
Sub-Editors Council showing respect on the 21st February

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Yiruma, (이루마) - River Flows In You

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Muggers kill one, snatch Tk 1.5 lakh in city

Muggers killed a trader and snatched away about Tk 1.5 lakh near Barabazar at South Kutubkhali of Jatrabari in the capital on Sunday afternoon.
The deceased was identified as Rafiqul Islam, 35, a manager of Barabazar business union and also a betel leaf trader.
He lived at Bibirbagicha in Jatrabari and was from Alalpur at Deldaur upazila in Tangail.
Jatrabari police officer-in-charge Mizanur Rahman said Rafiqul was going to a bank for depositing Tk 1.5 lakh of their trade union but some miscreants intercepted him near Bishoroad at about 3:00pm and snatched away the money after shooting him, leaving him injured.
A bullet pierced through the right side of his head, police said.
He was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where the duty doctors declared him dead.
Police sent the body to DMCH morgue for post-mortem examination.
A case was filed.
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Doa mohon keteguhan iman

Assalamualaikum , what up !!

Tonight , I wanna share with my readers . Hope you guys practice and use it everyday . ^_^

Doa mohon keteguhan Iman :

Ya Allah , Tuhan yang membolak-balikan hati , teguhkanlah hati aku kepada agama-Mu

P/S = Don't forget to LOVE and PROTECT children and animals . Don't hurt them . Help them when they need us . 
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Michael Jackson- Moonwalker

Assalaumalaikum , what up !

Tonight I feel wanna share to all my readers about Moonwalker . I love the one who play a main character . He was Michael Jackson . This film is a collection of short films about Jackson, several of which are long-formmusic videos from Jackson's  Bad Album. The film is named after the dance technique known as the moonwalk, which was one of his trademark moves. 


 Michael Jackson - Moonwalker Full Film

~ Badder ~
A parody of the music video for Bad's title song, featuring children filling the roles of various people from the original clip.
The video stars Brandon Quintin Adams as the young Michael Jackson, who would later star in The Mighty Ducks. It also featured Jermaine La Jaune Jackson, Jr. (Michael's nephew) and a young Nikki Cox, who later starred in Unhappily Ever After and Las Vegas. The singing group The Boys appeared as background dancers. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog co-writer Maurissa Tancharoen, as well as future R&B star Bilal Oliver, are also featured in this segment.

~ Speed Demon ~
The fourth segment begins with the "Badder" short film transitioning into the second short film, "Speed Demon", directed by Claymation innovator Will Vinton. A portion of the clip is set to Jackson's song "Speed Demon".
After filming "Badder", Little Michael and his bodyguards (also young kids) are leaving the set and walk through a cloud of smoke and come out as their regular age. A boy and his grandmother spot Michael and prompts the other tourists to get off the bus and chase him for an autograph. In an attempt to avoid the overzealous fans (even The Noid) and some gunslingers (after stumbling upon the filming of a Western directed by Steven Spielberg), Jackson soon disguises himself as a rabbit named Spike, but ends up taunting the fans into chasing him once they realize it's him. During the chase, he morphs into other celebrities, namely Sylvester StalloneTina Turner and Pee-Wee Herman. After a long chase, the fans are finally pulled over by a cop and are arrested. After finally losing the fans, he pulls over in a canyon and removes the costume, which comes to life and challenges him to a dance-off.
In the end, a traffic cop tells him he is in a "No Dancing Zone", and when Michael turns to point to the rabbit, he sees that the rabbit has disappeared. The cop then sarcastically asks for Michael's autograph (as opposed to "signature") on the ticket. Just as Michael is preparing to leave, the rabbit's head materializes in a nearby rocky crag, who then nods to him and smiles.

~Leave Me Alone~

The fifth segment of the film is the animated music video for the song "Leave Me Alone", focusing on media interest in Jackson's personal life, because he had felt that people wouldn't leave him alone. It compares Michael Jackson's life to an amusement park. His beloved then-pet chimp Bubbles makes a cameo appearance as Jackson is seen picking him up and riding with him in his roller coaster car. His pet snake, Muscles, is also present.`

~Smooth Criminal~

The sixth segment of the film begins with three homeless children sneaking through a big city to see their friend Michael walk out of his apartment. As Michael stands in front of the door, he gazes at the night sky before he is attacked by mobsters with machine guns. The film then backtracks to show Michael and the children playing in a meadow in happier times. Their dog Skipper runs away, and as Michael and Katie look for him, they uncover the cottage of Mr. Big. Mr. Big is a drug-dealing warlord with a disciplined private army of soldiers at his command; he wants to get the entire population of Earth addicted to drugs, starting with children. He likes to eat nuts and leaves nutshells wherever he goes, and is obsessed with spiders (as displayed by their abundance at the entrance to his lair), and calls his operation "bugs and drugs". He also has them engulfing a model globe when making a speech about his burgeoning drug empire. The spiders signify the spread of his proposed control of the world via drug dealing. Further, all his henchmen sport a spider crest on their uniforms. Katie screams when she sees a spider, and Mr. Big discovers them spying on his operation.
The story returns to the shooting in front of Michael's store. Unknown to the gangsters, Michael has a "lucky star", and using it, he escaped the gunfire. Upon realizing that Michael has escaped again, Mr. Big orders his henchmen to track him down with dogs. He is eventually cornered in an alley, where he uses his lucky star again to turn into a sportscar (the 1970 Lancia Stratos HF Zero prototype) that mows down several of Mr. Big's henchmen. Michael is pursued through the city streets until he loses the henchmen. Meanwhile, the children scout out Club 30's, where Michael had told them to meet him, and find only an abandoned and haunted nightclub. As Michael arrives, Katie sees a silhouette of him turning back from a car into himself. The door of the club opens with a gust of wind, and Michael walks in to find it filled with zoot suiters and swing dancers. The children gather outside a window of the club and watch Michael dance to "Smooth Criminal".
The song used in the film is much longer than the album release, with several lyrics that clarify the story. There is also an interlude wherein Jackson joins the other dancers in a modern interpretive dance. At the climax of the song, Mr. Big lays siege to the club and kidnaps Katie. Michael follows them back to Big's lair and ends up surrounded by his henchmen. Mr. Big appears and taunts Michael by threatening to inject Katie with highly addictive narcotics. Katie breaks free for a moment, but Mr. Big grabs her again and starts kicking Michael. As Mr. Big stands over Michael and orders his henchmen to kill him and Katie, Michael looks up and sees his lucky star. He transforms into a giant robot and kills all of Mr. Big's soldiers, then turns into a spaceship. Mr. Big gets into a large hillside-mounted energy cannon, firing on the spaceship into a nearby ravine. The children are his next target, but the spaceship returns from the ravine just in time to fire a beam in the cannon with Mr. Big inside, killing him. The children watch the ship fly into the night sky with shower of light.
Note: A 4:36 suite of Bruce Broughton's score for this segment (Broughton also wrote the underscore for "Speed Demon") was recorded by Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops for the album Fantastic Journey, representing the only (officially) released music from this film by an artist other than Michael Jackson, although bootlegs are available of the score.

~Come Together~
In the conclusion to "Smooth Criminal", Sean, Katie and Zeke return to the city, believing that Michael is gone forever. As the boys talk about Michael, Katie walks away crying and clutching a paper star. As she sits in a corner wishing for him to come back, the paper star flies out of her hand and Michael walks out of the night fog. He takes them to Club 30's, where they find that the club has turned into the backstage area of a concert. Michael's stage crew return the children's missing dog and then escort Michael onto the stage where he performs a cover of The Beatles song "Come Together" with the children watching and cheering him on from backstage. Jackson's version of the song wasn't officially released until 1995 when it appeared on the album HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I

~Closing credits~

During the closing credits, two more segments are shown. The first has Ladysmith Black Mambazo performing "The Moon is Walking" in Club 30's amidst behind-the-scenes clips. The second is the four-minute version of the "Smooth Criminal" music video.

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Tolerance is the Trait of Prophets

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “A strong man is not one who pushes down another, but a strong man is one who at the time of anger controls his Nafs.” [Bukhari]
Imaam Fakhruddeen Razi narrates an incident in his Tafseer-e-Kabeer. Once, prior to receiving prophethood, Moosa (alaihis salam)’s lamb ran away from his flock. Moosa (alaihis salam) ran behind it for miles on end in order to catch it. In the process he hurt his feet by running through thorn thickets which pierced his skin causing him to bleed profusely. The lamb continued running until it too was bruised and battered. Finally, it stood at one place, breathing heavily, unable to run anymore.

Moosa (alaihis salam) caught the tired little animal and instead of being angry at it, consoled the animal with tears flowing from his eyes, saying, “O sheep, if you did not feel sorry for Moosa, you should at least have pitied yourself. Why did you put yourself through so much trouble?” Before removing the thorns from his own feet, Moosa (alaihis salam) first removed the thorns from the sheep, then rubbed and pressed its legs, lifted it up onto his shoulders and carried it back to the flock.

Imagine what we would have done to the animal it it had caused us so much trouble and pain. Perhaps we would have beaten the poor animal or even slaughtered it. But what did Moosa (alaihis salam) do? He showed no sign of anger, instead he showed great mercy for the weak creation of Allah.

Imaam Fakhruddeen Razi writes that the angels said to Allah, “O Allah! This person is worthy of becoming a prophet because of his qualities of tolerance and patience. O Allah! Do make him a prophet.” (This incident took place before Moosa (alaihis salam) was given prophethood.) Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) replied, “I have already chosen him to be My prophet.”

Those for whom Allah has destined high stages, He imbues with noble qualities and strength of tolerance. It is not correct to become mad with anger at the slightest provocation.

This hadith has been sent to me by

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210 students shooting videos

Learning from the experience of last semester, I now have 210 students (MGT6610, MGT4110 and MGT4820) shooting videos. These videos will be linked to the website (which will be totally re-vamped thanks to the help of En. Fazrul Ismail at Total Success Sdn Bhd). Hopefully, in 2014, problematic teenagers in selected schools will surf the Internet under the supervision and coaching of one of their teachers. They will go through the productive teens videos one by one (which will, insya Allah, combine Islamic content and everyday self-management skills)as the school year progresses. These weekly discussions will focus around the content of the video and include group discussions and appropriate role-play. As the school year progresses, these problematic teenagers should (insya Allah) be able to changer their behaviour (first) and then change their perception of themselves (later). We hope that a few successful pilots would help persuade schools that using productive teens is an effective way to help some of their under-performing students. We hope that the students would become happy and productive Muslims at the outcome of this project. I don't (by the way) blame these students for their current situations. Many teenagers are exposed to mixed and confusing messages from their peers, their parents and their teachers. We simply want to show these kids practical steps to change their lives for the better.
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Bean Sprout Soup (korean)

Assalamualaikum , what up    ^_^

Today I would like to share with you guys about how to make Bean Sprout Soup (korean)  .


  • SALT


  1. Combined the bean sprouts and water in a pot and boil until the bean sprouts are cooked . Make sure to close the lid .
  2. Cut the bean curd into the small rectangle , julienne the red chili and cut the scallion into pieces .
  3. To the boiling bean sprout water , add the bean curd , red chili and the scallion . Then , add or season with salt and soy sauce( just a little bit , not too much ) . 
  4. Add green onion 
  5.  DONE  ^^
Now you guys can enjoy your bean sprout soup ...  ^_^

Easy right ? hahah . 

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Have you ever been a victim of racism?

"Let people stop boasting about their ancestors. One is only a pious believer or a miserable sinner. All men are sons of Adam, and Adam came from dust"
- Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)

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