
Choose Your Friends Wisely

Winnie the Pooh and friendsPerhaps the most important thing, the thing we hold dear to us after God and our family are our friends, and the influence our friends have on us is not something negligible. There is a lot to consider when we choose our friends as this article will briefly convey.

Humans are naturally social creatures and we tend to try and find other people, groups to belong to - usually people who we share some interests, have things in common or can communicate easily with. This is why lasting friendships tend to lie within racial, cultural, social and religious boundaries, though it is not rare for people to have really good friends who don’t belong to their own community.

When we hear about peer pressure we don't like to admit that we have been affected because we believe we are not so easily influenced, but our friends have a great impact on how we turn out as we get older. Sometimes it's a bad influence and sometimes it's very good but do we pay attention to these things growing up?

If you remember back to your days in school, the people who were friends with "the smokers", for example, and hung around with them, more than likely ended up becoming smokers themselves. As young people, we yearn for acceptance and being liked so we end up doing things that aren't right or good - the feeling of belonging is sometimes stronger than knowing that something is wrong and we tend to forget our stances if all our friends' hold different opinions to us.

This is why, when choosing a friend, it is important to gauge the values of that person before you get sucked into their circle of friends and get negatively influenced and/or hurt. There a number of things to remember when first choosing a friend - what are their values? Are they trustworthy and truthful? do they flaunt the rules, lie, cheat, commit many sins, disrespect their parents, bully or mock other people, backbite, have bad manners  and use foul language? Do they respect you and your beliefs and values?

It might seem strange but a lot of people are friends with people who do not respect them or their values and mistreat them. You cannot be true friends with someone who treats you badly and disrespects you so you must break off the friendship. Choose friends who like you for who you are and don't cause you trouble.

More than just being normal friends, a good friend can make you a better person and inspire you to do good things. You can tell a good person had good friends growing up because they do good things and are well mannered. Choose friends who are not only kind to you, but who inspire you to do good things like getting involved with charity, improving your community, increasing your knowledge, remind you of God and pray, and improve your future prospects in this life and the next.

The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) defines a good friend in these words:

"He is the one whose very sight makes you remember God, whose conversation increases your knowledge and whose deeds remind you of the world in the Hereafter." (Behar al-Anwar, v15 p51)

A good friend can enter you into the kingdom of heaven and a bad friend can lead you into the fires of hell, so choose your friends wisely.

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Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allâh is with us.

"Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allâh is with us."

Allah has asked us not be sad. He says:

"So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad.…"
[surah Al-Imran - Ayah 139].

3:139. எனவே நீங்கள் தைரியத்தை இழக்காதீர்கள்; கவலையும் கொள்ளாதீர்கள்; நீங்கள் முஃமின்களாக இருந்தால் நீங்கள் தாம் உன்னதமானவர்களாக இருப்பீர்கள்.

"And grieve not over them (polytheists and pagans, etc.), and be not
distressed because of what they plot.."
[surah An-Nahl - Ayah 127].

16:127. (நபியே!) இன்னும் நீர் பொறுமையுடன் இருப்பீராக; எனினும் அல்லாஹ்வின் உதவியில்லாமல் நீர் பொறுமையுடனே இருக்க முடியாது - அவர்களுக்காக நீர் (எது பற்றியும்) கவலைப்பட வேண்டாம் - அவர்கள் செய்யும் சூழ்ச்சிகளை பற்றி நீர் (மன) நெருக்கடியில் ஆகிவிடவேண்டாம்.
[surah At-Taubah - Ayah 40].
9:40. (நம் தூதராகிய) அவருக்கு நீங்கள் உதவி செய்யா விட்டால், (அவருக்கு யாதொரு இழப்புமில்லை;) நிராகரிப்பவர்கள் அவரை ஊரை விட்டு வெளியேற்றியபோது நிச்சயமாக அல்லாஹ் அவருக்கு உதவி செய்தே இருக்கின்றான்; குகையில் இருவரில் ஒருவராக இருந்த போது, (நம் தூதர்) தம் தோழரிடம், “கவலைப்படாதீர்கள்; நிச்சயமாக அல்லாஹ் நம்முடன் இருக்கின்றான்” என்று கூறினார். அப்போது அவர் மீது அல்லாஹ் தன் சாந்தியை இறக்கி வைத்தான்; மேலும் நீங்கள் பார்க்க முடியாப் படைகளைக் கொண்டு அவரைப் பலப்படுத்தினான்; நிராகரிப்போரின் வாக்கைக் கீழாக்கினான்; ஏனெனில் அல்லாஹ்வின் வாக்குத்தான் (எப்போதும்) மேலோங்கும் - அல்லாஹ் மிகைத்தவன், ஞானமிக்கவன்.

We are informed in the following verse about the believers that:
"…. there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve."
[surah Al-Baqarah - Ayah 38].

2:38. (பின்பு, நாம் சொன்னோம் “நீங்கள் அனைவரும் இவ்விடத்தை விட்டும் இறங்கிவிடுங்கள்; என்னிடமிருந்து உங்களுக்கு நிச்சயமாக நல்வழி(யைக் காட்டும் அறிவுரைகள்) வரும்போது, யார் என்னுடைய (அவ்) வழியைப் பின்பற்றுகிறார்களோ அவர்களுக்கு எத்தகைய பயமும் இல்லை, அவர்கள் துக்கப்படவும் மாட்டார்கள்.”

Sadness enervates the spirit’s will to action, paralysing the body into inactivity. The secret of this is that sadness prevents one from action instead of compelling one towards it. The heart benefits nothing through grief. The most beloved thing to the Devil is to make the worshipper sad in order to prevent him from continuing on his path. Allah says:
" Secret counsels (conspiracies) are only from Shaitân (Satan), in order that he may cause grief to the believers."
[surah Al-Mujadilah – Ayah 10].

58:10. ஈமான் கொண்டவர்களைக் கவலைப்படச் செய்வதற்காக ஷைத்தானிடமிருந்துள்ளதே (இந்த) இரகசிய(ப் பேச்சாகு)ம்; ஆனால், அல்லாஹ்வுடையை அனுமதியின்றி (அவர்களுக்கு) அவனால் எந்தத் தீங்கும் செய்ய முடியாது; எனவே முஃமின்கள் அல்லாஹ்வையே முற்றிலும் நம்பியிருக்க வேண்டும்.

In the following hadith, the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasalam) said:
'In a company of three, it is forbidden for two to hold secret counsel while excluding the third, as this will be a cause of sadness for him.'

Contrary to what some believe (those who have an extreme ascetic bent), the believer should not seek out sadness, because sadness is a harmful element that afflicts the soul. The Muslim must repel sadness, fighting it in any way that is permissible in our Religion. There is no real benefit in sadness, the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasalam) sought refuge from it in the following supplication:
'O’ Allah, I seek refuge in you from anxiety and grief.'

Grief is coupled with anxiety in this hadith. The difference between the two is that if a bad feeling that pervades the heart is related to what is going to happen in the future, then it is anxiety. And if the cause of this feeling concerns the past, then it is grief. Both of them weaken the heart, causing inactivity and a decrease in will power.

Grief may sometimes be both inevitable and necessary. When they enter Paradise, its dwellers will say:
"All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, Who has removed from us (all) grief...
[surah F
"Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allâh is with us."
[surah At-Taubah - Ayah 40].

9:40. (நம் தூதராகிய) அவருக்கு நீங்கள் உதவி செய்யா விட்டால், (அவருக்கு யாதொரு இழப்புமில்லை;) நிராகரிப்பவர்கள் அவரை ஊரை விட்டு வெளியேற்றியபோது நிச்சயமாக அல்லாஹ் அவருக்கு உதவி செய்தே இருக்கின்றான்; குகையில் இருவரில் ஒருவராக இருந்த போது, (நம் தூதர்) தம் தோழரிடம், “கவலைப்படாதீர்கள்; நிச்சயமாக அல்லாஹ் நம்முடன் இருக்கின்றான்என்று கூறினார். அப்போது அவர் மீது அல்லாஹ் தன் சாந்தியை இறக்கி வைத்தான்; மேலும் நீங்கள் பார்க்க முடியாப் படைகளைக் கொண்டு அவரைப் பலப்படுத்தினான்; நிராகரிப்போரின் வாக்கைக் கீழாக்கினான்; ஏனெனில் அல்லாஹ்வின் வாக்குத்தான் (எப்போதும்) மேலோங்கும் - அல்லாஹ் மிகைத்தவன், ஞானமிக்கவன்atir – Ayah 34].
35:34. “எங்களை விட்டு (எல்லாக்)கவலைகளையும் போக்கிய அல்லாஹ்வுக்கே எல்லாப் புகழும் உரியதாகும்; நிச்சயமாக எங்கள் இறைவன் மிக மன்னிப்பவன்; நன்றியை ஏற்றுக் கொள்பவன்” என்றும் அவர்கள் கூறுவார்கள்.

This verse implies that they were afflicted with grief in this life, just as they were afflicted with other forms of hardship, both of which were out of their control. So whenever one is overcome by grief and there is no way to avoid it, one is rewarded, because grief is a form of hardship, and the believer is rewarded for going through hardship. Nonetheless, the believer must ward off grief with supplication and other practical means.

As for the saying of Allah:

"Nor (is there blame) on those who came to you to be provided with mounts, and when you said: "I can find no mounts for you," they turned back, while their eyes overflowing with tears of grief that they could not find anything to spend (for Jihâd)."
[surah At-Taubah – Ayah 92].

9:92. போருக்குச் செல்லத் தங்களுக்கு வாகனம் தேவைப்பட்டு உம்மிடம் வந்தவர்களிடம் “உங்களை நான் ஏற்றி விடக்கூடிய வாகனங்கள் என்னிடம் இல்லையே” என்று நீர் கூறிய போது, (போருக்காகத்) தாங்களே செலவு செய்து கொள்ள வசதியில்லையே என்று எண்ணித் துக்கத்தால் தங்களின் கண்களில் கண்ணீர் வடித்தவர்களாகத் திரும்பிச் சென்று விட்டார்களே அவர்கள் மீதும் (போருக்குச் செல்லாதது பற்றி) எவ்வித குற்றமும் இல்லை.

They were not praised for their grief in itself but for what that grief indicated and pointed to namely, strong faith. This occurred when they remained behind during one of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam’s) expeditions, due to their inability to find the necessary resources needed to make the trip. Hence the hypocrites are exposed, because they did not feel grief when they remained behind.

Therefore the good kind of grief is that which is occasioned when one misses out on an opportunity to do a good deed, or when one performs a sin. When one feels sad because he was negligent in fulfilling the rights of Allah, he shows a characteristic of a person who is on the right path.

Surah Ghafir

39. "O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter that is the home that will remain forever."

"என்னுடைய சமூகத்தாரே! இவ்வுலக வாழ்க்கையெல்லாம் அற்ப சுகம்தான்; அன்றியும் நிச்சயமாக, மறுமையோ - அதுதான் (என்றென்றுமிருக்கும்) நிலையான வீடு.
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Duty towards Allah and fellow beings!

Surat An-Nisā' (The Women) - سورة النساء

Qur'an 4;36
Sahih International
Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.
மேலும், அல்லாஹ்வையே வழிபடுங்கள்;. அவனுடன் எதனையும் இணை வைக்காதீர்கள். மேலும், தாய் தந்தையர்க்கும், நெருங்கிய உறவினர்களுக்கும். அநாதைகளுக்கும், ஏழைகளுக்கும், அண்டை வீட்டிலுள்ள உறவினர்களுக்கும், அருகிலுள்ள அண்டை வீட்டாருக்கும், (பிரயாணம், தொழில் போன்றவற்றில்) கூட்டாளிகளாக இருப்போருக்கும், வழிப்போக்கர்களுக்கும், உங்களிடமுள்ள அடிமைகளுக்கும் அன்புடன் உபகாரம் செய்யுங்கள்;. நிச்சயமாக அல்லாஹ் கர்வமுடையோராக, வீண் பெருமை உடையோராக இருப்பவர்களை நேசிப்பதில்லை

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One of The Ten Commandments given in
Exodus :2-17:
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet they neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's.
Moses received from God on Mount Sinai two tablets, one containing duties to God and the  other our duties to man (Exodus, XXXII. 15)
------------------------ In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful,

May the peace of Allah and His mercy and blessings be upon you.

This Surah was revealed in Medina.

This is the 3rd of 9 videos of Surat An-Nisa.

The recitor is Sheikh Saad Al Ghamidi

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JazakAllah Khayr : جزاك اللهُ خيراً‎
“Allâh will reward you [with] goodness.”

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Moderation In Islam


The best of all dealings is the one which is moderate.
——— Prophet Muhammad (s) as reported by Baihaqi.
They are the losers, those who make the religion hard and tough. They imperil themselves who enforce tough practices of Islam. They destroy themselves, those who are extremes.
——— Prophet Muhammad (s) as reported by Ibn Masud in Sahih Muslim.
Make things easy and convenient and don’t make them harsh and difficult. Give cheer and glad tidings and do not create hatred.
——— Prophet Muhammad (s) in Riyadh us-Saleheen, Volume 1:637.
 Islam, the Religion of Ease and Moderation

Allah, the most Glorified and Most High, is the sole creator of ALL mankind and therefore knows his nature more intricately than any of mankind.

Allah, has therefore chosen for us a religion best suited to the nature of mankind, a religion that goes neither to the Extremes of hardship nor of laxity, but instead provides a middle path; in other words, a religion of ease.

Allah, most high stated in the Quran:

"Allah intends for you ease, and does not want to make things difficult for you" [2:185];

"Allah does not want to place you in difficulty" [5:6].

Such easiness is well explained in the hadeeth reported by Abu Hurairah, radiya Allahu 'anhu, that the Prophet, salla Allaahu 'alaihe wasallam, said, "Religion is easy..." [Bukhari], he also said; "The best of your religion, is the easiest." [Ahmad]

The easiness of this religion was put into practise by the best of humanity, the one who came to deliver the message, as Allah, subhanahu wata'aala, said;

"Verily there has come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves, it grieves him that you should suffer any difficulty, he is anxious for you, for the believers he is full of pity and merciful" [10:128]

Therefore a middle way is always taken. Patience is one of the greatest virtues a Muslim can have.

"And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.'' (42:43)

The Messenger of Allah () said,"Allah shows compassion only to those among His slaves who are compassionate".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:The Messenger of Allah () said, "The strong man is not one who is good at wrestling, but the strong man is one who controls himself in a fit of rage.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

"Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish." (Al-A`raaf 7:199)

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Lessons from surah al Inshirah

I know that I often take my literature from non-Muslim sources. This is because I feel that as Muslims, we need to understand any topic fully, by exploring the ideas of Muslims and non-Muslims. At the end of the day though, it is clear that Allah's Word gives us the complete and comprehensive perspective. In the 94th surah of the Qur'an, Allah tells us that He gives us some difficulties but these difficulties will always be followed by ease and that the ease is greater than the difficulty people face. In any case, the difficulty we experience is almost always a way for us to learn from our mistakes and a means for us to increase in our Iman and to get closer to Allah SWT. Anybody who reflects on this surah and relates to his or her experiences will always be able to face difficulties with an optimistic and resilient frame of mind.
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Miraculous Nature of Holy Quran

Sura ArRehman- 55,
"When Allah says that,
When the sky (heaven) splits (shaq'at) it looks like a growing rose (verda)."
SunhanAllah !!!
This verse was given to Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w.)  1400 years ago, and now they found the proofs  at NASA.

3000 light years away, a dying star throws off shell of growing gas. This is an image from the hubble space telescope. NASA.
'And we sought to reach Heaven;but found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires. And verily, we used to sit there in stations to steal a hearing but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush."
Al-Jinn: 72:8,9.

Jin and satan try to eavesdrop to learn about news of the future  that are being announced up there but they cant cross the limits created by Allah and if they try,...they get hit or burned by guarding angels and result in a shooting star.
Through Black magic fortune tellers and magicians use these jinns to learn about future

Al Quran:
"  And verily We have beautified the world's heavens with lamps, and We have made such lamps as missiles to drive away the Shaitan (devils)." [67:5 Al Mulk]

 "Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens , one above the another, And made the moon there in a  light and made the sun a lamp ( source of light for moon)"
Verses from Quran- [Nuh71:15,16]
Qurans teaching us in advance that the Sun is the source of moons brightness at night,
Moon gets its light from the Sun, a discovery made by modern  humans after 100s of years.

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Shaping the Eyebrows

Shaping the Eyebrows:

As-Salamu `alaykum. Is it wrong to shape one’s eyebrows if they are too broad?

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thanks a lot for your question, which reflects your care to have a clear view of the teachings of Islam. Allah commands Muslims to refer to people of knowledge to become well acquainted with the teachings of Islam in all aspects of life.

As for the issue of shaping one’s eyebrows, it is controversial among Muslim scholars. Some scholars consider it permissible to shape or trim one’s eyebrows if they are excessively long or thick for the purpose of appearing neat and tidy.

Responding to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

There is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding whether one is permitted in Islam to shape or trim one’s eyebrows.

According to a group of scholars, shaping one’s eyebrows is considered forbidden, and they cite the following statement of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Allah has cursed women who tattoo their bodies, wear false hair, those who pluck their eyebrows, and those who artificially widen gaps between their teeth.” They say that shaping the eyebrows or trimming them falls under the same rule.

As opposed to the above, other scholars consider shaping eyebrows or trimming them to be permissible. They say that the prohibition in the above hadith specifically refers to plucking eyebrows, and it is prohibited because it is akin to mutilation, and also it is more likely to result in defaming one’s face. As opposed to this, shaping the eyebrows if they are excessively long or thinning them if they are excessively thick, is enhancing Allah’s creation rather than mutilating it. Its analogy, therefore, is to trimming the mustache or cutting hair, and so on, which are not only permissible but may also be recommended.

In light of the above, according to these scholars, it is considered permissible to shape or trim one’s eyebrows if they are excessively long or thick for the purpose of appearing neat and tidy.

Allah Almighty knows best. source
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Infographic: Americans Studying Abroad

During the 2009-2010 academic year, 270,604 American students studied abroad for credit. This number is almost double the number of students studying abroad from 2000-2001

 American Students Studying Abroad
Compiled by: Online Colleges Resource

by mail from Muhammad Saleem
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Top 10 English Words Derived From Arabic

Top 10 English Words Derived From Arabic:

This is a list of English words whose origins can be traced back to Arabic. Some will be immediately recognizable, as they refer to phenomena and concepts directly associated with the Middle East. Other words will be so familiar in their contemporary sense that you may be surprised to find that they came to English from such a distant language. While some of the words in this list have more or less direct transfer from the source language to the target, others took a more circuitous route, arriving in various permutations after passing through third languages such as Spanish, Persian and Turkish. To the best of my knowledge the information here is correct, however I’d appreciate any insight and/or corrections.
A brief note on Arabic: the Arabic language is based on a trilateral root system, in which (most) words can be broken down into a three letter base. This root takes the form of the third person singular past tense. For this reason you will see these roots rendered in English as “he (performed action)”.

Jihad – جهاد
We begin the list with one of the terms most known to western audiences, as well as one the most semantically debated and controversial. The origin of the word is جهد (ja-ha-da) meaning “he made an effort.” In the religious context this type of effort can run the gamut from helping your neighbor, achieving an inner Zen-like devotion to God and, yes, violent struggle in defense of the faith. Due to Arabic’s position as the liturgical language of Islam we will see that many words which have transferred solely to other languages in a religious context can have a more mundane, day-to-day meaning in the original Arabic. For example, the word جهود (jahood), from the same root as ‘jihad” simply means “efforts” and is not necessarily religious in tone.

Hizbul Mujahideen Kill Three
You may be able to discern that مجهدين (mujahedeen) comes from the same root as the previous entry. A mujahid is someone who takes up arms in defense of the faith. The label was applied to Afghan warriors resisting the Soviet occupation of their country. It generally was viewed in a positive light during the 1980s when the West, especially the US, was supporting these fighters against the communist enemy. Since that time, however, the term mujahedeen has since fallen into ill repute, largely due to the actions of Islamist fighters who battled in Afghanistan and then spread to the corner’s of the earth committing acts of terror in the name of their faith.

268 Ream01
Not all words deal with fiery topics like religious zeal. Ream refers to a bundle of paper consisting of 480, 500, or 516 sheets. The original Arabic word is رزمة, which means package or bundle.

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Surat Ar-Raĥmān (The Beneficent) - سورة الرحمن ஸூரத்துர் ரஹ்மான்(அளவற்ற அருளாளன்)

அளவற்ற அருளாளனும், நிகரற்ற அன்புடையோனுமாகிய அல்லாஹ்வின் திருப்பெயரால்(துவங்குகிறேன்)
55:1The Most Merciful

அளவற்ற அருளாளன்,

55:2. Taught the Qur'an,

இக் குர்ஆனை (அவன்தான்) கற்றுக் கொடுத்தான்.

55:3. Created man,

அவனே மனிதனைப் படைத்தான்.

தயவு செய்து கிளிக் செய்து மேலும் படியுங்கள் 

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Captivating recitation of Surah Ar-Rahman (55th Chapter of the Holy Quran) by Sheikh Mishary bin Rashid Alafasy. This recitation was recorded in 1424 H.
Amazing and technically accurate recitation by Sheikh Mishary Rashid bin Alafasy. This video is an invitation to all humanity to the truth. It highlights the unlimited favors of the God Almighty upon mankind. This is the same One God of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Please watch and listen without prejudice and please reflect upon the message.
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by mthago

Malaysia as a progressive and advanced country needs to become a clean, well planned and beautiful country. Malaysia with beautiful peoples and good qualities must have beautiful scenery. Roads in Malaysia must be wide and good qualities, having at least double lanes on both ways. Along all the main roads in Malaysia, all the lands in between roads or on the sides of the roads are cultivated with flowers of various kinds. When anyone is driving along the main roads of Malaysia, they will be welcomed by beautiful flowers. These flowers are cultivated and taken care by the government and sold in their supermarkets and petrol stations all over the country. Peoples who come back from their offices can stop at any petrol stations to buy flowers as present to their wives or loved ones. It is a part of efforts made by the government to beautify our roads and at the same time increase the loves between members of families and to increase government income. 
How would that be possible that Malaysian cities particularly Kuala Lumpur without any traffic congestion? Now Kuala Lumpur is a city congested with traffic because everybody wants to bring their cars to go to work. It takes about two hours drive from Gombak to Seri Petaling during the early hours of working days when most people go to work. This happen because the city was built without planning. With the present condition of the roads and the increasing numbers of peoples and cars, the traffic problem of Kuala Lumpur will never end. In order to reduce the numbers of peoples go to work with their cars, Kuala Lumpur needs to have a good public transport and certainly bus is not the answers.
The best public transport system that Kuala Lumpur should have in order to avoid traffic congestion is an underground train transport system. The underground train is fast, convenience, punctual and efficient. Peoples will certainly choose the underground train rather than driving cars to work. All areas in the city of Kuala Lumpur which are not utilized will be grown with flowers and manage by the government and the flowers are sold in government supermarket and petrol stations. All buildings in Malaysia have to be painted once in every five years, built with good and standard woods or bricks and they must look clean and beautiful. Houses in Kampong Baru, Kuala Lumpur which has became old will be repaired and painted by the government so that Kampong Baru will be clean and beautiful Malay village with clean roads and drainage system. Kampong Baru will be designated as a tourist center or “Kampong Warisan”. It will become a tourist attraction that can generate revenues to the government. Each house in Kampong Baru will have extra room outside their house with complete facilities to be rented to tourists and travelers at reasonable price and it will become extra revenues to the household owners.
All houses in Malaysia which is old will be demolished and change with new houses. Government will give loans to those who want to demolish their old houses and change it with new ones. Government has their own contractors and uses building materials made by government factories. The owner will be charged at very reasonable prices. Government will make rules that all owners of buildings need to renovate and repaint their buildings once every five years and no new buildings can be built without the government permission and should be built according to Malaysian standard. Minor renovation does not require government permission but all major renovation work need to follow Malaysian standard. Peoples have the choice of either using their own contractors or government contractors but all buildings must be made according to Malaysian standard. Government will have city, small town, and village planning councils. All villages and small towns will be plan and built again according to Malaysian standard. All parts of the city, small town and villages will have proper drainage and waste disposal system. All waste drainage system will lead to proper waste disposal areas and the drainage system is clean and odorless. In the city, small towns and villages there will be plenty of dustbins for peoples to throw their rubbish and wastes. In many parts of the city, small towns and villages, there will be many public toilets and bathrooms which are maintained by the government. Every part of the city, small town and villages have cleaning agencies that will help to maintain cleanliness and they also will have special agencies that help to maintain the  beauty of the city, small town and villages. Every part of the city, villages and small towns according to the ratio of their populations will have certain number of schools, sport centers, clinic cum hospital, supermarket, mosques or surau, banks, post office, internet center, library and study centers ,musical  and drama centers, rubbish dumping areas or recycles centers, ample parking areas and shopping centers.
In some areas in the city, where there are high rise residential apartments buildings, there will be special building made for cars and motorcycles parking. There will be ample parking spaces for the occupants of the apartments as well as their visitors. No one is allowed to park their vehicles as they like except in designated parking areas and everyone has to pay a very minimum charges. The shopping areas and other public utilities will be centrally located. Each villages or small towns will be designated to grow certain crops or to rear certain domestic animals or to have certain type of factories to manufacture certain type of goods. Those areas also have a research center that does research on their specific products or crops. According to the ratio of the population each villages and small towns will have schools, both primary and secondary schools. Although Chinese and Indian primary school may continue but government primary schools teach all the four main languages that are Malay, English, Mandarin and Tamil. Every one thousand population or less there will be one primary and secondary school. All roads even in villages and small towns are double carriageways and on the middle or both sides of the roads, government will grow flowers. Each villages and small town has council that is responsible to maintain cleanliness and the beauty of the villages and small town. Malaysia will have not only clean, beautiful and well plan cities but also the villages and small towns are also clean and beautiful. The whole country will looks like a beautiful gardens with beautiful flowers.
Government will also built amusement centers in the city, villages and small towns and inside the amusement centers there are halls that can be used for concert, dancing, singing and marriage ceremony. In every two thousands population there will be an amusement center. Dancing between girls and boys ,holding hands and hugging between each others like how  the Europeans and the American do is not allowed by the laws in Malaysia to either Muslims or non-Muslims, private or in public functions. Songs with lyrics that contain meanings contradictory to our eastern and Muslim culture is also not permitted in Malaysia. Only songs with good lyrics are allowed in Malaysia. Drama and films contradictory to the teaching of Islam is not allowed to be screen in Malaysian cinema and television. Drama and films are made to instill good qualities to the people. Night clubs and Karaoke are only allowed to non-Muslims. Alcoholic drinks can only be served and sold privately and the servings of alcohol drinks are not allowed in public function. Smoking is only allowed to adults above 18 years old and smoking is not allowed in all public places. Students who are smoking will have to undergo treatment using self-talk therapy. Drugs abuse, certainly not allowed and the current laws related to drug abuse are maintained. All drug addicts have to undergo therapy using the self-talk therapy in all drugs rehab centers in the country. All AIDS patients are kept in as special hospital and treated using Islamic and conventional medicines and self-talk therapy. Government will also built special hospitals to treat peoples with extraordinary abnormal behaviors such as homosexuality, lesbians, addiction to criminal activities and others. Malaysians either non-Muslims, Muslims and foreigners are not allowed to wear dresses that uncover the chest and parts of the body from the knees upward. Wearing shorts and miniskirt is not allowed in public for both men and women. Muslims have to wear dresses according to Islamic laws in the mosques, surau, public function, schools and in government and private offices.
Government will schedule the working hours for government, private sectors, business hours and schools. This scheduling is made as an attempt to avoid traffic jam on the roads. All schools will start at 8.00am and end at 4.30pm. Government offices will open at 8.30am and end at 5.00pm. Banks and private sectors will start at 9.00am and end at 5.30pm. Business activities will open at 9.30am and end at 6.00pm. Supermarkets and restaurant open at 10.00am and closed at 10.00pm. Only those who obtain the permission from the government can run their business activities 24 hours. The government would like all government, private, business, and school activities except supermarket and restaurant to stop their activities before 6.00pm so that all Malaysians can spend the remaining times with their families and neighbors. Working days for government and private sectors are Monday to Friday. Supermarkets and business outlets can open until 1.00pm on Saturday. Nightclubs and Karaoke can open on weekdays up to 11.00pm and on weekend nights up to 1.00am. Only non-Muslims adults and foreigners can go to night clubs and Karaoke. Those who become drunk after attending nightclubs and Karaoke are not permitted to drive on his or her own to their residence. Driving while drunk is a major traffic offense and can lead to jail sentences. The practice of prostitution, lesbian and homosexuality are not allowed in Malaysia and it is forbidden to all including Muslims, non-Muslims and foreigners. Sexual relationship is only allowed among married couples of men and women and those unmarried couples whether Muslims, non-Muslims and foreigners caught by the religious department doing sexual relationship will be severely punished. No women and men are allowed to be in one hotel rooms for whatever reasons without having a married certificate.
All roads and streets in the city, small towns and villages have names and sign boards depicting the names of the roads and streets. All signs, street and road names are written with correct sizes letters to be visible at distances of hundred meters. All villages, small town and cities have names and the names are written on the entrance and the exit of the city, small town or villages. Every city, small towns and villages have their own directory and can be bought in all petrol stations at the respective cities, small towns and villages. Everyone will not have any difficulty in finding any roads, street and even houses in any city, small towns and villages. Every house in Malaysia will have internet access, telephone lines and electric cables. Every house will have at least one radio, television, refrigerators, washing machines, sofa and tables, computer and a car. All these items are made by government factories and are sold to the house owner at cost prices. Government will ensure all Malaysian without exception obtain all the basic necessities and comforts of life. All Malaysians will be wearing clean and beautiful clothes, driving a  good car, having clean and well furnished houses, eating good foods and living in a clean, well planned and beautiful city, small towns or villages.
Prof. Dr. Nasoha Saabin
March 2012
Dean of Faculty of Optometry
International University College of Technology Twintech
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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What Are Probiotics and Prebiotics and Why They are Vital For a Healthy Gut

Probiotics and prebiotics are increasing becoming popular as a health food, but what are they, what is the difference between them and why should we take them?

Growing research is finding that one of the keys to good health can be found in our guts - specifically, in the bacteria that live in the digestive tract. These bacteria are known as probiotics, and they have been associated with improving digestive health, reducing inflammation, food allergies, skin conditions, obesity and more.

Probiotics aid the gut by inhibiting harmful bacteria and increasing helpful bacteria, as well as potentially strengthening the body's immune response. At least 70% of the immune system is found in the gut, so keeping this part of the body in peak condition is important for overall good health.

Probiotics are defined by the World health Organization as 'living organisms which, when administered in adequate quantities, confer a health benefit to the host.'

prebiotics on the other hand, are non-digestible food ingredients that provide a food source for these 'friendly' bacteria and so enhance their activity.

The Role of bacteria

Bacteria live in huge quantities all through our body but about 100 trillion are found in our intestines and are harmless bacteria that cause no problems. The good bacteria in our bowels help to inhibit the growth of more harmful bacteria and aid the digestion and absorption of nutrients. In addition, they seem to assist in the normal movement of our bowels (peristalsis), and stimulate the production of proteins that protect the mucous membranes of the body (our 'inner skin').

If the delicate balance of gut bacteria is disturbed, harmful bacteria can multiply and take over, causing problems. The balance of bacteria is different in each of us, so these symptoms can vary, but many people report symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating and a tendency to infections. Taking antibiotics is also a potential cause for disruption of the bacteria balance since these can kill both friendly and unfriendly bacteria alike.

Other factors affecting the intestinal immune system include a poor diet, medical conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and lifestyle changes such as stress or weight loss. If the gut immune system is balanced and healthy, this optimizes our natural defences and so helps to fight off infections, maintain health and well-being and allow for faster recovery from illness.

Probiotics aim to rebalance normal bacterial levels in the gut by reducing the population of bad bacteria, discouraging pathogenic organisms from invading the digestive system, reducing inflammation and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients.

Sources of probiotics

Probiotics are found in certain foods such as cultured dairy products like yoghurt and some cheeses, as well as in pickles and sauerkraut - another name for fermented cabbage.

They are also available as dietary supplements, with the bacteria being present originally or added during preparation. Not all probiotics are the same, so when choosing a supplement, look for one where the quality is guaranteed, that provides a sufficient quantity of live, active 'good' bacteria, and that survives the stomach acid. They are also time sensitive so their activity declines the longer they remain unused. This is unlike prebiotics, which are less sensitive and can be stored for many weeks. Always choose a type of supplement that contains at least the bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium - the most common type of good bacteria - and swallow them with a cold, not hot, drink.

Who Should Take probiotics

Probiotics should be considered for anyone who has recently had antibiotic treatment, from sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome, those recovering from diarrhea, or for those just wanting to boost their immune system and improve digestive health in general.


Prebiotics are non-digestible food fibers that benefit the body by stimulating the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines. Therefore, to be effective, the prebiotic must not be digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, so that is able to be released in the lower tract and used by healthy bacteria in the colon. Unlike probiotic bacteria, prebiotic carbohydrates are not destroyed when they are cooked.

Prebiotics are usually carbohydrates such as oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides are sugar molecules made up of three to six chains and soluble fiber. They coat mucous membranes and are found in plants, saliva, and breast milk.

The Relationship between prebiotics and probiotics

Probiotic bacteria are not normally found in the intestine and when they are introduced, they are often quickly eliminated. Prebiotic foods are therefore vital in order to encourage probiotic bacteria to survive and thrive. The beneficial bacteria need to be constantly introduced into the body and fed the correct foods to ensure that they stick to the intestinal wall rather than passing straight through the digestive tract.

So prebiotics and probiotics work together in the body to improve the immune system, improve mineral absorption and balance and rid the gut of harmful microorganisms, which helps to alleviate digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea.

Sources of prebiotics

Prebiotics can be found in the following foods:

    * raw oats

    * unrefined wheat

    * unrefined barley

    * bananas

    * berries

    * asparagus

    * garlic

    * flaxseed

    * tomatoes

    * greens

    * legumes

    * chicory root
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Seeking Knowledge - The Way to Paradise

Seeking Knowledge - The Way to Paradise:
"Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have been granted knowledge to high ranks."

"Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male and female)." (Hadith)


Allah (Most Exalted is He), Who created us and gave us sustenance, has also given us guidance. He said:
"Verily We have created man into toil and struggle… Have We not made for him a pair of eyes; and a tongue, and a pair of lips; and shown him the two ways (obedience and disobedience)?"
(Qur'an, Al-Balad 90:4-10)

After providing us with the capability to contemplate, think and differentiate between things, He instructed us to know Him, to know his Prophets and to know His Deen, Islam. He said:

"So know that there is no god save Allah, ask forgiveness for your sins and for the believing men and the believing women. Allah knows well your moving and your place of rest."
(Qur'an, Muhammad 47:19)

This verse shows the importance of knowledge and the virtues that Allah has given to it. It also shows that knowledge comes before deeds, since Allah instructed His Prophet to know that He is One and the only One worthy of worship. After that, He commanded him to ask forgiveness for himself, his family and for his Ummah.

If Muslims truly realise the importance Islam places on knowledge and its virtues, they will definitely be keen to learn and teach others. They would start with themselves and their families; then their neighbours and the community at large.

Once Mu'awiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with her) gave a sermon in which he said, "I heard Allah's Messenger saying, "If Allah wants to do good to a person, he makes him very knowledgeable in the Deen." (Related by Bukhari and Muslim)

This is because knowledge is the basis of all good; it generates actions that are based on the commandments of Allah and the instructions of the Prophet . Hence, every Muslim must instil in his mind a desire to seek knowledge. Allah (Most Exalted is He) instructed His Prophet -- and thus all Muslims -- to ask Allah to increase him in knowledge. He said:

"And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge."
(Qur'an, Ta-Ha 20:114)

Though, initially, all Muslims are equal in the sight of Allah, those who believe, have taqwah (fear of Allah and righteousness), and have been granted knowledge move up to higher ranks. Allah says about those who have taqwah:

"Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who has most taqwah."
(Qur'an, Al-Hujurat 49:13)

And He said about those who believed and acquired knowledge:
"Allah will raise up, to (suitable) ranks and (degrees), those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge. And Allah is well-acquainted with all you do."
(Qur'an, Al-Mujadilah 58:11)

When a servant of Allah is granted knowledge, he appreciates Allah's creation more, and becomes more acquainted with Allah's attributes and qualities. Consequently, he wholeheartedly witnesses that his Creator is the only one worthy of worship, and then submits to Him humbly. This, in return, generates in his heart a fear, which is akin to a full appreciation and love of His Lord. Allah (Most Exalted is He) has witnessed in favour of His learned servants these qualities, full appreciation of His Oneness and fear of Him. He stated in two verses, to be recited until Doomsday:

"There is no one worthy of worship but He: That is the witness of Allah, His angels and those endowed with knowledge, Standing firm in Justice (or maintaining His Creation in Justice). There is no god but He, the Exalted in power, the Wise."
(Qur'an, Al-'Imran 3:18)

"It is only those who have knowledge among His servants that fear Allah."
(Qur'an, Fatir 35:28)

The Messenger of Allah gave glad tidings to anyone who undertakes the task of seeking knowledge. Abu Hurayrah relates that the Prophet said, "For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to paradise." (Related by Muslim) If no Hadith on the importance of knowledge besides this one had been uttered by the Prophet , it would have been enough for Muslims. Yet the Prophet did more than that:

He used to stimulate his companions to seek knowledge: Ibn Mas'ud relates that the Prophet said, "Only two persons are worthy of being envied; a person upon whom Allah bestows riches and gives him the power to spend it in a righteous cause; and a person upon whom Allah bestows wisdom by which he judges and which he teaches." (Related by Bukhari and Muslim)

He used to congratulate the companions whenever they issued a right judgement or correctly answered a question. Imam Muslim narrates that once the Prophet asked Ubayy Ibn Ka'b, "Do you know which verse in Allah's Book is the greatest?" Ubayy answered by reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi (the verse of the Throne, i.e. Al-Baqarah, 2:255): "Allah! None has the right to be worshiped but He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists…) The Messenger kindly patted him on the chest, saying, "Congratulations, Abul-Munthir for this knowledge".

He used to call upon Allah to grant them the correct knowledge and understanding of this Deen: Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated, "Once the Prophet embraced me and said, 'O Allah! Bestow on him the knowledge of the Book (Qur'an)." (Related by Bukhari)

He ordained all his companions and, thus, every Muslim who possesses some knowledge -- even as little as one verse -- to disseminate what they know to others: He said, "Convey (what you learn from me) even if only one verse…" (Related by Bukhari)
He made special du'a (supplication) for those who learn his sayings and transmit them to others: Zayd Ibn Thabit narrated that the Prophet said, "May Allah brighten the face of the person who hears what I say and retains it, then conveys it to others: for sometimes one who hears from another remembers it better than the original hearer himself." (Related by Ahmad and Tirmithi)

He assured all those who disseminate his knowledge that they will get the same reward of any Muslim who acts upon that knowledge: Abu Hurayrah relates that the Prophet said, "He who calls another to guidance will have a reward equal; to the reward of him who follows him without diminishing the reward of either of them." (Related by Muslim)

He showed to us the noble status of the learned people of His Ummah: Abu Umamah relates that the Prophet said, "A learned one is as much above an (ordinary) worshiper as I am above the least of you; and he added: Allah, His angels and all those in the heavens and in the earth, even the ants in their holes and the fish in the water, call down blessings on those who instruct people in beneficent knowledge." (Related by Tirmithi)

Better still, he declared that the 'Ulama' (those who have Islamic knowledge) are his heirs: Abu Darda' said that he heard the Prophet saying, "The 'Ulama' are heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets do not leave an inheritance of Dirhams and Dinars but (they left) only knowledge. He who acquires knowledge acquires a vast portion." (Related by Abu Dawud and Tirmithi)

After reading all these promises and glad tidings, one might ask, what more do we need to awaken our consciousness? We have been promised an easy way to paradise; the inheritance of our Prophet; a lofty rank, high and noble in status; a blessing from Allah and a supplication of all that exists in the heavens and earth; a face beaming in brightness and beauty on the Day of Judgement, when other faces will be sad and dismal. So, let us embark on the road to paradise; let us seek knowledge today.

By Habib Ahmad

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