
Ahmed Bukhatir


Ahmed Bukhatir is a name synonymous today with any lover of music, specially the ‘acapella’ style of singing. A singer, par excellence, with over 10 million fans that span across 5 continents, truly an artiste who proves that ‘music is a universal language’. He has sung in 3 different languages at this point, English, Arabic and French, He looks forward to be able to get his message across in as many languages as possible, as he quotes, ‘we should be able to surpass the barrier of languages and communicate in whatever medium possible as the more the world seems to get closer, the more far apart, we as human beings are growing’. Ahmed Bukhatir hails from the United Arab Emirates and was born in 1975 to one of the biggest business families. Ahmed Bukhatir has played many diverse roles at a very young age; he currently serves as a Senator for the Sharjah government. When he was asked to serve, he dutifully stepped up to perform his civic duties.
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Eid in dubai (video) DUBAI EID AL AHADA -துபாயில் தியாகத் திருநாள் காணொளி இணைப்பு

துபாயில் தியாகத் திருநாள் காணொளி இணைப்பு - Eid in dubai (video) DUBAI EID AL AHADA PART1 DUBAI EID AL AHADA PART2.
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Walking Bosnian reaches Makkah for Hajj

Senad Hadzic on the path to Hajj / Image source:

MAKKAH – Walking thousands of miles through six countries on foot, a 47-year-old Bosnian Muslim has finally reached the holy city of Makkah to fulfil his life-time dream of performing hajj.

“I wanted to perform Hajj but I had no money,” Senad Hadzic was quoted as saying by Emirates 24/7 on Monday, October 22.

“I decided to walk to Saudi Arabia, having only 200 euros.”

Aspiring to perform hajj, Hadzic started his lengthy trip from his hometown Banovici in northern Bosnia in December.

During his journey, the Muslim man walked for nearly 3,600 miles (5,900 km) on foot from his Bosnian village to the holy city of Makkah.

Covering between 12 to 20 miles a day, Hadzic managed to cross six countries, including Turkey, Jordan and Syria before entering Saudi Arabia this week.

In his back bag, he carried his copy of the Noble Qur’an wrapped in plastic to protect it from weather elements.

He also carried a bible, maps and flags of the six countries he plans to cross.

Hadzic said in a You-Tube film that he walked all that distance because he had no money.

“I slept at mosques, schools and other places, including houses offered to me by good people,” he said in the You-Tube video.

“Some people asked me whether I was scared when passing through wild places and I told them ‘why should I…God is with me.”

The majority of pilgrims have already arrived in Saudi Arabia for hajj, the world’s largest annual gathering.

Muslims from around the world pour into Makkah every year to perform hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam.

Hajj consists of several rituals, which are meant to symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic faith, and to commemorate the trials of Prophet Abraham and his family.

Every able-bodied adult Muslim who can financially afford the trip must perform hajj at least once in a lifetime.

Hajj starts on the eighth day of the lunar month of Dhul Hijjah, which falls this year on October 24.

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Top 10 Tips for Singing Better

Singing is something that almost everyone has the potential for, but that not a lot of people have been taught how to do. Some people want to sing to improve the sound of their garage band, impress friends, and even make it big. Whatever your reason may be, let’s take a look at the top 10 ways to become a better singer.

10. Breath
First and foremost, make sure that you are breathing. And when we say “breathe” we mean “breathe properly”. When you inhale, push your stomach outwards. At this point, you should feel your diaphragm rise. For those who don’t know, a diaphragm is the muscle that is located just above your stomach. This will allow you to take in more air and this extra air is what will allow you to hold pitch and sing more smoothly.


9. Open the Throat

Aside from breathing, try to be conscious about pushing your throat outward. Now this may sound like an odd concept so let’s talk about what this means. Basically, try to push your throat as far outward as you can while singing. This will allow your vocal cords to expand and will allow for much more sustainability with your notes.

8. Stand Up

There are few singers who can sound amazing when they are sitting down. The reason why there aren’t many singers who can do this is because sitting down tends to restrict your airway and prevent you from singing as smoothly as you want. While there is certainly nothing wrong with sitting down and practicing your singing, you should try doing it while standing up to achieve optimal results.

7. Shoulders Back

Whenever you push your shoulders back by a small amount, you can literally feel your chest cavity start to open up. A lot of professional singers and instructors recommend this as it will allow you to breathe much more easily as well as take quicker breathes while singing.

6. Open Your Mouth

 This is a simple tip that not a lot of people think about. Basically, keep your mouth open. And make sure that you keep it open wide enough so that when you sing, you receive a better tone and overall sound. Opening your mouth while you sing will ultimately allow you to increase volume as well as have better 

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Welcome to our Deen College


The college is located in a lush green environment. The location of the college is well known for Tamilnadu Rice Research Institute and there are many pilgrim centers such as Nagore, Velankani, Thirunallaru, Soriyanar Koil etc. with rich cultural and heritage values which are visited by lakhs of people of all religions. The students of our college are to strive for excellence both in their search for knowledge and skills and in the pursuit of success in life, in terms of their commitment to bring happiness to the fellow beings and for the development of our Nation.   


Deen College is established by Rafiudeen Educational and Charitable Trust for which Dr.A.Rafiudeen is Chairman and Mr.R.Kursheed is the Managing Director.

Dr.G.Vasudevan M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., is the Principal. He has 37 Years of Experience at AVC College, Mayiladuthurai. He worked as HOD of Chemistry, Vice Principal and Principal i/c at AVC College. With his vast experience he is able to manage the college efficiently.


    The College has a high tech. building with marble flooring .

    Each Class room is provided with four big glass windows and five fans .

    The class room desks, laboratory Tables, Computer Tables and Library Racks are imported.

    Computer Science Lab has 40 Computers with backup batteries.

    The laboratories are well funrnished. The conference hall has imported furniture.

    The college has bus and van facilities for the transport of students and staff.


At present there are 11 faculty members which include a Librarian and Physical Director. Staff members are experienced and they are able to produce good results and in some papers 100% results are produced.



    B.A (Eng).,

    BCA .,



    B.Sc (Chemistry).,

    B.Sc (Computer).,


    From 2011 -2012 onwards SC / ST Scholarships are given by the Government.

    Students get bus passes for Government buses from 2010 – 2011 onwards.

About Us

Education is all about creating an environment of academic freedom, where bright minds meet, discover and learn. One would experience top of the world living and learning experience at Deens college.

Foreign faculty, flexible and dynamic curriculum, exciting research and global connections are the features that set Deens apart. Students have a wide choice of cutting edge programs including BBA., B.A (Eng)., BCA .,B.Com., B.Sc(Maths)., B.Sc (Chemistry),B.Sc (Computer) choose from. Most of these courses are offered in our college.

Contact Us

PHONE - +91 4364 255155/56
MOBILE - 9489259697, 9443645300, 9444352119
Email :,

DR. A. RAFIUDEEN, D.LITT., CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY :  +91 9444035263, +914364255155
DR. G VASUDEVAN, M.SC., P.HD., PRINCIPAL           :  +91 9443873900
R. KURSHEED AHAMED MANAGING DIRECTOR          : +6681 7522547 +914364 250792

    International year of Chemistry IYC 2011 was celebrated on 23.12.2011.

    Awards of Excellence in the field of Chemistry were given to outstanding college and School teachers in Nagapattinam District.

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தீன் கலை அறிவியல் கல்லூரி

 தீன் கலை அறிவியல் கல்லூரி திறப்பு--நீடூர்- கடுவங்குட

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 Courtesy : Dr.Shankar Raman. M.B.B.S.,M.S., Mayiladuthurai.
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Over the last few days, I have had a series of intense discussions with Tuan Fazrul Ismail from Total Success Sdn Bhd. When I looked at his model, I realized that there are lots of commonalities between what he is doing and what I am doing, we just arrived at the same conclusions by using different intellectual pathways. With these new insights, pretty much everything falls into place: the Islamic framework for understanding happiness, the western framework for understanding happiness, the data that I have collected so far, why so many Muslims are unhappy and why certain programmes - like the 12-steps programmes pioneered by Alcohol Anonymous - fit so well. Insya Allah, I need a month to let these ideas simmer so that I can express myself in a straight forward, complete and simple way. To use an old expression, I now see the light.
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Adele At Her Scintillating Best.....Again

Skyfall - 007 James Bond

Lose Yourself ....

This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again

For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamed this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall

Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide, and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall

Where you go I go,
What you see I see
I know I'll never be me, without the security
Are your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall

Let the sky fall
We will stand tall

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The USSR collapsed and the same fate has been prepared for the USA

Russian General: “The USSR Collapsed and the Same Fate Has Been Prepared for the USA”

In the following video commentary Russian General Konstantin P. Petrov (Ret.) asks s...
ome interesting questions and includes his own thoughts (perhaps the non-official Russian position) about a variety of topics that include the end of US dollar hegemony, the orchestration of the 9-11 attacks to engage America in a mid-east war, the puppeteers behind the politicians and the coming premeditated collapse of the United States of America as we know it.

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