
Serah- The Shepherd's Path

In Calgary!
February 13-15 & 20-22, 2009 !!

I might as well just move to Calgary!

and for those whose missed out on Breach of Covenant: Tasfeer of Surah AlBaqara, you missed out big time!!
don't make the same mistake twice =P

Salaam =]
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Power of One Conference!! [Calgary]

It's a few months from now... but I can't wait!!!
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Wayyy too much confusion this year!! I still think that Eid was yesterday
To all his own I guess (??) =\

I can't believe I missed in ENTIRE day of school!! I missed my math lab, my English AND my bio lecture = o
I'm so stressed out that I keep losing everything on my one card. but thank god i found it 3 days later.
I think I'm going nuts
...Who has midterms in september/october?!!!!!!!! geez.
I am so not liking university right now.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad