
Why the Peshawar & Nairobi attacks are un-Islamic

Islam does not allow taking revenge by attacking innocent people. In fact, the concept of revenge itself is un-Islamic, says Maulana Wahiuddin Khan

In just the last couple of days, there have been two deadly attacks orchestrated by self-styled Muslims, killing many people—the attack on a church in Peshawar and a shopping mall in Nairobi. Attacks on, and persecution of, non-Muslim minorities have escalated in recent years in many Muslim-majority countries.

These attacks are nothing but an expression of frustration. The fact is that in the first half of the twentieth century, some Muslims started a struggle against their so-called enemies. But they completely failed in this endeavour. They then tried to destabilise their supposed enemies. What happened on 9/11 was an act of this kind. However, they failed in achieving anything there as well. Now, they have chosen soft targets, like churches and malls. Such acts only show the extent of their frustration. The only cause for these attacks can be found in these Muslims’ deep frustration due to their total failure. The time has now come for Muslims to take a U-turn. Taking a U-turn means accepting one’s own mistakes, but many Muslim leaders do not have the courage to openly accept their mistakes.

According to Islam, these attacks are clearly haram or forbidden. There is no justification for suicide-bombing in Islam. With regard to the bombing of the church in Peshawar, the attackers said that they were taking revenge for US drone strikes. But taking revenge itself is an un-Islamic act. According to Islam, the argument that these attacks are a legitimate answer to the oppression of others is completely baseless. Islam does not allow taking revenge by attacking innocent people – the concept of revenge itself is un-Islamic. But for the sake of argument, suppose that Islam does allow revenge. Then the act of revenge must be directed against those who are responsible for the killings for which revenge is sought. But those who were present in the church in Peshawar and in the mall in Nairobi were innocent. They were not involved in any kind of attack and did not kill people, so they cannot be subjected to revenge.

Attacks of this kind do not in any way solve the problems they claim to be a response to. Rather, they only exacerbate them. The claims of people involved in such attacks of representing and championing Islam are completely false. Islam does not give permission for such attacks at all. The blame lies not only on the attackers, but also their intellectual mentors. The real culprits are those leaders who have given a political interpretation to Islam. I think political Islam is the greatest evil in the present age. Such an interpretation has made the violence that Peshawar and Nairobi witnessed seem justified to those who carried it out.

Some Muslims quote, among others, the following Quranic verse to justify their hatred of non-Muslims: “O you who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.” (5:51). On the basis of their erroneous interpretation of this verse, they seek to stir hatred against people of other faiths. Once that happens, then it becomes easy for them to seek legitimacy for violence against non-Muslims. However, the fact of the matter is that their argument is completely wrong. The Quranic verse quoted above is neither about all Jews or Christians, nor can it be taken out of context. It was applicable to those contemporaries of the Prophet who were at war with him and must be read in that context.

It is a well-known fact that non-Muslims in every country think that Islam is a religion of violence. These kinds of negative opinions about Islam are absolutely wrong. However, it is Muslim leaders who are to blame for this and not non-Muslims. Attacks such as the ones Peshawar and Nairobi recently witnessed are bound to show Islam in an even more negative light. The image of Islam is already under threat, and such acts will only worsen it in the eyes of the world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan @
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Islam: a religion of peace and justice

Islam is a religion of peace in the fullest sense of the word. The Quran calls its way "…The ways of peace…" [Quran: 5:16] It describes reconciliation as the best policy [Quran: 4:128], and states that God abhors any disturbance of peace [Quran: 2:205]

The root word of Islam is 'Silm', which means peace. So the spirit of Islam is the spirit of peace. The first
verse of the Quran breathes the spirit of peace; it reads: "In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate."

This verse is repeated in the Quran no less than 114 times. It shows the great importance Islam attaches to such values as Mercy and Compassion. One of God's names, according to the Quran, is As-Salaam, which means Peace. Moreover, the Quran states that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) was sent to the world as a mercy to mankind. [Quran: 21:107]

A perusal of the Quran shows that most verses of the Quran (and also the Hadeeth) are based on peace and kindness, either directly or indirectly. The ideal society, according to the Quran is Dar As-Salaam, that is, the house of peace [Quran: 10:25]
The Quran presents the universe as a model, which is characterised by harmony and peace [Quran: 36:40] When God created heaven and earth, He so ordered things that each part might perform its function peacefully without clashing with any other. The Quran tells us that "It is not allowable [i.e., possible] for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming." [Quran: 36:40] For billions of years, therefore, the entire universe has been fulfilling its function in total harmony with His divine plan.

According to Islam, peace is not simply an absence of war. Peace opens doors to all kinds of opportunities which are present in any given situation. It is only in a peaceful situation that planned activities are possible. It is for this reason that the Quran says: "…And settlement is best…" [Quran: 4:128] Similarly, Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) has observed: "God grants to gentleness (Rifq) what He does not grant to violence ('Unf). [Abu Daawood]

According to Islam, peace is the rule and war is only an exception. Even in defensive war we have to analyse its result; if the result is doubtful, Muslims should avoid war. Stray acts of aggression are not enough for Muslims to rush into war. They have to assess the whole situation and adopt a policy of avoidance when war is not certain to achieve a positive result.

In actual fact, the mission of all the Prophets from Aadam (Adam) to 'Eesaa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt their mention, was one and the same - of establishing the ideology of monotheism in the world, so that man might worship the One God alone. As we know, there came a large number of Prophets in ancient times but the message of monotheism remained at the initial stage; it could not culminate in revolution.

In ancient times, the system of monarchy was entrenched throughout the world. The kings, in order to secure their political interests, adopted the course of religious persecution. These kings suppressed all religious movements that were different from the state religion. They would nip all 'apostasy' in the bud since they saw religion as a matter of affirming one's loyalty to the state. If a person adhered to a religion other than the state religion, he was regarded as a rebel.

That is why in ancient times, prophetic movements could go no further than the state of Da'wah, or invitation to Islam. No sooner would a movement based on monotheism arise than the coercive political system would be activated to pull it out by its roots. The reason for the absence of any historical record of Prophets (besides the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention )) in antiquity is traceable to the intense opposition of these coercive political systems.

All the Prophets of ancient times, historically speaking, were like mythical beings, rather than real human beings accepted as historical figures. Prophet 'Eesaa (Jesus) may Allaah exalt his mention was the last link in the chain of these persecutions faced by the preachers of monotheism. Then God decreed the abolition of this coercive political system, even if it entailed the use of force in order that the age of religious persecution might be brought to an end forever, and replaced by the age of religious freedom. This Divine plan was brought to completion through the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) and his companions may Allaah be pleased with them all. This is the command given in the Quran: "Fight them until there be no fitnah [i.e., persecution] and [until] the religion [i.e., worship], all of it, is for Allaah…" [Quran: 8:39]

Therefore, Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) received special divine succour in the form of a powerful team consisting of one hundred thousand individuals. Equipped with this team, the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) waged war to end this coercive system of religious persecution, and it was in Arabia that it was first of all overthrown. Then within a very short span of time, they advanced to abolish the coercive system established by the Sassanid and Byzantine empires.

In the wake of this Islamic action, the coercive system was abolished forever in the major part of the inhabited world of the time. This war waged by Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) and his companions was not a war as is commonly understood, but rather a divine operation, which was carried out by people who possessed a high standard of moral character.

However, this operation was certainly only temporary in nature. Its goal was to put an end to the age of religious persecution and usher in the age of religious freedom. This end was fully achieved during the early period of Islam, the age of the pious Caliphs. Afterwards the time came to keep the sword in its sheath and engage in Da'wah work, that is, the call to God, which was the real and permanent goal of Islam.

It is no exaggeration to say that Islam and violence are contradictory to each other. The concept of Islamic violence is so obviously unfounded that, prima facie it stands rejected. The fact that violence is not sustainable in the present world is enough to convince one that violence, as a principle, is quite alien to the scheme of things in Islam. Islam claims to be an eternal religion and such a religion cannot afford a principle in its scheme which will not be sustainable in later periods of human history. An attempt to bracket violence with Islam amounts to casting doubts upon the very eternity of the Islamic religion.

No wonder then that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) so earnestly used to entreat his Lord in his daily prayer: "O God, you are the original source of Peace; from You is all Peace, and to You returns all Peace. So, make us live with Peace; and let us enter paradise: the House of Peace. Blessed be You, our Lord, to whom belongs all Majesty and Honour!"

Summarised from: "The Man Islam Builds", by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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Literature review is on-going. I am now immersing myself is social psychology. I have about 200 students ++ working on making videos for the Productive Teens project.
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Forgive Me Allah (Heart Touching)

 Here I am, this is me,
Just a weak, really weak
Human being,
In front of you my beloved,
I am here,
With a heart bleeding, with tears dropping,
With a body shivering, with pain exploding,
Asking you for forgiveness and mercy,
Oh Allah,
Sometimes my life may be corrupted and rough,
Sometimes my tests and journeys get so tough,
But for the sake of you,
It will never be enough!
What have I done to come closer to you Allah?
All what I have done is worth nothing!
And when I give up just a small thing for your sake,
You give me something better in its place!
But, what can I do?
In front of you, oh Allah,
Shouldn’t I have shame?
Shouldn’t I keep putting on myself blame?
I look at all the things you gave me,
And it’s sad to say,
That sometimes a day
Might pass,
Without remembering,
To even
Say, Alhamdulillah!
And if I want to name all what you gave me
I know that,
It will take me years and years
To go through them all,
That is if I remember them all; and maybe…
Just maybe
There are other things
I still don’t know about…!
Oh Allah,
This is only one thing I might forget to do
And I ask you to always guide me upon what is true
For your love would always be what I want to pursue
To you alone I pray and cry and
To please you I really humbly try
And you I obey, worship and abide

And you are the one who will always be on my side…
And today

I will strive to be a better Muslim than yesterday
Only you know my destiny
And what’s the best in me
So lead me to the right way
And don’t let me take the wrong way and sway
I am your slave
And I ask you to always keep me strong and brave
In this world full of harsh waves

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10 Strange Facts About The Quran

Though it proved very controversial in the Islamic world, Saddam Hussein commissioned a copy of the Quran written in his own blood. But there are plenty more fascinating (if less creepy) pieces of knowledge centering around this book. Muslims make up over 1.5 billion of the planet’s population, so it stands to reason that there’s a lot of Quran-based knowledge out there.

10 The World’s Biggest Quran

In 2008, Sayeed Najmul Hasan Chishti from India took the world record for creating the largest handwritten Quran.  Then in 2009, the record was being eyed by a teenager writing for 12 hours a day to produce a Quran 3,000 meters (about 1,000 ft) long. If she finished, no one noticed because the world record was taken in 2011 by a Quran in Russia. Weighing 1,763 pounds, this massive book was encrusted in gold and silver and a smattering of precious stones.

After all that effort, it probably hurt when the new world’s largest Qur'an was unveiled in Afghanistan a couple of months later. Clearly, the quest to have the world’s largest is hard-fought, and a lot of people are putting a lot of effort into claiming it (someone should probably tell them about the 18-meter (60 ft) Qur'an that is part of a building in South Sumatra). There are a lot of large Qur'ans, is what we’re saying.

9 Misprinted Qurans Caused A Political Crisis

The Quran is believed to be the exact word of Allah, so leaving a paragraph out when copying it is quite frowned upon. It’s also typically best not to alter words here and there. An even bigger no-no is printing 120,000 copies of your bad copy-paste job and distributing them internationally, as happened with state-issued copies of the holy book in Kuwait in 1999.

The minister for justice and Islamic affairs was the unfortunate person in the firing line when this came to light. He was accused of “trying to disfigure the faith of Muslims” and the result was that the entire Kuwaiti parliament was dissolved. Members of the government’s opposition claimed the misprints were created intentionally to provide an excuse for parliament to be broken up and a new election called.

8 Quran Memorization

Seventeen million people around the world watched the Dubai National Quran Awards this year, a contest in which children recite the book from memory in pursuit of 250,000 UAE dollars ($70,000). As well as the top prize, there’s also an award for most beautiful voice. Like many competitions between children, there’s a hint that this is about the parents: This year’s beautiful voice said, “My father who has worked hard in training me is really happy and I’m proud that I didn’t let him down.”

Putting pushy parenting aside, memorizing the scripture is a big thing. The term “hafiz” is used to describe those that have learned the Quran in full, and the hafiz are well regarded among their fellow Muslims.

7 Banning The Quran

Banning books has enjoyed a long and successful history of being a very bad idea. All holy books, the Quran included, were banned in Soviet Russia from 1926 to 1957. In recent years, the infamous Dutch politician Geert Wilders led an attempt to have the Quran banned in the Netherlands. The motion didn’t come close to passing. Imran Firasat, a former Muslim, lodged a petition in Spain for the Quran to be banned but was met with similar success.

One of the most popular English interpretations of the Quran is “The Meaning of the Holy Quran.” Shortly after 9/11, the Council on American-Islamic relations began donating copies of this version of the book to schools. References in the book to Jews as apes and pigs led the LA school district to ban that edition of the book for a time in 2002.

Ultimately, the banning of books, any books, is an extremist position not many people are likely to take. Atheists are as likely as anyone to encourage the reading of holy books: The faithful and faithless are generally united in each thinking that actually reading sacred scriptures will lead people to agree with their position.
6 Miracle Baby

In 2009, Muslims in the Russian Republic of Dagestan flocked to see a nine-month-old boy. Reports claimed that verses on the Quran were appearing spontaneously on the skin of young Ali Yakubov. Thousands visited his home to witness the miracle. Skeptics were keen to point out the fact this may actually be child abuse but with wider implications.

Ali’s father is a policeman in a region heavily impacted by Islamist extremism. The police and security services are a popular target for terrorist groups in the region, and the local mayor was quick to suggest that the writing was a sign from Allah that religion shouldn’t be taken too far. As his mother put it, “Allah is great and he sent me my miracle child to keep our people safe.” Unfortunately, four years on, the Islamist insurgency in Dagestan continues.

 Please Click Here to Read More 10 Strange Facts About The Quran

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Chia Seeds: An Excellent Source of Omega-3 Fats and More

Chia seeds are tiny seeds which are packed with essential fatty acids, protein, fiber and many health-protective antioxidants. In fact, weight for weight, these super-seeds provide twice the protein of any other seed or grain, five times the calcium of milk, and an inexpensive, safe and high quality source of omega-3 fatty acids.

The Importance of omega-3

Omega-3 is one of the "essential fatty acids" we need in our diets. It is essential because our bodies cannot manufacture it - it has to be obtained from our diet.

Fish is a great dietary source of omega-3, but sea life has been exposed to many toxins. Flax seeds or flax seed oil is a good inexpensive, safe source of omega-3, but chia seeds are more convenient and even higher in omega-3, and are also more easily digestible when whole, than flax seeds.

Chia Seed Benefits

Chia seeds, in the same way as flax seeds, react when mixed with water to form a kind of glutinous solution, like a gel. They act in the same way in the gut, which is another reason why they are good for you. They benefit the digestive system by providing both a high amount of fiber, and also this action of forming a gel like solution moves through the body and cleans up as it goes. It's also thought that this gel physically prevents the fast breaking down of carbohydrates in the body, by slowing down the action of the enzymes on the carbohydrates.

Chia seeds contain 19 amino acids, with all of the essential amino acids except taurine. They also contain more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk and even more antioxidants than blueberries, weight for weight.

How to Eat chia seeds

    Chia seeds can be ground up and added to just about anything, like water, fresh juices, smoothies. They can also be sprouted in the same way as alfalfa seeds and used in salads.

    But unlike flax seeds, chia seeds don't have to be ground for consumption - they can be chewed whole. And unlike ground flax seeds, chia seeds don't deteriorate rapidly.

    Because they absorb water so much, chia seeds will help you feel full longer.

    Even eating the seeds or drinking them with a beverage will form a gel in the stomach which is up to 90% fiber. This is useful as an overall digestive and elimination aid.

Chia seeds are available from health food stores and the seeds last a long time, so they can be bought and stored in quality.
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সাংবাদিক আবুল মনসুরের মৃত্যুতে ডিএসইসির শোক

ইংরেজি দৈনিক ‘নিউ এজ’ এর জ্যেষ্ঠ সহ-সম্পাদক ও ঢাকা সাব-এডিটরস কাউন্সিলের সদস্য সাংবাদিক আবুল মনসুরের মৃত্যুতে ঢাকা সাব-এডিটরস কাউন্সিলের সভাপতি এনায়েত ফেরদৌস ও সাধারণ সম্পাদক মো. শাহজাহান মিঞা গভীর শোক প্রকাশ করেছেন। একইসঙ্গে তারা মরহুমের শোকসন্তপ্ত পরিবারের সদস্যদের প্রতি গভীর সমবেদনা জানিয়ে মরহুমের রুহের মাগফিরাত কামনা করেছেন।

  গত মঙ্গলবার সন্ধ্যায় সাংবাদিক আবুল মনসুর রাজধানীর একটি ক্লিনিকে ইন্তেকাল করেন (ইন্নানিল্লাহি....রাজেউন)। সাংবাদিক আবুল মনসুরকে তার গ্রামের বাড়ি টাঙ্গাইলে দাফন করা হয়েছে। মৃত্যুকালে তার বয়স হয়েছিল ৬৩ বছর। তিনি দীর্ঘদিন ধরে কিডনীজনিত সমস্যায় ভুগছিলেন। তিনি স্ত্রী ও একমাত্র কন্যাসহ অসংখ্য গুণগ্রাহী রেখে গেছেন।

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ডিএসইসি নতুন কমিটির অভিষেক ও মেধাবী সন্তানদের বৃত্তিপ্রদান


Nazneen Payel, Publication Secretary of Dhaka Sub-Editors Council takes crest and certificate from Information minister Hasanul Haque Inu at an award giving ceremony of DSEC at the auditorium of the National Press Club recently.
ঢাকা সাব-এডিটরস কাউন্সিল (ডিএসইসি)-এর নবনির্বাচিত কার্যনির্বাহী কমিটির অভিষেক ও সংগঠন সদস্যদের মেধাবী সন্তানদের বৃত্তি প্রদান         অনুষ্ঠান ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, মঙ্গলবার জাতীয় প্রেস ক্লাব মিলনায়নে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।    
      অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন তথ্যমন্ত্রী হাসানুল হক ইনু। বিশেষ অতিথি ছিলেন আসাদুজ্জামান খান এমপি, কে কে গ্রুপের ম্যানেজিং ডিরেক্টর সাহারুন জামান, আরবি গ্রুপের নির্বাহী পরিচালক মো. হুমায়ুন কবির। 

      অনুষ্ঠানে সভাপতিত্ব করেন ডিএসইসি প্রেসিডেন্ট এনায়েত ফেরদৌস।  এ সময় আরও উপস্থিত ছিলেন ডিএসইসি সাধারণ সম্পাদক মো. শাহজাহান মিঞা, সাবেক সভাপতি কায়কোবাদ মিলন, সাধারণ সম্পাদক আবুল কালাম আজাদ, বর্তমান কমিটির যুগ্ম সম্পাদক তানজিমুল নয়ন, কোষাধ্যক্ষ যোবায়ের আহমেদ নবীন, সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক সানজিদা সুলতানা, প্রচার ও প্রকাশনা সম্পাদক খন্দকার নাজনীন সুলতানা, দফতর সম্পাদক এটিএম আতিকুর রহমান, ক্রীড়া ও সাংস্কৃতিক সম্পাদক একরামুল হক বিপ্লব, প্রশিক্ষণ ও গবেষণা সম্পাদক মাসুদ রুমী, কার্যনির্বাহী সদস্য ইদ্রিস মাদ্রাজী, এনামুল হক, এমএ মান্নান মিয়া, নিগার সুলতানা তানিয়া, নজরুল ইসলাম বশির, শাহ মতিন টিপু, মো. অমিতাভ রহমান, শায়খুল হাসান মুকুল। 

      অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথির বক্তব্যে তথ্যমন্ত্রী হাসানুল হক ইনু বলেন, মেধাবী শিক্ষার্থীদের বৃত্তিপ্রদান ডিএসইসির একটি ভাল উদ্যোগ। এটি অব্যাহত রাখা উচিত। তিনি আরও বলেন, গণমাধ্যম একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রতিষ্ঠান। গণমাধ্যমে কর্মরতদের জন্য সরকার ইতোমধ্যে অষ্টম ওয়েজবোর্ড ঘোষণা করেছে। তিনি তা যথাযথ বাস্তবায়নে সংবাদপত্র মালিকদের প্রতি আহবান জানান। তিনি আরও বলেন, সাব-এডিটররা সংবাদমাধ্যমের প্রাণ। পত্রিকা বা টেলিভিশনে আমরা তাদেরকে দেখতে পাইনা, তাদের নাম জানি না। অথচ যে সংবাদটি দেখি বা পড়ি তা পাঠযোগ্য করে পরিবেশন করেন সাব-এডিটরেরা।
অনুষ্ঠানে কার্যনির্বাহী কমিটির সকল সদস্যকে ক্রেস্ট ও বৃত্তিপ্রাপ্ত ১৭ জন ছাত্রছাত্রীকে ক্রেস্ট, সার্টিফিকেট ও ফুল তুলে দেন প্রধান অতিথি হাসানুল হক ইনু।
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Where is GUIDE US TV? (hint: EVERYWHERE)

Bismillah Rahman Raheem

Salam alaykum,

Are you ready?

I am so excited - Latest results show our over-the-air broadcasting is GROWING FAST New Free Antenna Channels - WKOB 42.4 New York, NY

(Just in time for LIVE all day broadcast Muslim Day Parade this Sunday)

KODF 26.1 Dallas, TX & KHPK 28.2 Dallas, TX

KTAV 35.2 Los Angeles, CA

KCSN 32.5 Columbus, OH All channels, all areas watching Right Now

So let's get these new promos out there for the world to see.

Let's all do our jobs for Allah - Allahu Akbar!

Jazakallah khair was salam alaykum,

Yusuf Estes

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The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) taught us to ask: “Allahummas tur-auraati wa aamin row-aati.” [Abu Dawud]

This is a Dua in which we ask Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) to conceal all our defects and exchange our state of fear and worry with peace and security.

A pious man living in Baghdad was strolling by the Tigris when he noticed a scorpion scurrying along the bank in front on him. He thought to himself that this is also a creation of Allah’s and nothing Allah has created is without purpose. Wondering where it had come from, where it was going and for what purpose, he decided to follow it and find out.

The scorpion walked a while then turned towards the river and waited at its edge. Presently a turtle came swimming towards the scorpion. The scorpion jumped onto its back and the turtle started swimming back across the river with the scorpion riding on it. Since the pious man had decided to follow the scorpion he rented a boat and began to follow the turtle.

When the turtle reached the opposite bank the scorpion jumped off the turtle’s back and began walking purposefully again. The man continued to follow it. The scorpion was heading towards a man sleeping under a tree. He thought of waking the man up in case the scorpion was going to bite him. But when he approached the man he saw that a venomous snake near the man’s head had its head lifted, hood expanded and was about to strike the man when the scorpion suddenly jumped on the snake and stung it so that collapsed and lay writhing on the ground. The scorpion then turned and went on its way.

The man woke up and seeing a scorpion near him was about to crush it with a large stone when the pious man stopped him and informed him of what had transpired and how Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) had sent the scorpion from a far to save his life and kill the snake. [Tafseer-e-Kabeer]

While the man was sleeping, unaware of the dangers surrounding him, Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) was not unaware of him and had commanded many a creature regarding his protection.

Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) is “Al-Mumin,” the granter of protection, peace and security (Amn). When in distress or difficulty, call upon “Al-Mumin” for relief. Remember Al-Mumin and always thank Him for the protection He provides you around the clock.

It is Al-Mumin who keeps the lava inside earth from bursting out. If it boiled all over the earth what living creature could remain living on it? If Al-Mumin didn’t control the wind and water all civilization would be blown off the earth by hurricanes and the world would easily be drowned by the oceans. Al-Mumin maintains peace in cities, where He doesn’t no constructive work is possible and despite having all the bounties of the world its inhabitants flee from it.

Even within your body it is Al-Mumin who maintains order and security. Otherwise the different components of your body instead of working together would destroy one another. As long as Al-Mumin wills, this harmony is maintained.

Consider your mouth; 32 sharp knives (teeth) surround your tongue. If you accidentally bite your tongue you know how much it hurts. But how often does your tongue get cut by your teeth? Who is He who protects your tongue from these 32 knives when you are eating and talking? Countless are the favours of my Lord, Al-Mumin!

What can we do to attract this peace and security? “Those who have believed and have not mixed their faith with injustice are the ones who deserve peace (Amn), and it is they who are on the right path.” [Quran: Surah Al-Anaam, Ayat 82]

As a result of belief in Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) a person is blessed with tranquility in his heart and in the world, but most importantly, he is blessed with the most enviable of existences in the Hereafter. The greatest security, peace and harmony (Amn) is that of Paradise. So the most important aspect of Allah’s being Al-Mumin is that He sent prophets and divine books to guide us to this best of destinations where the peace and security will not end with death. SubhanAllah!

This hadith has been sent to me by
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Is Happiness Dispositional or Situational?

I did it again. Not for the first time, I thought that I understood something and then I read a book that forces me to re-think my assumptions about what I thought I knew was true. In this case, I read Philip Zimbardo's The Lucifer Effect. Zimbardo says that many disciplines take a dispositional view For example, a dispostional view of happiness is that happiness is "inside" an individual). It "belongs" to the individual. However, social psychologists tend to take a situational view oft hings. Yes, individuals are important but how they feel and behave depend on the group dynamics and other environmental factors. If that is the case, happiness would be an attribute "shared" by all group members when the social dynamics are just right. I will probably need a few months to do some more reading and think about it before I can formulate my opinion on this question.
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What qualities should a good Doctor Possess?

Medicine - Noble Profession

What qualities should a good Doctor Possess?

Here are few......

A - Attentive, Approachable, Assuring, Affectionate
B - Bold,Broad minded
C - Communicative, Caring, Calm, Cooperative
D - Dedicated, Disciplined
E - Ethical
F - Friendly
G - Good in Character
H - Hard working, Honest
I - Intellectual, Impartial
J - Jovial
K - Knowledgeable, Kind
L - Learner, Listener , Loyal
M - Mature, Modest
N - Noble
O - Optimistic, Open - minded, Observant
P - Patient, Professional
Q - Quest for best
R - Responsible, Respectful
S - Smiling, Skillful
T - Tolerant, Team player
U - Uptodate
V - Vigilant
W - Warm, Wise, Watchful
X -
Y- Youthful in mind
Z - Zestful
- See more at:
Source :
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depression help

Several people in the present day suffer from depression or maybe a low mood on a regular basis. Although severe depression might need medical treatment and specialist, sometimes it is merely a matter of eating the correct foods to help fight depression help and boost ones brains "feel-good" levels. Listed below are three from the absolute best foods for depression help that one could add to your diet to help you to start feeling happier and even more energized.

depression help Fighting Foods #1 - Bananas

Bananas contain high amounts of the amino acid tryptophan, which once chemistry, turns into serotonin, a monoamine neurotransmitter. In simple turns, if you have problems with depression help, eating a banana will certainly release serotonin into your brain cells and will make you feel slightly happier. It's not magic, it's science.

depression help Fighting Food #2 - Candy (Cocoa)

We've been told this repeatedly, and it's still the favourite food choice for busting depression help. Apart from chocolate bars tasting absolutely heavenly, there is also scientific explanations as to why eating chocolate for depression help is the ideal solution. When we eat chocolate bars, endorphins are released in our brain, which are usually feel-good hormones. Endorphins reduce the experiencing of pain and influence our emotions in a good way! Just a word involving warning however- don't get a little obsessive with the chocolate and finish up eating an entire prohibit! This will end up causing you to be feel sick and will defeat the purpose entirely of why you are eating the chocolate from the start. Just a few squares will suffice to aid give your mood an enhancement. Don't sabotage your efforts by going overboard!

Depressive disorder Fighting Food #3 - Pumpkin Seeds & Sunflower Vegetables

Pumpkin seeds and sunflower vegetables both contain outstandingly high amounts of the mineral magnesium, that's many amazing health positive aspects, including assisting in preventing depression help. Pumpkin seeds as well as sunflower seeds contain 34mg/10g as well as 35mg/9g respectively in magnesium articles. In fact, seeds are on the list of top foods (based on the magnesium content) to provide this magnificent mineral. What does this mean to get a person who suffers by depression help? Well, magnesium releases serotonin in the brain cells, which consequently make you feel content! Magnesium also makes one's body feel more energized as well as less fatigued, which consequently makes you feel additional mentally alert and empowered! So you're liable to get started feeling a fair bit better when you add these raw superfoods for a diet every day.
depression help

These are the three of the very most best natural foods recognized for fighting depression help. When eaten within their natural raw form (yes, you possibly can eat raw chocolate! ) they will provide you with invaluable health benefits, equally mentally and physically. So if you do have problems with the blues every now and then, why not try integrating into your daily diet plan a banana or 2, some dark raw chocolate bars, a handful of pumpkin as well as sunflower seeds, and some more fresh fruits, vegetables, nut products and seeds. They could depression help lift your mood in excess of you may realize!
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depression quiz

This kind of depression quiz for teens may finally have the capacity to help you decide in case your teenage son/daughter is affected by depression. All you need to do is follow the easy instructions and answer all the depression quiz for teens questions to uncover if your child is displaying classic depressed signs or symptoms.

Answer the follow depressive disorder quiz for teens concerns...

Part 1) Health and physical symptoms. depression quiz does not only affect your over emotional state, but it may also affect your health. Simply answer yes or no to the following questions...

Has your current teenager suddenly lost as well as gained weight?

Are they eating less/more than typical?

Are they noticeably sleep more/less than usual?

Does your teenager show signs of lethargy and still have no or little power?

Have you any reason to think that he/she is self applied harming?

Now move onto part 2 with the depression quiz for teens...

Part 2) Social discussion. One of the notify tale signs of depression quiz is a decrease in social interaction. Simply answer yes or no to the following depression quiz intended for teens questions...

Does he/she show a certain lack of interest throughout hobbies, interests or actions?

Is your teenager additional irritable, angry and inhospitable than usual?

Does he/she show a decreased lack of motivation and enthusiasm?

Has your teenager stopped spending time with friends?

Now move onto part 3 with the depression quiz for teens...

Part 3 - Mental state. Your teenagers emotional state will be most affect by depressive disorder, look closely for changes of their personality. Simply answer yes or no to the following Now move onto part 2 with the depression quiz for teens questions...

Is he/she spending a large amount of time alone in their own room (more than usual)?

Is the best teenager displaying signs connected with sadness and hopelessness?

Have you ever noticed that he/she is finding it harder for you to concentrate?

Have you realized that he/she has been sobbing for no reason?

Depressive disorders quiz for teens effects: Most teenagers will display some or these types of symptoms at some point throughout their teenage years, but if you answer over fifty percent of these questions like a YES you should take some action.

Recommendations: Talk to your son/daughter, be sure to keep an eye on them, read some more about them to make sure you might be well informed, think concerning arranging counselling sessions, confer with your doctor and above all don't push the crooks to hard.
depression quiz

I hope that it depression quiz for teens has helped you determine in case your son/daughter may be affected by depression. If you would like some more information on depression quiz help then please click the links below.
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Assalamualaikum .

Today I feel wanna share with you guys pasal makanan kegemaran Rasulullah S.A.W . Antaranya ialah

  • 1. Barli – Bagus untuk demam jika dibuat sup / air minuman.

  • 2. Kurma – Nabi berkata rumah yang tidak mempunyai kurma adalah seperti rumah yang tidak ada makanan.

  • 3. Buah Tin – Buah dari syurga. Boleh mengubati buasir.

  • 4. Anggur – Nabi suka buah anggur. Ia membersihkan darah, menguatkan buah pinggang, membersihkan perut

  • 5. Madu – Ia adalah makanan segala makanan, minuman segala minuman, ubat segala ubat. Mengubati cirit birit jika dibancuh dengan air panas, membuka selera, menguatkan perut, membuang kahak. Elok diminun waktu pagi dengan air suam.

  • 6. Tembikai (Segala Jenis) – Nabi berkata wanita mengandung tidak akan gagal melahirkan anak yang baik dari segi perwatakkan dan wajahnya.

  • 7. Susu – Nabi berkata susu baik untuk membuang panas badan. Menguatkan belakang,memperbaiki otak memperbaharui pandangan mata, membuang kelupaan.

  • 8. Cendawan – Baik untuk mata, perancang keluarga.
Saya ambil petikan ini daripada Dr. Tengku Asmadi bin T.Mohamad
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symptoms of depression

Depression can be explained as a mental condition that inhibits someone's ability to concentrate which enables it to cause feelings of despair or apathy and meaninglessness. Depressive disorders can develop from extended periods of stress. Depression can be broadly be classified straight into two namely normal along with clinical depression. People exhibit certain symptoms of depression which are common among them seeing that outlined below.

Sorrow - people have prolonged periods of sorrow and maybe they are never happy.

Low confidence - They have low or no regard on their personal worth and usually perceive themselves inferior.

Fatigue - They usually feel less energetic to try and do any work.

Restlessness - They are always afraid of exactly what do happen to them any time.
Appetite loss - They lack a chance to eat or if many people eat they overeat.
Suicide attempts - They are always prone to think that it becomes better if they passed on than being alive in that condition. They always love to stay alone in secret places and care should be taken to them to not take their life.

Withdrawal symptoms - They separate themselves from people and feel at peace when they are alone. They don't any social gathering.

Pessimism - They are more negative in life and do not the need of trying anything. They believe that life is usually a matter of fate and you'll find nothing we can do to change that old fact.

Drug abuse - They are known to take plenty of drugs to keep these individuals in high spirits

Lack of interest in hobbies - They generally loose their ability to enjoy what was previously their leisure activity before they were symptoms of depression

Lack interest in sex - When the symptoms of depression is married he or she lacks pleasure on his husband or wife

Melachony - This is usually a condition for holding suffering for long than estimated

Sleeplessness - People who definitely are symptoms of depression some time lose interest and prefer to keep awake

Oversleeping - Despite losing sleep, people who definitely are symptoms of depression sometimes sleep more than it is expected ones.

Temperamental - They usually are controlled by their emotions instead of their consciousness.

Loss of judgement : symptoms of depression people lack the capacity to make sound selections
symptoms of depression

Though symptoms of depression is mental condition it will be important that to prevent future increase from the disease its important in which parental and teachers required required moral and emotional support as they grow. Normal symptoms of depression is usually a temporal condition which don't last for long therefore need not to be studied to hospital. But people experiencing clinical symptoms of depression ought to see a psychiatrist intended for counseling and medication.
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manic depression

During the entire medical community great minds are coming together looking to piece together a manic depression disorder cure. Manic depression strikes thousands of people across the world and is perhaps by far the most dangerous form of depressive disorder. Marked by extreme altitudes and lows manic depression disorder can first show itself in numerous ways often which include violent outbursts and even physical confrontations. No one is 100 % certain what causes depression a lot less manic depression. Some people first develop this illness early on in life while others could possibly be much older before enduring symptoms. It takes a in close proximity eye to differentiate concerning standard depression and manic depression sometimes called bipolar manic depression.

People suffering from manic depression in many cases lack self control which may result in unwanted consequences. Everyday tasks for example sticking to a budget may be overwhelming. Everyone has mood swings at some point in life. This is no surprise; however a normal person has what Let me refer to as safety nets within their mood swings. If you believe of your moods just like a roller coaster ride your current happy moods being the high points inside track and your depressed moods being time frame points a normal person could well be comparable to the kiddie coaster.

 Someone suffering from manic depression however could well be comparable to the apple pc daddy of roller coasters using the highest points being thousands of feet up and time frame points digging deep to the earth. Their emotions are just like a runaway train gathering more and more steam in whichever direction these are traveling so when an ordinary person will only obtain so sad a manic depressed person should go beyond that point toward the suicide line. The same goes for their content moods, they can experience increased highs than you or I will be accustomed to which is as dangerous as this lows.

Often times when riding one of these simple highs the person may feel a feeling of invincibility thus telling dangerous or illegal behaviour. One common trait between the people I've known struggling with manic depression is big shopping sprees. In my mother's case she would go to town using the home shopping network while a past boyfriend associated with hers would buy automobiles he couldn't afford. Visualize impulse buying on steroids.

People struggling with manic depression have a hardcore road to travel daily but imagine their lives which has a manic depression cure. What would it be worth to alter these people's lives in their normal positive way? Manic depression not only tears anybody suffering it apart but it really can have a detrimental impact on everyone who touches that person ranging from close family to co-workers. It is essential that we continue to support research into depression making sure that one day those suffering can live normal day-to-day lives again.

manic depression
manic depression

Find out how you can treat your depression through my simple follow course. Find out more on how to deal with depression.
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depression symptoms

depression symptoms, can be explained as a mental condition that inhibits someone's ability to concentrate which enables it to cause feelings of dismay or apathy and meaninglessness. Despression symptoms can develop from extended periods of stress. depression symptoms could be broadly be classified in to two namely normal along with clinical depression symptoms. People exhibit certain depression symptoms which are common among them as outlined below.

Sorrow - people have got prolonged periods of sorrow and they're never happy.

Low self-assurance - They have lower or no regard with their personal worth and always perceive themselves inferior.

Fatigue - They always feel less energetic to do any work "depression symptoms".

Restlessness - They are always afraid of exactly what do happen to them any moment.
Appetite loss - They lack the ability to eat or if many people eat they overeat.
Suicide attempts - They are always prone to think that it would be better if they past away than being alive ordinary condition. They always want to stay alone in magic formula places and care must be taken to them not to take their life.

Withdrawal depression symptoms - That they separate themselves from people and feel at peace when they are alone. They don't any social gathering.

Pessimism - They are definitely more negative in life and don't the need of attempting anything. They believe that life can be a matter of fate and nothing is we can do to improve that old fact.

Drug abuse - They are known to take a lot of drugs to keep these in high spirits

Lack of interest in hobbies - They often loose their ability to enjoy what had been their leisure activity before we were holding depressed

Lack interest in sex - When the depressed is married they lacks pleasure on his wife or husband

Melachony - This can be a condition for holding grief for long than estimated

Sleeplessness - People who definitely are depressed some time lose interest and prefer to continue to be awake

Oversleeping - As opposed to losing sleep, people who definitely are depressed sometimes sleep more than it is expected of which.

Temperamental - They usually are controlled by their emotions instead of their consciousness.

Loss of judgement - depressed people lack the proportions to make sound selections

depression symptoms..
depression symptoms

Though depression symptoms is mental condition it is crucial that to prevent future increase on the disease its important of which parental and teachers required required moral and emotional support while they grow. Normal depression symptoms can be a temporal condition which don't last for long and so need not to be studied to hospital. But people experiencing clinical depression symptoms ought to see a psychiatrist with regard to counseling and medication.
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Far too many people these days suffer from depression or maybe a low mood on a regular basis. Although severe depression might need medical treatment and specialist, sometimes it is only a matter of eating the best foods to help fight depression and boost your brains "feel-good" levels. Listed below are three in the absolute best foods for depression that you could add to your diet to help you to start feeling happier plus more energized.

Depression Fighting Foods #1 - Bananas

Bananas contain high degrees of the amino acid tryptophan, which once in the body, turns into serotonin, some sort of monoamine neurotransmitter. In simple turns, if you are afflicted by depression, eating a banana will probably release serotonin into your brain cells and will make you feel a bit happier. It's not miracle, it's science.

Depression Preventing Food #2 - Candy (Cocoa)

We've been told this repeatedly, and it's still the most famous food choice for beating depression. Apart from dark chocolate tasting absolutely heavenly, there is also scientific explanations why eating chocolate for depression is what you want. When we eat dark chocolate, endorphins are released in to our brain, which tend to be feel-good hormones. Endorphins reduce the experiencing of pain and have an impact on our emotions in a good way! Just a word of warning however- don't go overboard with the chocolate and wind up eating an entire prohibit! This will end up causing you to be feel sick and will defeat the idea entirely of why you had been eating the chocolate in the first place. Just a few squares will suffice to aid give your mood a good start. Don't sabotage your efforts by going overboard!

Depressive disorder Fighting Food #3 -- Pumpkin Seeds & Sunflower Plant seeds

Pumpkin seeds and sunflower plant seeds both contain outstandingly high degrees of the mineral magnesium, which has many amazing health rewards, including assisting in dealing with depression. Pumpkin seeds along with sunflower seeds contain 34mg/10g along with 35mg/9g respectively in magnesium content. In fact, seeds are on the list of top foods (based on the magnesium content) to supply this magnificent mineral. What does this mean for any person who suffers by depression? Well, magnesium releases serotonin in the brain cells, which in turn make you feel delighted! Magnesium also makes your whole body feel more energized along with less fatigued, which in turn makes you feel more mentally alert and energized! So you're liable to start out feeling a fair bit better when you add these raw superfoods in your diet every day.


These are the three of the extremely best natural foods identified for fighting depression. When eaten into their natural raw form (yes, it is possible to eat raw chocolate! ) they provides you with invaluable health benefits, equally mentally and physically. So if you do are afflicted by the blues from time to time, why not try including into your daily diet regime a banana or a pair of, some dark raw dark chocolate, a handful of pumpkin along with sunflower seeds, and a lot more fresh fruits, vegetables, crazy and seeds. They may help lift your mood greater than you may realize!
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Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God?

Opinion by Jeffrey Weiss, Special to CNN

(CNN) – Sunni and Shia Muslims  are killing each other in several nations, most notably in Syria's escalating civil war.

Coptic Christians churches are being torched in Egypt.
In Israel, what passes for peace talks has restarted after years of murder and brutality.

Religion is a common thread in each conflict. But why? Don’t these folks worship the same deity?

After all, Jews, Christians and Muslims all trace their faiths back to a fellow named Abraham, whom they all claim was chosen for special treatment by the Almighty. Why can’t they all get along?

Not academic

The “same God” question is one theologians have hammered at for as long as there have been enough religions for the query to make sense.

The question is hardly academic, though. In fact, a number of politicians, religious leaders and scholars have expressed hope in recent years that a convincing answer on the God question might dampen the violence committed in His name.

Last year, for example, Yale Divinity School theologian Miroslav Volf edited a book titled “Do We Worship the Same God? Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Dialogue.”

In the introduction, Volf explained why the title question matters:

"To ask: ‘Do we have a common God?’ is, among other things, to worry: ‘Can we live together?’ That’s why whether or not a given community worships the same god as does another community has always been a crucial cultural and political question and not just a theological one."

On the other hand, there’s CNN Belief Blog contributor and Boston University religion professor Stephen Prothero.. His book on this subject is titled “God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run The World.”
Prothero writes:

“For more than a generation we have followed scholars and sages down the rabbit hole into a fantasy world where all gods are one … In fact this naive theological groupthink – call it Godthink – has made the world more dangerous by blinding us to the clash of religions that threaten us worldwide.”

In the world of politics, President George W. Bush asserted the unity side of the argument more than once in the years after the 9/111 attacks - often as a way to deflect accusations that America was at war with Islam.

Bush told Al Arabiya television“I believe there is a universal God. I believe the God that the Muslim prays to is the same God that I pray to. After all, we all came from Abraham. I believe in that universality.”

Pope John Paul II drew from the same rhetorical well several times.

“We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God, the God who created the world and brings his creatures to their perfection,” he first said in a speech to Muslims in Morocco in 1985.

Looking for a more recent example? Consider the plight earlier this year of the new Vatican envoy to Malaysia.

Shortly after he arrived there, Archbishop Joseph Marino said that is was fine by him that Christian translations of the Bible into Malay use the word “Allah” for “God.”

“Allah” is, of course, the Arabic word for God and is found in the Quran. The Christian translators explained that since most Malaysians are Muslim, it’s the word they’re most comfortable with and therefore the best choice for the translation.

But many Muslim authorities in Malaysia are furious. They say Christians are slipping in the familiar word as a way to convert Muslims.  And conversion of Muslims is all but illegal in Malaysia..

There’s a lawsuit ongoing about the translations.  Marino had to apologize for pushing into Malaysian politics.

Points of disagreement

So what do the “Abrahamic” religions disagree about?

Among other things: the purpose of humanity, the relationship of God and humanity, sin, forgiveness, salvation, the afterlife, Jesus, Muhammad, the calendar, and the religious importance of Abraham himself.

Plus the nature of God.

Any summary will leave out enormous nuance. Internal divisions within religions have fueled some of the worst examples of human violence. Consider the long and frequently bloody history of troubles between Catholics and Protestants or the growing death toll of Muslim-on-Muslim attacks.

But there are common elements about God widely accepted in each tradition.

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Start with Judaism, since it came first and established roots that carried into the other two.

Jewish tradition teaches that there is one and only one God, creator of everything, and He established physical and moral laws. As Judaism’s preeminent prayer says: “The Lord our god, the Lord is one.”

This God walks and talks directly with His creations – for a while.

Eventually, He chooses one particular nomad (Abraham) to father a mighty nation that God sets up as an example to other nations.

This God likes the smell of burning meat and demands other extremely specific physical offerings as evidence of obedience and repentance. And He gives His chosen people a particular set of laws – but doesn’t mind discussion and even argument about those laws.

A famous rabbinic saying implies that every word in Judaism’s sacred texts can be understood in 70 correct (but related) ways. And human reasoning can even trump divine intention. (No kidding. . It’s in the Talmud))

This God judges His people every year. Tradition says he’s willing to accept imperfection, as long as it comes with repentance.

He’s big on obedience, not so much on faith. He’s not nearly as attentive to the behaviors of non-Jews. (There’s a famous Jewish joke with the punch line “Would you mind choosing somebody else once in a while?”)

Tradition holds that there’s a World To Come after death where moral accounts will somehow be settled. But this God is vague on details.


The most obvious differences in the Christian God are the traditional teachings about the Trinity and Jesus. God is three separate persons who are also one. How? Christianity says the Trinity is a “mystery” of faith.

According to Christian tradition, God begets a son who is somehow also Him but not Him to atone for Original Sin. He sacrifices that son though a brutal death and thus achieves humanity's salvation.

But the son, who also is God, rises from the dead. And that sacrifice redeems eternally all who accept and believe in it. Faith, not behavior, is the essential measure of salvation.

This God is willing to vastly expand what it means to be among His “chosen people.” He’s also willing to cancel many of the laws that had applied to that chosen group for this expanded membership.

Orthodox Jews say that God prohibits them from eating a cheeseburger; Christians say God has no problem with them wolfing down Big Macs.

Unlike the Jewish God, whose instructions are almost all about this world, the Christian God is focused more on eternal salvation: heaven and hell.

Finally, for this God, much of the Jewish scriptures (which are all God’s word) are actually about foreshadowing Jesus. Including Abraham.

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The Muslim God is a bit more like the Jewish God.

There is no Trinity in Muslim tradition. Jesus was a prophet, but no more divine than other prophets.

God has never has had anything like physical attributes and has no gender. (Some Muslim commentators say that the noun “Allah”  is masculine, but only in the way that all nouns in some languages include gender.)

Muslim tradition holds that God wants one thing from humans: Submission. The word “Islam” is defined as “submission to the will of God.”

For Muslims, all true prophets in Jewish and Christian traditions were actually Muslim because they knew to submit correctly to God. Differences between Muslim, Jewish and Christian interpretations of God are due to errors that crept into the other two faiths, Islam teaches.

The Muslim God, like the other two, initially demanded that Abraham sacrifice a son. But the Muslim God wanted Abraham’s son Ishmael, not Isaac, who Jewish tradition holds was offered as a the sacrifice.

The Muslim God also designated, from before the world began, a perfect man to be his final prophet: Muhammad. God’s perfect truths are found only in the Quran and in the sayings of Muhammad, the hadiths.

And the Muslim God, like the Christian God but unlike the Jewish God, will welcome believers to paradise and condemn many non-Muslims - exactly which ones is a matter of much discussion - to eternal torment.

Final answer

So do Christians Muslims, and Jews, really all worship the same God?

In two major volumes on the subject recently published by scholars from various faiths and traditions, including Volf’s, the most inclusive response from these scholars is basically: Yes, and it’s our God.

This is not a new way of answering the question.

In 1076, Pope Gregory VII wrote this to a Muslim leader: “We believe in and confess one God, admittedly, in a different way…”

But like many other religious leaders on all sides of the argument, Gregory insisted that his version of the Almighty is the one whom the others are unknowingly and incompletely worshiping.

A less exclusivist set of religions might shrug off the differences. But all three claim to have the only “True Faith.”

So do all three faiths actually worship the same deity, whether they call him God or Allah or Adonai?

God only knows.

Jeffrey Weiss is an award-winning religion reporter in Dallas.The views expressed in this column belong to Weiss.
Hajee Dr. H. Allaudeen

Courtesy : Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God?
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Assalam , what up !

Alhamdulillah , sedar tak sedar kita masih lagi bernyawa sehingga ke saat ini . At the same time kita banyak dengar berita berita mengenai kematian . Tidak kisah ianya kemalangan , dibunuh , diseksa dan sebagainya . Tetapi kita diberi peluang oleh Allah untuk bernafas lagi . Itu pun banyak yang kita tak puas hati , ada yang mengeluh dan juga ingin membunuh diri . Tetapi saudara mara kita yang lain tidak kira negara apa , menginginkan kehidupan yang lebih selesa dan selamat . At least dapat hidup dengan lebih lama bersama family pun sudah memadai . Adakah kita masih ingin merugut mahu pun tidak puas hati ? Think about that ~ ^^

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