
A very good khutba by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Shareef, masha'Allah.
(Here) it is if anyone would like to listen.
I strongly recommend it

You can check out all his other speeches on
Have an awesome day =)
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William Abdullah Chappelle


I guess Dave Chappelle really IS muslim!

A lot of African Americans are converting now a days, it truly is *masha'Allah*
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I miss being the new kid.
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"He talks about his feelings for being a Muslim and also expresses his desire for his younger brother Michael Jackson to also become Muslim. Infact, he states in the video that he has given many Islamic books to his brother and that Michael is contemplating becoming a Muslim, inshaAllah. Jermaine also talks about his love for Muslims and his desire to live in Muslim countries. He has found great peace and calm through his Islamic beliefs and love of Allah. He was born December 11, 1954,he is an American Grammy Award-winning singer, bass guitarist, former member of The Jackson 5 and brother of American pop stars Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson. And Most importantly, he is a Muslim. Jermaine talks about his love of other cultures and people, his reasons for leaving Christianity and becoming Muslim. His devotion to Allah, the great benefits that he gets from praying five times and also from doing optional fasting during the week. He explains how he feels at ease and peace by his Islamic beliefs and his rememberance of Allah"

Jermaine (Muhammad) Jackson, Michael Jackson's Brother

Insha'Allah MJ will become a Muslim! insha'Allah!
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Sheikh Muhammad Al-Shariff never ceases to amaze me. I’ve heard him speak at last years “Reviving the Islamic Spirit” conference, also at the first symposium I ever went to in Edmonton. God, I love that man. (For the sake of Allah ladies....chill hahaha)
The other speaker, Faisal Kutty, masha’Allah he’s a very knowledgeable man but I had the hardest time trying to focus on his speech.
But I **love** Muhammad Al-Shariff’s speeches, and the way he reads Quran, Subhan’Allah. WOW.
Hafsah couldn’t stop laughing at his jokes even though they weren’t even all that funny. She said everything he did reminded her of the
So in the end, Alhamdullillah this week wasn’t so bad. I thought taking care of the kids while trying to balance that out with school and chores would burden me. On the contrary I’ve leant how to manage my time, something I was never able to achieve AND on the weekends my aunt takes care of the kids so I could finally re/laxxx for at least 2 days. ALHAMDULLILLAH .

So yeah, tonight was awesome, until I saw a whole bunch of the Muslim guys just laughing and talking together, unified.
I’m not saying that ruined my night (lol) it just got me thinking.
It’s like this for every Islamic seminar we ever have, the Muslim brothers all joyful and together... then there are the Muslim sisters *sigh*
Wallahi it saddens me until I start to tear when I think about how divided the Muslims girls are.
Why can’t we just be like the brothers?
I don’t get people; I don’t think I ever will. Here I thought High school was so divided; all the Africans/African Canadians together, all the Indians/Pakistanis together, all the Asians together. I could go on but you get my drift. I always accepted that as it was/is, as if people just feel that need to be with their own kind and I understand because I use to be like that.
And then there’s the hijabi crew, sure you’ll say that were pretty much doing the same thing they’re doing but were not comming together with the same intentions in mind, for that superficiality of ‘same skin colour’ or whatever, but we are uniting by faith. And Alhamdullillah I am so thankful for that because I’ve never experienced something like this in all my years of schooling. And I shouldn’t complain but I really can’t help it. We *are* together (like there’s literally a whole section in one of the Ainlay hallway lockers filled with hijabis) and yet I feel like were divided. I dunno....
It’s like all the superficial muslimahs(sorry I couldn’t help but use this term) talk in a different language, then all the recent immigrant muslimahs speak in a different language, literally. Lol. All the intellectual muslimahs together, all the gangster-wannabe muslimahs together, then there are those who just don’t know where the flip they myself.
I thought University would be different, but wallahi it’s the exact same except they’ve toned it down a notch. lol. Not as much faces dunked in makeup and not as much girls walking and talking like the female version of 50 Cent haha. I honestly don’t know where I’m getting at with this. I just wish people were more aware of this social catastrophe were facing with the Muslim girls. Maybe if we could all try to change something about ourselves, that ‘something’ that just stops off from braking out of our little cliques and acknowledging our surroundings. We talk about helping others in other countries when we can’t even help ourselves and just love one another for the sake of Allah.

I wish I could change things, but I can’t change things alone as much as I want to and as much as a try to. I’m not being pessimistic, I’m being realistic.
People need to actually realize that this IS a problem that needs to be fixed and just try to put our arrogance aside for the sake of Islam and this IS attainable if we are sincere. If we're not even able to see that this is a problem then the concept of "unity" in islam means nothing to us.
All I really want is to be able to go outside and say “Assaalamu Alaikum” to my Muslim brother or sister and expect a dang response for god’s sake.

One of the brothers who graduated from Ainlay last year **always** used to talk about unity and he engraved it into our minds. People would seriously start to whine and ask if he could speak about a different topic and to just *stop* repeating the same things over and over again “Islam is unity, unity, unity. Islam is one ummah” I swear I never understood the significance of that until I realized what we, the Muslim girls have become.
*sigh* I wont be able to sleep tonight. My mother is the only one I can rave to about anything that’s on my
Anyways, it’s almost 2 am and I barely have anything done for my social studies project. I better get to it.

Oh, I think on of the Aunties thought I stole her food tonight LOL. Maybe it’s paranoia but she was like “hey, hey” when I grabbed my food from where I had left it to get a drink. And she said something in another language to me and I replied with “Assalamu’Alaikum Aunty” smiled and left. Lol.
I seriously think its paranoia though lol.
I tend to be random when I have too many things on my mind.

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