Love Your Mother
Love Your Mother
The teachings of the Holy Qur'an for the Child to follow during his life is: "Your Lord (Allah) has ordained that you should worship none except Him and show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain to old age with you, say not 'Fie' unto them nor reproach them but speak to them a gracious word. And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy (defer humbly to them out of
tenderness) and pray: My Lord, have mercy on them both as they nurtured me when I was little." (Qur'an 17:23-24)
"And we (Allah) have enjoined upon man (to be good) to his parents: His mother bears him in weakness upon weakness.." Qur'an 31:14)
"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth.." (Qur'an 46:59)
A man came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Your mother.” The man said. “Who is next?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man further said, “Who is next?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked for the fourth time, “Who is next?” The Prophet said, “Your father. ”
(Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 2)
10 Wonderful reasons to be grateful to your mother
1. Your mother carried you for 9 months bearing pain upon pain.
2. During this time, she could not eat becuase of you! She could not sleep because of you!
3. When you were a baby, she spent every minute of her life looking after you!
4. She only slept when you slept! She only ate after you had eaten!
5. She was patient and loved you even when you cried all night and when you cried all day !
6. She taught you how to walk, how to speak, how to eat, she taught you how to live!
7. When you fall ill, she looks after you!
8. She always cooks and prepared food for you !
9. She buys you whatever you ask for !
10. She loves you unconditionally !
These are just a few things that our Mothers do for us; they do so much more of which we do not know about. However, one thing that your Mother does for you, that nobody else in the world does, is that she worries about you from the bottom of her Heart.
Invitation to participate in the PMji Samjhoji! Letter-a-thon
Dear Nidurali ,
My name is Aisha and I am the Editor of The Viewspaper which is India’s largest youth paper.
On 2nd December 2012, we are organizing the PMji Samjhoji! Letter-a-thon - The day India will write to its Prime Minister.
There are many times, while reading the news, we think we have ideas and possible solutions to some of India’s problems. There are many times when we feel that we could give suggestions to the people who run our country but don’t end up taking any action.
Considering that you run the blog , I was hoping that you would join us in taking action by being a part of an initiative, which will attempt to change the conversation on the web in India by getting all Indians to share concrete ideas, solutions and suggestions in the form of open letters to the Prime Minister, all of which will be published on ONE DAY on The Viewspaper (
Eminent journalists like Madhu Trehan (Founding Editor, India Today), Sonia Singh (Editorial Director, NDTV), activists like Abhinandan Sekhri (Core Member, India Against Corruption), eminent educationists like Dr. Amit Kapoor (Professor, Harvard Business School and MDI) and Musicians like Parikrama are some of the people who have already confirmed their participation.
Not just individuals but even organizations like The YP Foundation, which is India’s largest youth NGO, will be participating.
Celebrities, Journalists, Politicians, Bloggers, Professionals, Doctors, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Activists, Youth from all over the country will be sharing their perspectives.
PMji Samjhoji! is completely apolitical and our aim is to offer the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh ideas and advice to help him steer India through its problems and lead it to its deserved greatness.
I invite you to share your perspectives on an issue close to your heart by writing a letter to the Prime Minister and sending it to us at
My name is Aisha and I am the Editor of The Viewspaper which is India’s largest youth paper.
On 2nd December 2012, we are organizing the PMji Samjhoji! Letter-a-thon - The day India will write to its Prime Minister.
There are many times, while reading the news, we think we have ideas and possible solutions to some of India’s problems. There are many times when we feel that we could give suggestions to the people who run our country but don’t end up taking any action.
Considering that you run the blog http://seasonsalivideo.
Eminent journalists like Madhu Trehan (Founding Editor, India Today), Sonia Singh (Editorial Director, NDTV), activists like Abhinandan Sekhri (Core Member, India Against Corruption), eminent educationists like Dr. Amit Kapoor (Professor, Harvard Business School and MDI) and Musicians like Parikrama are some of the people who have already confirmed their participation.
Not just individuals but even organizations like The YP Foundation, which is India’s largest youth NGO, will be participating.
Celebrities, Journalists, Politicians, Bloggers, Professionals, Doctors, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Activists, Youth from all over the country will be sharing their perspectives.
PMji Samjhoji! is completely apolitical and our aim is to offer the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh ideas and advice to help him steer India through its problems and lead it to its deserved greatness.
I invite you to share your perspectives on an issue close to your heart by writing a letter to the Prime Minister and sending it to us at
For Information and Registration, request you to visit: .
I hope that this is of interest to you and that you would be kind enough to agree to be a part of this campaign. There is a lot that the people can do for their country and your involvement would go a long way in motivating the common man to do the same.
I look forward to hearing from you.
The Viewspaper
What is The Viewspaper?
I hope that this is of interest to you and that you would be kind enough to agree to be a part of this campaign. There is a lot that the people can do for their country and your involvement would go a long way in motivating the common man to do the same.
I look forward to hearing from you.
The Viewspaper
What is The Viewspaper?
- Launched in 2007, The Viewspaper ( is India's largest youth paper with over 10,000 young citizen journalists.
- It is the 7th largest media company on Facebook in India with more than 2,45,000 Facebook fans.
- It has been covered by a number of media organisations including NDTV, ET Now, HT Mint, Economic Times, The Hindu, and the Dainik Bhaskar amongst others, and has been credited for creating a platform for the youth and also for creating a new niche in media.
- It has been recognized as one of the top 8 socially focused businesses in the world in 2010 by the Ashoka Foundation, Staples Inc and
- It represents the Indian youth perspective at the IMF, World Bank and G20Y.
- It recently won the United Nations World Youth Summit Award for best e-content.
From The Viewspaper: Invitation to participate in the PMji Samjhoji! Letter-a-thon
Get Married
The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Get married, reproduce, and let your number increase.” [sunan Ibn Majah]
Islam stresses the importance of the institution of marriage and the desirability of having children and taking good care of all members of the family unit. Healthy societies are built on healthy families. Remaining single, having relationships without marriage, or neglecting one’s family, are looked down upon and contrary to the teachings of Islam.
Whoever desires to gain Allah’s Pleasure and win his/her everlasting abode in Paradise needs to take care of the responsibilities that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) wants us to shoulder on earth and which (anyway) satisfy the demands of human nature. Marriage should be looked forward to as a way to earn good deeds and the most responsible and fitting way in which to satisfy the cravings of human nature.
Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) mentions as one of His favours on us: “And Allah has made for you mates of your own nature; and made for you, out of them, children and grandchildren; and provided for you sustenance of the best. [Quran: Surah 16, Ayat 72]
This hadith has been sent to me by
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Islam stresses the importance of the institution of marriage and the desirability of having children and taking good care of all members of the family unit. Healthy societies are built on healthy families. Remaining single, having relationships without marriage, or neglecting one’s family, are looked down upon and contrary to the teachings of Islam.
Whoever desires to gain Allah’s Pleasure and win his/her everlasting abode in Paradise needs to take care of the responsibilities that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) wants us to shoulder on earth and which (anyway) satisfy the demands of human nature. Marriage should be looked forward to as a way to earn good deeds and the most responsible and fitting way in which to satisfy the cravings of human nature.
Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) mentions as one of His favours on us: “And Allah has made for you mates of your own nature; and made for you, out of them, children and grandchildren; and provided for you sustenance of the best. [Quran: Surah 16, Ayat 72]
This hadith has been sent to me by dailyhadith.
ISRAEL: The sole and simple answer to all questions & the Source of Terrorism
Brigadier General (Retired) James J David of United States of America presented these Questions and Answers:
Q-1: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: Israel.
Q-2: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections? Answer: Israel.
Q-3: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions? Answer: Israel.
Q-4: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
Answer: Israel.
Q-5: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?
Answer: Israel.
Q-6: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed?
Answer: Israel.
Q-7: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
Answer: Israel.
Q-8: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?
Answer: Israel.
Q-9: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?
Answer: Israel.
Q-10: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated?
Answer: Israel.
Q-11: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?
Answer: Israel.
Q-12: What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors?
Answer: Israel.
Q-13: What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard, to steal classified documents and then gave some of them to the Soviet Union?
Answer: Israel.
Q-14: What country at first denied any official connection to Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon? Answer: Israel.
Q-15: What Middle East country allows American Jewish murderers to flee to its country to escape punishment in the United States and refuses to extradite them once in their custody?
Answer: Israel.
Q-16: What Middle East country preaches against hate yet builds a shrine and a memorial for a murderer who killed 29 Palestinians while they prayed in their Mosque.
Answer: Israel.
Q-17: What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders?
Answer: Israel.
Q-18: Which country in the Middle East deliberately targeted a U.N. Refugee Camp in Qana, Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and especially children?
Answer: Israel.
Q-19: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes?
Answer: Israel.
Q-20: Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of all U.S. aid yet is the 16th richest country in the world?
Answer: Israel.
Q-21: Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S.?
Answer: Israel.
Q-22: Which country in the Middle East routinely insults the American people by having its Prime Minister address the United States Congress and lecturing them like children on why they have no right to reduce foreign aid?
Answer: Israel.
Q-23: Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to his staff not to worry about what the United States says because "We control America?"
Answer: Israel.
Q-24: What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International for demolishing more than 4000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing.
Answer: Israel.
Q-25: Which country in the Middle East has just recently used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing 15 civilians including 9 children?
Answer: Israel.
Q-26: Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, bulldozers, or tanks?
Answer: Israel.
Q-27: Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built more than 270 new settlements since the signing?
Answer: Israel.
Q-28: Which country in the Middle East has assassinated more than 100 political officials of its opponent in the last 2 years while killing hundreds of civilians in the process, including dozens of children?
Answer: Israel.
Q-29: Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns, villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes?
Answer: Israel.
These questions and answers were published on 7 January 2003 and was written by Brigadier General (Retired) James J. David of the United States of America.
Note: James J. David is a retired Brigadier General and a graduate of the U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College, and the National Security Course, National Defense University, Washington, DC. He served as a Company Commander with the 101st Airborne Division in the Republic of Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 and also served nearly 3 years of Army active duty in and around the Middle East from 1967-1969.
(Please click here to read the full report: <>
Please also read his views on 9/11 at ( as follows that argues that the sole reason behind this heinous attack is ISRAEL:
by James J. David
America has just experienced the most spectacular and deadly terror attack in modern history. Four hijacked passenger planes were flown directly into the New York World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington. Thousands of Americans were maimed and killed. The cost of this tragedy to American taxpayers is not known yet, but you can expect it to be tens of billions of dollars. This dastardly attack will undoubtedly cause America to suffer huge economic losses and change the way Americans have leisurely lived and traveled for decades. It may even lead to an American and worldwide depression.
These terrible acts of terrorism must be fought with every ounce of American resolve. And those who commit such heinous acts must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. No such act must ever be permitted on American soil.
We Americans must ask ourselves why we are hated by such groups. Why do people sacrifice their lives to bring terror on our soil? Why is there terrorism against the United States of America?
Unless we understand the "why" of these acts, we can never completely prevent such acts in the future. For every nation is vulnerable, and always will be, to those who are willing to sacrifice their lives to kill others. That's why it is equally important, if not more so, to find out what causes terrorism as it is to strike back at terrorism.
The news media have done its best to tell us who is responsible for this bloody attack on the American people but nobody yet has told us why the attack took place. All that we know is that a bunch of "Arab Muslim cowards" committed this act.
Calling the attackers "cowards" may not be the best way to describe them. The terrorists committed an indescribably horrible and ruthless act against the American people, but calling them cowards is not the best description. Kamikazes may be misguided, but sacrificing one's own life for a cause has never been called cowardice. And using words such as cowards or madmen doesn't answer the question of why these horrendous acts occurred, unless one thinks every coward and madman wants to blow up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Those descriptions help prevent people from discovering the reason why the event actually occurred. And, if we want to prevent such occurrences from happening in the future, it is absolutely vital to understand "why."
Maybe a good question to ask is why these "crazy," "cowardly," Arabs never attack Switzerland or Sweden? What could it be that these countries do, or don't do that causes them to be ignored while we are targeted.
Let me be direct and come straight to the point. The cause of this terrorism is our involvement in and support of the criminal behavior of the Israeli government. You can be certain that you will never hear this accusation from the controlled news media, but nevertheless, let the truth be known. It may not be the "political correct" response, but political correctness is not one of my concerns.
You see, the Palestinians and many of their Arab allies have been the target of a half-century of unrelenting Israeli terrorism. Israel took over Palestine and drove out over 800,000 people from their homes through horrendous acts of terrorism. Among those acts was the sadistic massacre of over 250 Palestinian old men, women and children at Deir Yassin. After the bloodletting, the Jews then purposely publicized the event so as to make the people flee in panic from their homes and businesses from which they still haven't been allowed to return.
The terror also was applied to the British, such as the horrendous bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.
Not only did they establish their Israeli state over Palestinian land, the Jews took the Palestinians' personal property: their land, farms, homes and businesses. After driving out the Palestinian refugees and refusing their return, they then passed an "abandonment land" law that gave it to the Jews.
In 1980s Israel killed an estimated 40,000 civilians as it invaded the nation of Lebanon and relentlessly bombed and attacked cities and villages, including the ancient and beautiful city of Beirut. The current Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, oversaw the massacre of thousands of refugees in the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.
And what about Iraq? Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called the death of 500,000 Iraqi children from starvation due to UN sanctions, "acceptable and worth it" during a CBS interview on "60 Minutes" a few years ago. In other words, it's worth having 500,000 Iraqi children die in misery in order to safeguard Israel's position.
It has not stopped since. Israel has more prisoners per capita than any other nation of the world, more than Stalinist Russia, or Red China during their worst periods. It routinely tortures its Palestinian prisoners, and is in fact the only nation in the modern world that legally sanctions torture.
Israel has targeted and assassinated thousands of Palestinian leaders, and this includes scholars, clerics, businessmen, philosophers and poets, anyone who inspires the Palestinian people to restoration of their homeland. These assassinations have occurred all over the world, even in the United States.
In the process, they have killed many thousands of women and children. Even today, while America reads of the World Trade Center Tragedy, Israeli troops have killed 20 Palestinians in less than 72 hours, including two young Palestinian girls, ages 9 and 11 and one Palestinian boy, age 14. Ariel Sharon is taking advantage of America's tragedy to hide any news coverage of his continued carnage and destruction to the Palestinian people.
In addition to the many human rights violations committed against the Palestinian people, Amnesty International, in 1999, reported that "Since 1987 the Israeli authorities have demolished at least 2,650 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.... As a result 16,700 Palestinians (including 7,300 children) have lost their homes."
In addition, the Israelis have uprooted over 100,000 olive trees which were, in many cases, the only sources of income for these Palestinian farmers. These homes and olive trees were demolished with American made bulldozers while the leaders in Washington looked the other way, giving the green light to these Israeli barbaric acts.
And it has not just been the Palestinians who have suffered Israeli terror. In April 1996 the Israeli military targeted a Lebanese Refugee Camp in Qana, Lebanon that killed 103 innocent men, women, and especially children, in which a U.N. investigation found Israel to be at fault. When a vote was taken in the United Nations to condemn Israel for the killings, the United States was the only country to vote against the condemnation. What does that tell the rest of the world?
Every Palestinian and Arab is aware that Israel's half century of terror could never have occurred without the active financial, military, and diplomatic support of the United States. They know that the Jewish Lobby has dominant control of American Mideast Policy.
They know that almost every bomb that kills their people comes from America. Every bullet, every tank, every fighter plane, is manufactured or paid for by American dollars. It is America's billions of dollars of support that have enabled the Jewish state to terrorize the Arab people for half a century.
That is why the Arabs hate us; and that is why they are trying to strike back at us. That is why we will continue to be vulnerable to men who willingly give up their lives to avenge their people. Striking back at the terrorists is important, but getting to the source of terrorism is even more important. It's time to get tough with Israel.
by mail from A.H.Farook Ali
Understanding the problem (part 2)
To continue with my analysis, I found a model that explains human behaviour from an Islamic perspective. I attended a one day seminar conducted by Ustaz Hasrizal Abd Jamil in which he referred to the hadith of Jibrail in which the Prophet (SAW) was asked what is Iman, what is Islam and what is Ihsan. Ustaz Hasrizal explained that Iman is like the ingredients (i.e. the inputs), Islam are the religious acts necessary to develop good character (i.e. the process or the means) and Ihsan is the output (the end).
As the above table indicates, this religious picture is part of the picture. However, the 'secular' part is quite similar. The secular belief system is the 'memory' of all the good and bad experiences and how these experiences have been explained by the individual. In practice, the virtue of this model is that highlight that change can occur either by changing the belief system (for example, by learning more about Islam) or by improving the skills / tools so that the individual becomes more effective.
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As the above table indicates, this religious picture is part of the picture. However, the 'secular' part is quite similar. The secular belief system is the 'memory' of all the good and bad experiences and how these experiences have been explained by the individual. In practice, the virtue of this model is that highlight that change can occur either by changing the belief system (for example, by learning more about Islam) or by improving the skills / tools so that the individual becomes more effective.
Don't Buy Israel - BOYCOTT
7 29 - DON'T BUY!
A former resident of the D.C. area, not far from where president Obama will be taking his oath of office, said today,
"I refuse to buy anything with that (bar code) on it, until Israel wakes up to what she is doing in our world"
The Bar Code for products made in Israel carries the numbers 7 29 in the beginning, according to the man, who asked not to be named in our article.
He's not the only one who sees this as the peaceful way to bring and end to the conditions going on in Gaza over the last few days.
Let's hope it works.
Who knows? Maybe this could be the way to stop a lot more countries from dealing war and get back to dealing out products.
O wait - that's right, war is a way of dealing out products, isn't it? There's guns, bullets, tanks, planes, uniforms, boots, rockets not to mention poisonous gasses, nuclear bombs.
Well, at least we should try out best, right?
Source: http://www.
Understanding the problem (part 1)
To appreciate the problem of learned unhappiness, it is necessary to have a model to understand human behaviour. In reading the Islamic literature, two models stand out. First, Fazrul Ismail proposed the PEIS model. This stands for physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. These are the 4 components that form part of a person's behaviour. Fazrul identifies two kinds of people. The Outside-In person is the one that is constantly reacting to outside stimuli. He / she is easily influenced by external factors many of which he / she does not control. Such persons have regular mood swings depending on whether stimuli (relationships, jobs, stock market,....) is going up or down. The Inside-Out person is the one whose inner spiritual core determines how he / she reacts to external stimuli. Typically, when things are going well, this person feels grateful. When things are not going well, this person is patient because he / she knows that after every difficult there is ease (Qur'an, chapter 94). The video below summarizes the inner strength of the Inside-Out person: he / she focuses on what God has given him / her, not on why other people have certain things that they don't have. The Inside-Out person is naturally resilient, optimistic and has hope.
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Top 10 Tips for Singing Better
Singing is something that almost everyone has the potential for, but that not a lot of people have been taught how to do. Some people want to sing to improve the sound of their garage band, impress friends, and even make it big. Whatever your reason may be, let’s take a look at the top 10 ways to become a better singer.
10. Breath
First and foremost, make sure that you are breathing. And when we say “breathe” we mean “breathe properly”. When you inhale, push your stomach outwards. At this point, you should feel your diaphragm rise. For those who don’t know, a diaphragm is the muscle that is located just above your stomach. This will allow you to take in more air and this extra air is what will allow you to hold pitch and sing more smoothly.
9. Open the Throat
Aside from breathing, try to be conscious about pushing your throat outward. Now this may sound like an odd concept so let’s talk about what this means. Basically, try to push your throat as far outward as you can while singing. This will allow your vocal cords to expand and will allow for much more sustainability with your notes.
8. Stand Up
There are few singers who can sound amazing when they are sitting down. The reason why there aren’t many singers who can do this is because sitting down tends to restrict your airway and prevent you from singing as smoothly as you want. While there is certainly nothing wrong with sitting down and practicing your singing, you should try doing it while standing up to achieve optimal results.
7. Shoulders Back
Whenever you push your shoulders back by a small amount, you can literally feel your chest cavity start to open up. A lot of professional singers and instructors recommend this as it will allow you to breathe much more easily as well as take quicker breathes while singing.
6. Open Your Mouth
This is a simple tip that not a lot of people think about. Basically, keep your mouth open. And make sure that you keep it open wide enough so that when you sing, you receive a better tone and overall sound. Opening your mouth while you sing will ultimately allow you to increase volume as well as have better pronunciation while singing.
Read more Top 10 Tips for Singing Better
Source :
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10. Breath
First and foremost, make sure that you are breathing. And when we say “breathe” we mean “breathe properly”. When you inhale, push your stomach outwards. At this point, you should feel your diaphragm rise. For those who don’t know, a diaphragm is the muscle that is located just above your stomach. This will allow you to take in more air and this extra air is what will allow you to hold pitch and sing more smoothly.
9. Open the Throat
Aside from breathing, try to be conscious about pushing your throat outward. Now this may sound like an odd concept so let’s talk about what this means. Basically, try to push your throat as far outward as you can while singing. This will allow your vocal cords to expand and will allow for much more sustainability with your notes.
8. Stand Up
There are few singers who can sound amazing when they are sitting down. The reason why there aren’t many singers who can do this is because sitting down tends to restrict your airway and prevent you from singing as smoothly as you want. While there is certainly nothing wrong with sitting down and practicing your singing, you should try doing it while standing up to achieve optimal results.
7. Shoulders Back
Whenever you push your shoulders back by a small amount, you can literally feel your chest cavity start to open up. A lot of professional singers and instructors recommend this as it will allow you to breathe much more easily as well as take quicker breathes while singing.
6. Open Your Mouth
This is a simple tip that not a lot of people think about. Basically, keep your mouth open. And make sure that you keep it open wide enough so that when you sing, you receive a better tone and overall sound. Opening your mouth while you sing will ultimately allow you to increase volume as well as have better pronunciation while singing.
Read more Top 10 Tips for Singing Better
Source :
Wish you a very happy, blessed new Hijri Islamic New year
Wish you a very happy, blessed new Hijri Islamic New year May Allah bless each and everyone of you during this blessed New Year!
JazakAllah Khayr : جزاك اللهُ خيراً
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JazakAllah Khayr : جزاك اللهُ خيراً
"Allah will reward you [with] goodness."
Maher Zain - Palestine Will Be Free | ماهر زين - فلسطين سوف تتحرر
Awakening Records is pleased to announce the release of the world's first animated peace music video on Palestine. Palestine will be Free' is performed by Awakening's latest music sensation - Maher Zain.
This is the first time an animated peace music video has been produced on Palestine: "We are recognised as pioneers and constantly pushing the bounds of creativity and innovation. This animated music video for our new star artist Maher Zain is just another step in that direction and certainly not the last", said Bara Kherigi, Director of Awakening Records. Destined to be an international success, the video features the story of a young brave Palestinian girl who never loses hope for a better future despite the harsh realities surrounding her.
We keep telling each other
That this day will be
Will be the last and tomorrow
We all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
No mother, no father to wipe away my tears
That's why I won't cry
I feel scared but I won't show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun's light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I'm only a child
But is your conscience still alive
I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone, and every tree
'Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
'Cause your soul will always be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
© Awakening Records 2009
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This is the first time an animated peace music video has been produced on Palestine: "We are recognised as pioneers and constantly pushing the bounds of creativity and innovation. This animated music video for our new star artist Maher Zain is just another step in that direction and certainly not the last", said Bara Kherigi, Director of Awakening Records. Destined to be an international success, the video features the story of a young brave Palestinian girl who never loses hope for a better future despite the harsh realities surrounding her.
We keep telling each other
That this day will be
Will be the last and tomorrow
We all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
No mother, no father to wipe away my tears
That's why I won't cry
I feel scared but I won't show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun's light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I'm only a child
But is your conscience still alive
I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone, and every tree
'Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
'Cause your soul will always be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
© Awakening Records 2009
Jerusalem under Umer ibn al-Khattab’s Rule
Umar ibn al-Khattab was one of the closest companions of Prophet Muhammad (s) and was the second caliph / ruler of the Muslims (after Abu Bakr Siddiq.) This post reviews some historical facts related to Umar’s forces conquering Jerusalem during the 7th century. This article is taken from the book Jerusalem is Ours: The Centuries old Christian, Jewish, and Islamic struggle for the Holy Lands – authored and published by
After the death of Prophet Muhammad, Umar ibn al-Khattab’s forces conquered Jerusalem.[1] During Umar’s reign, Jerusalem was conquered bloodlessly for the first time by Muslims in the year 638 CE. As Prophet Muhammad (s) had laid the foundation of the religion of Islam (through revelation from God, Allah), Umar’s conquest of Jerusalem is considered to be the first in Islamic history.
During Umar’s reign, his armies advanced into many territories. During these conquests, as the Muslim forces marched toward Jerusalem, the Byzantines were forced to leave Syria. The Muslim armies under the commandership of Amr ibn Al-As reached Jerusalem and lay siege of the city. Amr was later joined by prominent Muslim commanders such as Khalid bin Waleed and Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jarrah. At that time, Bishop Sophronius was the Patriarch[3] of Jerusalem. Sophronius, who was of an Arab descent, is venerated as a saint in the Catholic as well as the Eastern Orthodox Church. Seeing little hope in resisting, the Christians in Jerusalem decided to surrender at the hands of Caliph Umar’s forces. However, the Bishop demanded that the city keys would be handed over to the Muslims without resistance only if Caliph Umar personally received the city keys. Muslims at that time didn’t favor entertaining the patriarch’s demands saying that as the Christian forces had been vanquished, they were in no position to dictate terms and thus there was no need for the Caliph to go to Jerusalem. On this, Caliph Umar sought the advice of Ali,[4] one of the Prophet’s closet aides and companions. Ali instead advised Umar to go to Jerusalem on the grounds that he was the victor and that it was from Jerusalem that the Prophet Muhammad (s) ascended the Heavens. On this, Caliph Umar agreed to go to Jerusalem to accept the Christian surrender. When Umar entered the city, he first asked about the location of the site of Al-Aqsa and the Rock from where Prophet Muhammad (s) ascended for Me’raj. At that time, the Dome of the Rock had not yet been built. The Bishop took him to the site (known to the Jews as Temple Mount), which to Umar’s disappointment was being used as a garbage dump. This is because under the Christian rule at that time, Jews were not allowed to worship or even enter Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa site (Temple Mount) had no specific religious significance for the Christians. He also found out that the Al-Aqsa mosque was destroyed by the Romans. On seeing the state of the Al-Aqsa site (Temple Mount), Umar said:
“Allah (God) is Great, I swear by the one who holds my soul in his hand that this is the Mosque of David which the prophet of Allah described to us after his night journey.” [5]
The Caliph then asked Kaab al-Ahbar, a Jewish Rabbi who had converted to Islam and came with Umar from Medina, to guide him to the place of the Rock. Umar used his clothes to remove the trash covering the Rock, and other Muslims followed Umar and they cleaned the Al-Aqsa site. Umar also fenced the rock and an Umayyad ruler later built the Dome of the Rock on the Al-Aqsa site (the site on which stand the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.)
In Jerusalem, Caliph Umar was also taken to the Church of Holy Sepulcher and was offered the opportunity by the Christian leadership to pray in the church. The Caliph, in the view of Muslims, acted with prudence and refused to pray inside the church. He feared that future Muslim generations might decide to follow his footsteps and demand that the church be converted into a mosque. The Caliph therefore preferred to pray outside and a mosque was later built in his name called the Mosque of Umar. This mosque is currently located opposite the southern courtyard of the church.
On the surrender of Jerusalem’s Patriarch Sophronius, no killing or destruction was carried out by Muslims. It was a peaceful transition and all the holy sites of Christians were left untouched. Caliph Umar signed a treaty with Sophronius and as a result, Christians were allowed to live in the city. The treaty Umar signed was as follows:
From the servant of Allah and the Commander of the Faithful, Omar: The inhabitants of Jerusalem are granted security of life and property. Their churches and crosses shall be secure. This treaty applies to all people of the city. Their places of worship shall remain intact. These shall neither be taken over nor pulled down. People shall be quite free to follow their religion. They shall not be put to any trouble…[6]
History notes that before the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem, the Jews were not allowed to live inside the city. Although Jews were eventually allowed to come to Jerusalem for worship, the Christian ruler had requested that the Jews were not to be allowed to live in Jerusalem. Under the surrender terms, Caliph Umar accepted that request. However, later the Muslims relaxed the rules and the Jews were also allowed to enter the city and settle with the rest of the population. Caliph Umar also assured the Christian ruler that the Christians would have full rights under the Muslim rule and they would not be harmed in any way. They would have complete protection as specifically directed by Islamic laws. The Muslim rulers following Caliph Umar understood the nobility of Jerusalem in the hearts of Jews and Christians and thus the three religions started to practice their beliefs freely in Jerusalem.
In course of time, many scholars belonging to the three religions came and settled in Jerusalem. For Muslims, Jerusalem, especially the Al-Aqsa mosque, became a large hub of learning. It also became common for Muslims to start mentioning in their wills the desire to be buried in Jerusalem. This is one of the reasons why there are thousands of Muslim graves in Jerusalem. The Muslim rulers later also built many schools, religious centers and hospitals in Jerusalem. Large areas of land was purchased and dedicated to religious activities.
Article Source: Jerusalem is Ours: The Centuries old Christian, Islamic, and Muslim struggle for the Holy Lands
[1] Umar was the second Islamic Caliph after Abu-Bakr al-Siddiq. Abu-Bakr was the first Muslim Caliph (ruler) appointed after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
[2] The Levant includes Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. Occasionally Cyprus, Sinai, and Israel are also included. The UCL Institute of Archeology describes the Levant as the “crossroads of western Asia, the eastern Mediterranean and northeast Africa.”
[3] In general, the highest-ranking bishops in Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Roman Catholic Church, are called patriarchs.
[4] Ali became the Caliph after the reign of Uthman, who in turn became the Caliph after the assassination of Umar.
[5] Al-Aqsa Mosque –
[6] New World Encyclopedia –
Source: Jerusalem is Ours: The Centuries old Christian, Jewish, and Islamic struggle for the Holy Lands
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After the death of Prophet Muhammad, Umar ibn al-Khattab’s forces conquered Jerusalem.[1] During Umar’s reign, Jerusalem was conquered bloodlessly for the first time by Muslims in the year 638 CE. As Prophet Muhammad (s) had laid the foundation of the religion of Islam (through revelation from God, Allah), Umar’s conquest of Jerusalem is considered to be the first in Islamic history.
During Umar’s reign, his armies advanced into many territories. During these conquests, as the Muslim forces marched toward Jerusalem, the Byzantines were forced to leave Syria. The Muslim armies under the commandership of Amr ibn Al-As reached Jerusalem and lay siege of the city. Amr was later joined by prominent Muslim commanders such as Khalid bin Waleed and Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jarrah. At that time, Bishop Sophronius was the Patriarch[3] of Jerusalem. Sophronius, who was of an Arab descent, is venerated as a saint in the Catholic as well as the Eastern Orthodox Church. Seeing little hope in resisting, the Christians in Jerusalem decided to surrender at the hands of Caliph Umar’s forces. However, the Bishop demanded that the city keys would be handed over to the Muslims without resistance only if Caliph Umar personally received the city keys. Muslims at that time didn’t favor entertaining the patriarch’s demands saying that as the Christian forces had been vanquished, they were in no position to dictate terms and thus there was no need for the Caliph to go to Jerusalem. On this, Caliph Umar sought the advice of Ali,[4] one of the Prophet’s closet aides and companions. Ali instead advised Umar to go to Jerusalem on the grounds that he was the victor and that it was from Jerusalem that the Prophet Muhammad (s) ascended the Heavens. On this, Caliph Umar agreed to go to Jerusalem to accept the Christian surrender. When Umar entered the city, he first asked about the location of the site of Al-Aqsa and the Rock from where Prophet Muhammad (s) ascended for Me’raj. At that time, the Dome of the Rock had not yet been built. The Bishop took him to the site (known to the Jews as Temple Mount), which to Umar’s disappointment was being used as a garbage dump. This is because under the Christian rule at that time, Jews were not allowed to worship or even enter Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa site (Temple Mount) had no specific religious significance for the Christians. He also found out that the Al-Aqsa mosque was destroyed by the Romans. On seeing the state of the Al-Aqsa site (Temple Mount), Umar said:
“Allah (God) is Great, I swear by the one who holds my soul in his hand that this is the Mosque of David which the prophet of Allah described to us after his night journey.” [5]
The Caliph then asked Kaab al-Ahbar, a Jewish Rabbi who had converted to Islam and came with Umar from Medina, to guide him to the place of the Rock. Umar used his clothes to remove the trash covering the Rock, and other Muslims followed Umar and they cleaned the Al-Aqsa site. Umar also fenced the rock and an Umayyad ruler later built the Dome of the Rock on the Al-Aqsa site (the site on which stand the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.)
In Jerusalem, Caliph Umar was also taken to the Church of Holy Sepulcher and was offered the opportunity by the Christian leadership to pray in the church. The Caliph, in the view of Muslims, acted with prudence and refused to pray inside the church. He feared that future Muslim generations might decide to follow his footsteps and demand that the church be converted into a mosque. The Caliph therefore preferred to pray outside and a mosque was later built in his name called the Mosque of Umar. This mosque is currently located opposite the southern courtyard of the church.
On the surrender of Jerusalem’s Patriarch Sophronius, no killing or destruction was carried out by Muslims. It was a peaceful transition and all the holy sites of Christians were left untouched. Caliph Umar signed a treaty with Sophronius and as a result, Christians were allowed to live in the city. The treaty Umar signed was as follows:
From the servant of Allah and the Commander of the Faithful, Omar: The inhabitants of Jerusalem are granted security of life and property. Their churches and crosses shall be secure. This treaty applies to all people of the city. Their places of worship shall remain intact. These shall neither be taken over nor pulled down. People shall be quite free to follow their religion. They shall not be put to any trouble…[6]
History notes that before the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem, the Jews were not allowed to live inside the city. Although Jews were eventually allowed to come to Jerusalem for worship, the Christian ruler had requested that the Jews were not to be allowed to live in Jerusalem. Under the surrender terms, Caliph Umar accepted that request. However, later the Muslims relaxed the rules and the Jews were also allowed to enter the city and settle with the rest of the population. Caliph Umar also assured the Christian ruler that the Christians would have full rights under the Muslim rule and they would not be harmed in any way. They would have complete protection as specifically directed by Islamic laws. The Muslim rulers following Caliph Umar understood the nobility of Jerusalem in the hearts of Jews and Christians and thus the three religions started to practice their beliefs freely in Jerusalem.
In course of time, many scholars belonging to the three religions came and settled in Jerusalem. For Muslims, Jerusalem, especially the Al-Aqsa mosque, became a large hub of learning. It also became common for Muslims to start mentioning in their wills the desire to be buried in Jerusalem. This is one of the reasons why there are thousands of Muslim graves in Jerusalem. The Muslim rulers later also built many schools, religious centers and hospitals in Jerusalem. Large areas of land was purchased and dedicated to religious activities.
Article Source: Jerusalem is Ours: The Centuries old Christian, Islamic, and Muslim struggle for the Holy Lands
[1] Umar was the second Islamic Caliph after Abu-Bakr al-Siddiq. Abu-Bakr was the first Muslim Caliph (ruler) appointed after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
[2] The Levant includes Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. Occasionally Cyprus, Sinai, and Israel are also included. The UCL Institute of Archeology describes the Levant as the “crossroads of western Asia, the eastern Mediterranean and northeast Africa.”
[3] In general, the highest-ranking bishops in Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Roman Catholic Church, are called patriarchs.
[4] Ali became the Caliph after the reign of Uthman, who in turn became the Caliph after the assassination of Umar.
[5] Al-Aqsa Mosque –
[6] New World Encyclopedia –
Source: Jerusalem is Ours: The Centuries old Christian, Jewish, and Islamic struggle for the Holy Lands

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This documentary shatters the myth developed around the scripts written by
George Bush, Dick Chenny and Donald Rumsfeld about 9/11.
Various true, independent and intelligent investigations by brave Americans
(including former Governor of Minnesota - Jessy Ventura) and Europeans
compel us to dismiss with contempt the official version of the story that
we heard through the controlled mainstream media who still do not want to
pursue truth about 9/11 with same vigour and enthusiasm that they displayed
in the investigation of BIll Clinton - Monica Lewinsky affairs! Why?
Truth will prevail and falsehood by its nature shall perish.
by mail from Farook Ali
reade more...
George Bush, Dick Chenny and Donald Rumsfeld about 9/11.
Various true, independent and intelligent investigations by brave Americans
(including former Governor of Minnesota - Jessy Ventura) and Europeans
compel us to dismiss with contempt the official version of the story that
we heard through the controlled mainstream media who still do not want to
pursue truth about 9/11 with same vigour and enthusiasm that they displayed
in the investigation of BIll Clinton - Monica Lewinsky affairs! Why?
Truth will prevail and falsehood by its nature shall perish.
by mail from Farook Ali
The Call of Ibrahim
by Muhammad Alshareef
When Ibrahim alayhis salaam completed the structure of the Ka’bah, Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala commanded him to call the people to Hajj. Ibrahim alayhis salaam pleaded, “O Allah! How shall my voice reach all of those people?” Allah subhanahu wa ta’aala told him that his duty was only to give the call and it was up to Allah to make it reach the people.
Ibrahim alayhis salaam then climbed Mount Arafat and called out in his loudest voice, “O People! Verily Allah has prescribed upon you Hajj, so perform Hajj.”
Allah subhaanahu wa ta’ala revealed in the Qur’an:
And proclaim the Hajj among mankind. They will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways (Al-Hajj 22/28).
To this very day millions upon millions of Muslims continue to answer the call of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam. Perhaps this year you shall be amongst those who answer the call.
‘Amr ibn Al-‘Aas narrates that when his heart entered Islam he went to the Messenger of Allah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam and said, “Give me your hand so that I may pledge allegiance to you.” The Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam spread his hand, but ‘Amr withdrew his.
The Prophet sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked, “What is wrong ‘Amr?”
Amr said, “I want to make a condition.”
“And what is that?” asked the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
“That Allah will forgive me.”
Then the Messenger of Allah said, “Did you not know that Islam wipes out what came before it, and that Hijrah wipes out what came before it, and that Hajj wipes out what came before it” (Sahih Muslim)!
Hajj is the fifth pillar upon which Islam stands. Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala made it compulsory upon every able Muslim male and female to perform it, at least once in a lifetime.
Allah revealed:
Hajj thereto is a duty mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford the journey, but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures (A’le-Imran 3/97).
Performance of the Hajj washes away all sins.
Abu Hurairah narrates, “I heard the Prophet say, ‘Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any rafath (obscenity) or fusooq (transgression), he returns (free from sin) as the day his mother bore him’” (Sahih Bukhari).
Hajj is one of the greatest deeds one can accomplish in his or her lifetime.
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet was asked, “What deed is the best?”
He said, “Eman in Allah and His Messenger.”
“Then what?”
“Jihaad in the cause of Allah.”
“Then what?”
“Hajj Mabroor, a Hajj accepted by Allah subhaanahu wa ta’ala.”
Abu Sha’thaa’ said, “I contemplated the good deeds that a person does. I found that salaat as well as fasting are a jihaad of the body. And that sadaqa is a jihaad of someone’s wealth. But Hajj is a jihaad of both body and wealth.”
Hajj is the greatest jihaad. Aishah radi Allaahu anha asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, “We find that jihaad is the best deed, shouldn’t we (women) do jihaad?”
The Prophet replied, “Rather the best jihaad is a Hajj Mabroor!”
Aishah later said, “I’ll never cease performing Hajj after I heard that from RasulAllah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam” (Agreed upon).
The du’a of the one in Hajj shall be accepted.
The Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The soldier in the path of Allah and the one who performs Hajj and the one who performs ‘Umra, all are the delegation of Allah! He called them and they answered. And they asked Him, and He shall grant them (what they ask for)” (Authentic, narrated by Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban)!
To continue reading, click Here
by mail from Farook Ali
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When Ibrahim alayhis salaam completed the structure of the Ka’bah, Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala commanded him to call the people to Hajj. Ibrahim alayhis salaam pleaded, “O Allah! How shall my voice reach all of those people?” Allah subhanahu wa ta’aala told him that his duty was only to give the call and it was up to Allah to make it reach the people.
Ibrahim alayhis salaam then climbed Mount Arafat and called out in his loudest voice, “O People! Verily Allah has prescribed upon you Hajj, so perform Hajj.”
Allah subhaanahu wa ta’ala revealed in the Qur’an:
And proclaim the Hajj among mankind. They will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways (Al-Hajj 22/28).
To this very day millions upon millions of Muslims continue to answer the call of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam. Perhaps this year you shall be amongst those who answer the call.
‘Amr ibn Al-‘Aas narrates that when his heart entered Islam he went to the Messenger of Allah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam and said, “Give me your hand so that I may pledge allegiance to you.” The Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam spread his hand, but ‘Amr withdrew his.
The Prophet sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked, “What is wrong ‘Amr?”
Amr said, “I want to make a condition.”
“And what is that?” asked the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
“That Allah will forgive me.”
Then the Messenger of Allah said, “Did you not know that Islam wipes out what came before it, and that Hijrah wipes out what came before it, and that Hajj wipes out what came before it” (Sahih Muslim)!
Hajj is the fifth pillar upon which Islam stands. Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala made it compulsory upon every able Muslim male and female to perform it, at least once in a lifetime.
Allah revealed:
Hajj thereto is a duty mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford the journey, but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures (A’le-Imran 3/97).
Performance of the Hajj washes away all sins.
Abu Hurairah narrates, “I heard the Prophet say, ‘Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any rafath (obscenity) or fusooq (transgression), he returns (free from sin) as the day his mother bore him’” (Sahih Bukhari).
Hajj is one of the greatest deeds one can accomplish in his or her lifetime.
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet was asked, “What deed is the best?”
He said, “Eman in Allah and His Messenger.”
“Then what?”
“Jihaad in the cause of Allah.”
“Then what?”
“Hajj Mabroor, a Hajj accepted by Allah subhaanahu wa ta’ala.”
Abu Sha’thaa’ said, “I contemplated the good deeds that a person does. I found that salaat as well as fasting are a jihaad of the body. And that sadaqa is a jihaad of someone’s wealth. But Hajj is a jihaad of both body and wealth.”
Hajj is the greatest jihaad. Aishah radi Allaahu anha asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, “We find that jihaad is the best deed, shouldn’t we (women) do jihaad?”
The Prophet replied, “Rather the best jihaad is a Hajj Mabroor!”
Aishah later said, “I’ll never cease performing Hajj after I heard that from RasulAllah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam” (Agreed upon).
The du’a of the one in Hajj shall be accepted.
The Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“The soldier in the path of Allah and the one who performs Hajj and the one who performs ‘Umra, all are the delegation of Allah! He called them and they answered. And they asked Him, and He shall grant them (what they ask for)” (Authentic, narrated by Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban)!
To continue reading, click Here
by mail from Farook Ali
Little girl called me a terrorist.

I went to the mall, and a little girl called me a terrorist.
My name is Ela. I am seventeen years old. I am not Muslim, but my friend told me about her friend being discriminated against for wearing a hijab. So I decided to see the discrimination firsthand to get a better understanding of what Muslim women go through.
My friend and I pinned scarves around our heads, and then we went to the mall. Normally, vendors try to get us to buy things and ask us to sample a snack. Clerks usually ask us if we need help, tell us about sales, and smile at us. Not today. People, including vendors, clerks, and other shoppers, wouldn’t look at us. They didn’t talk to us. They acted like we didn’t exist. They didn’t want to be caught staring at us, so they didn’t look at all.
And then, in one store, a girl (who looked about four years old) asked her mom if my friend and I were terrorists. She wasn’t trying to be mean or anything. I don’t even think she could have grasped the idea of prejudice. However, her mother’s response is one I can never forgive or forget. The mother hushed her child, glared at me, and then took her daughter by the hand and led her out of the store.
All that because I put a scarf on my head. Just like that, a mother taught her little girl that being Muslim was evil. It didn’t matter that I was a nice person. All that mattered was that I looked different. That little girl may grow up and teach her children the same thing.
This experiment gave me a huge wakeup call. It lasted for only a few hours, so I can’t even begin to imagine how much prejudice Muslim girls go through every day. It reminded me of something that many people know but rarely remember: the women in hijabs are people, just like all those women out there who aren’t Muslim.
People of Tumblr, please help me spread this message. Treat Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Taoists, etc., exactly the way you want to be treated, regardless of what they’re wearing or not wearing, no exceptions. Reblog this. Tell your friends. I don’t know that the world will ever totally wipe out prejudice, but we can try, one blog at a time.
Makkah cleaner turns into millionaire overnight in Saudi Arabia
Makkah cleaner turns into millionaire overnight in Saudi Arabia
Cleaner was found by old rich brother who was on pilgrimage in Saudi
Bangladeshi cleaner with brother. (SUPPLIED)
A sweating Bangladeshi cleaner earning less than Dh1,000 a month was busy sweeping the ground just outside the Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia when an old man rushed forward and hugged him. With tears in his eyes, the man began crying when he told the cleaner that he is his brother and that he would give him Dh millions.
The incident is not part of an Asian movie. It happened in Makkah on Friday, which the cleaner described as the “most beautiful Friday in my life.”
The cleaner had come to Saudi Arabia to flee his repressive brother, who usurped his share from a family inheritance and sent him to jail many times. At first, he could not recognize his elder brother because of his shaven head and pilgrimage dress.
People who know the cleaner stared in surprise as the old crying pilgrim nearly strangled him with his hugs and kisses. Their surprise quickly turned into curiosity as the old man started to recount the story to his brother’s friends.
They were told that the cleaner is not that poor man as he looks. He hails from a wealthy and prestigious family at home but that he left his family after his older brother denied him his SR17-million share (Dh16.8 million) of the inheritance.
But what made the old man return to his senses and decide to give his younger brother his rights back.? His answer was that he could not stop feeling guilty for years and that he believes he suffered from cancer because of his oppression of his brother.
He told them he had wanted to go to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage for many years but that he had not known he would meet his brother in the Gulf Kingdom.
“The old man told the crowd who gathered to see this dramatic scene that he and his brother hail from a very rich and prestigious family, including former cabinet ministers and dignitaries……he spoke to them in Bangladeshi language through his young brother who spoke Arabic fluently,” Sabq newspaper said.
“After he finished relating their story, scores of men surrounded the cleaner to hug him and congratulate him on the new wealth.”
The paper quoted the pilgrim as saying he felt much better after he met his brother and performed pilgrimage, adding :”I don’t see just a brother but one of my sons…perhaps he is dearer to me than all my sons….I pray to God that I will be able to compensate him all these years of deprivation and oppression.”
The cleaner told the paper that he decided to return home immediately and to “turn this page of hunger, loneliness, deprivation and torment for being away from home.”
“I will never forget what I have been through in my country and here…I will always remember the poor and I promise to support and help them because I know poverty and its harms,” the paper quoted him as saying, adding that he had memorized a large part of the Koran during his stay in Saudi Arabia.
Sabq said the two later went together to a nearby restaurant and invited the cleaner’s friends to have a meal with them.
“A Saudi man who has known the cleaner for a long time whispered to a friend at the restaurant ‘I have always given money to this cleaner but I have never known I was helping a millionaire.”
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Cleaner was found by old rich brother who was on pilgrimage in Saudi
Bangladeshi cleaner with brother. (SUPPLIED)
A sweating Bangladeshi cleaner earning less than Dh1,000 a month was busy sweeping the ground just outside the Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia when an old man rushed forward and hugged him. With tears in his eyes, the man began crying when he told the cleaner that he is his brother and that he would give him Dh millions.
The incident is not part of an Asian movie. It happened in Makkah on Friday, which the cleaner described as the “most beautiful Friday in my life.”
The cleaner had come to Saudi Arabia to flee his repressive brother, who usurped his share from a family inheritance and sent him to jail many times. At first, he could not recognize his elder brother because of his shaven head and pilgrimage dress.
People who know the cleaner stared in surprise as the old crying pilgrim nearly strangled him with his hugs and kisses. Their surprise quickly turned into curiosity as the old man started to recount the story to his brother’s friends.
They were told that the cleaner is not that poor man as he looks. He hails from a wealthy and prestigious family at home but that he left his family after his older brother denied him his SR17-million share (Dh16.8 million) of the inheritance.
But what made the old man return to his senses and decide to give his younger brother his rights back.? His answer was that he could not stop feeling guilty for years and that he believes he suffered from cancer because of his oppression of his brother.
He told them he had wanted to go to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage for many years but that he had not known he would meet his brother in the Gulf Kingdom.
“The old man told the crowd who gathered to see this dramatic scene that he and his brother hail from a very rich and prestigious family, including former cabinet ministers and dignitaries……he spoke to them in Bangladeshi language through his young brother who spoke Arabic fluently,” Sabq newspaper said.
“After he finished relating their story, scores of men surrounded the cleaner to hug him and congratulate him on the new wealth.”
The paper quoted the pilgrim as saying he felt much better after he met his brother and performed pilgrimage, adding :”I don’t see just a brother but one of my sons…perhaps he is dearer to me than all my sons….I pray to God that I will be able to compensate him all these years of deprivation and oppression.”
The cleaner told the paper that he decided to return home immediately and to “turn this page of hunger, loneliness, deprivation and torment for being away from home.”
“I will never forget what I have been through in my country and here…I will always remember the poor and I promise to support and help them because I know poverty and its harms,” the paper quoted him as saying, adding that he had memorized a large part of the Koran during his stay in Saudi Arabia.
Sabq said the two later went together to a nearby restaurant and invited the cleaner’s friends to have a meal with them.
“A Saudi man who has known the cleaner for a long time whispered to a friend at the restaurant ‘I have always given money to this cleaner but I have never known I was helping a millionaire.”
Source :
Happiness in Islam: Problem definition
Through my literature review, I have come to the conclusion that we know pretty much everything we need to know about happiness. We understand the theory and we know the practice of happiness. Yet, many people are not happy. Why? I found the clue in Nierenberg (1996) "Do it right the first time". He argues - and I agree - that most children have been raised in an environment of "blame and shame" (p.19). This is a recipe for what is known as "learned helplessness" (or to use a new expression, learned unhappiness). The good thing is that we know how to help people who feel helpless...That is the exciting part and that is the breakthrough that I mentioned on the 12th October 2012.
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