Tips to stay away from the drugs of abuse:
These tips would guide you on how to stay away from illegal substances, if such a situation arises. Here we go:
Away from you parents and friends abuse of drugs:
Be careful while friendship with his teammates and peers. Beware of any abnormal tendency to one of them, as remain absent from sessions for no reason, smelly breath and clothing, hard to understand common everyday issues. All these are symptomatic of the abuse of illicit substances. Away people.
* Decline if offered: the simplest is to say 'no' when someone offers you drugs. Your peers, teammates could offer you to "try on" in the name of getting rid of the questions. The decline of the offer would you move away from the abuse.
* Do not go to parties involving drugs: you may be asked by your friends/colleagues or one that is dear to a part to you. It is important to know if the part is worth the visit for you. To do this, try to find out in advance in the matter. If you get an indication of the use of drugs at the party, avoid it.
Do you tempted, learn more about the harmful effects of drug abuse:
Many times your friends/colleagues/teammates could give the idea that addictive drugs are fun and they enjoy it. Could you try to follow them.
Be aware that pleasure, the 'high' or whether it is transitional. Later, you will need more in addition to the substances. Therefore, do not get carried away by the words.
Keep you busy with your refreshing activities and chore:
You might be in the school or can work to make a winner. We engage to watch the tournament of football on television, listen to music or play the music on your iPod and dance! Or gardening. The options are many. Choose the one that you like best. Through these activities, you will be able to keep you occupied and away from the consumption of drugs of abuse.
First and foremost, you must have self-control:
You are an informed, responsible and responsive person. You are responsible for the future of your career. If you go by the standards of self-control, it will bring rich dividends in the long term, in the form of good health, realization of professional skills and therefore excellent estimated earning potential and social.
Have faith in yourself. Failure in life is temporary. After all, life is a mixture of success and failure. Learn from failure. Do not lose hope and faith in yourself. Have confidence so that you can face the realities and challenges in life.
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