
AHA Issues Congenital Heart Disease Guidelines CME/CE

  1. At what age does the ACC-AHA recommend transition of care for adolescents with CHD? 
    Answer: 12 years
    The recent "ACC/AHA Guidelines on the Management of Adults with Congenital Heart Disease" recommend that the transition process start at age 12 years to prepare the patient for transfer to adult care. The timing should be guided by emotional development and maturity level, the adolescent should be engaged to share fears and concerns, and the pediatric cardiologist should work with the adolescent on the plan.
  2. Which of the following factors is least likely to be considered high risk for a patient with CHD preparing for noncardiac surgery?
    Answer: Prosthetic valve
    High-risk patients include those with pulmonary hypertension, cyanotic CHD, New York Heart Association class III or IV, severe ventricular dysfunction with an ejection fraction of less than 35%, and severe left-sided heart obstructive lesion. Moderate-risk patients include those with a prosthetic valve, intracardiac shunt, moderate left-sided heart obstructive lesion, and moderate left ventricular dysfunction.
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