
The Danger of Alcohol and Drugs

from the January 28, 2001 sermon.

Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due, says:
Spend in the cause of Allah and do not throw yourselves into destruction, and do good. Surely, Allah loves the righteous.
And Allah says:
O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling and dedication to stones (paying tribute to idols) and division by arrows (lottery) are the filthy works of Satan. Get away from them so that you may prosper. Satan desires to stir up enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling, to prevent you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not then abstain?

Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Every intoxicant is forbidden. Allah, exalted and powerful, has promised every drinker of intoxicant that He will make him drink from the drink of khabaal." His companions said, "O messenger of Allah! What is the drink of khabaal?" Muhammad (pbuh) said, "The sweat of the people of Hellfire; their perspiration."

Previously we discussed the evils of the tongue (lying, backbiting, slandering, gossiping). Today we will discuss some things that are harmful for the intellect and mind, foremost among them are drugs and intoxicants.

Why did Allah forbid alcohol and drugs?

Drugs and intoxicants carry great potential for destruction for the individual and the community. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Abstain from wine. Verily it is the mother of all evil." Another narration says, "Abstain from wine. Verily, it opens the door to all kinds of evil." And Abu Darda narrated, "Muhammad (pbuh) advised me, 'And do not drink wine, it opens the door to all kinds of evil.'"

As wine is forbidden, so are other intoxicants that cause greater harm than alcohol. Some of their harms are known, while others are not. So all drugs are forbidden, including but not limited to:

  • Intoxicants from plants (marijuana, salvia, hash, etc)
  • Pills (ecstasy, street drugs, medicines that are not taken for a legitimate medical reason, etc) 
  • Chewing substances (chewing tobacco, snuff, khat, etc.)
  • Drinks (alcohol, absinthe, etc)
  • Inhalants (cocaine, cigarettes, propellants in aerosol cans, etc.)
  • Injections (heroin, meth, etc.)

Islam has forbidden drugs and alcohol because of their inherent danger and harm to the individual and the community. When Allah and His messenger (pbuh) stop us from something we must abstain from it, whether we understand the wisdom behind the order or not. As for drugs and alcohol, there are known dangers in them, such as:

1.  They debilitate the mind and intellect of the person using them. Our intellect is what distinguishes us from animals, and a person under the influence cannot think clearly and does not realize the consequences of his or her actions.

Here is a true story: A person under the influence of drugs urinated, and then he took his urine and washed his face with it, saying "O Allah, make me among those who repent and those who stay clean." He washed his face with urine, thinking it was water and he was making ablution (wudhu). Why? Because he lost his ability to reason to drugs.

2.  They transform the character of a person. A trustworthy person turns into a cheat, and a truthful person turns into a liar. A person who used to love his or her family instead tears apart the family with arguments and disputes.

A person narrated the story of his father, a righteous man, and of his mother, a righteous woman. But the father fell into bad company and started using drugs. Because of that, he was laid off from work. He then sold all his possessions to buy more drugs. Then, when he needed more drugs, he demanded money from his wife, but she had no money to give him so she refused. The father took the kitchen knife and killed her with it. As a result, the father was put in prison and his son and two daughters were sent to an orphanage, all because of drugs.

3.  Another factor that tells of the harms of intoxicants is that the person involved in them may suffer from medical problems because of the drugs or alcohol and may well die young, or be debilitated for the rest of the life.

4.  Among the many harms of drugs and alcohol is that Satan accompanies a drug user and guides him to all sorts of other evils. Such a person is very prone to stop doing what is good and right and instead will propagate all kinds of evil since he or she is far away from the religion of Allah and the sunnah of Muhammad (pbuh). He or she will dislike good company and enjoy evil company. Allah says,:
Whoever turns away from remembrance of the Beneficent (Allah), we appoint a Satan for him who becomes his companion. And surely they (the demons) hinder them from the way of Allah, but they perceive as if they are rightly guided.
 5. Allah has cursed the drinker of wine and the user of intoxicants, except if he or she repents to Allah, to Whom all praise and glory is due. In fact, Allah has cursed ten kinds of people associated with drinking alcohol. Ibn Abbas narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) said, "The Angel Gabriel (pbuh) came to tell me: 'O Muhammad! Allah, exalted and powerful, has cursed wine, its maker, for whom it was made, its drinker, its carrier, its recipients, its seller, its buyer, its server, and the one to whom it is served!'"

Dear brothers and sisters, some mistakenly say that Allah has forbidden wine but not drugs. This thinking is wrong, because drugs are more harmful than wine, so prohibition of wine implies prohibition of all alcohol and drugs as well. Muhammad (pbuh) forbade all substances that weaken the body and weaken the intellect. So, let's ask ourselves, do drugs make the body strong or weak? Surely, they weaken it, even though some people may think otherwise. Therefore, I warn all Muslims, especially the youth, to stay away from these harmful and prohibited substances. Youth is a trust from Allah, and Allah will question all of us regarding how we spent our use on the Day of Judgment. Moreover, Islam and the ummah (worldwide community of Muslims) is in need of their support to strengthen it.

Now that we have discussed the harms of alcohol and drugs, let's see what prompts our youth toward drugs. The following are some of the factors that incite the youth to try drugs and alcohol:

  • Bad company: Muhammad (pbuh) told us, "Do not befriend, except a believer." The wisdom of this hadith is that a pious believer will invite his companion to do acts of virtue, whereas an evil companion will encourage his buddy to indulge in acts of disobedience. Here I would like to advise those of you who are parents to give time to and enjoy the company of their children, and to be aware through indirect ways with whom their children make friends, and to prevent them from associating with bad company, as parents will be asked on the Day of Judgment about their responsibilities towards their children.
  • In the same vein, parents who are neglectful of bringing up their children with an Islamic upbringing because of their jobs, or travel, or many other excuses are committing a great error. Parents have the responsibility to keep a watch over their children, and to inquire whether or not they have prayed and done other acts of worship.
  • Weakness of faith and belief can cause the youth to slip into a life of drugs or drinking. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer."
  • Smoking can lead to drug use and drinking. Smoking is forbidden because it is impure and it harms the body. Allah says, "The messenger who enjoins them what is good and forbids what is evil, makes pure things permissible and impure things forbidden." So because cigarettes are impure, they are therefore forbidden.
  • Frequent arguments among parents, especially those that lead to divorce, can facilitate the youth into drinking and using drugs. In the case of a divorce, the children are devastated and are likely to fall into drinking and drugs as a means of escape, especially when parents remarry or neglect their kids.
How do we prevent our children from drinking or doing drugs?

We must strengthen our faith and work to make the faith of our children strong as that is the way to salvation. Allah says:
O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling and dedication to stones (paying tribute to idols) and division by arrows (lottery) are the filthy works of Satan. Get away from them so that you may prosper.
Allah has made it clear that the way to prosperity is by avoiding intoxicants. I remind you and myself that strong faith in Allah prevents Satan from approaching you and your children from falling into drugs.

Ibn Taimiyyah said, "The hash is forbidden; its user will invite the same punishment as the wine drinker. It is worse than wine. It corrups the mind and prevents from the remembrance of Allah."

Also, we should spend our time in useful activities. If the parents and responsible adults in the community drink or use drugs, the children will follow in our footsteps (Allah forbid). I urge each and every one of you, wherever you are, to get involved with your local community. Participate in activities for the youth and the rest of the community, and if your community does not have these activities find out how to start them. If you are a youth, find out what activities are available to you at the local mosque or Islamic center and urge your parents to let you attend.

Strong communities with youth activities have benefits, which include:

  • The youth will spend time near the mosque and will be more likely to pray in congregation and attend classes and lectures of religious learning.
  • They will exercise their bodies and minds and, Allah willing, stay way from harmful substances.
  • The youth will befriend each other and create strong bonds, which will prevent them from adopting bad company.
Dear brothers and sisters, we will answer in front of Allah for the training of our children, because we are all in the same boat. It is not enough to pray while at the same time neglecting the need of a Muslim brother or sister. This is not the characteristics of a Muslim.

Some of you reading who do not have children, or whose children are already grown, will say, "Why do I need to participate in the activities of the youth?" This kind of thinking is incorrect. We are all commanded to propagate good actions and stop evil, and we will each be asked by Allah about our participation in acts of virtue. A strong community alone may not be strong enough to stop the encroachment of drugs and alcohol on the youth, but it will certainly have a major contribution in this effort, Allah willing. And whatever time or money you spend striving in the sake of Allah, you will find it multiplied many times, Allah willing, if not in this world, then definitely on Judgment Day.
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The importance of self-reflection

The importance of self-reflection

A few days ago, I reviewed the 1st draft of my students' assignments. One thing that became clear is that the capacity for self-reflection is a pre-requisite for self-efficacy and self-efficacy is a pre-requiste to be happy.

Self-reflection means that you can "personalize" what is happening around you. For example, I asked my students to investigate the proper Islamic understanding of al qadar. Most of the assignments ended up being very academic. I then said, "Do it this way. What does qadar mean to you." So one Bosnian student started exlaining qadar in the context of the war in Bosnia. Another student started talking about qadar in the context of the civil war in his country in Africa. If you can't relate Islamic knolwedge to your everyday life, that knowledge is always "depersonnalized." It ends up being how the ulama talk about qadar.

Another example would be understanding the meaning of surah al fatihah. If you are not careful, you end up with Ibn Khathir's understanding of surah al fatihah. But that is depersonalized knowledge. What matters is what surah al fatihah means to YOU as an individual. Unfrotunately, our Muslim brothers and sisetrs have never been encouraged to personalize their knowledge. So their knowledge of Islam remains abstract and goes not influence their lives much.

Ultimately, the worst form of depersonalized knowledge is people's abstract belief in Allah. People end up believing in Allah in the same way that they believe that there is a town called Toronto or that the galaxy is very big. Personalized knowledge is when you are absolutely, totally, 100% clear about the fact that Allah has created YOU, because He loves YOU and He wants YOU to go to Paradise on condition that YOU obey the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the best of your ability. In the process , He will guide YOU, He will help YOU, He will protect YOU. Your prayers became a sincere form of appreciation, a way of saying "Thank You for loving Me, helping Me and guiding Me". It's personal, it's sincere.

In summary, I think that people's ability to be happy depends a lot on their ability of self-reflection.
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Spreading False Rumors

from the January 21, 2011 sermon.

Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, says:
O you who believe! If a rebellious, evil person comes to you with news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.
Hafs ibn Asim narrated that Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "It is enough for a person to be judged as a liar that he spreads all that he hears."

What is meant by a false rumor? A rumor means spreading news without ascertaining its authenticity or checking its accuracy. It also means to fabricate news that is not true, and that may lead to misunderstanding between brothers, sisters, or spouses.

Allah has warned us from spreading unsubstantiated news and from judging against people without a strong basis of proof:
O you who believe! If a rebellious, evil person comes to you with news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.
The situation behind this revelation is that Muhammad (pbuh) sent Walid to collect zakah (the mandatory charity given by Muslims each year, similar to tithing) from the people of Bani Mustalaq. When the people saw Walid, they advanced toward him. Walid, however, became afraid because of a previous enmity between himself and these people, so he rushed back to Muhammad (pbuh). Walid reports that the people had refused to pay zakah and left Islam. Muhammad (pbuh) sent Khalid and an army to the people and ordered Khalid to verify the news that Walid brought. When Khalid approached the people and heard the call to prayer, he realized that they did not leave Islam. He also learned that they were ready to pay zakah to Walid, but he assumed the wrong intention on their part and fled. So, Allah revealed:
O you who believe! If a rebellious, evil person comes to you with news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.
Consider the above example carefully. It is quite possible for fighting amongst the people to erupt on account of one false rumor spread by a single person. Such a rumor may harm a person, a family, or the whole community, despite the fact that it was false or exaggerated to begin with. That is why Allah orders us to abstain from propagating false rumors or unconfirmed news.

Additionally, in Islam it is disliked that a Muslim engage in idle talk that has no benefit. Mughirah ibn Shubah narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Allah has forbidden to you to be disobedient to your mothers, to without (charity you should give), or demand (what you do not deserve), or to bury your daughters alive. And Allah has disliked idle talk, to ask too many questions (about matters which will be of benefit to no one), and to squander your wealth."

This hadith tells us that being disobedient and rude toward mothers is a grave sin, as is withholding someone's right or gaining unlawfully from someone, as is murdering unwanted daughters by burying them alive as Arabs used to do in the days of ignorance before Islam. It is also disliked to indulge in idle talk, meaning a person narrating on behalf of others that so and so said such and such as there is no benefit in it. Moreover, it leads to the sin of prodding into people's mistakes. It is also disliked that a person should squander wealth on things which are beneficial in this world nor the Hereafter.

It is similarly disliked to ask too many questions, meaning to inquire about issues that do not concern a Muslim. For example, some people like to discuss the problems of others just to be amused by them or perhaps to feel better by other's shortcomings. Other people inquire about the problems of another person with the intention to help him or her. In other words, inquiring out of necessity is permitted, but inquiring without a need is disliked.

Muawiyah wrote to Mughirah ibn Shubah, asking him to write back a hadith from Muhammad (pbuh), so Mughirah wrote, "I heard Muhammad (pbuh) say, 'Allah has disliked for you to indulge in idle talk, to ask too many questions, and to waste your wealth.'"

These days, magazines, newspapers, and television contribute greatly to the spreading of false rumors. These rumors often vilify or otherwise harm people and help in propagating crime and breaking relationships.

All of the prophets of Allah (pbut) faced many lies and false rumors from their people, who opposed them with lies in efforts to stop others from believing in them and following them. The people of Noah (pbuh), for example, spread lies that he was insane, in manifest error, and that he only wanted to gain a high position over them. Allah describes their behavior:
They rejected Allah's servant and said: "A madman!" and he was rebuked and threatened.
And Allah describes their response:
Said the eminent among his (Noah's) people, "Indeed, we see you in clear error."
And Allah described their accusation:
He is no more but a human like you, he seeks to make himself superior to you.
As a result of the mischief, after years of effort on the part of Noah (pbuh), only eight people believed in him.

Also, Moses (pbuh) had lies and rumors spread about him by Pharaoh:
Pharaoh said to the chiefs around him, "Surely this is indeed a well-versed sorcerer. He wants to drive you out of your land by his sorcery. Now what is it that you advise?"
Also, the children of Israel spread lies against Mary, mother of Jesus (pbut), that she was an adulterer, but Allah cleared her of their accusation:
Carrying the baby, she brought him to her people. They said: "O Mary! Indeed you have done a thing unprecedented! O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a man of evil nor was your mother an unchaste woman." Then she pointed to him (the baby). They said, "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?" He (Jesus, the baby) said: "Surely! I am a servant of Allah. Allah has given me the scripture and made me a prophet."
And when the Jews claimed that they killed and crucified Jesus, Allah answered them in the Qur'an, saying:
 They say that, "we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, messenger of Allah." Neither did they kill him, nor did they crucify him, but (it was made) to resemble for them.
And when the chiefs of Mecca described Muhammad (pbuh) as a madman, a sorcerer, and a magician, so Allah answered them:
By the grace of your Lord, you (O Muhammad) are not a madman.
By the grace of Allah, you are neither a fortune-teller nor a madman
The prophets and the messengers (pbut) were the most noble in their nations and the best of human beings, still their enemies could spread lies and false rumors against them to stop people from following them. These rumors would have been heavy on the messengers had not Allah strengthened their hearts with His Deen.

Just because you hear it, doesn't mean you should repeat it.

False rumors are dangerous and they leave a lasting hurt on the affected person. For example, the honor of Aisha, the wife of Muhammad (pbuh), was questioned when the hypocrites spread false rumors that she had developed an illicit relationship with another Muslim man. This false news was spread in Medina and reached the ears of Muhammad (pbuh). Muhammad (pbuh) was disturbed for one full month until Allah revealed the innocence of his wife Aisha from above the seven heavens:
Surely! Those who brought forth slander (against Aisha) are a group among you. Consider it not a bad thing for you, but it is a good (lesson) for you. Every person among them (who took part) has earned a sin, and as for the one among them who had the greater share in it, shall have a great punishment.
Allah described this action as a rumor and a lie, which grieved Muhammad (pbuh), Aisha, and Aisha's father for a whole month until Allah cleared her name through revelation. In the time of Muhammad (pbuh), a revelation could clear the false accusation, but now there is no revelation so who will clear the oppressed from similar accusations? Surely, even if no one defends them in this world, Allah will defend them on the Day of Judgment and award their rights to them.

How does Islam help the Muslims escape rumors?
  1. Through developing a habit of verification of news. When news comes to you, it is necessary to authenticate it before passing it to others. "O you who believe! If a rebellious, evil person comes to you with news, verify it."
  2. By referring it to people in authority over us, if it is serious. "Whenever there comes to them a matter of security or fear, they spread it. But if they had referred it to the messenger and to those having authority among them, it would have been known by those who may infer (right conclusions) from them." Therefore, information concerning religious affairs should be referred to scholars in the religion, and information concerning worldly affairs should be referred to by the local authorities.
  3. By reflecting over the news before spreading it. Indeed, if one were to just reflect over the contents of a rumor, one would realize the rumor to be false.
  4. By learning and remembering how Allah has categorized those who spread rumors, in order to refrain from such an act.
I advise you and myself to save our tongues from spreading false rumors, so that we are not counted among the rebellious in front of Allah. Again I repeat the verse that Allah revealed to Muhammad (pbuh):
O you who believe! If a rebellious, evil person comes to you with news, verify it.
And Allah knows best.
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Gossip and Slander

from the January 14, 2011 sermon

Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, says:
Say to the servants of Allah that they should only speak those words that are the best. Surely, Satan sows (disagreements) among them. Surely, Satan is a plain enemy to mankind.
Abu Huraira narrated that Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked his companions, "Do you know who is bankrupt?" They answered, "The bankrupt among us is the one who has neither wealth nor possessions." Muhammad (pbuh) said, "The bankrupt of my people will be the one who will come on Judgment Day with deeds of prayer, fasting, and charity, but he also reviled so-and-so, slandered so-and-so, illegally devoured so-and-so's wealth, killed so-and-so, and struck-so-and-so. His good deeds will be credited to their accounts, and if his good deeds fall short of their claims, their sins will be deposited in his account, and then he will be thrown in the Fire."

The evils of the tongue are varied. We described two of these in the previous sermons (lying and backbiting). Now I will describe another evil of the tongue we should beware, and that is gossip and slander. Gossip and slander is that a person improperly narrates the speech or actions of a person to another person with the intention of causing that person harm (defamation of character). This type of person might say, "So-and-so said this about you", and then tells another story to the other person, in order to sow enmity and hatred amongst them. These stories may contain truth or lies or both. Regardless, Allah has forbidden gossip and slander:
Do not obey every worthless habitual swearer, scorner, going about with malicious gossip -- a preventer of good, transgressing and sinful.
And Muhammad (pbuh) said, a person who goes about gossiping will not enter Paradise. So gossip and slander are grave sins, and is a cause for punishment in the grave.

Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated that Allah's messenger (pbuh) passed by two graves and said, "These two are receiving punishment, and that too not for a major sin. But indeed they are great sins. One of them used to let his clothing be soiled with urine, and the other one used to go about gossiping (to rouse hostilities).

In the narration of Imam Ahmad, Muhammad (pbuh) said, "The worst of people are the slanderers going about with gossip, sowing enmity among friends, prodding into people's shortcomings."

Slandering and defaming are not the characteristics of a believer. A slanderer has two faces, to some people he shows one face, and to others he shows another. This is the characteristic of a hypocrite, not a believer. Muhammad (pbuh) warned us to safeguard ourselves from it:
Beware the worst person in front of Allah on the Day of Judgment: A person with two faces, approaching some with one face, and approaching some with another.
A true believer has a single face that he shows to the people, and a single tongue with which he speaks only that which pleases Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due.

So, why do people slander and gossip? One reason that prompts a person to slander is envy and hatred. These feelings incite a person to malign another person. Another reason is ignorance of Allah and the Messenger's injunction against it. If the slanderer knows the punishment for this sin (not entering Paradise and suffering in the Hellfire), he would not indulge in it. Indeed, Muhammad said, "A slanderer will not enter Paradise."

Allah has described nine characteristics of an evil person in Surah Al Qalam. Allah says:
Do not yield to every mean swearer, a slanderer, going about with gossip, hinderer of good, transgressor, sinful, cruel, moreover wicked.
These nine characteristics are:
  1. Swearing often. A person who swears by God often is likely a liar who thinks that people will not believe him or her otherwise.
  2. A mean person who has no dignity, who neither respects him or herself, nor do people respect him or her.
  3. A slanderer, who is used to defaming and degrading people because he or she is not just in action and speech.
  4. A person who goes about with juicy gossip, spreading mischief and telling lies to sow enmity between friends.
  5. A person who hinders all that is good, from him or herself and others, and thwarts entry into Paradise.
  6. A person who is a transgressor and oppressor.
  7. A person who perpetually commits sins and unlawful acts.
  8. A cruel person, who is therefore not liked by people.
  9. A person who is wicked, and none are safe from his or her mischief. 

A person involved in gossiping needs to repent to Allah and save the tongue from gossip, because an evil characteristic is often accompanied by another such characteristic, or worse. Gossip, for example, is often accompanied by lying and hypocrisy. The sin of gossip leads to other sins, and even to the sin of killing, as is narrated in this story:
A man intended to purchase a servant from another person. The seller warned him that the person is a gossip and a slanderer. The man said, "No problem, this is simple and I can deal with it." So he purchased the servant. After a few days, the servant said to the man's wife, "Your husband wants to divorce you and marry another woman. Should I tell you how to avoid it?" The wife nodded in agreement. The servant continued, "When your husband is sleeping, get a razor and cut some hairs from his beard." The wife agreed to do so. Then the servant approached the husband and said, "Your wife wants to cut your throat in your sleep and then marry her lover, so beware of her." In the evening, the man lay down and pretended to sleep. When the wife approached with a razor in hand, he jumped, took the razor, and killed her with it. When her family learned of his crime, they killed him in retaliation. All of this happened because of the slander on the part of one evil servant.
Gossip caused the wife of Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) to enter into Hellfire. Whenever guests came to Lot (pbuh), she would reveal this to evil people, so she was made to enter the Hellfire with them, even though she did not lie but merely relayed the actions of her husband. This same characteristic caused the wife of Prophet Noah (pbuh) to enter into Hellfire:
Allah has set forth an example for the disbelievers: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were under two of Allah's righteous servants, but they both betrayed them. So they (Noah and Lot) could not protect them (their wives) from Allah at all, and it was said to them (the wives): "Enter the fire along with those who enter!"
The scholars have said that the betrayal of the wives of Noah and Lot (pbut) was gossip. When Allah revealed something to Noah (pbuh), his wife relayed it to other people. And when Lot received guests in his house, his wife relayed their presence to evil people.

It is said that the act of gossip is more harmful than an act of Satan, because Satan works by whispering, whereas a gossip works in the open. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Whoever propagated a word from a Muslim in order to scandalize the Muslim, Allah will condemn him (the gossip) to Hellfire on the Day of Judgment."

What should we do in the face of gossip and slander? If a person comes to you and says, "So-and-so said 'such-and-such about you, or intends such-and-such for you", what should we do?

We should do the following things:
  1. Do not believe the gossip nor his story, as Allah has said, "Oh you who believe! If a rebellious, evil person comes to you with news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance and afterwards become regretful for what you have done."
  2. Advise the person to give up gossip because Allah and His messenger (pbuh) have forbidden it.
  3. Do not entertain evil thoughts about your fellow Muslim. Allah has said, "Oh you who believe! Avoid much of suspicion, indeed some are sins."
  4. Do not spy on your fellow Muslim after hearing these things, because Allah has warned us, "Do not spy."
  5. Do not continue the gossip among other people, otherwise you will be in the same category with the gossip.
Hasan Basari said, "He who spreads gossip to you, also spreads gossip about you."

Dear brothers and sisters, I advise you and myself to stay far away from slandering others, and to save our tongues from gossip. Know it well that each of us will be held accountable for the words uttered by our tongues and for our actions.

Finally, the cure for gossip is the following:
  1. Remember that if we save our tongues from backbiting and slandering, we will enter Paradise (by Allah's will).
  2. Remember that the person who spreads gossip and slander will litigate against him or herself on Judgment Day, and will be the recipient of the gossip's good deeds, and if the good deeds are not sufficient, the gossip will receive the bad deeds of the victim, and enter into Hellfire (Allah forbid).
  3. Remember death, the grave, the reckoning, and the Day of Judgment.
  4. If your ego (nafs) incites you to gossip, remember that you are in fact inviting Allah's wrath.
I advise all of us that when a gossip approaches us, we do not listen to the words of the gossip, and remember that gossiping is a sin. Save your tongue and ears from listening to it.

And Allah knows best.
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The Evils of Backbiting

Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, says:
Do not spy nor backbite about some of you to others. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of a dead Muslim? No, you would despise that. Fear Allah. Surely Allah is the one who accepts repentance, the most Merciful.
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in his last sermon:
Verily, your blood, your property, and your honor are as sacred and inviolable as the sanctity of this day of yours, in this month of yours, and in this town of yours.
Allah has given many blessings to his servants. Amongst these blessings is the blessing of speaking with the tongue. If we use this blessing of Allah to our benefit (praying, reciting Qur'an, remembering Allah), we will enter Paradise, insh'Allah. But if we use this blessing of Allah for hurtful things, we will qualify to enter the Hellfire (Allah forbid).

The tongue is the most important organ in the body. When the tongue is truthful, the heart and the rest of the body stay correct. When the tongue is corrupt, the heart and the rest of the body are corrupted.

Allah says:
Not a word does one utter but there is a watcher by it ready (to record).
And Muhammad (pbuh) said:
A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands, the other Muslims are in peace.
Muhammad (pbuh) defined backbiting for us. According to Abu Hurairah, Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Do you comprehend what backbiting is?" The people said, "Allah and His messenger know best." He (pbuh) said, "Talking about your brother what he would abhor." Someone asked, "What if my brother has what I describe?" He (pbuh) said, "If your brother is the way you describe, you did backbiting on him. And if he is not like that, you slandered him." This hadeeth tells Muslims not to describe their brothers and sisters in Islam with words she would despise or dislike, even though those words may well be true. It is recommended to describe other Muslims in good words or remain silent. To describe them in repulsive terms is not permitted, because doing so amounts to either backbiting or slander, and these are not the attributes of a Muslim.

Note: Many Americans confuse backbiting with gossip, but these two things are different. Backbiting is making fun of another person behind their back. Gossip is talking about another person (true or false) with the intent to defame them. Both of these actions are forbidden in Islam.

Uqbah ibn Amir narrated: "I asked Muhammad (pbuh) 'what is the way to safety?' He (pbuh) said, 'Guard your tongue, stay in your house, and cry over your sins'." I advise you and myself to save our tongues from the evils of backbiting. Most people do not consider backbiting as a big sin, but in reality it is a huge sin, because it leads a person to Hellfire (Allah forbid). Muaz ibn Jabal asked, "Will we be held accountable for what we say?" Muhammad (pbuh) said, "What's the matter with you?! People will be thrown into the Hellfire on their faces because of words uttered from their tongues!"

Why do people backbite?
One of the reasons that prompts a person to backbite is envy. A person speaks ill of his brother in Islam on account of envy for his wealth, or his kids, or his position. Both envy and backbiting are forbidden.Ibn Abd Al-Bar said, "By Allah! People cross all limits in backbiting and slander, and this is because of ignorance and envy."

Another reason that prompts a person to backbite is weakness of faith in Allah, and weakness in fear of Allah. A strong believer does not backbite anyone, because he knows that Allah will hold him accountable for his deeds. A believer controls his ego (nafs).

Another reason that prompts people to backbite is involving themselves in vain talk, mocking, and joking. It is not permitted for a Muslim or Muslimah to continue to sit in a setting where people talk ill of other people behind their backs, because Allah describes it as an attribute of the people of Hellfire:
we used to speak idle-talk with vain talkers.
Qatadah said about this verse, "It means, whenever idle-talkers talked falsehood, we joined them."

If a person attends a gathering, where people are backbiting others, if he or she doesn't admonish them, then he or she should leave the gathering. The one who does not do this will be among the sinners. Ibn Abd Al-Bar said, "A group of scholars disliked idle talk and joking because it leads to a bad end (Hellfire), and talks about honor of other people."

If people were to know the consequences of backbiting they would surely abstain from it. Backbiting has several negatives in this world and the hereafter. The person who backbites has his sins exposed in this world and in the Hereafter. Ibn Umar narrated, "Muhammad (pbuh) climbed on to the podium and proclaimed: 'O you who say you believe with your tongues but the faith does not enter your hearts! Do not torture the believers, nor slander them, nor prod into their cover. He who prods into the cover of his Muslim brother, Allah will prod into his cover, and whomever Allah prods into his cover will be exposed, even though he is in the security of his house." Saif ur Rahman Mubarakpuri explains, "The saying 'Allah will prod into his cover' means Allah will expose all his shortcomings even though he hides it from the people inside his house."

Those who backbite will be punished in their graves. Qatadah said, "Punishment of the grave is on three accounts: one third from backbiting, one third from slandering, and one third from urine (that soils the clothes)."

I advise those who are used to speaking ill of people behind their backs to repent and ask Allah's forgiveness, because it is forbidden to do so. One hadith tells us that Aisha, one of the wives of Muhammad (pbuh), spoke ill about Safiyyah, another wife of Muhammad (pbuh), in her absence. Muhammad (pbuh) admonished Aisha by telling her that the sin of a single bad word is enough to pollute the water of an ocean. This hadith applies to a great number of people, especially but not exclusively women, who think it is normal to tell about the shortcomings of other women and to tell other people about their mistakes. This is forbidden.

There are, however, circumstances in which it is permitted to speak ill of another person in his or her absence. These are:

1) If you are wronged, you can complain to the judge or the authorities and describe to him or her the circumstances in order to claim your right.

2) If you want to warn someone from the mischief of another person. If you know about a person who does bad things and you tell other Muslims only because you want them to take caution concerning the mischief maker, it is not considered backbiting.

3) If a person seeks your opinion about another person in regards to marriage, and you know the person well, you should appraise the inquirer about this person's characteristics (good and bad), and this is not backbiting.

Dear brothers and sisters, if we were to reflect upon ourselves, each one of us would discover many faults that we possess. Why should we indulge ourselves in talking about other people's faults, while forgetting or ignoring our own? It is not the attribute of a believer to vilify a person by saying words that expose the shortcomings of our fellow Muslims, even if they are true.

And Allah knows best.
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The dangers of lying

Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, said:
Not a word does one utter but there is a watcher by it ready (to record).
 And Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
Truth leads to piety, and piety leads to paradise. A man persists in speaking the truth until he is recorded with Allah as a truthful person. Falsehood leads to transgression, and transgression leads to Hellfire. A man continues to lie until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.
Lying is to speak opposite of reality or opposite of truth, and this is forbidden by Allah and His messenger (pbuh). It is narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) was asked, "Can a believer be a coward?" Muhammad (pbuh) answered, "Yes." He was further asked, "Can a believer be stingy?" He (pbuh) answered, "Yes." He was then asked, "Can a believer be a liar?" He (pbuh) responded, "No."

Thus, Muhammad (pbuh) ruled that though a believer may be a coward or stingy due to weakness in faith, he cannot be a liar, as lying is not a characteristic of the believers.

Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, said:
Surely, Allah does not guide the one who is a transgressor, a liar!
And Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, said:
It is only those who believe not in the verses of Allah who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars.
Zain al-Abideen Ali bin Hussan (may Allah be pleased with him) said to his children, "Beware of lies, whether small or big, in serious talk and in jokes, because the one who lies in small things also lies in big things. Know it that the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, 'A man persists in speaking the truth until he is recorded with Allah as a truthful person. A man continues to lie until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.'"

Lying is a terrible thing that has several manifestations. Among these are false oaths, false testimony, breaking promises, and lying for entertainment.

False Oath

When a man gives a false oath by swearing about something that he knows to be false, this is the biggest of all lies. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Beware of the false oath, as it causes destruction of a house with its inhabitants."

We often observe traders and merchants taking false oaths to describe their merchandise to be good when in fact it is not. This false oath is called in Arabic as the Oath of Ghamoos and it pushes a person toward hellfire. One who makes a false of should repent and never return to lying.

Abdullah ibn Umer ibn Al-Aas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that a Bedouin came to Muhammad (pbuh) and said, "Oh Messenger of Allah! Which sins are the cardinal sins?" Muhammad (pbuh) said, "To associate partners with Allah." The Bedouin said, "Then which one?" He (pbuh) said, "al-yameen al-ghamoos". Abdullah asked, "What is al-yameen al-ghamoos?" Muhammad (pbuh) answered, "Swearing falsely to usurp the property of a Muslim."

Abu Umama Al-Harithi narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) said, "He who usurped the right of a Muslim through false oath, Allah will surely put him into Fire, and will forbid him Paradise." A man said, "Even for a small thing, O Messenger of Allah?" Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Even for a piece of Miswak (a small stick used to clean the teeth)!"

False testimony

False testimony is a grave thing as it results in freeing the oppressor and punishing the oppressed, and destroys Muslim unity. That is why Allah commanded:
Shun false statements.
 Abu Bakhra (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) said, "'Shouldn't I inform you of the biggest of cardinal sins?' We said, 'Yes, O Messenger of Allah!' He (pbuh) said, 'Associating partners with Allah and disobedience to the parents.' He was reclining and then he sat up and said, 'Beware of false statements.' And he (pbuh) kept on repeating this until we wished he would stop."

Allah and His messenger (pbuh) have forbidden false oath and false testimony as these are harmful for Muslims both in this world and the Hereafter. The one who indulges in false oath and false testimony invites the wrath of Allah in this world and the Hereafter. And a similar fate is due to the one who assists someone in false oath or false testimony. Allah said:
Help one another in righteousness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and transgression.
Breaking Promises and Lying for Entertainment

Keeping a promise is one of the characteristics of a believer, and breaking the promise is the characteristic of the hypocrite. Allah told us about Ishmael (pbuh):
Mention in the Book about Ishmael. Surely! He was true in his promise, and he was a messenger, and a prophet.
Some scholars said that Ishmael (pbuh) promised a person for something and then waited for him for one year but the person did not return.

When a person makes a promise he should fulfill it. Unfortunately, some Muslims break their promises and thus cause a breaking of Muslim unity. We as an ummah need to refrain from such behavior as it is forbidden (haraam).

Lying for entertainment means to forge a lie to make other people laugh. This is forbidden. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Woe to him who utters a falsehood to make people laugh. Woe to him. Again, woe to him."

Every single category of lying is harmful and dangerous. One of the ways lying harms us is that a liar is not trusted by people. Even if he tells the truth, people will assume it is a lie. Another way lies harm is that it weakens Muslim unity. A truthful person is honored and respected by people, and this helps strengthen Muslim unity.

What Causes a Person to Lie?

One of the causes that prompts a person to lie is habit. A person may tell lies out of habit, e.g. he or she is a habitual liar. Another cause is greed. A person who is greedy and not content with what Allah provides for him or her is prone to lying. Another cause is enmity and envy. A person who has envy or enmity for other people is vulnerable to telling lies.

How Do We Stop Lying?

We should strive to speak the truth and shun lying, as this is one way to end lying. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Knowledge comes by learning, and tolerance comes by practice, and he who seeks good is given that." So, when a Muslim tries to practice patience, Allah gives the Muslim patience. And when a Muslim tries to practice tolerance, Allah gives the Muslim toleranc. And when a Muslim tries to give up lying, telling the truth will be easy for the Muslim.

Another way to stop lying is to listen to the stories of the Companions and their followers. Truthfulness was among the characteristics that they had learned from Muhammad (pbuh), who was called As-Sadiq, Al-Amin (the truthful, the trust worthy); he (pbuh) neither lied, nor broke trust.

Remember that Allah, to whom all praise and glory is due, said:
O you who believe! Be conscious of Allah, and be with those who are truthful.
And Allah knows best.
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