
Amazing Size Of The Universe

The expanding Universe 2 + level view of the universe!

   “………the total number of stars in the universe is probably something like the total number of grains of sand on all the seashores of the world. Such is the littleness of our home in space when measured up against the total substance of the universe.”

10,000 crore, as the stars in a galaxy group

And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.(Quran 51:47)

We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?.(Quran 41:53)

The expanding Universe 2
Move your mouse slowly to see The expanding Universe 2
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Govt launches plan of action to combat human trafficking

DHAKA, MAY 19: A three-year national plan of action was launched on Saturday for combating human trafficking. The stress is on prosecution of offenders and protection of victims, with the involvement of all stakeholders.
The objectives are to make way for certain implementable measures to prevent and put a check on human trafficking and allocate responsibilities among various government agencies and other organisations for these measures, and monitoring the enforcement of existing laws.

It also aims to ensure justice for the victims of trafficking by a comprehensive protective regime through state interventions and social actions, including measures for their rescue, recovery from physical and psychological trauma, repatriation, rehabilitation and re-integration into families and society.
Home minister Sahara Khatun formally declared the launching of the National Plan of Action for Human Trafficking, 2012-2014, at a ceremony at Hotel Ruposhi Bangla.
The ministry of home affairs, in association with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Winrock International, organised the programme, a part of which was a dialogue on the issue of human trafficking.
The programme was addressed, among others, by expatriates welfare and overseas employment minister Khandker Mosharraf Hossain, foreign minister Dr Dipu Moni, Prime Minister’s international affairs adviser Dr Gowher Rizvi and the US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Dan W Mozena. Senior secretary of the home ministry, CQK Mustaq Ahmed, moderated the programme, while the additional secretary in the ministry, Dr Kamal Uddin Ahmed, made a presentation on the plan.
Describing human trafficking as a despicable crime, the home minister said: “Women are trafficked and forced to work as sex workers. People are turned into slaves in foreign countries. Even, there are instances where people have lost their organs.” The Human Trafficking Deterrence and Suppression Act, 2012 was meant to stop trafficking of women and children from Bangladesh, she said.
The minister also said: “Human trafficking cannot be combated only through enactment of law. Rather, concerted efforts by all are needed to counter the menace.”
Expatriates welfare and overseas employment minister Khandker Mosharraf said there is a deficiency in awareness about migration creating manifold problems for those who sought overseas jobs. The high cost of migration in Bangladesh also contributed to the problems related to human trafficking, he said, adding that the cost of migration should be between Tk. 35,000 to 50,000. “If we cannot get rid of brokers, the cost of migration will never be brought under control. A worker will have to be able to realise the cost of migration within three months,” he added. The minister also said that due to the high cost of migration people are forced to become illegal immigrants without any legal protection.
India, a country of 117 crore people, is sending about six lakh workers every year. Bangladesh has a population of 16 crore. We are also sending about six lakh workers every year,” he said. In the first four months of the current year, over three lakh workers went abroad, he added.
Detailing different steps taken by his ministry to address the migration problem, Mosharraf said registration centres had been introduced in all 64 districts to prevent human trafficking in the name of migration.
Foreign minister Dipu Moni said the plan had been launched to properly implement the Human Trafficking Deterrence and Suppression Act, 2012. The minister also said that the government had planned to open 19 missions abroad within the current and next fiscal year. Of them, two missions—one in Mauritius, one in Lebanon—were expected to open within the next two months, she said, adding that this would help Bangladeshi workers abroad.
Dr Gowher Rizvi said: “The victims of trafficking face trauma not only during trafficking, but also after their rescue. The victims should wait for some years before being brought back to the country. We don’t have enough facility to rehabilitate the victims of trafficking.”
Assuring US support in combating human trafficking, Ambassador Dan Mozena said: “The plan is only a piece of paper. What matters is how it is implemented.”
In his presentation, additional secretary Kamal Uddin stated that the key challenges faced by the country in addressing human trafficking included mainstreaming the understanding on the trafficking nexus, minimising the gaps in order to effectively implement international and national laws, conventions and policies, reducing poverty to counter trafficking, maximising  GO-NGO collaboration, ensuring community participation in counter-trafficking intervention, maintaining a gender perspective in CT interventions and maintaining a rights-based approach to CT interventions.

By Khandaker Nazneen Sultana


The New Age

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Latest data

Another group of students have finished their Happy in Islam assignments. Overall, I have had 474 students complete these assignments. 76.6% said that they were happied and 3% said that they were more calm. I am trying to see whether the Happy in Islam project can be modified to help develop spiritual values among students in Malaysian secondary schools. I would like to thank En. Fazrul Ismail from Total Success Sdn Bhd who is helping me with this extension of the Happy in Islam project. I am waiting for two colleagues to analyse some quantitative data to validate the qualitative data collected so far.
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College Students and Sexting

Did you know that sexting has become an epidemic among some college students?

Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between mobile phones.

The term was first popularized in early 21st century

According to one survey, 56% of students admitted to receiving sexually suggestive images and 78% of students admitted to receiving sexually suggestive messages. Please take a look at our coverage of the survey as well as helpful tips for students on how to deal with unwanted contact. I hope you'll share this with your readers and  spread awareness.

 For more college students is no big deal, as many as more out of five engage in sexting. But sexting is lead to more than just embarrassment.. .It can lead to serious legal consequences, especially if a minor is involved. The problem of sexting is not end there. It is become an epedemic among  college students, which can lead to other problems too: Read on     

Sexting and the College Student

by mail from Muhammad Saleem

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Indian brands get 'halal' stamp

BANGALORE: Islamic branding is an idea whose time has come, as brands tracking a broader consumer base get accustomed to Muslim sensibilities. It's not just about halal food alone, for it's at the forefront of the branding repertoire that resonates deeply with Muslim consumers around the globe.

Homegrown brands like CavinKare, Daawat, Bikano, Goldwinner oil, Vadilal ice cream, Amrutanjan Health Care and Gujarat Ambuja Exports are embracing halal-certification to get a better foothold in markets like Singapore, Malaysia and Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) countries.

CavinKare has got a halal certification from Halal India, an apex body for halal certification , for three of its products - Fairever, Nyle herbal shampoo and Ruchi pickle - to expand its footprint in Singapore, Malaysia and GCC. "The certification is a reason-to-belief for customers on quality parameters. The certification will also give an edge over our competitors," said R S Vijay Kumar, GM of international business at Cavin-Kare , a Chennai-based personal care company.

Read full story and comments

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Assalamualaikum .
Hye bloggie .  =D

It has been a long time I leave you right?
Heeheheh , sorry. I’m too busy with exam and school.
Till I couldn’t have a time to update you.
Tonight I want to show u an example essay for PMR candidates.
I hope u guys can enjoy it!!


Rich people are happy people’. Do u agree with this statement? Give ur opinion.

          Everyone dreams of becoming rich. The common perception is that all rich people live happy lives. I do not believe this to be the truth.

          Certainly, the rich are privileged to enjoy all the luxuries that money can buy. They can afford the biggest houses, the biggest cars and the most luxurious holidays. Their children can afford to study anywhere in the word and need not worry when their next meal comes from. Yet there are many rich people who are unhappy.

          The richer you are, the more you have to worry about protecting your wealth. You may be able to employ an army of guards to protect your home, but you cannot guarantee a good night’s sleep. This is because the rich are always obvious targets for burglars or kidnappers.

          The rich also have to worry about their personal security as well as their families’ safety. Many rich people live within the confines of their homes, for fear of falling prey to the dangers outside. They become prisoners in their own homes and live reclusive lives.

          The rich are often the targets of hatred and jealousy. When you are rich, you will find it difficult to know who your true friends are. Many people will latch on you in order to enjoy your wealth. Many rich people have also been betrayed by their friends or the very people they employed to protect their wealth.

          Rich people tend to see money as a solution to everything. They assume that their responsibility is to provide their family with material comforts. This has led to the breakdown of the family unit because parents are so busy making money that they no longer have time for their children.

           It would seem that even the rich have to pay a price for the luxuries they enjoy. Therefore, being rich comes with its own share of troubles. If you are fortunate enough to be rich, use your wealth wisely and never lose sight of the more important things in life, such as the love and support of your family and friends.

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The photos via the Internet, the Awesome website to download graphics

It  is an amazing website for Islamic Art and  photos via the Internet and to download graphics

Please Click Here

The aim of this project is to reach out to people of Islamic Arts, Culure, Knowledge, etc

If you want you can upload photos of your own and   graphics. To gain knowledge  this website  is for you. You can see variety of Islamic articles ,  quotes, Hadith, etc

Please Click here
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Salaat has been made compulsory on all believers in all situations. It is an activity which cannot be neglected under any circumstance. This obligation on us should not be regarded as a burden, but rather it should be cherished and appreciated. It is said that a pious person is one who enjoys their prayer. This statement conforms to the hadith, which states that the Prophets’ three most beloved things were his wives, perfume and prayer. Besides attaining spiritual upliftment from performing one’s salaat, one may also gain many physical and psychological benefits. The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is recorded in a hadith (Ibn Majah) stating that prayer is a cure for many diseases. The wisdom in this claim can be understood when assessing the physical benefits of the act of prayer.

The process of performing salaat expects certain movements and actions, these actions performed at least five times a day have been found to equate to jogging or walking at a rate of 3 miles an hour. This is a basic level of exercise strongly advocated by doctors and members of the medical fraternity on a whole. The importance of exercise is undeniable, with potential benefits to the cardiac, respiratory, skeletal and muscular system. The dynamics of salaat contribute to the improvement of all of these systems, with specific emphasis on the muscular and cardiac systems. Each physical aspect of the prayer is beneficial, but we will focus on ‘sajdah’ to illustrate the effectiveness of salaat as a form of exercise. Before we delve into this discussion, it needs to be noted that the purpose of performing salaat should not be to obtain health benefits, but rather to fulfil a religious requirement. The fact that there are physical benefits associated with prayer comes as a blessing.

Sajdah is the part of the prayer which requires the musalli (individual carrying out the prayer) to prostrate with his/her nose and forehead pressed against the ground. It has a particular spiritual significance in that it is in this position that the believer is closest to his/her Lord. Knowledge of this has psychological benefits as the believer develops a connection with their creator placing them at ease. In terms of the muscular system, the Prophet advised those in sajdah to keep their forearms elevated, this has been found to place more tension on the muscles of the upper and lower arms. The back and neck muscles also actively contract and extend during the process, and it is these mechanisms which work towards strengthening the muscles and ligaments.

This position of the prayer is also quite unique in that it is one of the few postures which lowers the brain to a level lower in height than the heart. This allows blood to flow with less resistance to the central nervous system, allowing improved performance of cognitive function.

There is also great wisdom in the timing of the five daily prayers. The salaat which tends to impact most dramatically on the routine of most believers is Fajr, as it is often this prayer which defines the sleeping pattern of the believer. Studies in America have shown that for most people the optimum amount of sleep required is seven hours, while those who exceed this period tend to have slightly shorter life-spans. The Prophet in this respect, like all other areas, provides the best example. It is narrated that the Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) would sleep soon after Isha and then awake at midnight to perform night prayers. This sleep routine has been adopted in Europe to treat patients with depression, as this structure has been found to improve wellbeing.

In this article a glimpse of the benefits of prayer has been presented, and Insha-Allah with this knowledge you may develop a greater appreciation for your salaat.
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The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt (Harun Yahya)

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Avoiding sarcasm

 A sarcastic attitude is quite widespread among that segment of people who live their lives far from the Qur'an. Among ignorant people, some may ridicule others' shortcomings, mistakes, physical abnormalities, clothing, lack of material possessions, carelessness, behaviour, the way they talk, and in short, almost everything about them. To make fun of someone, they use certain words and gestures or mimic certain facial expressions. For the person making fun, it is not important that he may hurt the other person's feelings, make them sad, annoyed, upset or anxious. The important thing is to feed their own pride and to humiliate the object of their ridicule.

In the Qur'an, Allah definitely forbids people ridiculing others:

You who believe! People should not ridicule others who may be better than themselves; nor should any women ridicule other women who may be better than themselves. And do not find fault with one another or insult each other with derogatory nicknames. How evil it is to have a name for evil conduct after coming to faith! Those people who do not turn from it are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Hujurat: 11)

In another verse, our Lord warns, "Woe to every faultfinding backbiter" (Surat al-Humaza: 1) and warns people who behave in this ugly way; who do not live according to the teachings of the Qur'an and who do not think about the account they will render in the afterlife.

No form of ridicule is allowed among believers. Believers know that it is our Lord Who has given to everyone their wealth, beauty, intelligence, talents and other qualities. They take delight in the fine qualities they see in others and, because they seek Allah's approval and not to satisfy their own egos, they have none of the arrogance and jealousy that characterise ignorant society. For this reason believers are always tolerant, positive and modest towards one another.

At the same time believers realise that the defects they see in one another are tests from Allah. For this reason they don't call attention to these defects, but compensate for them by acting positively. They carefully avoid the slightest action, facial expression or word that would suggest ridicule.
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    Assalamualikum and good night to readers ...
Hi ,   Dear bloggie, it have been a long time you didn't hear anything from me right?
Did you miss me? ^_^

 Now , i'm  having my mid year exam .  OMG SSTTRREEEEESSSSSS  * like Kang Gary (Running man ) hahhaha . I am so kemaruk with running man lately . I like all of them .  Oh ya.. my exam . =,=

So Stress you know . just imagine ur parents expect u will get good result ? but u don't get it .  AAHHHH ~ what a miserable life ..  =,= 

But , I'm still hoping that i can get a good result  then i can  show it to my mom .
Readers , wish me luck . =)

Ya Allah murahkanlah rezeki AINOULHUDA HUSNA MOHD NOR, Semoga dia mendapat 8A+ dalam SPM 2012 nanti. Semoga AINOULHUDA HUSNA MOHD NOR tercalon sebagai peserta PLKN BERSAMA KAWAN-KAWAN YANG DIKENALI . AAmeeen"
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Phytonutrients Explained

Phytochemicals or phytonutrients are chemical compounds that naturally occur in plants, and have protective, disease-preventing properties.

A variety of these beneficial compounds have been identified by researchers in helping the body to maintain peak health and combat disease, and a growing body of research strongly links the importance of diet to health.

Studies are showing that as we move away from the natural, plant-based diet of our ancestors we succumb to "modern" diseases. Evidence of this can be seen in remote societies who still embrace traditional dietary practices. These people have been reported to live extraordinarily long lives that are free of such illnesses as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.

How Do phytonutrients Protect Against disease?

Here are a few ways in which these beneficial compounds protect human health:

    Serve as antioxidants
    Enhance immune response
    Enhance cell-to-cell communication
    Cause cancer cells to die (apoptosis)
    Repair DNA damage caused toxic substances
    Detoxify carcinogens

Phytonutrients are grouped into classes depending on their protective functions as well as individual physical and chemical characteristics of the molecules. Each class offers a unique kind of protection for the body. But for overall health, all classes of phytonutrients should be consumed, and an easy way to boost phytonutrient intake is to simply eat a mix of naturally colorful foods.

Here are the main classes of phytochemicals and some of their individual health-boosting properties.


These phytonutrients form a large class that have been the subject of extensive research as a disease preventive. Phenols protect plants from oxidative damage and perform the same function for humans. Food sources rich in polyphenols include onion, apple, tea, red grapes, grape juice, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and certain nuts.

Another outstanding feature of phenols is their ability to block specific enzymes that cause inflammation. Some of the subclasses in this group are:

    Flavonoids: These have red, blue and purple pigments and help to enhance the effects of Vitamin C. There are well over 1500 flavonoids and the most extensively studied are quercetin and catechins, which have benefits for absorption and metabolism. They also protect the vascular system and strengthen the tiny capillaries that carry oxygen and essential nutrients to all cells. Additionally, flavonoids block the enzymes that produce estrogen, thus reducing the risk of estrogen-induced cancers.

    Anthocyanidins: This select group of flavonoids are particularly special because they connect and strengthen the intertwined strands of collagen protein. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, making up soft tissues, tendons, ligaments and bone matrix. Its strength depends on the preservation of these connections.
    Catechins & gallic acids: Catechins differ slightly in chemical structure from other flavonoids, but share their chemoprotective properties. The most common catechins are found in green tea and are thought to be responsible for the protective benefits of this beverage.


Terpenes are one of the largest classes of phytonutrients and are found in green foods, soy products and grains. The most popular terpenes are carotenoids, such as Beta-carotene. Terpenes function as antioxidants, protecting lipids, blood and other body fluids from attack by free radicals, which cause disease.

    Carotenoids: This terpene subclass consists of bright yellow, orange and red plant pigments. Of all the phytonutrients, the most research has been carried out in this class of compounds. Fruits and vegetables that are high in carotenoids appear to protect humans against certain cancers, heart disease, and age-related macular degeneration. Some of the more common carotenoids are:

        alpha-carotene - carrots, sweet potatoes
        Beta-carotene - leafy green and yellow vegetables (eg. broccoli, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots)
        Beta-cryptoxanthin - citrus, peaches, apricots
        lutein - leafy greens such as kale, spinach, turnip greens
        lycopene - tomato products, pink grapefruit, watermelon, guava
        zeaxanthin - green vegetables, eggs, citrus

    Limonoids: This group of terpenes is found in citrus fruit peels, and appears to be specifically directed to the protection of lung tissue and also has chemopreventive properties.

    Phytosterols: Sterols occur in most plants. Although green and yellow vegetables contain significant amounts, their seeds concentrate the sterols, like those found in pumpkins. Phytosterols have demonstrated the ability to block the uptake of cholesterol (to which they are structurally related) and help to excrete it from the body.

    Other investigations have revealed that phytosterols block the development of tumors in colon, breast and prostate glands.

    Tocotrienols and tocopherols: Tocotrienols naturally occur in grains and palm oil along with their cousins, tocopherols. They both have Vitamin E activity and tocotrienols in addition appear to inhibit breast cancer cell growth. Good sources are oils like wheatgerm, sunflower, rapeseed and avocados.


Found in cruciferous vegetables, glucosinolates are powerful activators of liver detoxification enzymes. They also regulate white blood cells which coordinate the activities of all immune cells. Their actions involve blocking enzymes that promote tumor growth, particularly in the breast, liver, colon, lung, stomach and esophagus. Some examples of foods containing glucosinolates are broccoli, cabbage, garlic and mustard.

This subclass includes phytonutrients that interact with Vitamin C, and the vegetables that contain indoles also contain significant amounts of Vitamin C. Indole binds to carcinogens and activates detoxification enzymes.

Allylic Sulfides

Garlic and onions are the most potent members of this class, which also includes leeks, shallots and chives. The allylic sulfides in these plants are released when the plants are cut or smashed. As a group, allylic sulfides appear to possess antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties as well as immune and cardiovascular protection. They also appear to stop the growth of tumors, fungi, parasites and cholesterol. Garlic and onions, like their cruciferous relatives, can also activate liver detoxification enzyme systems.

A growing body of research has linked the consumption of fruit and vegetables and other foods that are naturally high in phytochemcials with lowering the risk for chronic diseases including specific cancers and heart disease, and protecting health in general. Therefore an effective way to boost health and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease is to increase consumption of phytonutrient-rich foods including fruits, vegetables, grains and teas. 

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A Day in the Life of a College Student

From going to class, balancing studying and socializing, maintaining relationships and dealing with financial burdens, today's college student has a great deal on his mind. Keeping this in mind, today we take a look at a day in the life of a college student A Day in the Life of a College Student
Presented By:
 by mail from Muhammad Saleem
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A Collection of Islamic Jokes

                                            A Collection of Islamic Jokes

Before you read these jokes, you might want to read a little bit about the
conditions of joking in Islam. The article is located at the bottom of this page.


A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl" The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!" "Oh ,then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl'" – the policeman answers. "But I am not an American!" – says the man. "Oh, what are you then? " The man says: - "I am a Saudi !" The next day the newspapers says: "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog.

Here is the story of an Imam who got up after Friday prayers and announced to the people:"I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."

An Imam shocked his community when he announced that he was resigning from that particular Masjid and moving to a drier climate. After the session, a very distraught lady came to the Imam with tears in her eyes, "Oh, Imam, we are going to miss you so much. We don't want you to leave!" The kind hearted Imam said "Now, now, sister, don't carry on. The Imam who takes my place might be even better than me".

"Yeah", she said, with a tone of disappointment in her voice, "That's what they said the last time too . . . "


True Incident: During a Jumah Khutbah in a small town, an Imam talked about the significance of saying "Insha Allah" (which means if Allah wills) when planning to do something in the future. After a few days, a man who had also attended the Khutbah was going to buy a cow from the market. On the way, he met a friend who asked him where he was going. He told him about buying the cow but did not say Insha Allah in the end. His friend reminded him about the Khutbah and told him to say Insha Allah. However, this individual said that he had the money he needs and the energy to go to the market, thus, there is no point of saying Insha Allah as he will certainly buy the cow. He thought that saying Insha Allah will not make any difference.

When he reached the market, he found a cow that met his expectations. He bargained with the seller and came to a reasonable price. Finally, he decided to pay for the cow but was dumbfounded when he discovered that his money was missing. A thief had stolen the money while he was walking through the busy market. The cow seller asked him whether he was going to buy the cow or not. "Insha Allah, I will buy it next week," he said. When he reached home, his wife inquired about the cow. He told her about how he forgot to say Insha Allah, and also added, "Insha Allah, I wanted to buy the cow. But Insha Allah, my money was stolen. Insha Allah, I will buy it next week." His wife clarified to him that we should say Insha Allah for things that are yet to happen, not for those things that had already happened. He never forgot his "Insha Allah" again.


Once, the people of the city invited Mulla Nasruddin to deliver a speech. When he got on the minbar (pulpit), he found the audience was not very enthusiastic, so he asked "Do you know what I am going to say?" The audience replied "NO", so he announced "I have no desire to speak to people who don't even know what I will be talking about" and he left. The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time when he asked the same question, the people replied "YES" So Mullah Nasruddin said, "Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won't waste any more of your time" and he left. Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mullah to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question - "Do you know what I am going to say?" Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered "YES" while the other half replied "NO". So Mullah Nasruddin said "The half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the other half" and he left!


True Incident: A young man in a village refused to believe that Allah has total control of everything. He claimed that Allah cannot make him eat food if he didn't want to eat. To prove his point, he decided to stay hungry for a day and see if Allah can make him eat. His mother tried her best to stop this foolishness but he paid no attention. Annoyed of his mother in the evening, he decided to climb a tree and isolate himself there. Being compassionate, his mother decided to leave the food under the tree incase her son finally gives up and wants to eat. When the night fell, a group of robbers were passing by that tree. They noticed a plate of delicious food placed under the tree. They looked at each other in amazement and thought that someone must be playing a trick on them. May be someone is trying to poison them with good food. They looked around to see if there was anyone nearby and noticed the young man on top of the tree. The robbers got him down and told him to eat the food to see if it is poisoned. But the young man refused to eat as he is still carrying on his challenge against Allah. The robbers became suspicious and started beating the young man to eat. He gave up and started eating. Seeing that the food was not poisoned, the robbers left him and went away. Finally, the young man admitted that yes, Allah has total control of everything!


 An old woman came to the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) that I will enter Paradise." He said jokingly, "O Mother of So-and-so, no old women will enter Paradise." The old woman went away crying, so the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, "Tell her that she will not enter Paradise as an old woman, for Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) says: (We have created [their Companions] of special creation, and made them virgin-pure [and undefiled]) (Qur'an 56:35-36)." Reported by al-Tirmidhi, it is hasan because of the existence of corroborating reports.


An elderly lady was well-known for her Iman and for her confidence in talking about it. She would stand in front of her house and say Alhamdulilah "Allah be praised" to all those who passed by. Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!!" Hard times came upon the elderly lady, and she prayed for Allah to send her some assistance. She would pray out loud in her night prayer" Oh Allah! I need food!! I am having a hard time, please Lord, PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!" The atheist happened to hear her as she was praying, and decided to play a prank on her. The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "Alhamdulilah, Allah be praised!." The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn't." The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said, "ALHAMDULILAH WA SHUKRILLAH”. He not only sent me groceries, but he made the devil pay for them!"


"When I was in the desert," said Nasruddin one day, "I caused an entire tribe of horrible and bloodthirsty bedouins to run."

"However did you do it?" asked a person.

"Easy. I just ran, and they ran after me."


 An Imam was selling his horse in the market. An interested buyer came to him and requested if he could get a test drive. The Imam told the man that this horse is unique. In order to make it walk, you have to say Subhanallah. To make it run, you have to say Alhamdulillah and to make it stop, you have to say Allahu Akbar. The man sat on the horse and said Subhanallah. The horse started to walk. Then he said Alhamdulillah and it started to run. He kept saying Alhamdulillah and the horse started running faster and faster. All of a sudden the man noticed that the horse is running towards the edge of the hill that he was riding on. Being overly fearful, he forgot how to stop the horse. He kept saying all these words out of confusion. When the horse was just near the edge, he remembered Allahu Akbar and said it out loud. The horse stopped just one step away from the edge. The man took a deep breath, looked up towards the sky and said Alhamdulillah!


 True Incident: The incident took place in South Asia. A man was offering salah in his house. He was praying as fast as he could as many of us do. All of a sudden, he heard the door behind him open. Since, someone entered the room, he started making his ruku and sujud longer. Upon completion of the salah, he looked back to see who it was. To his amazement, it was a dog!


 Two men were on a plane on a business trip when a Muslim couple boarded the plane and were seated right in front of them. The two men, eager to have some fun, started talking loudly. "My boss is sending me to Saudi Arabia", the one said, "But I don't want to go...too many Muslims there!" The Muslim couple noticeably heard and grew uncomfortable. The other guy laughed, "Oh, yeah, my boss wanted to send me to Pakistan but I refused...WAY too many Muslims!" Smiling, the first man said, "One time I was in Iran but I HATED the fact that there were so many Muslims!" The couple fidgeted. The other guy responded, "Oh, can't go ANYWHERE to get away from them...the last time I was in FRANCE I ran into a bunch of them too!" The first guy was laughing hysterically as he added, "That is why you'll never see me in Indonesia...WAY too many Muslims!" At this, the Muslim man turned around and responded politely, "Why don't you go to Hell?", he asked, "I hear there's not very many Muslims THERE!"

Rules of Joking in Islam

 Some people joke too much and it becomes a habit for them. This is the opposite of the serious nature which is the characteristic of the believers. Joking is a break, a rest from ongoing seriousness and striving; it is a little relaxation for the soul. ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Fear joking, for it is folly and generates grudges.”

Imaam al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The kind of joking which is forbidden is that which is excessive and persistent, for it leads to too much laughter and hardening of the heart, it distracts from remembrance of Allaah, and it often leads to hurt feelings, generates hatred and causes people to lose respect and dignity. But whoever is safe from such dangers, then that which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do is permissible for him.”

Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqaas said: “Set a limit to your jokes, for going to extremes makes you lose respect and incites the foolish against you.”

The amount of joking should be like the amount of salt in one’s food.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not laugh too much, for laughing too much deadens the heart.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7312)

‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever laughs too much or jokes too much loses respect, and whoever persists in doing something will be known for it.”

So beware of joking, for it “causes a person to lose face after he was thought of as respectable, and it brings him humiliation after esteem.”

A man said to Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah (may Allaah be pleased with him), “Joking is not right, it is to be denounced.” He replied, “Rather it is Sunnah, but only for those who know how to do it and do it at the appropriate time.”

Nowadays, although the ummah needs to increase the love between its individual members and to relieve itself of boredom, it has gone too far with regard to relaxation, laughter and jokes. This has become a habit which fills their gatherings and wastes their time, so their lives are wasted and their newspapers are filled with jokes and trivia.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.” In Fath al-Baari it says: “What is meant by knowledge here has to do with the might of Allaah and His vengeance upon those who disobey Him, and the terrors that occur at death, in the grave and on the Day of Resurrection).

Muslim men and women have to be inclined to choose righteous and serious friends in their lives, who will help them to make good use of their time and strive for the sake of Allaah with seriousness and steadfastness, good and righteous people whose example they can follow. Bilaal ibn Sa’d said: “I saw them [the Sahaabah] jokingly pretending to fight over some goods, and laughing with one another, but when night came they were like monks.”

Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) was asked, “Did the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) laugh?” He said, “Yes, and the faith in their hearts was like mountains.”

So you have to follow the example of such people, who were knights by day and monks (i.e., devoted worshippers) by night.

May Allaah keep us, you and our parents safe on the Day of the Greatest Terror, those to whom the call will go out on that great Day:

“Enter Paradise, no fear shall be on you, nor shall you grieve”

[al-A’raaf 7:49 – interpretation of the meaning]

 Source : Title: IslamCan
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Surat Al-Kahf ( about Dhul-Qarnayn. )

Surat Al-Kahf
Sahih International
And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about Dhul-Qarnayn. Say, "I will recite to you about him a report."

(நபியே!) அவர்கள் துல்கர்னைனை பற்றி உங்களிடம் வினவுகின்றனர்; "அவருடைய வரலாற்றில் சிறிது உங்களுக்கு நான் ஓதிக் காண்பிக்கிறேன்" என்று நீர் கூறுவீராக.

Sahih International
Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people. Allah said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you punish [them] or else adopt among them [a way of] goodness."

சூரியன் மறையும் (மேற்குத்) திசைவரை அவர் சென்றடைந்த போது, அது ஒரு சேறு கலந்த நீரில் (மூழ்குவதுபோல்) மறையக் கண்டார்; இன்னும் அவர் அவ்விடத்தில் ஒரு சமூகத்தினரையும் கண்டார்; "துல்கர்னைனே! நீர் இவர்களை(த் தண்டித்து) வேதனை செய்யலாம்; அல்லது அவர்களுக்கு அழகியதான நன்மை செய்யலாம்" என்று நாம் கூறினோம்.
Sahih International
They said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are [great] corrupters in the land. So may we assign for you an expenditure that you might make between us and them a barrier?"

அவர்கள் "துல்கர்னைனே! நிச்சயமாக யஃஜூஜும், மஃஜூஜும் பூமியில் ஃபஸாது - குழப்பம் - செய்கிறார்கள்; ஆதலால், எங்களுக்கும், அவர்களுக்குமிடையே ஒரு தடுப்பு(ச் சுவரை) நீர் ஏற்படுத்தித் தரும் பொருட்டு நாங்கள் உமக்கு ஒரு தொகையைத் தரலாமா?" என்று கேட்டார்கள்.

Sahih International
[Dhul-Qarnayn] said, "This is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise of my Lord comes, He will make it level, and ever is the promise of my Lord true."

"இது என் இறைவனிடமிருந்துள்ள ஒரு கிருபையே ஆகும், ஆனால் என் இறைவனுடைய வாக்குறுதி நிறைவேறும்போது, அவன் இதனையும் தூள் தூளாக்கி விடுவான்; மேலும், என் இறைவனுடைய வாக்குறுதி (முற்றிலும்) உண்மையானதே" என்று கூறினார்.
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Free walking guide, this weekend

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Free walking guide, this weekend

This weekend we bring you no fewer than 100 fabulous walking routes, compiled in association with the National Trust. Each route is designed to showcase the very best of Britain. In tomorrow’s guide you’ll find 50 routes to suit all ages and abilities, including fun-packed family routes and strolls with soothing views. There’s even a selection of walks you can try by the light of the moon. I

In part two, we have another 50 walking routes, including the best spots for wildlife, food and drink, and long-distance yomps, free in Sunday’s Observer.

Share the experience by uploading your photos to Twitter (#outandabout), and for a chance to win a walking holiday in the UK, enter our competition
by mail from The Guardian  
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A common greeting among Muslims, meaning "Peace be with you." The appropriate response is "Wa alaikum assalaam" (And upon you be peace.)

Extended forms include "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah" (May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you) and "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh" (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you).

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Price giving ceremony of Sub-Editor Council

SAVAR: Md Bashir Hossain Miah of The Independent receiving the first prize ‘a laptop’ of raffle draw of the DSEC’s Family Day 2012 held at Montri Bari, Kabirpur here on Tuesday. Dhaka Sub-Editors’ Council (DSEC) President Al-Mamun, General Secretary Abul Kalam Azad and former DSEC presidents Mir Mostafiz Ahmed, Humayun Sadik Chowdhury and Shah Muhammad Mutasim Billah are also seen.

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Alhamdulillah, I did a workshop on Quality Leadership from an Islamic perspective at IIUM this morning. There were about 100 participants, mostly Arab students. I used the Happy in Islam framework (1. critical thinking, 2. removing doubts, 3. tafsir of Qur'an, 4. al qadar and 5. Allah's names and attributes). In comparison to Malaysian, Indonesian and Thai students, Arab students have a much better understanding of tafsir and of al qadar. Whereas counting Allah's blessings is quite a difficult exercise for non-Arab students, it seemed very easy for the Arab students who attended the workshop. However, when they filled out a questionnaire with the 99 names of Allah, it seemed apparent that most of the participants - like the majority of students who have done this exercise - had a negative perception of Allah's names and attributes. My general conclusion is that a lack of knowledge of Allah's names and attributes is the single most important conceptual obstacle that prevents people from getting closer to Allah and therefore developing the happiness and state of mind that results from a strong iman.
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