
say whaa?

SUNCHIPS® French Onion Flavoured Multigrain Snacks (beef)
I found this on someone’s blog.
I think Ima cry :'(
Turns out my favourite chips are...hayyyram.
So I’m letting you all know because(believe it or not) I was very glad to know myself :)
You can check out some of their other products (here)
You don’t *have* to stop eating them, but...uhh, now you know. ;) lol.
Just don't come yelling at me tellin’ that I’m paranoid, cos I’m not...
Really...I swear I’m not!
=\ just a little bit. lool.
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I wonder how the people would respond had they known
that... tomorrow never comes.
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"Then which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?"
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I hate being angry...and the thought of having to be angry just angers me even more...
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Nura the Explorer

LOL. this made me laugh like a mad woman.
It's my little sisters all time favorite show, and I can't stand watching it!
Dora drives me insane. but I could totally watch this
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The Al-Ikhwan Youth Club (AIYC) is having an open house & a Fundraising Dinner.

Open house:
March 10 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM
March 11 from 12:00 Noon to 6:00PM
Location : 3442 93 Street

Youth Center Fundraising Dinner:
Sunday March 18 at 6:00 PM
Leefield Community center ,across the Markaz Mosque ( 79 St & 36 Ave)
Tickets are $10 per person
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Burdah by Mesut Kurtis

This nasheed reminds me of RIS 2005.
He was supposed to be there(at RIS) but he never showed up. so they played this song over and over and over again during the breaks.
good times, good times....
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One of our Muslim sisters has taken the decision to wear the hijab.
I personally believe that this one of the most difficult decisions a young Muslim girl has to make.
Everyone make du’a please.
Insha’Allah, this path will be easy for you =).

I love you Zoya Zaeeeem <3
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