
Pursuit of Cleanliness - Season 2 - Ummah Films

“Cleanliness is have of the deen”

It’s so true about the washroom masajids, (most of the time) they’re so dirty that it really DOES make you wanna vomit. The little kids are the worst though, they’re always leaving around toilet paper all over the ground and I’m guessing they have water fights in there cos the place is always so wet…
but u can never yell at them cos they’re just so darn cute. Lol.
I love the way he’s so upfront about these kinds of subjects’, it’s like a whole new level of teaching.

“Sometimes I think to myself: are these people really convinced that Islam is the truth or are they just born into this religion without anyone explaining anything to them, because if you’re intellectually convinced about Islam then it will be seen through your actions.”
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KFC - Kentucky Fried Cruelty

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CBC Radio Interview

The Alikhawat soccer team was interviewed last weekend by CBC Radio!
God I was so nervous, I would've at least made myself sound more intellectual if I had known she was going to air me!! lool kidding….not really. Mneh, I guess I sounded ai’ght. Man, I’m too self conscious

Hadika (who by the way, came up with this awe-sane ‘Alikwat soccer team’ idea) did a great job of speaking.
Sheena Alami, go on witch yo bad self haha, u did a grand job and Aunty/Coach Freeba also did superb.

If you didn’t tune in this morning (here) it is. No makin’ fun ya hear!

I love how all the girls are yelling like maniacs in the back. Lol.
Hopefully/Insha’Allah soccer doesn’t end up like our basketball season, but hey its all good, cos like I said in the interview “we’re just here to have fun” haha.
Wish us luck on our first game this Sunday. No, lemme change that to, let us make dua that we get at least ONE goal….just one. Lol. Insha’Allah!

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