
Virtues of Forgiveness

Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, said to Muhammad (peace be upon him):
Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish (meaning, don't punish them).
And Allah says:
 So forgive and overlook, until Allah brings His command. Surely, Allah has power over all things.
Anas narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) said, "When the Day of Judgment will be established, a caller will say, 'the one whose reward is due on Allah should enter Paradise.' Then it will be announced, 'where are those whose reward is due on Allah?' So a group of people, who used to forgive others, will stand up and enter Paradise without reckoning.

Remember, this life is temporary.

The attribute of forgiveness is important, which is why Allah commanded Muhammad (pbuh) to 'show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish."

Muhammad (pbuh) asked the angel Gabriel (pbuh), "What is forgiveness?" Gabriel (pbuh) replied, "To join the one who severed you, to give to the one who denied you, and to pardon the one who oppressed you." At-Tabri explained: "This means to adopt the attribute of forgiveness over all the other attributes of people, to overlook their wrong doings directed at you, and to turn away from the foolish ones with peace."

Some people incorrectly assume that forgiveness is a sign of weakness and cowardice. Rather, forgiveness is a sign of strength and an attribute of the brave, because the one who forgives has control over his ego (nafs) and his desires.

Jafar As-Sadiq said, "I prefer to err on the side of pardon ten times, than to err on the side of punishment once." This means that it is better to forgive someone by mistake than it is to punish someone by mistake.

Forgiveness brings us together

Furthermore, forgiveness has great importance in Islam. Imam ibn Qayyim declared, 'Oh child of Adam! Between you and Allah are mistakes and sins that only Allah knows. You desire Allah to forgive you, so forgive Allah's servants and Allah will forgive your mistakes, because if you forgive in the world, Allah will forgive you in the Hereafter."

Ali ibn Abi Talib narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Shouldn't I tell you about the most superior verses in the book of Allah? It is the saying of Allah: 'Whatever misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. Allah pardons from much (of your misdeeds)." I will explain it to you, Oh Ali. What reaches you from sickness, hardship, or trial in this world is because of your actions. So Allah will not return the punishment in the Hereafter, and what Allah forgives in this world, Allah will not punish for what he has already forgiven."

Allah has praised the righteous people and promised them paradise, as spacious as the heavens and the Earth, because of their following attributes: giving charity in prosperity and times of hardship, holding back anger, forgiving people, and excellent morals.

If someone oppresses us or holds back what is rightfully ours, and we forgive him or her, Allah will accept our forgiveness and enter us into paradise. As previously mentioned, forgiveness does not mean weakness and cowardice, rather it means to forgive when you have the power to take retribution, and still forgive for the sake of Allah. Ibrahim an-Nakhi said, "the companions of Muhammad (pbuh) disliked to be humiliated, but when they had power, they forgave."

Do you need to forgive someone?

Taking revenge from the oppressor is a right, but forgiveness is superior. Allah says, "The recompense of an injury is an injury like thereof; but whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, they shall be rewarded by Allah. Surely, Allah does not like the wrong-doers."

Let each one of us forgive when wronged by another, as Muhammad (pbuh) did after he conquered Mecca. The people of Mecca had plotted to kill him, tortured his companions, fought against him in Badar and Uhad, and brought many allies against him in the Battle of the Trench. When the Meccans were defeated and forced to lay down their arms, the Muslims were waiting word from Muhammad (pbuh) to punish the Meccans. Muhammad (pbuh) asked, "O you people of Mecca! How do you imagine I am going to deal with you?"

The Meccans said, "You are a kind person and the son of a kind person."

Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Go, you are free." And he (pbuh) forgave them.

And Allah knows best.
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Doa Islah (membaiki agama) yang diriwayatkan daripada Nabi s.a.w :

أللهمَّ أصَْلِحْ لِى فِى دِيْنِى الْذِّى هُوَ عِصْمَةُ أَمْرِى .وَأَصِلِحْ لِى دُنْيَاىَ الَّتِى فِيْهَا مَعَاشِى وَأَصِلِحْ لِى أَخِرَتِى التى فِيْهَا مَعَادِى .وَجْعَلِ الْحَيَاةَ زِيَادَةً لِىْ فِى كُلَّ خَيْرٍ وَالْمَوْتَ رَاحَةً لِى مِنْ كُلِّ شَرٍّ.وَلاَ تَجْعَلْ مُصيِْبَتِى فِى دِيْنِى وَلاَ تَجْعَلِ الدُّنْيَا أَكْبَرَ هَمِّى وَلاَ مَبْلَغَ عِلْمِى.

Ertinya : Wahai Allah , baikilah bagiku agamaku yang mana ia adalah pemeliharaku urusanku. Dan baikilah bagiku duniaku yang mana padanya tempat-tempat kehidupanku. Dan baikilah bagiku akhiratku yang mana padanya tempat-tempat kembaliku . Dan jadikan hidupku bertambah baik pada tiap-tiap kebajikan , dan maut sebagai kerehatan bagiku dari tiap-tiap kejahatan. Janganlan engkau jadikan musibah /bala pada agamaku , dan janganlah engkau jadikan dunia yang lebih besar dari cita-citaku dan jangan jadikan dunia hujung-hujung kesudahan pengetahuanku...............
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Background to this project

I am starting this project with about 180 UIAM undergraduate students that will take my courses. About 130 undergraduate students will take introduction to management (MGT2010) and 50 undergraduate students will take Organizational Behaviour (MGT4110). I will probably have another 30 or 40 postgraduate students who will take Organizational Behaviour (MGT6610). We will start, God willing, on the 15th December 2010. I will ask my students to listen to at least 1 religious talk every week. At the end of each session, I will ask them to assess whether they feel happier or less happy than before.

Before they start listening to these talks, they will receive a detailed (6 pages) hand out which includes the why of the project, the how of the project and a (short) literature review on the notion of happiness in the OB literature. My basic premises are:

a) People are happy because they are satisfied with what they have. They do not want more than what they have.
b) The more people know about Islam, the more they will appreciate what God has given them.

In terms of my lit review, I would like to say thank you to Fred Luthans, whose 2011 textbook on OB includes a chapter on "positive psychology". Reading that chapter was one of the catalysts for this project. Anyway, for me, the interesting 'twist' in this project is that I am using Albert Bandura as my theoretical framework. Apart from points a) and b), I am assuming that self-efficacy (i.e. the belief that Islam is an easy religion) and outcome expectancy (i.e. by being a good Muslim, I will be happy) are very important in determining whether somebody tries to improve himself or herself as a Muslim and - ultimately - becomes happy or not.

Readers may wonder. What will be the outcome of this project? Frankly, I am not quite sure. I suspect that one semester is too short to make a significant difference to their long-term level of happiness. However, I have learned one thing about doing research over the years. Often, the best thing to do is simply try it out. After the first batch of students have handed their report, I can get a better feel on the whole matter and how to progress.
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The purpose of this blog

This blog is meant mainly for Dr Ridhwan Fontaine's students. We will be doing a series of psychological exercises that revolved around discovering and clarifying the concept of happiness in Islam.
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About Me and Contact

This blog documents the perception of Dr Fontaine's students related to developing happiness in Islam. Students need to complete two assignments in which they improve their knowledge of Islam. This increased knowledge seems to lead to greater happiness.

Any comments can be sent to me at:

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For the Rest of My Life Lyrics

assalamualaikum, nama saya Ainoulhuda Husna.

entah kenape tetiba hari ni saya rajin sgt nk type lirik ni..
so.. bacelah lirik ini..

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart

Artist: Maher Zain
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seperti anda semua tahu.. pmr lagi 2 hari.
jadi sepanjang cuti ni saya cuma study.
cuma hari ni je dpt on9 sekejap.

hari ni ade 2 orng kwn saya yg buat open house
tapi xdpt dtg juga.
saya mintak maaf.
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raya ? . mcm biasa je..

1. selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.. kpd semua..

2. saya raya kat Shah Alam je..... kat dlm rumah!
dri raya pertama hingga sekarang..

3. oh.. lupa .. 5 /9 hari jadi saya.. ^_^

4. raya saya simple je..
#pergi solat raya
# blik umah rehat jap..
# petang pergi kubur..
#pergi umah jiran beraya je..
# blik umah.. study sampai sekarang.. !

*adelah keluar jln2 jap. hahah ^_^

ok tu je yg saya ingin ckp..

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Lelaki harus mempunyai kualiti kerana lelaki adalah pemimpin. Lelaki juga harus matang menilai dan membuat keputusan untuk apa jua keadaan. Sama ada perkara tersebut membabitkan dirinya ataupun orng lain, dia harus bersikap matang dan jujur. Namun begitu tidak semua menyedari tanggungjawab besar di bahu seorang lelaki.Ramai yg mengabaikan begitu sahaja.

"Menjadi seorang pemimpin sama ada untuk diri sendiri ataupun untuk keluarga, lelaki harus dan perlu jujur. Kejujuran adalah landasan kpd setiap perbuatan. Kejujuran juga melambangkan sifat seorg yg ikhlas dan amanah dlm apa jua tindakan yg dilakukan.

"Sebagai sorg pemimpim, jgn mencalarkan maruah diri sendiri dgn tindakan yg dilihat tidak matang unutk dilakukan seperti menipu, mempermainkan perasaan dan hati insan lain sewenang -wenangnya," kata USTAZ WAN AKASYAH WAN ABDUL HAMID, penceramah bebas.

Sikap suka hipokrit hanya akan memakan diri sendiri. Apabila semua kebenaran terserlah apa yg tinggal hanyalah malu sendiri. jadi untuk mengelakkan perkara-perkara yg membebankan pada kemudian hari , sikap hipokrit langsung tidak di perlukan. Mungkin dalam sesetengah perkara perangai begitu perlu, tetapi harus mempunyai daya kawalan yg baik untk tidak memakan diri sendiri.

Jgn fikir lelaki mempunyai kuasa untuk lakukan apa sahaja kerana yg maha berkuasa adalah Allah SWT dan manusia hanyalah sekadar hamba-Nya yg menjalankan segala tanggungjawab yg diberikan , USTAZ WAN AKASYAH WAN ABDUL HAMID akhir katanya..

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Justin Bieber - Love Me

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Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah 2009 HD - UPDATE TEXT

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Maher Zain - Insha Allah | ماهر زين - ان شاء الله

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Ahmad dan Ali adalah dua orng shbt karib dan mrk tinggal berjiran. Kedua-dua mrk hidup dlm kesempitan dan kemiskinan. Setelah seharian berusaha, masing2 akan berdoa. Begitulah kelaziman mrk berdua. Mrk akn singgah di masjid setiap kali habis bekerja utk solat dan berdoa.

"Apa doamu pada hari ini ?" tanyaAhmad kpd shbtnya. "Aku pinta semoga esok hari aku dimurahkan rezeki. Bulan ini perbelanjaanku lebih drpd biasa, " jawab Ali. "Doa kau ? " Ali pula bertanya. Ahmad cuma sentum tanpa berkata apa-apa.

Keesokan hari , Ali memberitahu Ahmad berita gembira. "Alhamdulillah doa aku semalam dimakbulkan Allah. Majikanku beri bonus pada hari ini". "Alhamdulillah. Hari ini kau akan berdoa apa pula ? " tanya Ahmad. "Aku berdoa moga isteriku selamat bersalin, " jawab Ali.

Mereka berdua pun masuk ke dalam masjid, mengerjakan solat dan masing2 berdoa... Sejurus usai berdoa, Ali bertanya, "kau pula berdoa untuk apa hari ini ?" Ahmad senyum. Masih tiada jawapan.

Beberapa hari kemudian Ali memberitahu berita gambira. "Syukur isteriku selamat bersalin malam tadi. Nampaknya doaku makbul, Mad." "Tahniah, Ali". "Aku berdoa juga supaya anakku selamat," kata Ahmad dengan wajah muram. "Kenapa dgn ank kau ? " "Anakku yang bongsu sakit, Ali. Keadaan nya amat membimbangkan." . "Insya-Allah, kau doalah kuat- kuat sikit. Minta anakmu selamat," kata Ali.

Beberapa hari kemudian, mereka berbual sesuai solat seperti kebiasaanya. "Bagaimana dgn anak kau ?" tanya Ali. "Macam itu juga . Sudah beberapa hari tapi keadaannya cuma bertambah baik sahaja.""Doa banyak lagi Ahmad. Aku tidak sangka doaku sangat makbul. Hampir setiap yg aku doakan mustajab. Tapi kau...." kata Ali.

"Kenapa dgn aku ?" "Mad , aku lihat doamu tidak mustajab." Ahmad tersenyum. Melihat Ahmad tersenyum, Ali semakin hairan lalu bertanya lagi, "Aku hairan doa kau tidak makbul tapi kau masih boleh senyum?"

"Sebenarnya doaku byk tlh dimakbulkan Allah. Syukur Alhamdulillah." "Doa yg mana ? Sbb aku lihattidak ada apa-apa perubahan pd kau." "Doaku sejak dulu hanya untuk kau, sahabatku. Setiap hari aku berdoa agar Allah makbulkan setiap apa-apa yg kau doakan kepada-Nya !! "

PENGAJARAN: doa kita utk sahabat, saudara -mara dan org lain sgt tinggi nilainya di sisi Allah. apatah lagi jika kita berdoa tanpa pengetahuan orng yg kita doakan. itulah keikhlasan. sayangnya, ia jarang dibuat oleh kita. manusia selalumementingkan diri, sekalipun dalam doanya kepada Allah !!!!!!

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“…dan suruhlah anak-anak kamu mematuhi perintah, dan menjauhi larangan, dan yang demikian itu adalah perlindungan diri bagi mereka dan bagi kamu daripada api neraka. “
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tumblr.... ^_^

hah !!!!
untuk pengetahuan korang...
aku dah ader tumblr....
klu korang rajin....
sila follow aku..

itu pun klu korang ader lah...
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aku seorang manusia yang lemah sahaja..

aku seorang perempuan..

aku baru sahaja berumur 15 tahun..

aku sudah melihat ciptaanNYA ini selama 15 tahun..

aku bersyukur kerana dilakirkan dengan sempurna sekali..

aku hanya berada di dalam perut ibuku selama 6 atau 7 bulan sahaja..

aku hanya mempunyai 3 adik beradik sahaja..

aku adalah anak yang ke 3..

aku tidaklah begitu cantik..

aku tidaklah begitu tinggi..

aku tidaklah begitu pandai..

aku tidaklah begitu popular di sekolah mahu pun di dalam keluarga2 besar ku..


ini jer ???
ini sahajalah yang dapat aku kongsikan bersama anda sekelian..


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selamat hari ibu... ! ^_^

semalam adalah hari ibu..
tetapi ibuku tiada di rumah..
aku sangat sedih sekali..
aku berharap ibuku ada di samping ku..
tetapi ia mungkin hanya khayalan sahaja..

ibuku tiada di rumah kerana bekerja..
ibuku terpaksa bekerja di sepang..
sedangkan ibu 2 lain sedang bergembira menyambut hari yg istimewa ini..
aku berasa sedih sekali..
tetapi kesedihan ini mungkin ada hikmah nya..
hanya ALLAH sahaja yg mengetahi perasaan ini..

selepas puas aku menanti..
akhirnya ibuku sampai jua di rumah..
sebaik sahaja ibuku hendak memasuki kamarnya..
aku terus sahaja memeluknya dan mengucapkan "selamat hari ibu mama... "
di saat itu aku merasa seperti mahu sahaja menagis..

tetapi aku terpaksa menahan..
menahan sebelum mutiara jernih ini turun membasahi pipi ku..
aku tidak mahu disangka bahawa aku seorang anak yg manja..
aku terfikir sejenak..
kenapa aku perlu menangis ??

mungkin aku tidak sanggup berpisah dengan ibuku..
aku menjadi bergini mungkin krn aku pernah kehilangan seorg insan yg aku sayangi..
insan itu bukan seorang malah dua orang..
aku tidak mahu berpisah dengan ibuku..
aku tidak sanggup..

ketika ibuku sedang berehat di ruang tamu..
aku datang kepadanya lalu memberikan sesuatu..
aku memberikan pin yang comel kepada ibuku..
ibuku bertanya.. "ini pin apa? untuk apa? kenapa ni ??
lantas aku menjawab "pin ni hadiah utk mama.. happy mother's day.."

ibuku sekadar senyum sahaja..
aku risau , takut bahawa ibuku tidak suka dengan hadiah ku ini..
"oh.. terima kasih.."jawab ibuku setelah sekian lama mendiamkan diri..
aku tahu bahawa hadiahku ini tidak lah sehebat mana..
tetapi hadiah ini ku beri kpd ibuku dgn ikhlas sekali..

aku sedar bhw ibuku tidak mengharapkan hadiah pin ini..
tetapi hadiah yg paling bermakna bagi ibuku ialah..
ialah keputusan yang cemerlang.gemilang lagi terbilang..
aku berazam utk belajar bersungguh2..
demi untuk ibuku..




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first blog..

ini first time aku ader blog sendiri..
boleh dikatakan happy gak ar..
sebenarnye aku tgh sibuk dok wat folio geografi..
aku bru wat separuh jer.... hehehhe
nmpk sgt aku pemalas... heheh
oklah.. aku nk wat folio...

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