
A typical day at dk's

My little brother is just too cute lol.
Abdullah: What does that say?
Me: It says "Allah" in Arabic
Abdullah: What is "Allah”?
Me: didn't u already ask me this before haha..?
Abdullah: NO. I mean like... is Allah a her or a him??
Me: haha.ohh. Well, Allah is neither a ...‘him’ nor is Allah a ...‘her’. He's... um...How should I say this...he's *God*... he created little boys and me and you... um... so he can't be his own creation right? Wouldn’t that be kind of a ... (he cuts me off)
Abdullah: uhhh ...He’s like 'magic' right?
Me:’s more like... (He cuts me off again)
Abdullah: Tell me how he looks like! Then maybe I'll get it... (He’s starting to get really irritated)
Me: one really knows how Allah looks like...but He's not a boy or a girl... or an animal...or some kind of superhero....or anything u can think of...haha...
Abdullah: Sooo...he like uses a magic wand?
{My mom is laughing in the background}
Me: are you listening to a word I'm saying little man? ... and who told u this? Who told u Allah has a magic wand? (I was stopping myself from going into hysterical laughter)
Abdullah: No one told me that... I just thought he did./ then how does he make things happen?!
Me: He just says *be* and it wands involved
(He has the most confused little face I have ever seen....haha)
Abdullah: huh? know what..never mind...I’m gonna ask Abdirazak(one of my older brothers) when he gets back...
Me: noo...don't gooo... get back here...
Abdullah: You don't make any sense! (Runs away)

LOL. He just has sooo many questions... and it's just so hard to explain things to a 4 yr old that has the shortest attention span everr and has limited vocabulary lol.
This was my highlight of the day...I still can't stop laughing... his confused look was too cute.
Just the other day he started to cry like a madman because my little sister told him that everyone will die one day...including mommy and daddy...
Insha'Allah...He won't be asking me anytime soon where it is that babies come from =\ =\ =\
Kids these days lol.
My 12 yr old cos was over today. I couldn't help but over hear his convo with my eldest brother.

Cousin: Did u just use the word nigger?!!
Brother: hahah. and?
Cousin: The word nigger is derogatory term used against our ancestors! When you use it, you’re only giving the white man permission to use it! And then you go around beating up white people! Sick...
Brother: whaaa? You got that from coach carter didn’t you? Mhhm. and you prolly been waiting for so long to use that on someone aye ?
Cousin: Yeah....tehehe..
Brother: Loser ...

My house is like constant entertainment...hahah :D

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