
George Bush

wow...I wonder..
who in their right mind voted for this guy?
He'd probably be a good comedian though lol

"fool me once, shame on...shame ?
....ya fool me, ya cant get fooled again." LOL
wow wow wow...
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I wonder

If Prophet Muhammad visited you
Just for a day or two,
If he came unexpectedly,
I wonder what you'd do.
I know you'd give your nicest room,
To such an honored guest,
And all the food you'd serve him,
Would be the very best,
And you would keep assuring him,
You're glad to have him there,
That serving him in you home,
Is joy beyond compare.

.....when you saw him coming,
Would you meet him at the door,
With arms outstretched in welcome,
To your visitor?
Or....would you have to change your clothes
Before you let him in?
Or hide some magazines and put,
The Quran where they had been?
Would you still watch dirty movies,
On your T.V. set?
Or would you switch it off.
Before he gets upset?
Would you turn off the radio,
And hope he hadn't heard?
And wish you hadn't uttered the last loud hasty word?
Would you hide your worldly music,
And instead take Hadith books out?
Could you let him walk right in,
Or would you rush about?
And, I wonder.....if the Prophet spent,
A day or two with you,
Would you go right on doing the things,
You always do?
Would you go right on saying the things
You always say?
Would life for you continue,
As it does from day to day?
Would your family conversation,
Keep up its usual pace,
And Would you find it hard each meal,
To say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer?
Without putting on a frown?
And would you always jump up early,
For prayer at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always sing,
And read the books you read?
And let him know the things on which,
Your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take Prophet with you,
Everywhere you plan to go?
Or, would you maybe change your plans,
Just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet,
Your very closest friends?
Or, would you hope they stay away,
Until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay,
Forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief,
When he at last was gone?
It might be interesting to know,
The things that you would do.
If Prophet Muhammad, in person,
came,to spend some time with you.

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Im getting scared. real scared. yesterday night before maghrib, the sky looked as if it were on fire. blazing fire. Yeah, it was beautiful, but i couldnt help the thought of judgement day. My brother was like "isnt tomorrow friday...." lol, he was trying to get me even more scared then i was already. the night before, i fell asleep really late doing some h/w and woke up at 2:30am to a quran in my hands tucked under me.... i couldnt remember if i fell asleep reading it, i couldnt remember how it even got into my hands at the time. I think im losing my mind.
I havn't watched the news lately...i was at juma and a friend told me about the bombing in lebanon. got me even more scared! a friend of mine is over there right now. She went to visit her dad for the summer....i hope she's alright iA.
Muslims around the world are getting killed....subhan'Allah, and while most of us sit back with no worries.... and wait, wait. wait for what?
Next thing u know they'll be comming for Somalia, Pakistan,Bangladesh, Gayana, Egypt and so on....then maybe we'll care .. then maybe...just maybe we'll care.
I think the end of the world is near. ppl usualy think im wierd when i talk like that..."sooo...hows life" "meh....same old. school's boring, most of my friends left the country and I have this really strong feeling that the end of the world is bout u?:)"

Ive been told that im pretty inteligent for a "black" "female" was a joke, i laughed she laughed, i know she didnt meen it...jussst a joke. But it got me thinking, i know a few ppl that always give me this surpised look whenever i get good grades...geezzz. funny how society works though, ud think racism is completely gone aye. HA. i hate to say but i sometimes even see it in the masjid, no joke.
During halaqa today a few girls were asking how a man can "not" be married to his slavegirl and still get babies with her....umm this was way back in the day, way back as in prophet(saw) time.
i dont think its alowed nomore though. i thought about english class and how im soooo thankful we didnt read "to kill a mocking bird" in that class. I had already read it like 4 yrs ago, its a real good book. I just hate how they use the N word after almost every 2nd sentence. We read "the miracle worker" instead, they used that word a couple of times in that book....
the teacher reads outloud everytime he would say it, all you would see is ppl looking at me from the corner of their eyes. analyzing my every movement and time, i let out one big ol' sigh without even knowing, but it was at the exact time the teacher had droped the N bomb...heads turned so fast ud probably hear snaps if u were close enough. ...i just laughed it off. A friend of my brothers had to read to kill a mockingbird in his class. the students read outloud instead of the teacher reading. They all had some fun throwing the N word around knowing that some black guy wont beat them up for it since they "had to" But my bro's friend got out of his seat and started yelling at the teacher and the students for being so inconsiderate....after that little incident, they literally used "n word" everytime they came across that word.LOL

I met a convert at halaqa today, i think her name is Shareen. She's so masha'Allah in everyway.
I admire her greatly. I have so many questions that i want to ask her. i hope i dont scare her away though lol.

good night
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Death. Something we don't often think of. The thought is a bit scary, isnt it?...The reality of things is always scary....
We do not have to be old to die nor do we have to be sick.... death can snatch us away at anytime, at any place...any age...

- Abu Hurayra reported the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Race to good actions as fast as you can. What are you waiting for except delayed poverty, oppressive wealth, debilitating illness, dottering senility, a swift death or the Dajjal? Or are you waiting for an unseen evil, or the Last Hour? The Last Hour will be most bitter and terrible." [at-Tirmidhi]
Really, what "are" we waiting for?? ...
And let me say, when the time does come... let us not weep constantly for the deceased, let us not regret, let us not hate the one who caused the death (wal'iyadubillah).
A saying by the Prophet(pbuh)"He who slaps his cheeks, tears his clothes and follows the ways and traditions of the Days of Ignorance is not one of us."
Easy to say, but i is not very easy to act upon, iA we will control our emotions.
Our beloved prophet Muhammad S.A.W had also said:"The gift of a believer is death." [1609]
So if you are a true believer then 'no worries', heaven awaits iA :)

I have some breaking news. Maybe not some "new news" for some of you...
Our dear sisters Heerah and Hafsah's grandmother is on her death bed right now.
I beg each and one of you to make dua for her. It is a very painful time for the family, we should all try to sympathize with them and hope for the best iA.
Lets keep in mind that everything that happens will only happen by the will of Allah, and if her soul were to be taken away today or tomorrow or the next day, it would only be by the will of Allah, it would be destiny, something already prescribed long ago, something we cannot change.
Let this be a reminder to all of us, that yes, we shall all die, whether we like it or is not our choice. This body we are in, it does not even belong to us, it belongs to Allah, only given to us temporarily to worship him and only him...our only purpose in life. This reminder is for myself first and foremost and thought that perhaps we can all benefit from this.
Don't feel bad sisters, iA jannah awaits her. :)

May Allah grant her the highest stage in Jannah, janatul furdos iA.
May Allah forgive her sins and shower her with mercy.
May Allah make the test inside the grave easy for her.
May Allah ease the pain of their family.
May Allah guide us all and keep us on the straight path.
(we should all be sincere when making dua iA)

I leave you with this note:
-Ibn 'Umar said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took me by the shoulder and said, 'Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveller on the road."
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Myke Tyson the Muslim


I found this on "". It's the craaaziest blog yet.
When i saw this video i was dying of laughter. At this one point he says something like "Assalamualaikum mighta" ???? or somthing like that....i dont think it made much sense what so ever...
"I want his heart, eat his children! praise be to Allah!" lol. i love this guy! lol:)

But after seeing the last part of the starting to feel real bad, turns out he has psychological issues. :|

Anywho's, check it out:MIKE TYSON THE MUSLIM!

sorry bout the background music all :(
impossible to get rid of...
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For the past 3 months, 6 people have asked me the reason for "muslims being against homosexuality". I hope the comments on my last post were able to answer that question.
And as for why muslims dont believe Jesus to be God or why we dont believe he was crucified. Im no scholar, I can't answer that question, but this man (Zakir Naik) is a well known scholar around the world who deals with these kind of topics.

Zakir Naik Debate -Was Jesus Really Crucified

Qur'an and bible in the Light of Science

I hope this was helpful.
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