
Top 10 Ways to Save Money During a Recession

Few can argue that saving money during a recession can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a few ways to increase your savings each month. Let’s take a look at how people save money during a recession.

10. Re-Use Old Stuff
During a recession, it is important that you become creative. Solving problems in the most cost-efficient manner possible is what will save you a lot of money at the end of the month. A sure fire way to save money is to re-use old stuff. Stretch household items for a bit longer than you are normally used to. There are plenty of resources on the Internet that can show anyone how to recycle, re-use, and effectively utilize what they already own, without using a lot of money to do so.

9. Cut Down on Food
While food is a bare essential and is needed to survive, you should be making a proactive decision to save as much money on food as possible. If you really want to cut down on your bills, consider purchasing a whole chicken versus pieces of meat at the supermarket. The process is much simpler than you think. Instead of dining out on the weekend consider visiting a whole foods market and investing your money there. You would be surprised by how much healthier you are and how much money you save when you avoid foods with high-fat content.

8. Dress Nicely With Less Cash

 You don’t need to own a $1500 Armani suit in order to dress sharp. As a matter of fact, you can look and feel like a million bucks for less than $20. The key to dressing elegantly is to hit thrift stores that focus on selling high quality clothing. More often than not, you can purchase very nice clothing for almost half of what you would purchase in the store. This also falls into the category of hair styling and other forms of personal care. Whenever you are trying to look nice, realize that you can do it for a lot less.

7. Start a Business

As crazy as it sounds, you should consider starting a business in order to save money during a recession. Now, we know what you might be thinking: doesn’t it cost money to start a business? Well, not really. Studies have shown that there are a variety of services that one could start that would require virtually no start-up cost. For example, you could become a dog walker, buy and sell on eBay, and do some side freelancing work. Everyone is different and finding your own niche during a recession is the most important part of working for yourself.

6. Cut Down on Cable

Television happens to be one of the larger bills for most people across the country. If
you were to cut down on cable, or even give up television all together, you would be able to save a decent amount of money each and every month. While a lot of people can’t see themselves doing this, the key to making it work is to find other activities to spend your time doing. On a similar note, one reason why people spend much more money on food than they should is because they are watching television. Studies have shown that people are likely to eat much more when they are watching television than doing any other activity in their home.

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Gambar IKEA

Assalamualaikum , yo what up !!  =D

Sekali lagi aku menaip . Jap nak on kan kipas , rasa panas pulak . (* 30 saat )
Hah ! Sudah kembali. Heh , what wrong with you hah Ainoul ? Today is a school day . But I'm not going because I'm not really well . Do you guys still remember about my last entry ?? Aku ada tangkap gambar at IKEA. So , ini lah  gambarnya .

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Assalamualaikum.. yo what up !! hhaha  =D

Yesterday , my family and I went to IKEA !!!  Wow , I thought it was a small building .. but OMG hahahaa  so big . *mcm baru firts time dtg ... pada hal dah pernah dtg   =,=

Bila masuk je pintu .. suddenly I saw someone terbaring , tgh sesak nafas. Rupanya dia ada penyakit lelah .. Bahaya betul ..  Ouh ! Actually tujuan pergi sana because my sister wanna buy  almari pakaian .. last2 x jadi .. haih buat penat je.. tak pelah .. dapat jugak cuci mata ni .. sampai rambang mata lah orang katakan ..

Ada gambar .. but tak sempat update . later lah . 

Okay.. I have to stop now. Bye .  =D
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Mimpi ape tah ~


                    Hah !!  =D   .Entah mimpi apa pulak nak menaip blog ni . Maklumlah dah lama x update .. heheh . Aih~ nama pun budak sekolah menengah . lagi lagi TINGKATAN 5 ..  SPM oooiii !! Ingat sikit ..  Firstly ... hari ni baru je habis paper last trial Spm . Fuhh  ... Perinsip Perakaunan tuh .. Punya lah pulun hafal formula ... ABBA LEHJ , Penyata penyesuaian bank , Akaun kawalan penghutang pemiutang , Akaun yuran , Penyata pendapatan , kunci kira-kira , kos pengeluaran , buku tunai and more.. I don't know the answer betul ke tidak . apa pun tawakal je lah ..

                    Okaylah ~ time to sleep .. but i have to solat isyak dulu .. then i can sleep. Bye .... =)

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Happiness in the Qur'an

Readers of this blog will know that I am doing two things at the same time: 1) I am collecting data on my students and 2) I am doing a literature review (in fact, I am also publishing as I just recently an article on the Happy in Islam project to a IIUM Journal). Now, my focus has shifted to understanding the concept of Happiness in the Qur'an by listening to the tafsir of Juz Amma at the Bayyinah Institute. It turns out to be very simple. In Surah 93, Allah SWT promises the believers that their lives will be better if they practice Islam seriously. In Surah 94, Allah SWT promises the believers that their lives will be easier if they practice Islam seriously. What else do we want?
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Etiquettes of Giving Salam

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Lee Kuan Yew Award for Ilmutheen - MY GREATEST INFLUENCE IN LIFE


  I remember myself, when I was just 9 years old, attending my first Tamil Oratorical Competition at Tampines Central Community Centre. I had to deliver a speech in three minutes about my Role Model in Life. I spoke about, then Minister Mentor, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. From then on, Mr Lee has been the Biggest Inspiration and Greatest Influence in My Life.

 Although he is not a person whom any of us constantly communicate with, Mr Lee has definitely influenced my thoughts and perspectives with just his short interviews on The Straits Times and Televisions or his self-written books. Even today, I am amazed at his commitment and devotion to the Nation despite his age. It must have been such a challenging task to transform Singapore from a Third World Country to a First World Country in just a mere 50 years. But, a single man, with the right team, did it.

 I have studied in my Secondary 2 History about how Singapore struggled during and after World War 2. I must admit that I was truly inspired by Mr Lee’s perseverance, determination, hard work and innovative thoughts. There, Mr Lee taught me that with complete focus and hard work, half the battle is conquered. He is really great!

 Today, I know how to remain undaunted when problems strike. I know how to work as a team and accomplish my targets. I have learnt that success doesn’t come easily. Success is not an escalator, but a ladder. It takes a lot of tries. I learnt how to endure my emotional pains in times of crisis, stay determined and continue to persevere. I also understand the importance of holistic development and being an all-rounder. Managing my academic workload and co-curricular activities is analogous to Mr Lee managing the Nation and his Family. Mr Lee knew how to strike a balance between his political commitments and his family needs. Similarly, in school, I learnt how to manage my studies, co-curricular activities and the student council effectively.

  Like what Mr Lee says, I always try my best to anticipate changes and stay relevant. I look forward and plan for the future while seizing the present. After I grow up, I wish to contribute to the Society and helping the less fortunate. I love going to school and I love to involve myself in school activities. I always seek pleasure in the improvement of my school and my peers. When I am low, I often think of my Role Model Mr Lee and motivate myself that I can do it. When I make decisions, I make them based on what is right and beneficial and not based on what is popular. Mr Lee’s daring and result-oriented approach many times influenced me at all walks of my life. He has influenced my characteristics in many ways. I have always looked up to him. I am proud to say, our former Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kuan Yew is The Greatest Influence in My Life.
 1. Describe your feelings and thoughts about being eligible for the award. You may include for example, your response to the news, and teachers, friends and family members you want to thank and why. [max 200 words]

 The news was a pleasant surprise. When my Principal told me that I was eligible for this award, my heart was literally racing and I felt a sense of elation within me. I immediately called my parents to share my joy and my family members were extremely pleased. The news was a confidence booster for me.

  I remember one of my seniors, Jitesh, being nominated for this award when I was in Secondary 3. When the teacher announced to the school that he was a LKY ARE award nominee he inspired me. I am flabbergasted today to know that I am eligible for the much coveted award.

  I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my teachers, especially Mr Ow Kok Meng, the then Discipline Master, who taught me the values of true leadership skills. Being a Member and Trainer of the Singapore Police Force, he shared his experience of how he used to serve the Nation and it was truly inspiring. His priceless advice helped me to develop the sense of integrity and responsibility. I am indebted to my father who travelled along with me in this endeavour and my friends who felt proud and shared my happiness.

 2. What was the most enjoyable learning experience you had in school? [max 100 words]

  The Student Council Presidential Election at school was certainly one of the most enjoyable learning experiences. It taught me the values of many things in life. I learnt during the campaigning that real service could be rendered not merely by words but only through actions. I had a taste of what leadership quality was. I attained the post of Vice-Presidentship and look back at it with gratitude. I also learnt the importance of strategic decision-making in critical situations and how they determine the welfare of my schoolmates. The obstacles which I encountered were tough; but they made my journey enjoyable.

  3. If you can share an insight in one or two sentences about your life and/or learning experience with other students, it would be…
 [max 30 words]

 Like Thomas Edison, I tried and tried and learnt to improve myself. Perseverance is key to success. Individually, you are a drop. Together, we are an Ocean. Teamwork brings victory. Note: Do try to be original instead of merely copying quotes from other sources.

  Read more இல்முதீனுக்கு லீக்வான்யூ விருது

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