
Strange Dream

I was at the mall shopping, surrounded by friends, just having a good time.
I can’t remember who they were, hm… I actually don’t remember ever seeing their faces, or if in fact they were my friends, but I remember feeling comfortable with them.
Almost immediately after feeling at ease with myself and my surrounding, I began feeling lonely and slowly everyone kind of…vanished, right in front of me.
I then began walking up stairs. I have absolutely no idea how those stairs even got there, but they were very familiar stairs.
They led me to my bedroom door.
I entered the room at a snail's pace, the door creaked very loudly. My clothes were lying all over the floor…but when I glanced up, it wasn’t my room. It appeared to be my room, almost like an illusion, but I knew in my heart that I’ve never seen this place before. But I went along with it and made myself believe that is was in reality, my room.
It wasn’t the prettiest of rooms, but it was certainly a bedroom.
There was a bed, there were chairs, some clothes and a closet…but it was in the outdoors.
I made my way towards a wooden bench and sat there for awhile, thinking.
I didn’t find any of this unusual, never once did I think twice about what was going on.
I was to busy thinking of other things. Things I can’t seem to remember.
I heard foot steps and a few brothers and sisters from the community were walking into the room I was in. The room suddenly changed into a very busy street and the bench I was sitting on was now a filthy bus stop bench.
I held a pillow in my right hand and a blanket in the other.
I was crossing the street and running towards the bus with the pillow and blanket (I don’t quite understand why I was running for the bus if I was standing at the bus stop already…)
People kept yelling at me because I wasn’t looking both ways, some people even offered to hold my hand while crossing the street. It felt like a never ending street, it took us awhile to get to the other side.
Then, two men began arguing as we made our way towards the bus. I can’t remember why or who they were, but I do remember that the argument was pointless and stupid. They might’ve been arguing about “how one should cross a street?” or something along those lines. lol.
Once I got into the bus, I couldn’t find my bus pass and nearly cried. It happens to me once in awhile, but I never get so…emotional about it. lol
The bus driver let me in though, he was a kind man.
I sat at the very end of the bus and I remember watching a woman, who then transformed into man (don’t ask…lol) sitting at the very front of the bus. He kept rubbing his hands against each other, as if he was very nervous…or maybe even scared? I thought I saw a tear drop on his cheek, but I wasn’t too sure. And as I laughed and joked with other passengers, he would stare at me, directly into my eyes, and I could almost feel what he was feeling.
But I can’t remember the feeling…
I had no idea where the bus was taking me. I sat there, in a crowded bus, for hour’s maybe, not knowing where I was heading, talking and laughing with people I’ve never seen in my life.
The only thing I can remember clearly is the white pillow and the pink and white blanket.

Strange dream, huh ?
I have too many interpretations as to what it might actually mean. They’re probably all wrong anyways.
I've been having too many of these weird dreams lately.
I’m beginning to feel somewhat frightened to fall asleep now...
Afraid of what I might dream of next… =\
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Surah Al-Qiyamah
by Shaykh Abdurrahman Sudais

The World's Bravest People
by Muhammad AlShareef

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Break Beats
I want the sun to shine in the middle of the rain
I want to hear children laugh and grown men cry
I want stocks to crash in African eyes
I want the music to stop and the waters to part
I want George Bush to wear a kufee… on his heart (…)

I want poets to teach that fascists rule fools
And public education is just obedience school
Wars on terror. Wars on Drugs.
Wars created by Ivy League thugs
I want Bar Harbor sunshine and Brick City Blues
Proclaim Allahu Akbar without being accused
I want to hear the world cry when the T.V. man say
You can help little Maria for just 52 cents a day (…)

I want women to love what they see in the glass
And put down that glass and turn off the glass
And for Men to hold you like you’re as fragile as glass
But you’re as strong as the glass filled with the blood of humanity (…)
By: Brother Dash.

Read the full poem on his website:
And the poem “Muslimah” is definitely worth the read.
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The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
Islam began as something strange and will return to being something strange.
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Women in Islam.

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