said, in Surah at Tawbah, verse 40:
Then Allah sent down peace and calm upon him, and strengthened him with forces that you did not see, and made the word of the disbelievers (to take Muhammad's life) completely false. But Allah's word is glorified to the highest, and Allah is exalted in strength, all Wise.
And Joseph (pbuh) sought happiness, and found it in calling people to the path of Allah while in prison. Joseph (pbuh) was put in prison for seven years by no crime of his own, but still he kept calling people to the Oneness of Allah, saying:
O companions of the prison! Are multiple lords, who differ among themselves better, or is Allah, the one Supreme and Irresistible? (Surah Yusuf, verse 39)
So Joseph (pbuh) pronounced the Oneness of Allah to the people, and found happiness.

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal also found true happiness in prison, where he was whipped so severely with a beating that, according to his torturers, would have killed a camel. He patiently adhered to the religion of Allah, and pronounced the Qur'an to be Allah's word, not his creation, and found true happiness in that.

Ibrahim ibn Adham found happiness as he slept in the streets of Baghdad. He could not find a single piece of bread to eat, but still he said, "By Allah, besides whom there is no partner, we are in true happiness. If the rulers would find out, they would fight with us over it with swords." He did not have any food to eat, but still possessed true happiness that is not accessible to kings in their palaces, surrounded by wealth, food, and drink. Why?

Because true happiness is in the company of Allah. It does not reach those who are away from Allah or shun Allah and His religion.

Dear brothers and sisters, this is the reality of true happiness, and this is the affair of those who attain it. It is not achieved, except with faith and pious deeds that Muhammad (pbuh) was sent with. Those who live in palaces, with no wealth of faith, Allah has written for them that "life will be constricted for them". So he who accumulates wealth without faith in Allah and without giving charity and paying zakah on it, Allah will seal his heart, so that his life is constricted. And the rulers of the world, and those who attain high positions, who lack faith in Allah, life will be constricted for them, and there are several examples of that in history.

To recap, let's look at the factors in life that do promote true happiness.

First is true belief in Allah. The one who is not a believer in Allah cannot attain true happiness, even though he may appear to be happy.

Next are virtuous deeds. Allah says, "Whoever works right, (be it) man or woman, and has faith, surely to him, We will give a good (and pure) life, and We will bless upon them their reward by the best of their deeds."

Another factor is keeping the five daily prayers and reading of the Qur'an, because Allah says, "Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find true satisfaction."

Another factor is obedience to Allah and abstaining from all that is forbidden. Ibn Abbas said, "Virtues produce a glow on the face, a light in the heart, expansion of provisions, love of the people, and light in the grave. And sins produce darkness in the face, darkness in the grave, constriction in sustenance, and hatred in the hearts of people.

Yet another factor is the fear of Allah, in open and secret.

All of the factors that prevent the attainment of happiness are the ones opposite of those described above, such as sins, and being far away from Allah.

He who desires true happiness should seek it in the mosque, and in the Qur'an, and in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and in reciting the Qur'an, and in prayer, and in standing firm in the religion, and following in the example of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

And Allah knows best.
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Must Have Firefox Add-ons

If you are anything like me you will be deeply in love with Firefox, its clean, has great themes, easy to use, quick and has fantastic add-ons.  It seems a long time ago now that IE was the big kid in the school yard, things have moved on since those days and now savvy surfers [...]
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Beautiful night scenes of famous cities that stand out magnificently when the sun goes down.
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