
Beauty tips for my sisters !!!!!

* To beautify your eyes : Lower your gaze towards strange men ...
This will make your eyes pure and shiny...
{24:31} : ...And tell to the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest.
* To have attractive lips...
Speak with kidness towards your family and sisters in Islam...
And speak only the truth and essential matters...
As the Prophet(pbuh) said :"whoever believes in ALLAH(swt) and the last day should speak GOOD WORDS or REMAIN SILENT.[Al Bukharî and Muslim]
* To have blushy cheeks...
Keep your Haya(modesty, shyness)...
As the Prophet(pbuh) said :" Haya doesn't produce but GOODNESS". [Al Bhukharî and Muslim]
* To look fresn and radiant...
Always smile and be cheerful to your family and sisters in Islam...
Adullah Ibn Haarith radiallahu anhu reports :" I didn't see anyone smiled and more than Rasulullah(pbuh).         [ Shamaa-il Tirmidhi]
* To remove impurities from your face and hands...
Makes a lot of istighfar...
And always take wudu(whenever you break it)...
Insha'allah it will clear you from your past sins...
As ALLAH(swt) mentioned in {2:222} :" Truly ALLAh(swt) loves those who repent, and HE love those who cleanse themselves".

* To have beautiful hair and skin...
Guard it from the sight of strange men...
By covering it up...
As the Prophet(pbuh) said :" Any woman who takes off clothes in other than her husband's house( to show off unlawful purpose), has broken ALLAH(swt)'s shield upon her".
[Abu Dawud and Al-Tirmidhi]
* As for jewelleries...
Beautify your hands with humbleness...
And don't hesitate to to lend a helping hand to those in need...
 As the Prophet(pbuh) said :" ALLAH(swt) has revealed to me that you must be humble, so that no oppresses another and boasts over another". [Abu Dawud]
* As for diet...
Share your food with others...
As the Prophet(pbuh) said :" Food for one is enough for two and food for two is enough for threeand food for three is enough for four". [Ahmad, Al-Tirmidhi, An Nasaa'I and Ibn Majah]
* To have healthy mind and body...
Constantly pray to ALLAH and remember HIM...
Be quick to forgive people who hurt your feelings...
Be patient when enduring calamities...
And thanks ALLAh(swt) because the reward for patience is abundance...
As the Prophet(pbuh) said : Musa the son of Imran, once asked : Oh my Lord ! Who is the most honourable of your servants ?! and He replied, the person who forgives even when he isn't in a position power".
* Sisters,
Insha'allah if you follow these advices...
You will be beautiful in the outside and inside...
As the Prophet(pbuh) said :" The world is an ornament, and the best ornaments of all are righteous women".

Hope that you will all follow this, insha'allah !!!

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G-Dragon – Today ( English lyric)

English Translation:

I’m doing it today too, talking like nothing’s happened
Saying that i have no girlfriend
And turning off my phone secretly.
I want you to console me tonight
Don’t ask me anything more
Let’s keep it secret so that she can never hear anything
Yeah, 1st moment when i saw you, (no more)
I couldn’t see anything else
I assumed that i didn’t have my girl
What possessed me, i know i shouldn’t do this
I know it’s an affair
Is this enjoy? What did you say
Well it seemed just like that.
So today, i don’t care
Cuz we wild we rolling stones
Today i’m free like a wind
I’m rocking my life away
I’m again giving my heart today saying that i’m lonely
I hate being alone, leave you a lingering imagery and lean on you
Breaking up w/ my lover and saying that my new girl is you
My girl who are waiting for me, is she falling a sleep?
At dawn, sky is dark outside
Let us take a rest here, of one night.
Lapapapampam though i cannot escape cos i fell too deep
I’ll go back to her tomorrow
So today, i don’t care
Cuz we wild we rolling stones
Today i’m free like a wind
I’m rocking my life away
Yea hey baby i got something to tell you. You know.
I know i’ve gone too much
At first, well it was mild
Later i enjoyed it
It was damn awesome but it’s futile.
She acted like it was unfair
After realizing, it was so cold, a lot
I made excuses, i was inarticulate.
My words, i hesitaed
Honestly, how can i say that?
Well, it’s not enough for me with only you
That’s how am i gonna say that?
Room in my heart today is a reception room
It’s for free to guest.
So today, i don’t care
Cuz we wild we rolling stones
Today i’m free like a wind
I’m rocking my life away

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My Ego

                                  He kills my ego. I said he killed my ego . I know he kills my ego .*really ?
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Bigbang Concert - Lie

2011 BIGSHOW_ BIGBANG_거짓말 (Lie) 


 Cool  !!!


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Goodbye 2012 ! Welcome 2013

BYE BYE 2012 - Welcome 2013 !

 BYE BYE 2012

    Before I finally say goodbye to 2012,
    I would like to say


    to each and everyone of you.
    For the impact you had in my life
    Specially for those who sent me email,
    You have enriched my year!!
I wish you all a magical
    Festive Season filled with
    Loving Wishes and beautiful thoughts.
    May your coming year mark the beginning
    of Love,
    Happiness and Bright Future.

    To those who need someone special,
    may you find that true love.

    To those who need money,
    may your finances overflow.

    To those who need caring,
    May you find a good heart to care for you.

  To those who need friends,
    May you meet someone who will also
    enrich your life.

    To those who need life,
    May you find God.

Like Birds, Let Us, Leave Behind What We Don’t Need To Carry...
Life Is Beautiful... Enjoy It...

  Welcome 2013! 

LOVE & BEST WISHESWith warm regards...

In the name of Allah The most Gracious The most Merciful!
Indeed all the praises are due to Allah, we praise him and we seek his assistance and forgiveness, and we seek refuge in Allah.
Every mistake is from me, and any Truth is from Allah, The Enduring One, He is the Enduring One, I know nothing save that which He hath taught me.

S.E.A.Mohamed Ali (Jinnah) 
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I have a dream

By Guest Author/Anonymous

What made me write this post is a dream that I saw 8 months ago. I had a dream that one of Native Deen (Islamic Nasheeds band) members was speaking in a conference sitting on a table on which there were some glasses. And he spoke of setting dreams and he said something that goes along the lines of:

“When you think about achieving your goals don’t have a negative image that no one will benefit from… ,your job or business or that you will end up with just a normal job or business.  Set your mind that you will have the best job and the best business, and people will extremely benefit from it.”

Now how to define your goal? I heard so much about goal setting and how to define it. Now so many schools of thought teach that your goal must be realistic. To me, I say never be realistic, realistic dreams do not move, realistic dreams do not motivate, realistic dreams DO NOT IGNITE the flame of passion that will keep you running with excitement until the end of life. Realistic dreams will set you for mediocrity. To me if a dream is not wild I don’t feel the smallest amount of excitement to get up from my chair to do it. If a dream is not wild I’d rather sit on my couch and eat potato all day.

Do not be afraid of having a big dream. I used to be afraid of having a big dream and I still do but I always remember the verse from Qur’an where our Creator who knows how we function and He knows what’s best for us and He knows what makes us achieve our dreams said:

“أومن كان ميتا فأحييناه وجعلنا له نورا يمشي به في الناس كمن مثله في الظلمات ليس بخارج منها””


And is one who was dead and We gave him life and made for him light by which to walk among the people like one who is in darkness, never to emerge therefrom? Thus it has been made pleasing to the disbelievers that which they were doing. (Al Anaam – The Cattle 6:122).

You can be the dumbest person in class, you can be the poorest person, you can be the most stupid person in the world, and on top of all you can be the TOP MOST negative person in the world and everything might seem impossible to achieve. But when you know that your Creator, your Master, your Lord can bring you to life in a blink of a second, when you know that if you ask him he will grant you your wish immediately. When you have a concrete belief in this then your eyes will start to open up and your Baseera will light up and you will start to see a torch that guides you and those around you and put you in the right direction.

What is a more precise description for your situation that might be bad than being “dead”? and even if you’re dead emotionally, physically, financially, socially, Alhamdulillah our Lord can still bring you back to life not only that but also provide you with light that guides you in the right direction.
When I pondered on this verse I promised myself that I will never be afraid of having big dreams any more.
Finding your true dream can be challenging, and you might live your life without a dream for sometime and this will irritate you and disappoint you especially if you know that you should have a dream and you should have a goal. Because then you will get this feeling of guilt inside of you.

Finding a dream is something that can never be taught in school, if you know your true dream they might teach you how to get it, but if you do not know it then who can teach you how to know it? Maybe there are some ways out there but I’m not aware about them although I did search on how to find your dream and I did find some techniques but they didn’t work out.

The only technique that worked out for me was praying, praying too hard for Allah (the creator of the universe), begging him, asking him like a beggar, asking him like a poor hungry person who is in urgent need for only a piece of bread and a glass of water, asking him like humiliated slave while at the same time recognizing the greatness of whom I’m asking.

I knew my dreams will come true and I was certain because He promised us and said:

وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداعي إذا دعان فليستجيبوا لي وليؤمنو بي لعلهم يرشدون”

“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.”
(Al Baqara – The Cow 2:186).

Now after 8 months I’m glad to say that Allah responded to my prayers, now I do have a dream that I know very well, I do know my purpose, and I do know my mission and it turned how I think of the world upside down, instead of waiting for this life to end I now look for every single new day eagerly!

Go Ahead, if you don’t know your dream, Go Ahead, if you don’t know your mission, Go Ahead if you don’t know your purpose, Go Ahead if you don’t know what’s the benefit of living yet another day, Go Ahead and Ask “THE KING” Go Ahead and ask “THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE” Go Ahead and ask “THE MOST POWERFUL”, Go Ahead and ask “THE GREATEST”, Go Ahead and ask “THE GIVER OF VICTORY”, Go Ahead Ask him, Beg him, Request him, pray to him, supplicate to him, …..

May Allah give you victory and turn your life into heaven before you enter the real heaven.


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Kawan kawanku sekalian ..

Assalamualaikum ,  What up .

Wah~  hye bloggie . ^_^
It has been a long time I leave you right ?
Today I don't know but aku rajin pulak nak share atau promote blogger blogger lain . ^_^ heehhe
* kepada bloger sekalian , maaf kan saya jika anda tidak suka akan cara saya ini ...

1) Usamah Ridzuan
    *today his birthday 28/12 . Happy birthday friend !!   ^_^

2) Aisya Ayy

3) Wafa Haslan

4) Haziqah Jaffry

5) Syarifah Nurhazirah

6) Aliaa Amalina

7) Nadhirah  Huzaini

8) Cikgu Zulkarnain

9) Ilieatiqah

10) Fatin Liyana

11) Hanis Zalikha

12) Maria Elena

13) Nisa Kay

14) Chan Jun Shen (student cadet, UPNM)

15) Farhan

16) G-Dragon (Bigbang)

Don't forget to follow them !!!

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A Priceless Quote from a confident Muslim Woman

 Nobel Peace Prize winner "Tawakkul Karman," when asked about her Hijab by journalists, she replied: 

“Human being in early times was almost naked, and as his intellect evolved he started wearing clothes. What I am today and what I’m wearing represents the highest level of thought and civilization that human being has achieved, and is not regressive. It’s the removal of clothes again that is a regression back to the ancient times.'' 

by mail from: "Faizur Hadi" - The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize was presented this weekend to three women for "their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights [to] full participation in peace-building work." Democracy Now! aired highlights on Monday of the acceptance speeches of Liberian activist Leymah Gbowee, and Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the first democratically elected female head of state on the African continent. Today we complete our coverage with the acceptance speech of Tawakkul Karman from Yemen, the first Arab woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, as well as its youngest winner to date. Karman, a 32-year-old mother of three and an outspoken journalist and activist, has agitated for press freedoms and staged weekly sit-ins to demand the release of political prisoners from jail. She founded Women Journalists Without Chains and has played a leading part in the struggle for women's rights and for democracy in Yemen. Most recently, she has led rallies in the protests against the rule of the longstanding U.S.-ally, President Ali Abdullah Saleh. "The Arab world is today witnessing the birth of a new world which tyrants and unjust rulers strive to oppose, but in the end, this new world will inevitably emerge," Karman says. "Our oppressed people have revolted declaring the emergence of a new dawn, in which the sovereignty of the people, and their invincible will, will prevail. The people have decided to break free and walk in the footsteps of civilized free people of the world." To watch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, and for information, visit
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Do African Traditions Promulgate Forced Marriages?

The role of tribes and families is important in African traditions of marriage. Most of the marriages are arranged by the families of the marrying partners. The women are considered valuable so much so that the husbands are traditionally bound to give some gift to the family of the bride.

The noble and well to do families consider it honorable to have arranged marriages of their children. The marriage bond is so strong in African traditions of marriage that even the children out of the wedlock are considered more akin to the families than the marriage partners. The tradition has cemented the communities to have good partners for their children.

Paradoxically, the poor families permit their children to select their life partners. Even the marriage partners try their best to select their spouses on their likings and disliking. They don’t allow their families to involve unnecessarily in the process of marriage.

Why this paradox…?

In my opinion, the children from the rich and noble families have to depend upon their parents for a long time until they establish their own recognition. However, children from the poor families have to struggle from the very young age. They rarely have to depend upon their families for a long time. They have to strive for their survival which makes them free from the problem of recognition in their own community groups.

The African traditions of marriage are a collection of diversified customs and events. The influence of Islam, Christianity and Western society is evident. But the African people still try to adhere to their traditions wholeheartedly. They consider it a prestige to pay homage to their centuries old culture. The Western critics see these traditions through their own cultures. They allege that most of the marriages in African society are forced one. They also criticize the maintenance of virginity before marriage. They don’t recognize that in most of the situations the marrying partners prefer to depend upon their families to make a right decision of life. There is no guarantee that their families shall always make a right decision but it is truer in the case of independent marriages.

They see offering of the gift to the family of bride as payment of price of the woman. They describe the situation as people are bidding for a wife and the highest bidder is awarded the trophy. They think that such kind of marriages are not only uncivilized but also cause infliction of torture on the poor women.

You may like to agree that arranged marriages are still a fashion in the big part of the world. Even in Asia the arranged marriages are highly esteemed. Even those who develop an affair get involve their families to the extent that their marriages seem arranged.

In African traditions of marriage, many ancient customs have been fashioned to different influences like Islam, Christianity and Western society. Many of the Muslim sects don’t allow forced marriages. All out jurisprudence of Islam proves that no valid marriage can take place without independent consent of the marriage partners.

In African tradition of family, the women are supposed to support their families and bring honor to their name. Arranged marriages are considered a fashion of honor. Similarly, the sexual relations before marriage are strongly rejected by the society. Most of the noble families consider that the women should follow a specific order in sexual relations and birth of a child.
There are claims on internet that African girls have started to act otherwise under the western influences. The visitors from Africa should contribute on this point. As far as I know from my Asian background, the protection of virginity is considered a part of the moral character. The Muslim background does not permit any kind of extra-marital relationships. It is not only considered a sin but also an offense in the Muslim jurisprudence.

The offence may be punished in Islam severely. Quran allows such fornicators to marry each other if they like.

African traditions of Lamu tribe require the girls to remain virgin before wedlock. They want their women not only to be helpful, loyal but also honorable to their families.
About the Author
Saqib Ali offers deep insights on Muslim marriages in the light of Quran, Hadith and opinions of the Muslim Jurists. Read critical opinions into the concepts of marriage, divorce and family life in Islam at

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Update on the data collected so far

I have finished keying data on two batches of students. One was a group of postgraduate students taking Management Policies and a group of undergraduates taking principles and practices of management. The summary of the data is - 586 students have done the assignment and completed a report - 79% said that they feel happier after doing this assignment - 9.5% did the assignment but did not provide a conclusion - 9% said there was no difference or they were not sure of the benefits of the assignment - 2.5% were "others" Several themes were repeated: 1. Students did not like the assignment at the beginning but after the 2nd, 3rd or 4th video, most say they started to get interested. 2. Many students have questions about Islam. This assignment was an opportunity to find the answers. 3. Almost everybody reported enjoying the tafsir of the Qur'an most
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University or College ??

          Assalamualikum , what up .

                    Ahhh~ Thinking about it . I'm still feel afraid and nervous . University or college ? Which one ? Government or private ? Aaahhh !! Then . MUET . I'm still not ready . Bila masuk U ni banyak perkara yang akan berlaku . bak kata senior lah . ^_^

                    Hopefully I can get the nearest university . What else if not UITM ,Unisel , MSU and University Al-Madinah . Ouh ! one more thing , I was not selected for PLKN . So SAD !!! what can I do ? terima jelah  . T_T

                                                    *gambar lama =)

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Islam in China by Abdur Rauf

 History of Islam in China

    During the days of the third caliph of Islam, Uthman Ghani (rta), a Muslim deputation led by Sa`ad Ibn Abi Waqqas visited China in 651 A.D (29 A.H.) to invite the Chinese emperor to embrace Islam. They built a magnificent mosque in Canton city. This mosque is known as "The Memorial Mosque".

    Islam and Muslims in China
    After the early beginnings, relations between the Muslims and the Chinese progressed fairly well. The first Muslim settlement in China was established in Cheng Aan port during the Tang dynasty. Thousands of Muslims have been turning to China in different times. Sometimes these neo settlers had petty skirmishes with the local Chinese. The first regular war was waged at the Chinese border in 133 A.H. The Muslims were led by Ziyad. They were far less in numbers. But they gave a crushing defeat to the Chinese. After this victory, the Muslims came to command complete control over the entire Central Asia.

    These early successes opened the doors of China for the Muslim missionaries. In 138 A.H. General Lieu Chen revolted against Emperor Sehwan Tsung. On a request for help from the emperor the Abbasid caliph, Al-Mansur deputed a unit of 4,000 armed Turk Muslim troops to China. With their help the emperor overpowered the rebellion. After crushing the rebellion, the Turk soldiers settled in China. They married Chinese women. The Muslim influx to China continued thereafter through sea and land routes.

    The early Muslims settling in China bore all sorts of circumstances. The long rule of the Manchu dynasty (1644-1911 AD) was the hardest for the Muslims. During this period the following five wars were waged against the Muslims: (1) the Lanchu War, (2) the Che Kanio War, (3) the Sinkiang War, (4) the Uunanan War, and (5) the Shansi War. In these destructive wars, the Muslims suffered inestimable losses. Countless Muslims were martyred. Half of Kansu’s population, totalling 15 millions, was Muslim. Only 5 million could escape alive. Chinese Muslims sustained similar setbacks in several other small and big wars. During the past three centuries, the Muslim population has decreased at 30%.

    However, despite the great Muslim massacres during the past, the present Chinese Muslim population still exceeds 60 million. The Chinese Muslims follow the Islamic theory and practice. They practice all the five fundamentals of Islam. They differentiate between the forbidden (Haram) and the permissible (Halal). They are leading a decent and a civilized life in China.

    Pro-Muslim Shift in Chinese Policy

    The great Chinese statesman, Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976) achieved his political objective through ‘The Long March’. When he settled down at his headquarters at Niyan, the Chinese Muslims supported him. The Muslims also joined his Red Army. However, at no stage of their cooperation with the great Chinese leader did the Muslims forsake their Islamic identity even for a while. In 1954, the Muslims were given guarantees about their prayers, traditional rites, civilization and culture. As compared to other minorities they were extended more liberal facilities, especially in the matters of cementing ties with the Muslim world. Friendly relations with the Muslim countries is a great economic need for modern China. Muslims have accordingly loomed large in China’s foreign policy ever since 1985. The under-developed areas predominated by the Muslims are now extended preferential treatment.

    During China’s Cultural Revolution (1966-76) locks were forcibly put on a number of Chinese mosques. All such mosques have now been restored to the Muslims. Chinese Muslims have been accorded complete religious freedom. The Chinese Radio even broadcasts Qur’anic lectures. The Muslims feel satisfied with such welcome official measures. The pleasant pro-Muslim shift in the Chinese policy is currently making an exceedingly favourable impact on the dissemination of Islam in China. China has exceptionally cordial relation with its neighbouring Muslim state, Pakistan. Throughout this period only on unpleasant incident of a petty clash between Chinese and Muslims was reported in 1990 at the Pakistan – China border at Khunjrab.

                                     Report on Chinese Muslim population

    Beijing, Muharram 14/Apr 19 (IINA), 2000 - The number of Muslims in China is estimated at 200 million at the moment. Muslim traders introduced Islam to China way back in 681 AD, and there are ancient mosques in China that are over a thousand years old.

    The Deputy President of the Chinese Muslim Society told ALDAWA that there are 3,500 mosques in China at the moment, with the number of Imams standing at 4,000. He said that Muslims in China are now living in state of relief and openness, particularly for the last twenty years, adding that before that they were being persecuted and oppressed. He said now new mosques are being built, and the number of Muslims is on the increase in the country as a whole, with many Muslims attending mosques and prayers regularly.

    The Deputy President of the Chinese Muslim Society went on to say that there nine Islamic universities in China at the moment, and attached to every mosque is a Quran schools. This means that there are 3,500 Quran schools, in which the Quran, Hadith and the Islamic doctrine are being taught, with attendance being on the increase. Furthermore, he said, there are Chinese Muslim students pursuing further Islamic Studies at universities in Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Algeria, at the same time learning the Arabic language.

    The majority of Chinese Muslims are involved in commerce and industry, and cooperation between China and Islamic countries has its salutary and positive effect on the Muslim community in China, said the Deputy President.

    He appealed for an increase in the number of scholarships that are extended to Chinese students, and also support for Islamic schools and universities, in addition to the sending of Daawa activists and supporting the Islamic publications that are published in China.

    He pointed out that the Chinese government does give support to the Islamic schools, and also repairs mosques.
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happiness and emotional equations

***while browsing through my own blogs, a vanity that is yet to vanish from me, i came across this blog which i had accidentally termed private in september 2008, and since there is no time related topicality for this subject i am posting or rather republishing this.***

Relationships and reactions formulate the emotional equations that determine the success of life. Life’s success is not necessarily a sum total of successes one has enjoyed in one’s lifetime. Success, as a synonym for happiness, is the pursuit of life. Persistence and diligence alone make this pursuit worthwhile, and only worthy pursuits win worthy prizes. Life’s success is always determined by its diligence in pursuing happiness.

Encountering moments that appear to pose intense difficulty or danger are not uncommon in life. These moments of crises need not necessarily be catastrophical. They can be simple everyday occurrences that challenge the mind. One need not keep reading Sun Tzu’s Art of War to understand how to manage resources and win challenges. The mind has its own repertoire of management tools, keeps learning and updating its self-management skills and handles moments without even bringing the process to the notice of consciousness. When a crisis happens or a challenge appears, the mind is always ready with all its options- to run, to charge or to surrender. The mind always knows what it is going to do, yet the consciousness called intellect, questions the questions and makes the process sometimes difficult and sometimes painful. These painful difficulties are translated as emotions and cause discomfort, and on many occasions are the reason why the sweetest success would taste bland.

To enjoy life one has to just listen to one’s own mind, for the mind is programmed to produce and savour happiness all the time. Pain teaches caution, and caution shrouds the instinct. In the vicious cycle that follows, instinct appears again and again on the terrain of mindscape only to be driven away by fears, doubts and hopes. Hesitations and confusions prevail. Anxiety becomes the undercurrent of all actions. Problems appear magnified to the mind and solutions disappear into the distance of time. Difficulties become crises.

Life can be happy only if the question, `what is happiness?’ is answered. Questions form the mind’s most beautiful self-regulatory mechanism. If some questions are perceived by the mind as obstacles in attaining happiness, the mind keeps those questions hidden in its remote corner. If some questions are going to enhance its own functioning, then the mind permits them to surface on the conscious intellect and seek answers. It is only when the mind is ready that answers become meaningful. Emotional equations are formed by proper questions that bring forth the right answers. The right and wrong of this internal question is not a socially sanctioned description but the instinctual vision in darkness. The right answer enhances an evolution in thought and maturity of thought translates itself into dignified action. Emotions do not cloud the internal vision anymore. It is into this state of equanimity that the mind’s seed awaits to blossom.

Life’s equation of satisfaction depends on understanding the Question of happiness, the Economics of happiness, the Management of happiness and Evaluation of emotions in happiness.

  Read more : happiness and emotional equations
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Sad but true...

Sad but becoming true...
Someone had to remind me, so I'm reminding you, too.
Don't laugh.... It is all true!

Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60
And heading towards
70 or beyond!

Kidnappers are not very
interested in you.

In a hostage situation,
you are likely to be released first.

No one expects you to run --

People call at 9 PM (or 9 A M) and ask, 'Did I wake you?

People no longer view you as a

There is nothing left
to learn the hard way.

Things you buy now
won't wear out.

You can eat
supper at 4 PM.

You can live without sex
but not your glasses.

You get into heated arguments
about pension plans.

You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.

You quit trying to hold
your stomach in no matter who walks into the room.

You sing along
with elevator music.

Your eyes won't get
much worse.

Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.

Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service..

Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.

Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.

You can't remember
who sent you this list.

And you notice these are all
in big print
for your convenience.

Forward this to everyone
you can remember
right now!

under any circumstances,
take a sleeping pill, and a laxative on the same night!

by mail from   anzar Ahamd

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Holiday ? should I be happy or not?

   Assalamualaikum . Yo , What up !

 Holiday ? Should I be happy or not ? Sepanjang aku habis SPM ni , tak pergi mana mana pun ~  Duduk rumah , masak , kemas rumah , layan internet and making songs with my own lyrics . Just that . Honestly I feel bored .But , what can I do ? I don't have a car to go anywhere that I want . I can't ask my mom to send me anywhere that I want to go with easily because my mom working . 

                          This picture captured at my tuition . The person that wearing a black hijab, Azma Farhana . The person that wearing a glasses , my tuition teacher , Mrs C   =)  I love you all .

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????? =,=

Fine, if this is your way , i will make it more worse than you think .
You want me to be like that . Don't worry i will make it come true .. but using the opposite way . huh
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Imprison My Tongue

Imprison My Tongue
The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “One of the merits of a person’s Islam is his abandoning what does not concern him.” [Tirmidhi]

The least harmful of a tongue’s faults is talking about whatever does not concern it. There are far worse things, like backbiting, gossiping, obscene and misleading talk, two-faced and hypocritical talk, showing off, quarrelling, bickering, singing, lying, mockery, derision and falsehood; and there are many more faults which can affect a servant of Allah’s tongue, ruining his heart and causing him to lose both his happiness and pleasure in this life, and his success and profit in the next life.

Perhaps this is why Abdullah ibn Masood (radi Allahu anhu) said: “By Allah, besides Whom no God exists, nothing deserves a long prison sentence more than my tongue.”
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SPM ? Done ??

 Assalamualaikum , yo what up !!  =D

 Today ,mmmm not a special day  . But now i can feel relieved because my SPM already finished !! =D
So , happy . But still feel a little bit afraid to think about my result later . Huh~  =,=  . What can i say, i'm just do it like everyone did it . Study hard - doing exercise - take care of my health - -and lastly tawakkal . So readers , don't forget to pray for me that i can get a good result .
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One of the Outstanding People of the 20th Century: Mr.Kalayanasundaram

Mr.Kalayanasundaram worked as a Librarian for 30 years. Every month in his 30 year experience(service), he donated his entire salary to help the needy. He worked as a server in a hotel to meet his needs. He donated even his pension amount of about ten lakh rupees to the needy.

He is the first person in the world to spend the entire earnings for a social cause. In recognition to his service, United Nations Organization adjudged him as one of the Outstanding People of the 20th Century. An American organization honored him with the ‘Man of the Millennium’ award. He received a sum of Rs 30 cores as part of this award which he distributed entirely for the needy as usual.Moved by his passion to help others, Super Star Rajinikanth adopted him as his father.

Early life :

Kalyanasundaram was born and brought up in Melakaruvelangulam village, of Nangunari taluk in Tirunelveli district. "There were only 30 houses then. No roads, no buses, no school, no electricity, not even a petty shop. I studied in the light of a kerosene lamp or by candlelight till I was about ten years old," he says.

Kalyanasundaram lost his father when he was only one year old. After completing school, he was determined to pursue a B.A degree with Tamil as the main subject. As he was the only student for the course at St. Xavier's College, Tirunelveli, the college management persuaded him to take up another subject, but he refused. Impressed by the youngster's determination to study Tamil, Karumuttu Thygaraja Chettiar, the founder of MTT Hindu College, had no hesitation admitting him to the course he wanted. Karumuttu Chettiar also bore the youngster's study expenses. "Those days I can never forget, especially the Chettiar's munificence," recalls Kalyanasundaram.

Turning point :

The turning point in his life came when he was doing library science at the Madras University. That was when the Indo-China War was on. "I was listening to Nehru on the radio requesting us to contribute to the defense fund. Immediately, I went to Chief Minister Kamaraj and gave him my gold chain. I was probably the first student to have done such a thing," he says with pride in his eyes. Kamaraj was so impressed by the gesture that he felicitated the youngster at a special function on May Day that year (1963).

For 45 years, Kalyanasundaram's social work focused on children. However, in 1998, after retirement, he decided to expand his service and, thus, Paalam was born. One of the first things he did was to direct the money he received as retirement benefit to social cause. Paalam serves as the link between donors and beneficiaries. Assistance is not only monetary. Children are helped in pursuing education, medical attention is provided to the needy, blood donation camps are organized and blood samples are reached to hospitals during emergencies, the unemployed, elderly, sick and handicapped are rehabilitated, and free counseling is provided.

"We work on the principle of gaining everybody's support. That is the reason why membership costs just a rupee a month (life membership is Rs.100). We take about anything used or unused - old newspapers, clothes and utensils - and reach these to people in need. We are sort of a bridge between donors and beneficiaries," states Kalyanasundaram.

Paalam has also taken active part in relief work during cyclones and earthquakes that have struck various parts of India.

People trust Paalam because of Kalyanasundaram and what he stands for. "I have slept on pavements and railway platforms to find out what it is like to be poor, without a roof over your head," he says, joyfully recounting an instance of his students running up to him to tell him that they had spotted his look-alike sleeping on a railway platform.

"I am a bachelor and my personal needs are meager. I am able to manage doing odd jobs in a hotel or a laundry. I simply do not wish to own anything. In fact, one of my happiest moments was when, after being chosen as the `Man of the Millennium' by an American organization, I donated the entire amount of Rs. 30 cores I received towards charity. Everything is, therefore, a state of mind. Finally, what do we take with us when we leave planet earth?" Kalyanasundaram wonders aloud!

He still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life for serving the society.

Source :
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Muadh ibn Jabal

                                                   Muadh ibn Jabal

        Muadh ibn Jabal was a young man growing up in Yathrib as the light of guidance and truth began to spread over the Arabian peninsula. He was a handsome and imposing character with black eyes and curly hair and immediately impressed whoever he met. He was already distinguished for the sharpness of his intelligence among young men of his own age.

        The young Muadh became a Muslim at the hands of Musab ibn Umayr, the daiy (missionary) whom the Prophet had sent to Yathrib before the hijrah. Muadh was among the seventy-two Yathribites who journeyed to Makkah, one year before the hijrah, and met the Prophet at his house and later again in the valley of Mina, outside Makkah, at Aqabah. Here the famous second Aqabah Pledge was made at which the new Muslims of Yathrib, including some women, vowed to support and defend the Prophet at any cost. Muadh was among those who enthusiastically clasped the hands of the blessed Prophet then and pledged allegiance to him.

        As soon as Muadh returned to Madinah from Makkah, he and a few others of his age formed a group to remove and destroy idols from the houses of the mushrikeen in Yathrib. One of the effects of this campaign was that a prominent man of the city, Amr ibn al-Jumuh, became a Muslim.

        When the noble Prophet reached Madinah, Muadh ibn Jabal stayed in his company as much as possible. He studied the Quran and the laws of Islam until he became one of the most well-versed of all the companions in the religion of Islam.

        Wherever Muadh went, people would refer to him for legal judgments on matters over which they differed. This is not strange since he was brought up in the school of the Prophet himself and learnt as much as he could from him. He was the best pupil of the best teacher. His knowledge bore the stamp of authenticity. The best certificate that he could have received came from the Prophet himself when he said: "The most knowledgeable of my ummah in matters of Halal and haram is Muadh ibn Jabal."

        One of the greatest of Muadhs contributions to the ummah of Muhammad was that he was one of the group of six who collected the Quran during the lifetime of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Whenever a group of companions met and Muadh was among them, they would look at him with awe and respect on account of his knowledge. The Prophet and his two Khalitahs after him placed this unique gift and power in the service of Islam .

        After the liberation of Makkah, the Quraysh became Muslims en masse. The Prophet immediately saw the need of the new Muslims for teachers to instruct them in the fundamentals of Islam and to make them truly understand the spirit and letter of its laws. He appointed Attab ibn Usay as his deputy in Makkah and he asked Muadh ibn Jabal to stay with him and teach people the Quran and instruct them in the religion.

        Sometime after the Prophet had returned to Madinah, messengers of the kings of Yemen came to him announcing that they and the people of Yemen had become Muslims. They requested that some teachers should be with them to teach Islam to the people. For this task the Prophet commissioned a group of competent duat (missionaries) and made Muadh ibn Jabal their amir. He then put the following question to Muadh:

        "According to what will you judge?"
        "According to the Book of God," replied Muadh.
        "And if you find nothing therein?"
        "According to the Sunnah of the Prophet of God."
        "And if you find nothing therein?"
        "Then I will exert myself (exercise ijtihad) to form my own judgment."
        The Prophet was pleased with this reply and said: "Praise be to God Who has guided the messenger of the Prophet to that which pleases the Prophet."

        The Prophet personally bade farewell to this mission of guidance and light and walked for some distance alongside Muadh as he rode out of the city. Finally he said to him:

        "O Muadh, perhaps you shall not meet me again after this year. Perhaps when you return you shall see only my mosque and my grave." Muadh wept. Those with him wept too. A feeling of sadness and desolation overtook him as he parted from his beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of God be on him.

        The Prophet's premonition was correct. The eyes of Muadh never beheld the Prophet after that moment. The Prophet died before Muadh returned from the Yemen. There is no doubt that Muadh wept when he returned to Madinah and found there was no longer the blessed company of the Prophet.

        During the caliphate of Umar, Muadh was sent to the Banu Kilab to apportion their stipends and to distribute the sadaqah of their richer folk among the poor. When he had done his duty, he returned to his wife with his saddle blanket around his neck, empty handed, and she asked him:

        "Where are the gifts which commissioners return with for their families?" "I had an alert Supervisor who was checking over me," he replied. "You were a trusted person with the messenger of God and with Abu Bakr. Then Umar came and he sent a supervisor with you to check on you!' she exclaimed. She went on to talk about this to the women of Umar's household and complained to them about it. The complaint eventually reached Umar, so he summoned Muadh and said:

        "Did I send a supervisor with you to check on you?"

        "No, Amir al-Mumineen," he said, "But that was the only reason I could find to give her." Umar laughed and then gave him a gift, saying, "I hope this pleases you."

        Also during the caliphate of Umar, the governor of Syria, Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan sent a message saying:

        "O Amir al-Mumineen! The people of Syria are many. They fill the towns. They need people to teach them the Quran and instruct them in the religion."

        Umar thereupon summoned five persons who had collected the Quran in the lifetime of the Prophet, peace be upon him. They were Muadh ibn Jabal, Ubadah ibn asSamit, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, Ubayy ibn Kab and Abu adDardaa. He said to them:

        "Your brothers in Syria have asked me to help them by sending those who can teach them the Quran and instruct them in the religion. Please appoint three among you for this task and may God bless you. I can select three of you myself if you do not want to put the matter to the vote."

        "Why should we vote?" they asked. "Abu Ayyub is quite old and Ubayy is a sick man. That leaves three of us." "All three of you go to Homs first of all. If you are satisfied with the condition of the people there, one of you should stay there, another should go to Damascus and the other to Palestine."

        So it was that Ubadah ibn as-Samit was left at Homs, Abu ad-Dardaa went to Damascus and Muadh went to Palestine. There Muadh fell ill with an infectious disease. As he was near to death, he turned in the direction of the Kabah and repeated this refrain: "Welcome Death, Welcome. A visitor has come after a long absence . . ." And looking up to heaven, he said: "O Lord, You know that I did not desire the world and to prolong my stay in it . . . O Lord, accept my soul with goodness as you would accept a believing soul..."

        He then passed away, far from his family and his clan, a daiy in the service of God and a muhajir in His path.

Source :
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Another sample

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Other Productive Teen videos

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The productive Teen project

One of the options is to see whether the Happy in Islam project can be modified to suit the needs of Malay teenagers. To test this idea, my students prepared a series of videos that document the trials and tribulations of young Malays. Here is the first video

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BABARI MASJID TAMIL SONG- பாபரி மஸ்ஜித் தமிழ் பாடல்

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UAE' Emirates' Name Explanation

Dear All,

            Assalaamu alaikum

            With humble we share our knowledge on "Explanation For The Names of All Emirates" both in English and Tamil.
            We have dedicated our time and efforts to collect all the information and published in the public interests.

            Also with pleasure we would like to have your feed backs.


Bilalia Ulama's Association, UAE Chapter, Dubai
An Alumni Team of Bilalia Arabic College, Chennai.

For further details please contact

Moulavi K. Syed Abu Salih Bilali B.Com
Mobile: +971-52-9919346

by mail from  syed bilali <>
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Shinee - Sherlock Lyrics

SHINee's back, SHINee's back
SHINee's back back back back back

Jigeumbuteo all stop eoneu nugura haedo
I hyeonjangeul beoseonaseon andwae
myeongbaekhan i sageon
soge ginjanghaji ma
Nan milsil aneseo deo jayurowo imi

Neoui tteollin sumgyeol hanakkaji nochiji anha
Eunmilhage norin simjangui boseok
Neoui buranhan geu siseonkkaji kkwetturheosseo nan
Yonguiseonsangui neol chajanaesseo nan freeze!

Amugeotdo moreundan eolgullo neon
Nae mameul heundeureo gihoereul noryeo
Du gaeui dap
[Jonghyun] (du gaeui dap)
Gin bam bulkkoccheoreom teojyeo baby

Oh i'm curious yeah sajin sok nega
sungan misojieo wae
Oh i'm so curious yeah, i'm so curious yeah

Haruedo subaek beonssik
neol tteoollida tteolchyeonaeda
Nae meorissogeul chaeun uimun
nega wonhan geosi mwonga
Sorido eobsi
heulleo deuneun i sungani nae mame

Oh i'm curious yeah sajin sok nega
sungan georeonawa wae
Oh i'm so curious yeah, i'm so curious yeah

Jigeum nae ape neoneun siljaehaji anha
bunmyeong aljiman neoreul simmunhagesseo
Naega wonhan
Daedap neoneun algo isseone ipsuri
Bitnatda sarajyeo

Eojjeom neon imi aranneunji
moreuji nae maeumeun
Aechobuteo gutge jamgiji
anhasseotji negemaneun

Beomineun i ane isseo
Amudo nagal su eobseo
Neowa na eotteon nugudo
Neoui modeun geotdeure da
Jeunggeoreul nan balgyeonhaesseo
Neoreul kkok chajanaegesseo
(teojyeo baby)

Oh i'm curious yeah sajin sok nega
sungan georeonawa wae
Oh i'm so curious yeah, i'm so curious yeah

Tonight SHINee's in the house wo ho
So give it up give it up give it up for SHINee
Give it up give it up give it up for SHINee

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Shinee - The Name I Loved 내가 사랑했던 (ENGLISH)

[Onew] My hands become cold
The memory of love coldly draws near
It becomes painful
I don't want to be unfair to you any longer

Knowing that I can't love you
Who is close to me
Who can't look at me
It's too hard to wait
I can't stand it anymore
Since it won't be achievable

[Onew/Yeonwoo] That name I loved
Became too distant as I went out to call it
[Onew] I now write that name down
I'm on the verge of tears
I want to hide within myself
[Onew/Yeonwoo] Remember that day now
Where all I could do was love you
[Yeonwoo] Because an unachievable love is still love

[Yeonwoo] The feeling of love
That you can't do alone comes to me
The longings that I can't even start only get bigger
Only your scent is left
In the cold, corner of my heart

[Onew/Yeonwoo] That name I loved
Became too distant as I went out to call it
[Yeonwoo] I now write that name down
I'm on the verge of tears
I want to hide within myself
[Onew/Yeonwoo] Remember that day now
Where all I could do was love you
[Onew] Because an unachievable love is still love

[Yeonwoo] Turn back a thousand times
To the moment we first went to that point
[Onew] I'll take away everything
From that one corner of my heart

[Yeonwoo] The name I loved ([Onew] That I loved)
Became too distant as I went out to call it
[Onew] I now write that name down
I'm on the verge of tears
I want to hide within myself
[Onew/Yeonwoo] Remember that day now
Where all I could do was love you
[Onew] Because a love that can't grow is still love

(That name I loved
Became too distant as I went out to call it)

(Remember that day now
Where all I could do was love you)

(That name I loved
Became too distant as I went out to call it)
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