
By: Aaron Haroon Sellars © 2007

Before Islam I was lost
And after Islam I was lost
Between this and that group
Was I tossed

A bookstore Shaykh
Not even worth a dollar
With do-it-yourself Islam
Who needs a scholar?

Tossed so much
Might as well been a salad
I was quoting Hadeeth
But my wudu was invalid

If I can’t purify my outer
Then what about my inner?
Piles of books
But still a big sinner

What I know, doesn’t show
And now I know better
That’s what happens without the spirit
And only the letter

So attach myself I must
To scholars with unbroken chains
For this is the means
By which pure knowledge remains


By: Aaron Haroon Sellars © 2007

The capital of life
Is in every breathe
So take advantage
Before none is left
Don’t judge the truth
By what people do
First find the truth
And do what’s right for you
Lift your soul up high
From the fakeness on the ground
Search deep inside
And the Real will be found

Like a Butterfly
I want to Change!
Like a Butterfly
Fly out of Range!

You can’t see the sun
If you look it in the eye
You can’t live your life
If you never try
If you want to walk on water
You must take a step
But you won’t move a foot
With a faith that is inept
So if you want to move the mountains
You need a power not your own
You can move the mountains

When certainty is shown
Don’t you know that the graveyard
Is the richest place on earth?
Because of all the hopes and dreams
That lay beneath the dirt

Like a Butterfly
I want to Change!
Like a Butterfly
Fly out of Range!

So bless me like Muhammad!
Help me like Moses!
Save me like Jesus!
And all the Saints that know this!

These were the two poems read at the 2006 RIS Conference. Found it on
-RIS was amaaazing this year. but...I think I'll leave that for another post.
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Gandaghee - Halal Mix Tape Vol. 1

Pretty much the funniest thing of my lifeee.
If this were for real, I would most definitely buy it! lol
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January 13th 1990

At fifteen I was ecstatic to turn sixteen, and at sixteen I waited anxiously for the minute hand to strike twelve so I can announce to the world that I was no longer a child…
but only a year away from being legalized lol
A year has passed and my long wait for eighteen ends today.
Eighteen really doesn’t feel any different. To tell you the truth, when January came around I kinda dreaded turning the big 1-8. It’s like…a whole new number!
Man, I JUST got used to seventeen…
and honestly, I don’t feel ready for all the responsibilities eighteen carries. It’s like…now I’m expected to do so many things on my own cause today I’m an adult.
Hold up, does this mean I was a child yesterday? This transition from a girl to a mature woman over night really ain’t workin for me, dog. I need more time! lol

In the midst of people surrounding me and wishin me a good year and a happy birthday, I couldn’t help but feel discontented. I thought eighteen would satisfy my need for satisfaction. but I really don’t find anything magical about it.
I mean…it’s just a number, right?
I dunno... I just thought eighteen would be different. but it ain’t nothin more than just another yesterday. *sigh*
This dude in my social class asked if I was going to party it up and have some drinks since I’m legal and whatnot. I just laughed and pointed at my hijab and he got the
Four years ago, when my eldest brother turned eighteen, I promised myself to so many commitments by the time my day came around. Today is here and those commitments have been broken.
All but one…
I already miss seventeen and it’s only been a day or rather a few hours. I feel like I’m too young to be yearning for my past and yet it’s that very feeling that makes me feel… old.

My family has never been big on birthdays… so birthday wishes don't mean a thing up in this house lol.

but this morning, my 5 yr old brother and 7 yr old sister woke me up at 7:30am (on a weekend!) to wish me a happy birthday. that was too cute lol. No one ever remembers birthdays in this house..(cept me and the kids lol). My older brothers completely forgot it was my 18th…actually, my bad. one of them did wish me a happy birthday. but I'm pretty sure he remembered thanks to the "facebook birthday reminders" lol. gotta love facebook.
i never remind people of my birthday, I usually tell them the day of ... or the day after lol. I try not to make a big deal about it ...although i do find it to be a big deal =\

maybe nineteen will be different...
if i live to see that day. (insha'Allah!)
and god willing I’ll have many more years to come

enough talk. I should probably go study for those dang diplomas.
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